Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 09, 2015

Esha Gupta - Do you workout at home? Are there any easy exercises you do?

‘I dance at home’

What is the one breakfast food that you must have?
Rolled oats with flaxseeds and honey.

One fattening food item that you just can’t resist?
I can’t resist potato chips.

Do you workout at home? Are there any easy exercises you do?
I dance at home. But otherwise, I do Pilates, ATS training and yoga.

Do you prefer outdoor or indoor physical activity?
Both, but now, since it’s very hot, I prefer being indoor.

Which are your favourite physical activities?
Swimming and dancing.

A diet plan that always works for you?
Food helps lose weight and be healthy, but you need to have a balanced diet.

Do you prefer mini meals or snacks throughout the day? What does it normally contain?
Since I have a high metabolism, I feel hungry often. I prefer having small meals throughout the day. I ensure they are low in carbs and contain more protein and fibre. I also go vegan at times.

What is a health tip that you rely on? 
Eat, but eat right because the moment you leave food, your metabolism falls and you feel sick. Also, if you eat just three meals and heavy ones, you gain more weight. Eat less, but in every two hours.
June 09, 2015

Stop having late dinners, and the routine will make you more alert

Can’t sleep? Eat less to curb insomnia

Stop having late dinners, and the routine will make you more alert, says a new study. David F Dinges, PhD and director of the Unit for Experimental Psychiatry and chief of the division of Sleep and Chronobiology, says, “Adults consume about 500 additional calories during late-night hours when they are sleep-restricted.”

Working with 44 participants between the ages of 21 and 50, the researchers gave them unlimited, “free-range” access to food and beverages during the day, but capped their sleep at just four hours for three nights. Moreover, at 2am each day, the researchers assessed the participants’ working memory, cognitive skills, sleepiness, stress levels and moods.

On the fourth night, 24 participants were given access to nothing, but water between 10pm and 4am, while the remaining 20 continued the original regime. Participants who had fasted performed better on the tests than those who had been given unlimited food. Meanwhile, the free-rangers showed attention lapses and slow reaction times.

The study will be presented at SLEEP 2015, the 29th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC, in Seattle, USA. The same research team from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, USA, had conducted another study in 2013, and concluded that those who go to bed late, and suffer from chronic sleep deprivation, eat more than others and gain weight easily. “Short sleep duration is a significant risk factor for weight gain and obesity, particularly in African Americans and men,” says Dr Namni Goel, the senior author of the study. Dr Goel and her associates concluded that individuals reduce their calorie intake to compensate for the reduced morning resting metabolism that is the result of sleep deprivation.

This research suggests that reducing the number of calories consumed can help prevent weight gain and obesity in Caucasians, and African-Americans.
June 09, 2015

How the essential nutrient - PROTEIN can be best consumed


As a new survey suggests that almost 90% of Indians are protein deficient, we understand its importance, and how the essential nutrient can be best consumed

Arecent survey conducted by the Indian Market Research Bureau across seven Indian cities suggested that nine out of 10 Indians consumed inadequate amounts of protein daily. While everyone often talks about the importance of maintaining a protein-rich diet, not many understand exactly why the nutrient is so pertinent to our wellbeing, and what its deficiency can do to the body.
Keep protein powder handy to make a protein shake on the go Protein strengthens your immunity and digestive system
  ITS IMPORTANCE Protein is a macro nutrient that is essential for the growth and proper functioning of the body. It maintains cell growth, and builds and repairs body tissues. It also helps build stamina, and strengthens the digestive and immunity systems. “Protein deficiency causes weakness, anemia, delayed wound healing and a decreased resistance to infection. Low protein intake has also been associated with high incidence of toxemia of pregnancy,” says Dr Nupur Krishnan, clinical nutritionist. The body is constantly building protein from amino acids.

DEFICIENCY MAY OCCUR DUE TO: Kidney disease Cirrhosis of the liver Chronic dysentery Poor digestion Loss of appetite

SOURCES OF PROTEIN: Milk and milk products like curd, cottage cheese, buttermilk, chhena, butter, tofu and cheese. You can also get your daily dose of protein from soyabean, pulses, eggs, fish, chicken, red meat and nuts, apart from oil seeds like almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashew nuts and pistachios.

