Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22, 2013

Boost your brain power! Distracted and forgetful? Here are simple ways to stay more alert and improve memory

Boost your brain power!

Distracted and forgetful? Here are simple ways to stay more alert and improve memory

Music has long been associated with a host of benefits. And learning how to play an instrument or even singing is a challenging workout for your brain, giving it a much-needed boost. So, find out what interests you and pursue it. 
Breaking your head to find a solution but failing abysmally? Step back, take a break and focus on something else. When you can’t seem to figure out the right solution, it is a good idea to pry yourself away from your laptop and cell phone and step out for some fresh air. 
Experts say that chewing gum helps reduce the formation of bacteria and improves jaw muscles; it also makes you feel more alert. Chewing on some mint-flavoured gum reduces feelings of tiredness and improves memory. 
HAVE SOME DARK CHOCOLATE Instead of munching on bars of regular chocolate, have some dark chocolate, which contains flavanoids. They are brain-boosting chemicals, which enhance cognitive skills by creating new neurons in your brain. They improve the ability to make new memories and increasing blood flow to the brain. 
When was the last time you had a really stimulating conversation? Or are you among those who likes to keep to themselves? Well, here’s some news that will interest you. According to research, when you isolate yourself from people, you’re setting yourself up for declining mental function in your later years. Humans have been equipped with a range of communication skills, which need to be used. The wider your social contacts, the lesser cognitive decline you experience with ageing. 
Doing high-energy cardio gives your brain a high like nothing else. So, if you want to improve cognitive functions like task switching, paying attention and sharper memory, give exercise a shot. 

While this may seem a dubious inclusion in this list, research says that playing video games exercises your mind, improves memory, alertness and the ability to switch between tasks more quickly. 
LOOK AT NICE PICTURES Find babies or animals cute? Look at their pictures! Experts say even looking at pictures that make you feel good and bring a smile to your face, can do wonders for your alertness levels. So, the next time you want to focus on that task at hand, take a quick break and allow your eyes to feast on some nice visual imagery. 
LET YOUR MIND WANDER It is okay to let yourself daydream sometimes. When you allow your mind to wander a bit, it gives your brain a muchneeded break. And researchers say the human mind becomes more active and better at problem-solving when they daydream a bit. 

March 22, 2013

GRAB A GRAPEFRUIT TODAY This simple-looking fruit is said to be one of nature’s superfoods


This simple-looking fruit is said to be one of nature’s superfoods

    You may wonder why the grapefruit is called so when it looks like an enlarged orange, a member of the citrus fruits’ family. The reason is, they grow in clusters like grapes. Nowadays, grapefruit is easily available locally. Though the fruit is usually red or pink in colour, grapefruits taste sour and bitter and are packed with tremendous health benefits. Here’s why you should grab the grapefruit whenever you’re out for grocery shopping:

>> Grapefruit generates alkaline reaction in the body after digestion. This means it’s beneficial for treating acidity problems. >> This fruit is packed with the goodness of Vitamin C, which aids in maintaining elasticity and strengthening of the arteries. It also has pectin, a compound known to help in reducing the accumulation of
arterial deposits.
>> Eating grapefruit on a regular basis will help boost your immune system, thereby preventing contraction of cold, cough and flu.
>> Diabetics can benefit a great deal form grapefruit — they help in lowering the blood sugar levels.
>> You can reduce the symptoms of insomnia by eating a grapefruit before bedtime.
>> Pregnant women can reduce
    w at e r
    re t e n -
    t i o n
in their bodies and swelling in the legs by consuming grapefruit. >> Grapefruits contain fat-burning enzymes that are highly beneficial in promoting weightloss. They do so by preventing sugars and starch from getting stored in the body. >> Get relief from a sore throat by drinking a glass of grapefruit juice. >> Also, to gain a boost of instant energy, drink a glass of freshly squeezed grape juice.
DID YOU KNOW? Grapefruits are called Citrus Paradisi in Latin, meaning the citrus from paradise. In fact, the grapefruit diet is one of the most popluar
weightloss diets. This diet basically involves drinking a minimum of three glasses of grapefruit juice daily. It helps prevent weightgain by burning calories. Hollywood’s legendary beauty Sophia Loren is one of the first celebrities to endorse the grapefruit diet.

Sophia Loren
March 22, 2013

Top tips for beating headaches

Top tips for beating headaches

Regularly popping pills for a headache can make it worse, says a new study. What else can you do?

HAVE LOTS OF SEX! Sex can lead to partial or complete relief from head pain in some migraines, say neurologists. The study found that more than half of sufferers who had intercourse during a migraine episode experienced an improvement in symptoms. It is thought sex triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, which can reduce or even eliminate a headache. 

    Avoid painkillers that say ‘plus’ or ‘extra’. People choose them because they assume they will work faster, but they simply
contain added ingredients like caffeine or codeine that might not be suitable for you. See your GP if you’re taking paracetamol, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for 15 days or more a month. 
SIT UP STRAIGHT Slumping in your chair is the worst thing you can do if your head is pounding. When we slump forward in a C-shape, we kink the head upwards, which can stretch the neck and pinch nerves, causing headaches. So, sit with your feet flat on the floor and keep hips and knees straight, looking ahead. 
AVOID HAM SANDWICHES Ham contains tyramine (a natural substance in preserved foods) and nitrates, which both increase blood flow to the brain, triggering pain. Tyramine is also found in foods that have been preserved, pickled, smoked, marinated or fermented. Cheese and chocolate; and certain fruits like pineapple and bananas, are also high in tyramine or food additives. 

These are a great source of the mineral magnesium, which is thought to act as a muscle relaxant. Depleted levels are linked
with reduced blood flow to the brain and low blood sugar, which can trigger headaches. Researchers found that up to 50% of migraine sufferers have low levels of magnesium. Other good sources of magnesium include fresh green leafy vegetables, tomato puree, wholegrains, beans, peas, potatoes, oats and yeast extract.  
Perfumes, aftershaves, strong-smelling soaps, air fresheners and household cleaners contain chemicals that activate nerve cells in our noses, which send signals to the brain. In some people, these nerve signals are strong
enough to cause headaches. Open windows and use chemical-free fresheners instead. Use a plant spray half-filled with water and two drops of essential oil and spritz around instead.
FOLLOW THE 20/20 RULE Staring at a computer screen for too long can leave you suffering with headaches, sore or tired eyes and even blurred vision. So, look up from your screen every 20 minutes and focus on something 20ft away for 20 seconds. 

