How to handle business/corporate crisis management? what is crisis management?
Author Stephen
Manallack’s latest book, Soft Skills for a Flat World, expands
the purview of soft skills from mere conversational and social
graces. Focusing on Indian companies that are expanding
globally, Manallack believes that their success is based on a
blend of communication, spirituality, state of mind and
leadership “soft skills”.
Manallack works
between Australia and India to provide cross-cultural
training. He is a former secretary of the Australia-India
Business Council, a business advocacy organization that
promotes bilateral trade between the two countries. He is also
a mentor in leadership for Asialink at Melbourne University, a
centre for promotion of public understanding, business and
cultural partnerships to strengthen Australia-Asia engagement.
Manallack wrote You Can Communicate in 2002 and
co-authored Riding the Elephant—Doing Business And Making
Profits in Modern India in 2010.
In a section on
how to handle a crisis, he discusses how companies are damaged
more by their reaction to a crisis than by the crisis itself.
He points out tactics to avoid and fix conflicts and how they
can be contained before they turn into a crisis. Edited
a Crisis
When good corporations face a crisis or
a problem, they take these six steps, and it is worth trying
to engender this approach:
1. Get the
facts (the first casualty of war is the truth, and it sure
disappears when we are angry or in crisis).
Communicate action (people respect you if you act positively,
even if at first you were wrong).
3. Review
stance and processes (take a look at yourself, do you have to
4. Take
market soundings (ask others what they think).
5. Change
behaviour and practices (you will improve if you try to
6. Get the
new message across (work on positive communication).
Note how the bad
corporation just lashed out in haste, while the good takes its
time and considers the situation; this suggests that patience
is the key.
Sometimes we face
conflict, rather than a crisis. Conflict can escalate into a
crisis, so it is important to have a personal approach to
conflict. In most areas of working life, disputes and conflict
do arise from time to time and can become a crisis. So what do
you do about conflict?
there something underneath it all?
An important
first tactic is to explore the possibility that there are some
deep problems within the office. There is a simple honesty to
this approach that stands you in good stead.
‘tit for tat’ reactions
Yelling at
someone increases the level of conflict. Just as bad is having
a go at others behind their back, or using your position to
ram something through when skilful communication would produce
better long-term outcomes.
force an end to conflict
This might work
short-term, but for real long-term resolution of group
conflict, let the group work on the conflict. You can apply
this at home too, especially with teenagers. A common mistake
parents make is to lead by “instruction” instead of leading by
people today can ruin them for tomorrow
If one person is
playing up, the best senior corporate executives know that
simply crushing them might end the misbehaviour today, but the
cost could be that the person leaves the group or makes a
lesser contribution to the team. This can be quite a loss, so
hesitate and think before you use heavy criticism to end
conflict harmoniously is not a matter of being weak or letting
people walk all over you within the office. We all face tricky
emotional situations (at home, school or work) when it is
important to assert yourself. You will say “no” and mean it
more often if you have made a prior decision to be strong. The
best way to assert yourself is straightaway. If, for example,
you suspect there is a conflict brewing in the office, gather
the right people together and talk about it; do not hesitate.
One further
lesson from the corporate world is while being assertive and
dealing with a problem situation, try to keep a steady,
friendly gaze into the other person’s or the group’s eyes.
Almost every communication training programme for senior
executive places a lot of focus on eye contact. If you look at
the ceiling, cover your mouth, look anxiously back and forth,
you will be misunderstood, sowing the seeds for the next
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