DON’T GO OVERBOARD: Generally, the protein requirement for a healthy adult is 1gm to 1.5gm per kg of the person’s ideal body weight. Protein requirement increases in situations of stress (like illness or surgery), or when there is a change in the physiological state of the body (like during a pregnancy or endurance workout). However, the consumption of any nutrient in excessive quantities can be harmful. Flushing out this extra protein also strains the kidneys. Therefore, it is recommended that those on high-protein diets should make sure they drink a lot of water during the day, so that the extra toxins from the body can be flushed out.
Another point to keep in mind is that after the body converts a particular amount of protein into energy, the leftover amount is then converted into fat. Consumption of protein supplements like creatinine, without an active workout routine, can also lead to an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood, and creatine in the body. This, in turn, can cause weight gain, dehydration, and leaching of important bone minerals.

EFFECTS OF INADEQUATE INTAKE: Protein intake of less than 1gm can be considered low, and can lead to muscle waste, and weakness. It can also cause a drop in the
body’s immunity levels, causing frequent infections. Low protein intake can affect the appearance of the skin and cause changes in the texture of the hair. Extreme protein deficiency can result in shock, and eventual death.

FOR THOSE ON THE GO: People who spend a lot of their time travelling and don’t eat fixed meals, can carry proteins bars with them. Keeping protein powder handy to make a protein shake on the go is also an option. Boiled sprouts, pulses, roasted chana, boiled eggs or buttermilk are also easy to carry on the go.
June 09, 2015

Can God Improve My Balance Sheet? and Zen and the Samurai Art of Playing Golf

9789384363826 - Zen and the Samurai Art of Playing Golf

9789384363833 - Can God Improve My Balance Sheet?

ISBN13 Title Author Publisher Edition Publication Year Binding Language MRP Number of Pages Genre Description
9789384363826 Zen and the Samurai Art of Playing Golf Ulrich Nitzschke Zen Publications 1 2015 Paperback English 200 110 Spiritual/ Self Development Based on decades of personal experience in Zen, humanistic psychology, various modern sports and traditional spiritual paths,  the author explains, with great expert knowledge and convincing empathy, the overriding importance of awareness  in golf and follows up with highly effective training methods.
The book illustrates how Western man suffering from stressful daily routine can use golf as a method to enter a path to personal development and growth, just as martial arts of the ancient Japanese Samurai were under the influence of Zen philosophy  transformed into modern Eastern  spiritual disciplines.
After more than three decades of serving in the German diplomatic service Ulrich Nitzschke started in 2004, at the age of sixtyfour, his free lance activities as life coach and author. He sees his new career as the natural outcome of his long-life quest for  personal growth and spiritual development, that included Human Potential Psychology, Eastern Spirituality, Western sports disciplines (skiing, sailing and golf) as well as Eastern spiritual paths like Zen-Meditation and Kyudo (Japanese Archery).
9789384363833 Can God Improve My Balance Sheet? Dwaraknath Reddy Zen Publications 2 2015 Paperback English 250 120 Spiritual/ Self Development
When you aspire to attain success like never before, your plan of action cannot be that somehow you will conspire to make luck strike you and lightning strike your competitors! Though commendably simple and straightforward, the strategy is beyond your powers of manipulation. The success you desire must be won by invoking the inner potential in yourself. You must become the best you can be.
How is consciousness functioning in you? You are your own laboratory, completely equipped with experience of love, hope, desire, kindness; also anger, greed, jealousy, hatred, frustration. Insights are available if you pay attention to  the working of your mind. Then you can see with equal clarity how people everywhere act, react and interact. The rules of life are derived from the base. Awareness leads to harmony.
Dwaraknath Reddy built up his small family business into the stature of national leader in its segment. That is one half of his credentials to tell us how to play the game.
A post-graduate in Chemical Engineering from USA, he blends rational precision with a deep understanding of philosophy, focussed upon the core teaching  of Sri RamanaMaharshi, the sage of world renown. Thus emerges the equation for dynamic activity with self-control, for prosperity with peace. This is the other half of the author’s credentials.   

Effective Home Remedies for Migraine Relief

Introduction: Migraine headaches are characterized by intense, throbbing pain, often accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, ...