MSG is a commonly used flavour enhancer extracted from an amino acid that occurs naturally in wheat gluten, seaweed and
other produce. It’s used in many foods, from flavoured crisps to sausages and sauces — but it’s particularly associated with Chinese and other Asian dishes. For people who have a sensitivity to MSG, it can also trigger headaches by dilating blood vessels in the brain. If you think you’re sensitive to MSG, ask whether dishes contain MSG before ordering a meal.  
Fifty out of 93 women experienced a headache from wearing a ponytail. Plaits, chignons, tight-fitting hats and Alice bands can all cause headaches if the hair is pulled back tight, straining the connective tissue in the scalp. If you have to tie your hair up for work or exercise, try to avoid the socalled Croydon face-lift effect. 

Simply drinking a big glass of water and waiting 10 minutes or rubbing the temples and neck for five minutes to relieve any tension is often sufficient to banish a headache.
DON’T HAVE A LIE-IN Sleeping in for just half an hour can trigger a headache, particularly in coffee addicts. Because caffeine directly affects the blood vessels in the brain, withdrawal or reduction during weekends — exacerbated by low blood sugar due to a later breakfast — can cause pain. If you’re a regular coffee drinker, try to ensure you have your caffeine fix at the same time every day.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20, 2013

Dealing with a man snatcher

Dealing with a man snatcher, Here are a few tips we can share so you win that battle

A familiar face is of that one woman who respects no boundaries and is willing to seduce a man who is either married or is in a relationship. We know how far she can go, to make you lose faith in your relationship. How to deal with her? Read on for some tips: 

Get Proof: It might feel she’s flirting healthily, but stay alert if she’s treading too far to get
close to your man. See if she’s making excuses to just spend time with him or is manipulating him by getting emotional. 

Let Him Know: Men, being men, either enjoy the pleasure of being wanted by a woman, or ignore it. No matter what the case is, make known to him that you are not comfortable with the games she’s playing.  
Care Less: While you know you’re a little insecure, make sure she never figures that out. Some women just get a kick attempting to play second fiddle to men; so, be confident and show her you’re the boss. 

Trust your guy: It’s easy to lose trust on grounds that someone is hitting on your partner; don’t let that happen. Make him understand that you trust him. Don’t get paranoid and in turn, watch his every step.

Trust your man
March 20, 2013

Dreams and nightmares are subconscious clues that our body and mind

Dreams and nightmares are subconscious clues that our body and mind try to give us. To understand and decipher them, we need to get to the bottom of what they actually are trying to indicate. Read on to find out what these five recurring nightmares could be an indication of: 

>> It’s usually an indication of communication problems that you have been facing at work or at home. It reveals your anxiety about getting your words out. If you are facing this problem, the best thing to do is practise before you decide to face an audience. Make a note of the points you want to talk about so that you don’t get nervous and skip them. 

YOU ARE FALLING FROM A BUILDING OR ARE DEAD >> Emotionally, you are drained out and this nightmare could indicate the turmoil you are facing inside. Talk to someone you are close to and get the support you need to voice your feelings.

NAKED IN PUBLIC >> This is a sign of your vulnerability, or fear of talking in public and being judged for it. It could also be
about a fear of expressing your feelings. The best way to handle this is to face your fears. Work towards building trust if it’s a relationship anxiety that you are dealing with. And well, if it’s fear of speaking in public, remember, practice makes perfect. 

YOU DO SOMETHING THAT IS TOTALLY OUT OF CHARACTER, LIKE HAVING A SPAT WITH YOUR BOSS >> You maybe miffed with a person, but are not venting it out; as a result, you are frustrated. Try to work on your relationship and avoid holding on to negative feelings. 

CHASED BY SOMETHING DANGEROUS >> This is generally a sign of fears and responsibilities that you just can’t cope with. Try time management and review your demands on your time so that things don’t seem that daunting. Don’t be afraid to say no if you are not in a position to cope with such a situation.

Have you had a nightmare where you are standing partially clothed in public?
March 20, 2013

Ever wanted to know what your dreams actually mean?

Tell me your DREAMS

Ever wanted to know what your dreams actually mean?
What does it want to convey to you? 
More helps you know more

Have you ever had a recurring dream of falling down with a thud Lost your loved ones and see them in your dreams often If your answer to the above is a resounding Yes,do you know why it happens to you Read on to know the reason...


Every human being dreams except for some people undergoing rare medical conditions.People who say they do not dream actually do not recall their dreams.But it doesnt mean they do not dream.People may not remember their dreams accounting to many reasons ranging from alcohol consumption,stress,antibiotics to fear.


Dr Mehra Shrikande,ophthomologist by profession who has also done considerable research on this subject explains,Though this is speculative,dreams generally follow the rule of 4-4-4-4.It is told that the kind of dreams one gets is divided into four different age groups:

0 to 4 years:

The first four years,though usually ignored,is generally the time when dreams are of unresolved issues of previous life.

5 to 8 years:

In these years,the dreams people have are generally influenced by their mothers karma (previous as well as current life).

9 to 12 years:

In this period,dreams are mostly related to fathers karma (previous as well as current life).

13 to 16 years:

As the person grows up,his/her dreams start getting influenced by outside features and the surrounding environment.The dreams are more organised at this stage.These dreams are mostly the unresponded segment of perception related to the genes which get developed during this period.This is the time when the day-to-day routine activities influence your dreams.Any sort of trauma,excitement,perhaps even an event you are looking forward to may come in your dreams.


It is commonly observed that a nightmare is more often recalled than a beautiful dream.Why so Though there is no scientific backing to this,it is speculated that a nightmare causes a sense of fright and concern to your body due to which you react in sleep by twitching your arms or waking up suddenly in the course of your sleep.It affects your psyche and hence,you are likely to remember your scary nightmare.A dream is a sweet sensation and flows smoothly unlike a nightmare.


A very common experience for a person is to have dreams which keep recurring frequently.Dreams,which occur once in a while may or may not be significant.But when certain dreams keep coming again and again in your sleep,it could indicate that there is an issue which is unresolved;or that you are struggling to come to terms to a certain phase in your life.Dr Mehra states,It is also speculated that loved ones you have lost come in your dreams time and again.This only shows that since they cannot connect to you in any other way,they come in your dreams to give you some message.Our subconscious mind has a record of everything,be it our past life or the present.People generally get frequent dreams of falling down and waking as they land on the ground;or scary monsters frightening them! These people get panicky or are upset,worried about a particular situation.They could be scared of a fall,perhaps in their professional life or are afraid of heights!


A lot of people get mentally affected when they see themselves die or their loved ones die in their dreams.What does this signify Dr Mehra states,People are generally scared of death and hence,that fright appears in their dreams.Similarly,when we are afraid of losing a person,we may see them dying in our dreams.However,it could also be a premonition of their own or their loved ones death.


Dream analyst,Shilpa Inamdar,gives us an insight into objects we view in our dreams and what they may symbolise,Anything and everything we see in our dreams has a meaning.It all leads to self realisation! By just viewing a particular object,we cannot come to a conclusion that it means a particular thing.It depends on what happens before and after the dream occurs. Fire: Fire is connected to the manipura chakra which is situated near your stomach near the pancreas.It reflects your own power or individuality.This means that your subconscious mind is indicating that you need to give importance to your personality.Fire itself is a source of energy.


Water is connected to the svadishtana chakra which is situated near the naval (naval chakra).This is also known as the sympathy key.Water symbolises your relationship with your mother mainly and also to review all your relationships masculine and feminine.It demands balance and unconditional love.


Snake is connected to the muladhara chakra.It is situated on the base of the spine.It indicates that the person needs to ground himself with mother earth,keep himself rooted.It also means to give yourself your identity and recognise your powers.All the objects and incidents one views in ones dreams makes you review your personality on a whole.Accept your dualities One needs to take a journey inwards: Everyone has a different journey and one can take guidance from many people- He/she may be your guru,teacher,mother,friend! Always keep introspecting youself! It is a continuous process.Never ignore your dreams: Good,bad or ugly,they are yours and there is nothing which doesnt have an answer.


It is quite possible in some cases, says Dr Mehra.Ajay Bhatia,claims that he witnessed his wedding with his long time girlfriend Aditi almost a year back when their relationship had some issues involving their parents.He dreamt of even the attire they would be wearing on the occasion,all of which actually came true! Dr Mehra explains,If someone has a premonition and if it actually occurs,it is quite possible that the person while dreaming has gone into a particular time frame.He may have been eagerly looking forward for that event to happen in his/her life.It is speculated that when such a futuristic dream is seen by a person,the mind is so keen to experience it in his life that he gets vibrations from the universe and a picture formed from there is picked and dreamt of.Though there is no scientific evidence to support it,considerable research on the subject,it has resulted to this conclusion!


There are some people who get disturbing dreams over and over again.It affects them to such an extent that they develop a fear to perform their routine activities in their normal life.Dr Mehra states,For example a person having a fear of water may be hysteric to such an extent that he wouldnt even go on a boat! This could mean that something from your past life is still affecting you and needs to be tackled so that you can continue with your normal life.In such circumstances,people can approach dream analysts or metaphysical healers.They employ a process called Past Life Regression (PLR).The dream analyst takes you back to your early life through hypnotism and counselling.This takes many sessions and may take upto months for a total recovery! Though this seems hypothetical,there are genuine cases of people with extreme fear in different arenas who approach dream analysts and come out relaxed,after getting an answer to their questions.

March 20, 2013

Narendra Modi & BJP Conclave - Speech At National Executive 2013

March 20, 2013

Want bigger eyes? Arm yourself with these handy tricks to get doe-like peepers

Want bigger eyes?

Arm yourself with these handy tricks to get doe-like peepers

    Big, doe-like beguiling eyes. That is how most books and movies introduce the leading lady, making us go green with envy. Even if trends change our fascination with big eyes never seems to end. Not everyone is blessed with such eyes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t cheat. Here’s how you can open up your eyes and make them look bigger and wider than they are: 

You want to open up your eyes? Curl your eyelashes. Clamp your lashes in an eyelash curler at the base, hold for a few seconds and release. Move the curler away from the base, clamp, hold and release. Do this till you reach the tips of your lashes. This trick makes lashes look naturally curled. 

THE POWER OF WHITE Placing a little white eye shadow in the inner corners of your eyes makes them look wider and opens them up. However, white shadow looks stark and is best left to the runways. Try an eye shadow or pencil in silvery white or pale gold instead. It works as well and is way more subtle. 
Dark eye shadows, heavily done up eyes make them look smaller. However, this should in no way mean you have to give the smokey eye look a miss. Try using metallic colours like copper, bronze, silvery
grey instead of going for stark black or brown. You might also want to try bright colours like neons which are all the rage right now and open up your eyes greatly. It also makes you look fresh and wide-eyed. 

Girls, there’s no other way to go about this but you will just have to break away from the habit of all over eyeliner. Firstly, black is a harsh colour. Using it to line your eyes above and under the lashes makes your eyes look smaller. If you must, try smudging the lines to create a softer, dreamier look. Also, make sure to line only the outer corner of the eyes. Keep the line in the inner corners as thin as possible. Thin lines or barely-there liner in the inner corners creates the illusion of wide-set eyes. Secondly, do away with black altogether and opt for colours like blue, brown, grey, green, purple, etc which soften your look. It looks fresh and has a young vibe. 

You might not have big eyes, but having lush, long eyelashes in itself is a blessing. Sparse eyelashes make the biggest eyes look barren. Long, intense lashes look dreamy and also tend to make your eyes look bigger than they are. If the thought of using false lashes, makes you uncomfortable, use a few
individual lashes (easily available at most beauty stores) just on the outer corners of your eyes. This opens them up and is way better than using falsies all along your eyes.
Nobody is born with all the
right features. While going under the knife should not always be the answer, makeup is something you can always rely on. It’s cheaper and easier on the pocket. Trial and error is the key to success. 
If eyes are the windows to the soul, then eyebrows are the window frames. Get your eyebrows shaped or at least get the errant strands plucked out. Brush them up and out and set them with a
swipe of clear mascara to open up your face.

March 20, 2013

Learn to apply your foundation

Foundation for the airbrushed effect

It’s a vicious trap, but a necessary evil. Learn to apply your foundation with this guide

    One of the main reasons people prefer to skip base makeup is because it is one of the trickiest to pull off. Anything can go wrong while applying foundation, finding the right shade in itself is a humongous task, taking too much or too little product on the brush or not moving the brush in the right direction can all send your look for a toss. Unless you have really flawless, blemish-free skin (how we wish we had Kareena Kapoor’s skin) there’s no way you can skip applying foundation. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to go about it without making a royal mess of your foundation. 
Getting a foundation that is made for your skin tone is a tedious job. It might require some trials under various lights. You might also have to mix a few shades to get one that matches your skin. However, there are a few things that you might want to consider while grabbing a foundation. Choose one that is full coverage instead of something that gives only medium to minimal cover since the airbrushed effect of applying foundation will make it sheer anyway. Squirt a little foundation on the back of your hand. Don’t pump out too much as that will lead to product wastage. 
Buying the best makeup brushes is a worthy investment. You will need a dense, flat top brush to work your foundation. Dip it in the foundation and dot your nose, cheeks, the corners of your face and your chin. Don’t dip the brush in your foundation repeatedly. Dot all the areas only with what you have picked up in a single dip. 
LET’S GET STARTED... WITH THE NOSE Start stippling at the nose in small areas. Don’t move your brush with a flourish. You will work in tight circles. From your nose move towards your cheeks, the corners of your face, stippling product inwards towards the centre of your face. Do this on your cheeks as well. You have to move in quick, easy, light strokes. Remember you must feel the bristles of your brush only lightly.  
There might be some product left after you are done with your nose, cheeks and chin. Use whatever is left on your brush to stipple above and below your lips. Leave the smile lines for now. Concentrate only on the area between the nose and lips and under your mouth. Remember light, swift strokes. 
Is using foundation under the eyes with or without concealer a must for you? If it is, this step is for you. The rest can skip this step and move onto the next. Squirt some more foundation on the back of your hand. For this step you won’t dip your brush in the foundation but just pick up a little product on the edge of your brush. Dot lightly under the eyes, the focus being the inner corners since this is where the eyes are the darkest. Stipple lightly moving from the under eye towards the eyelid and brow bone.
You will use only one quarter of the foundation for your eyes. Dip your brush in the rest without taking up all of it and start stippling across your forehead and into the hairline. An oft neglected area, pay as much attention to your hairline as you would to the forehead. Remember how people stop applying foundation below their jaw line making it look like their face doesn’t belong with the rest of their body? Not doing your hairline looks as tacky
as a mismatched face and neck.  
Dot your jaw line with the left over product. Start stippling upwards towards the face to connect your jaw line to the face and then stipple downwards fading it into your neck. Connect your ears to your face by stippling with the leftover product. 
This is when you use the left over product over the smile lines. Remember it is the only area that is untouched. Using minimal product ensures that there won’t be any product build-up that will lead to creasing. Give the entire face a once over, stippling with deft, light
strokes. Use the leftover product to go over areas that look uneven. This step distributes foundation smoothly. 
Covering the face with foundation is just half the job done. You must stipple all over the face with the same flat brush. You know the drill. Use the same deft, light strokes
and move all over the face in small circular movements. This step is very important since it ensures that all areas are covered evenly while removing excessive product from certain areas and spreading it across the face. You must buff over and under your eyelids and into your hairline for a seamless finish. You might have to go all over at least twice or thrice. 
This is the perfect time to apply a bronzer, blush or contour your face using creambased products.
Making sure that your foundation and the other products set is a very crucial step. You must give your foundation three to five minutes to do so. Take a tissue paper and dab all over your face to blot out excess product. Avoid doing so on your nose, if you have large open pores. Excess product tends to settle in the inner corners of the eye, eyelids and the under eye. Pay special attention to these areas. Lightly buff around the smile lines if your see any creasing.
12 SETTING FOUNDATION WITH LOOSE COMPACT POWDER With another brush, lightly dust some loose compact powder This is very important for girls with an oily skin to ensure your foundation doesn’t budge for hours. 
USING OTHER POWDER-BASED PRODUCTS You might want to finish with a brush or highlight certain areas. This is when you can use your powder-based products.

on your face.
March 20, 2013

FEELING TIRED ALL THE TIME? Here is how you can beat that constant fatigue


Here is how you can beat that constant fatigue

Awhopping one among 10 people say that they feel tired most of the time. While certain tests can rule out nutrient deficiencies and hormonal problems, this feeling of being perpetually worn out could also be related to your lifestyle. So, if you’re among those who are constantly feeling drained out, here are some fatigue-fighting tips. 
STAY HYDRATED It is essential that you drink at least eight glass
es of water every day. When your water intake is inadequate, your blood pressure drops, which further slows the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain — this leaves you fatigued. So, stay hydrated. A cup of coffee a day can also increase alertness. 
TAKE A POWER NAP When you feel sluggish in the afternoons, a nap is just what you need. But get the duration right. A power nap for about 20 to 30 minutes can be refreshing. This gives your brain a much-needed break. However, don’t throw yourself into work as soon you wake up. You have to give your brain some time to recover. 
CUT DOWN ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION If you’re among those who sip a glass of wine every night to unwind after a long day, stop right there. While alcohol can relax you ini
tially, it also has a dehydrating effect — it will not let you enter the stage of deep sleep. So, cut down your liquor consumption as much as you can. 

Certain herbs can help your body cope with fatigue. Try having ginseng; it stimulates your adrenal glands and makes you more alert. A herb called rhodiola is also known to fight sluggishness.
    Don’t, however, expect miracles overnight — it can take anything from four to five days before you notice a significant change in your energy levels. 
EAT LOW GLYCAEMIC INDEX FOODS Unprocessed foods with a low glycaemic index (GI) will ensure that your energy levels remain stable. Opt for slow-burning wholegrains, brown rice and brown bread. Eat small por
tions because your body uses a lot of energy to digest food and you will end up feeling tired. Carbs have glucose, which can trigger the production of serotonin, a hormone which can make you sleepy. 

INCLUDE PROTEIN Ideally, you should be getting 50g of protein daily in order to feel energetic. Protein decreases the speed at which carbohydrates are absorbed. This in turn ensures that you
have a steady rate of glucose in your bloodstream. Apart from this, protein also helps to enhance your mood. 
GO EASY ON THE CAFFEINE If you’re a coffee addict, one of the first
things you need to do is to limit your intake.
Have smaller cups especially after lunch otherwise the quality of your sleep at night will be affected, making you feel terrible the next day. Too much sugar in coffee or other beverages also make you feel tired. Use honey, instead, which is a healthier alternative. 
GET ENOUGH SUNLIGHT We feel more tired during the monsoon and winter, because we don’t get adequate sunlight, which our body needs. When the body does not get enough sunlight, it produces too much melatonin — the hormone that is responsible for making you sleepy. So, step out and take a walk in the sun early morning or late afternoon. Try and keep windows at home open so you can benefit from the natural light. 

LIMIT TIME IN FRONT OF THE COMPUTER/ TV People who use laptops and computers — and watch TV at night — find it more difficult to fall asleep because the blue light emitted from these devices suppresses the production of melatonin. As soon as the sun sets, dim your laptop light and stop watching TV an hour before bed. 

SIMPLE TIPS Have an important event/ meeting coming up, but all you can think of is hitting the sack? Here are some quick fixes to perk you up...
Sniff some mint. That’s right. Experts say that sniffing peppermint can boost alertness levels. Even essential oils of eucalyptus, basil and rosemary can work wonders.
Have some dark chocolate. It has theobromine, which is a stimulant.
Take a couple of minutes to stretch your body.
Go for a massage. Both your mind and body will be grateful.
Splash some water on your face and if having a shower is possible, even better.
Listen to some music — it is an effective way to increase energy. Research also suggests that music distracts you from feeling

A few lifestyle changes can work wonders for your energy level

INCREASE MAGNESIUM AND VITAMIN B INTAKE For people who aren’t aware, magnesium is known to maintain your blood glucose levels and look after muscle health and concentration. Therefore, a deficiency can make you feel rather lethargic. Include green leafy vegetables and nuts in your diet and ask your doctor if you need a magnesium supplement. There are eight B vitamins that one requires to feel energised. Vitamins B1, B3, B5 and B6 convert food into energy. Eat chicken, nuts, cheese and eggs.

DO BREATHING EXERCISES DAILY Unbelievable as it sounds, if you don’t breathe correctly, it can actually make you feel tired. Breathe in through your nose and let the air fill your stomach. Exhale gently. Do breathing exercises thrice a day if you can.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19, 2013



    Vidyut Jammwal, 32, has been trained in Kalaripayattu, ‘the mother of all martial arts’, from the age of three. By the age of 11, he had done martial art shows in over 30 countries. At 14, he read the Vedas. He is happy to be typecast an action hero as that is what he was born to do. Ahead of his action-based love story Commando, he talks to Bombay Times about his unique action skills, why he does not miss his father and the false rumour of his secret marriage to girlfriend Mona Singh. Excerpts:
How did you get into martial arts? I am a Rajput, was born in Kanpur and my dad was in the army. When I was a year and a half, I was taken away to my mother’s ashram in Palakkad, Kerala, that she started and is the head of. She does Kathakali in Kalari and is a master in Reiki. I am still associated with the ashram where, at the age of three, I started learning Kalaripayattu, the mother of all martial arts in the world. It is an amazing art but is dead as it has not been marketed well like Kung Fu and other Chinese martial arts. All other martial arts come from this one that was started by an Indian Bodhi Dharma. He moved from India to China and started the Shaolin temple. He
was in the space of spirituality and awareness of the human body. I was fortunate to learn it without even realising it. It involves a lot of Yoga, meditation and Kalari. I used to do these small shows from the age of five with a lot of weapons. Later, I studied in Army Public School, a boarding school in Kasauli, Simla and would go back to Kerala during vacations. By the age of 11, I had travelled 30 countries doing martial art shows. I would play with sticks and would be placed in the front and that gave me a big high. By the age of 14, I had finished reading the Vedas, that for me were just stories.
What does it take to be as fit as you are? Being fat and fit is better than being unfit but thin. You can’t squeeze in through a car window by training for three months. I can walk up a wall, do a back trip and come down.
I used to train nine to ten hours. Earlier, I just wanted to do shows as it gave me a big high. But when I moved to Mumbai, I really wanted to be an action guy. And I realised that you can’t do the action you want unless you’re the hero. I did Force, which had little action and then I played the villain in Tamil blockbusters Thuppaki and Billa 2. I can look at someone’s body and tell you everything about it. I really aspire to inspire people. There are 15 boys I train with every morning from 4.45 am to 9 am. Each of the boys is from a different background ranging from being a compounder to a vada pao seller to a driver to a broomseller and need to go to work after our training. But they are amazing human beings with great body ability.
You could get typecast with action. Are you fine with that? I was born to do action and don’t mind getting typecast. I disagree that action cannot sell. We have not done action in India yet and have not been trained in it. The action choreography for Commando has been done by me. Post the trailer, a lot of people from Hollywood mentioned it on Facebook and tweeted about it. That gave me a big high as an Indian. I don’t believe in patterns. I played a negative role in my debut film and still won the Filmfare award for Best Debut. I want to be the best action star in the world and at least, I have come to this stage. The international world is totally empty and I am so ready for it that if the Divine wants, it will happen. I have been training for this for as long as I can remember.
Does your family live with you in Mumbai? I lost my father 15 years ago. I have an older brother and sister with whom my mother lives with in London. I moved to Mumbai after my father’s death and initially modelled to earn money after which I came into the film industry. I did not cry when my dad passed away as I know the science. Being happy is a con
stant in my life. There is this 14-year-old boy who plays football and his father accompanies him every day to the stadium knowing that he is not the best player on the team. There are 11 members in the team and this boy just sits on the bench but his father diligently goes with him. The school tournament starts and the boy never gets a chance but the father nevertheless accompanies him everyday. The first, second, seventh match happens and they are playing well but the boy doesn’t play. The team reaches the semi-final and the father is still accompanying him. Surprisingly, when the team reaches the finals, he goes to the stadium without the father and the team plays badly that day and is down 2-0. Five minutes before the end of the game, the boy goes up to his coach and says, ‘Please sir let me play today’. The coach says, ‘Not today, son’. He begs him and asks him for just one minute on the field and the coach gives him the chance. He scores three goals in one minute and they win. The coach goes to him and says I misjudged you and asked him about his dad. He said, Sir, I lost my dad last night. He was blind and could not see. All these years he thought I was playing even though I was not. Last night he passed away and I played for him today and gave my 100 per cent’. So when I lost my father, I knew I have lost him but had not lost him.
It was rumoured that you secretly married Mona Singh whom you had confessed to being in a relationship with? Is that true. No, it’s not true.
Who are you most attached to? I am most emotionally connected to myself and love every cell in my body and there is divine intelligence in that. There is only one person whom I am petrified of and who has slapped me and that is my sister.
    I love humanity and have always respected women as I feel they are superior to men. I am trying hard to be the man my mom wanted me to be: a good man before being a big man.

Vidyut Jammwal

Stills from Commando

Vidyut Jammwal

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12, 2013

Caring for your lashes

Caring for your lashes

    Not everyone is born perfect. While you might be blessed with some great features, there might be others that leave much to be desired. Long, lush eyelashes are feminine and something we have all lusted over at some point or the other. Either we sighed in resignation and moved on or we turned to our makeup arsenal with a vengeance. Well, not anymore. Read on to care about your lashes the way they should be:
MOISTURISE You moisturise your skin with lotions and creams to combat dryness. Your mane gets an oiling every now and then. What do you do to moisturise your eyelashes?
In all probability, it hasn’t even struck you that lashes need to be pampered to prevent breakage and accelerate growth. Applying petroleum jelly or olive oil or castor oil or sweet almond oil is a great way to make them stronger. Either fill up an old bottle with a mixture of these oils or use only one with a clean mascara wand every night. You can also use your fingers to smooth them on your lashes. Just make sure you don’t tug.
HANDS OFF Rubbing your eyes when you wake up might be involuntary. But it does more harm than good. The skin around the eyes is delicate and is best left untouched, un-rubbed and un-tugged.
Rubbing also tugs at your lashes leading to breakage. Also, curling your lashes every single day is an insane thing to do. You eyelashes will take a beating under so much stress. Use your curler only for special occasions.
FALSIES Blame the Kardashians for our obsession with falsies. Everyone wants pretty peepers. We have to admit
that falsies really make your eyes pop and it can get a little addictive. After all, who wouldn’t want mesmerising lashes that fan their cheekbones? However, the glue that you use with your falsies may cause a reaction and lead your precious natural lashes to fall off. You might also lose lashes while trying to get those falsies off. Reserve falsies only for big events.

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013

Grow natural teeth from own gum cells

London: Scientists have for the first time successfully managed to grow real teeth from scratch generated from a person’s own gum cells.
    Current implant-based methods of whole tooth replacement fail to reproduce a natural root structure and as a consequence of the fric
tion from eating and other jaw movement, loss of jaw bone can occur.
    In the latest breakthrough, the researchers isolated adult human gum (gingival) tissue from patients at the Dental Institute at King’s College London, grew more of it in the lab, and then combined it with the cells of mice that form teeth (mesenchyme cells).
    By transplanting this combination of cells into mice, the researchers were able to grow hybrid human/ mouse teeth containing den
tine and enamel, as well as viable roots.
    The research, published in the Journal of Dental Research, describes the first major advance in efforts to develop a method to replace missing teeth with new bioengineered teeth.
    Professor Paul Sharpe, an expert in craniofacial development and stem cell biol
ogy at King’s College London’s Dental
who led the research, said, “Epithelial cells derived from adult human gum tissue are capable of responding to tooth inducing signals from embryonic tooth mesenchyme in an appropriate way to contribute to tooth crown and root formation and give rise to relevant differentiated cell types, following in vitro culture. These easily accessible epithelial cells are thus a realistic source for consideration in human biotooth formation.”

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10, 2013

Arrest Ageing With Yog Yogi Ashwini

Arrest Ageing With Yog
Yogi Ashwini

Time is constantly changing. The higher you are on the ladder of evolution, the faster is the time for you. Ved Vyas explains in the Bhagwatam that a day of Brahma equals to 1,000 cycles of the four yugas. The lower is the dimension that you belong to, the slower the time passes for you. An insect that hovers in the night lives its entire life in just one night, the same life for you witnesses 70 to 80 years.

I had learnt a specific art from someone who is a foreign national. Most of us who were learning the art put his age at around 70-80 years. Then, one day, he told us that he is 44. Half the students ran away thinking that if that is the way he looks at 44, what will become of them if they follow his steps. I, however, stayed on and later realised that yog is never in isolation, it is the combination of right thought, right action, celibacy. Not practicing in totality makes the body unable to hold the immense force that is generated and one keeps falling sick and starts ageing, while the reverse happens when you practice it in totality as detailed in my book ‘The Ageless Dimension’. It has been long since I crossed 44 and do not look 44 till date, because, when time passes very quickly, it ceases to show its effect on the body.

Time is surely ticking away, going away very fast, yet yog makes you permanent. Your body, looks, relationships, bank balance, all change but what defines you is your control over the energies around and your body. It is also your desire that shapes how you interpret the creation around you. You are in this body because of your desires and it is these desires that keep you tied to the physical, not letting you access the subtler dimensions. There are so many who with the right practice of Sanatan Kriya have had the darshan of divine beings and look much younger than what they are. Yet, there are very few who take up yog even after experiencing these energies because at that point they see their desires leaving them but they do not have the capacity to leave that desire as they are not practicing correct yog and hence, they age.

Yogi Ashwini is the guiding light of Dhyan Ashram and can be reached at For more details, visit
March 10, 2013


Postive Thinking: Shivratri
Yogi Ashwini

The sun rises every morning and sets every evening; water evaporates and comes back to us as rain. If you look at creation around you, everything to do with it is a cycle. Nothing is permanent and there is no such thing as destruction. Einstein retold us what the Vedas have been saying for thousands of years — that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it only changes form.

Just because the day is over and the sun has set does not mean that the day will not come again. The darkest of nights leads to the brightest of days. Creation consists of opposites, to make a whole. When these opposites diverge it is called destruction and when they converge it is called birth.

The night of Shivratri is a night of birth. It is a night of merger, a night of creation, a night of manifestation and a night of thought fulfillment. The word shiva consists of shav, which is a dead body and i, which is shakti — the force which runs creation. This force needs a vehicle or a body to manifest into, so shav becomes shiv and a child is born. Similarly, the night of Shivratri has the power to give birth to your thoughts.

Sound is a powerful medium for the manifestation of thought. Mantra, which is a codified sound, has the potential to create anything in the physical — be it a material desire or the form of shaktis that run this creation. On the night of Shivratri, the ability of mantras increases by many times and effects generated far exceed several months of mantra sadhna combined. Mantra has to initiated by a guru who has himself perfected it; only then will it fructify inside you.

Sanatan Kriya details the panchakshar mantra, ‘namah shivaye yavashi manah’ , which when chanted on the night of Shivratri after getting it from your guru and keeping the awareness of the image of your guru in front of you, will give you the experience of the swaroop of shiv right in front of you, provided your guru is free from the clutches of maya and has not charged you a fee.

Yogi Ashwini is the guiding light of Dhyan Ashram and can be reached at For more details, visit
March 10, 2013

Meditation Swami Sukhabodhananda

Swami Sukhabodhananda

How does one meditate?
Sit in a quiet place. Just observe your thoughts. Let thoughts come and go, but don’t identify with them. Just be a witness.
Now look for gaps between your thoughts. You will see the gaps as silence. The observer of silence becomes silence. You cannot observe silence in a noisy state. As you observe the gaps, initial thoughts may be so many that you cannot see the gaps. Soon, thoughts will slow down. Then you will see gaps and experience silence.
Next, observe your breath. Be conscious of every inhalation and exhalation.
Your thoughts will further slow down. See and experience the warmth of air you inhale and exhale.
Observe how inhalation turns into exhalation and exhalation turns into inhalation.
Now just become silent…without words. Experience stillness. In silence alone, true communication opens up.
How can we be meditative in our daily life?

Through ‘open eye meditation.’ Carry on with your activities but see that the noisy mind does not overpower you. Be aware of the fact that a worrying mind is an expression of the ‘lower self.’ Just do not participate with a worrying mind.
Do not unnecessarily verbalise every experience. When it is necessary to verbalise, only then do it.
Let your body movements be relaxed. Do not keep a tense body posture.
Let your actions come from relaxation and let your actions deepen relaxation. Then such movements become sacred movements.
Increase your feelings while doing any act. For example, while having a bath, feel the ‘presence’ of the water; while you are walking, feel the breeze on your skin.
Be aware of your intentions in every activity. Is it ego based or goodness based?
Deepen your awareness in every walk of life.
When you deepen your awareness, you are in a state of meditation in spite of being in an activity.
For details, visit
March 10, 2013

Nair hosp does expensive laser surgeries for free Cost of undergoing ENT operations in pvt hosps runs into lakhs

Nair hosp does expensive laser surgeries for free
Cost of undergoing ENT operations in pvt hosps runs into lakhs

Twelve-year-old Hussain Ali (name changed) was unable to talk after tiny boils erupted on the inside of his larynx. After being diagnosed with laryngeal papillomatosis — the occurrence of benign tumours in the throat region — he was treated at the BMC-run Nair Hospital with laser surgery, free of cost.
“Such a treatment option has not been available in any of the city-based public hospitals. While costs of undergoing a laser surgery for curing ENT disorders can roll into lakhs of rupees at private hospitals, Nair Hospital is providing this service to patients virtually for free,” said Dr Bachi Hathiram, head of Nair Hospital’s ear, nose and throat (ENT) department.
The ENT department of the hospital recently upgraded its infrastructure by installing equipment which use state-of-the-art laser technology. The machine was donated to the civic body by Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation and Prince Aly Khan Hospital last month.
“Since then, close to 20 patients suffering from cancer or non-cancerous conditions — including the obstruction of the windpipe, or vocal cord disorders — have been treated in the hospital,” Dr Hathiram said.
Doctors say that every week, at least two patients approach hospitals seeking a cure for cancer or tumours in their initial stage, which can be effectively gotten rid of with laser surgery.
“It is a minimal invasion surgery which causes less scarring and minimum damage to the surrounding normal tissues. Also, the patient does not end up bleeding incessantly,” said Dr Vicky Khattar, assistant professor, ENT
department, Nair Hospital.
He said that if smokers, tobacco chewers and other people from high-risk groups who can’t be treated with standard medication should be screened for ENT-related cancers. “If a patient is detected with a problem early, laser surgery could save his or her life,” he added.
Health officials said that free access to this life-saving therapy will benefit a large number of people.
“We believe that, irrespective of their economic condition, people should have access to quality healthcare. Since a vast majority of the people who need treatment visit public hospitals, the foundation has been consistently working towards strengthening these hospitals,” said Leni Chaudhuri, programme head, Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation.

March 10, 2013

Rajyoga Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji

Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji

Everyone seems to be talking about yoga nowadays.There are a lot of television programmes, workshops, books and events that are designed around the theme of yoga.

There are several types of yoga in the world, each having its own method and attainment. But the one that is taught by the Supreme Almighty himself is called Rajyoga — the king of all yogas.
It is called the king of all yogas because it enables one to rule the various organs of the body and also control the subtle energies — the mind, intellect and sanskar, which are deeply rooted in the soul.

Rajyoga enables one to attain the fruit of all types of yogas that exist in the world, as it connects directly with the Supreme, the Highest Being. One doesn’t have to give up one’s worldly duties to practise this yoga. Even a business tycoon who has great responsibilities can practice it easily and regularly. Practising this yoga enables one to conquer his or her vices, entitling him or her to sovereignty of the world or to ‘self-sovereignty.’

So, how different is Rajyoga from other types of yoga? The biggest difference is that it places emphasis on forgetting the body, bodily relations and other things. While sitting in any easy posture without being conscious of one’s body or breath, focus all your thoughts on the point of light — the Supreme .

It allows us to understand the self, Supreme, our relationship with Supreme, the cycle of time, karma and many such aspects of life which we are not aware of. The most beautiful thing about Rajyoga is that it can be practiced while performing all day-to-day activities. Hence, it is also called ‘Karma Yoga.’ One can, therefore, stay at home with the family and enjoy life in its real sense completely with the regular practice of Rajyoga and lead a happy and healthy life.

The writer is an international speaker, spiritual educator and experienced meditation teacher. Email him at or visit

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 05, 2013

BPA exposure during pregnancy ups asthma risk in children

BPA exposure during pregnancy ups asthma risk in children

Early childhood exposure to the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA), found in some plastics and food cans, can elevate the risk of asthma in young kids

    Expecting mothers, bear caution when it comes to plastic food containers and food cans. That’s because Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical, is a component of some plastics and is found in food can liners and store receipts, says a recent study.
ASTHMA HAS INCREASED IN THE LAST 30 YEARS In the past 30 years, the
prevalence of Asthma has increased dramatically, which suggests that some as-yetundiscovered
environmental exposures may be implicated. The study indicates that one such exposure may be BPA,
opines lead author Kathleen Donohue.
The investigators followed 568 women. BPA exposure was determined by measuring the levels of a BPA metabolite in urine samples taken during the third trimester of pregnancy and in children at ages three, five and seven, respectively.
    The physicians then diag
nosed asthma at ages 5 to 12 based on asthma symptoms, a pulmonary function test and medical history.
The researchers found that post-natal exposure to BPA was associated with an increased risk of wheeze and asthma. BPA exposure during the third trimester of pregnancy was inversely associated with the risk of wheeze at
age five.
    This unexpected finding is in contrast to the results of a previous study, which found that BPA exposure during the second trimester, a critical period for the development of airways and the immune system of the fetus, was positively linked with the risk of asthma.


Bisphenol A, also known as BPA, is a chemical which is used in combination with other chemicals for manufacturing plastic and resins. For example, BPA is used in the manufacture of polycarbonate, which is used to
make shampoo bottles, feeder bottles for infants, water bottles, plates, food cans, etc. BPA can get transferred in minute amounts into the food and beverages from the plastic articles in which they are stored.

March 05, 2013

Protect your body from premature ageing It’s easy. Just follow an antioxidant-rich diet

Protect your body from premature ageing

It’s easy. Just follow an antioxidant-rich diet

    What are antioxidants? They are substances that help prevent damage by oxidation. While oxygen is an essential part of human existence, there are times when it can also be damaging. Oxidation is when oxygen combines with another material and leads to a negative outcome — for example, fruits rot because of oxidation. Similarly, oxidation causes our body to age and degenerate. When the cells in the human body are exposed to free radicals, oxidisation takes place. In a nutshell, your ageing process depends on your ability to protect cells from oxidation. Unfortunately, free radicals are all around us — we’re exposed to them daily through toxic
chemicals that

are absorbed through the skin or breathed in. Free radicals damage the tissues and are also known to affect memory, cause mood swings, wrinkles, hardening of the arteries, stiff joints and several other problems. While the human body is capable of handling a certain amount of free radicals, when your system gets overloaded, it affects your body’s ability to cope and results in premature ageing and health issues.
Certain items which contain free radicals include junk food, sugar, white flour, canned, frozen or readymade meals which have been processed, preservatives and food additives. Others include chemotherapy or radiation exposure, cer
tain medications, coffee, tea, hydrogenated and saturated fat, fizzy drinks, certain household chemicals, cigarette smoke and alcohol. At your rescue are antioxidants, which are powerful nutrients, known to minimise the effects of free radicals.
    They are present in plant foods and destroy free radicals. This, in turn, promotes the growth of healthy cells and keeps premature ageing at bay. One of the best things you could do to protect yourself is to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and seeds in your diet.
    — Compiled by Zeenia F Baria

Foods that are packed with antioxidants
Nutrients that reduce free radical damage should be rich in vitamins C, E and vitamins B, flavonoid and beta-carotene. Here are some foods that are packed with antioxidants... >> Cranberries, blackberries, blueberries and citrus fruits are known to be full of antioxidants that promote collagen and reduce wrinkles. >> Protect your skin against sun damage by eating carrots and apricots. >> Green leafy vegetables,
apples, oranges, cherries, beetroot, carrots, artichokes and strawberries have high quantities of copper, magnesium and selenium — all necessary for healthy hair, nails and bones. >> Aloe vera raw gel, cold-pressed, contains approximately 75 minerals and vitamins, including B12, and 12 amino acids, essential for digestion and skin disorders. >> Raw nuts, dark fish and avocado are rich in EFA, omega-3, alphalinoleic acid and selenium, which are known to keep premature ageing at bay and even improve memory. >> Papayas, sprouts, sweet potatoes, kiwi, broccoli, cabbage and spinach help detoxify your liver. >> To get a healthy complexion, drink plenty of water.

An antioxidant-rich diet is a must to help protect your body. Antioxidants are found in these foods: Unrefined and raw foods Fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, whole grains, beans, raw nuts and seeds Cold-pressed oils like flax, olive and canola. Sprouts and eggs
March 05, 2013

tips you need to keep in mind when you are fasting

Fast facts

How not to feel hungry when you are fasting

    Fasting is one of the most common practices in our country — almost all communities here, fast for religious reasons. And usually, people who do it for religious reasons are able to control hunger. But then, there are some who have to battle their hunger pangs. Most are so used to eating regularly throughout the day that it can be odd or even alarming when our appetite kicks in. 

Here are some tips you need to keep in mind when you are fasting..

YOU KNOW YOU CAN HAVE IT LATER One of the good things about fasting is that you know you can have all that you are saying no to now, later. If you are on a normal diet, and have to avoid a particular food, it can feel like a punishment and you keep craving. For example, when you are offered a cake while fasting, you can say you cannot have it, knowing at the back of your mind that you will be able to have it once your fast is off. 

TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR EATING Allowing yourself to experience hunger and to see how little food it takes to feel full again is a huge help in taking control of your eating. 

DISTRACT YOURSELF When you feel that pang of hunger, distract yourself — have a glass of water, or herbal tea. Start doing something else to keep the thought of hunger away — if you are an exercise freak you could go for a run. Otheriwse, watch television or go out for a movie. 
IGNORE THE PANGS The pangs come in bursts but they will subside if you ignore them. Once you successfully ignore the first bout of pangs, you will reach a plateau when you won’t feel hungry. 

FASTING CAN GIVE YOUR BREAK FROM THE KITCHEN The days when you are fasting can be actually be a relief for your system. Fasting gives you a break from the kitchen. 

FROM RESTRICTION TO LIBERATION Eventually the ‘restriction’ of a fast day begins to feel more like a ‘liberation’ from worrying about food. 

REMEMBER HOW OVERINDULGENCE MADE YOU FEEL When you feel like you just have to eat, remember how bloated some foods make you or how bad you felt in the past after overindulging. 

FASTING IS POWERFUL Fasting has powerful effects on your brain, your mood and your attitude to food. The kind of control you need, to battle hunger pangs makes you stronger and you can ‘pat your own back’ and feel proud of yourself — which in itself is a very positive feeling. 

FASTING WILL HEAL AND CLEANSE Remember that your body is using this ‘fast’ time to heal and cleanse. With time, it should get easier to go on a fast. 
IMPORTANT: NEVER FAST TO LOSE WEIGHT Fasting to lose weight is extremely harmful for your body and does not really work, because one ends up putting on that much, and more weight, as soon as you are off the fast. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat small healthy meals throughout the day and exercise. No shortcuts here.

Effective Home Remedies for Migraine Relief

Introduction: Migraine headaches are characterized by intense, throbbing pain, often accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, ...