Friday, April 17, 2015

April 17, 2015

Did you know your bra could be the cause behind your digestion issues?

Did you know your bra could be the cause behind your digestion issues?

If you've felt skin irritation and back pain at the end of a long day, you might want to get your brassiere checked.There's no denying that the bra can, more often than not, be more than a tad uncomfortable to wear. Recently , a lingerie website discovered that every four out of five women in India wore bras of the wrong size that eventually lead to a multitude of problems and discomfort. After surveying over 1,400 women in three months, they found the most common bra-related ailments afflicting Indian women -and that most of them were caused by wearing the wrong type of bra: SKIN IRRITATION
The survey showed that 17% of the women surveyed suffered from rashes and other breakouts because of their bras.“Frictional dermatitis is one of the biggest causes of dark patches under the breasts,“ says Dr Apratim Goel, cosmetic dermatologist and laser surgeon, “Rashes underneath the breast fold develop due to allergies to the material of the bra (especially synthetic or lace material) or because of fungal infection due to excess sweating. On healing, these leave dark patches.“ Richa Kar, founder and CEO of the website, agrees saying that lack of air circulation and excessive sweating is caused by careless bra selections and bad usage of fabric.
“The underwire from my bra pokes me from under the breast, so I end up wearing a cross-heart version, even though I feel wearing an underwired bra supports my chest better,“ says 22-year-old Srishti Ahuja. Unfortunately , she is not the only one who is subject to the constant `poke'.According to the survey , 36% of the women mentioned that they experienced pain caused by the infamous underwire.The survey also found that the major reason for this issue was wearing a smaller bra. Dr Gandhali Deorukhkar, OBGYN consultant, also claims that 80% of women wear incorrectly sized bras -70% wear bras that are too small, and 10% wear bras that are too large. “ A smaller bra means the wire is lying on or poking into the breast tissue, instead of hugging the rib cage,“ says Aparna Walters, head of design of a lingerie and nightwear brand.
“There are times when I feel my bra is choking me,“ says entrepreneur Nicky Singh, “I have had to head to the loo and unclasp it to breathe easier.“
Dr Goel explains, “Wearing a very tight bra causes external compression of respiratory muscles and rib cage expan sion. It also causes the middle portion of the ribs to remain inactive due to resistance from bra and hence, overworks the upper portion.“ She adds that a tight bra can also cause digestive problems due to the compression of the neuro-lymphatic plexus (on the left side near the diaphragm).
A badly-fitted bra providing insufficient support causes the trapezius muscle to tighten to take the weight of the breasts.This can lead to shoulder, neck and back pain because this muscle is being constantly strained. Nancy Rustagi, a Zumba fitness trainer, says, “When dancing, I need to wear tight bras, which at times stress out my shoulders and my back.“ She was shocked to discover that the bras causing her neck pain were of a completely different size, and chucked them all out. She also discovered that bras should be replaced every four-six months, something Dr Deorukhkar also recommends.“Monthly fluctuations of estro gen and progesterone are responsible for changes in breast size and tenderness.Women should ideally use bras of different sizes throughout their monthly cycle,“ she says.Dr Goel adds that regular usage causes certain bras to change or lose their shape, and a change is required to promote personal hygiene as well.
That said, completely discarding one doesn't exactly help. “ Apart from developing sagging, shapeless breasts, not wearing a bra can lead to back pain and shoulder pain in cases of heavy breasted people,“ says Dr Goel, who also clears the air about a popular bra myth that's doing the rounds. There is a growing concern in the media that relates ill-fitting bras to the increased incidence of breast cancer. “This is due to the blockage of lymphatic of breast and accumulation of toxins that drain breasts.However, since the lymphatic flow is towards the armpit, this is unlikely,“ she concludes.
To find the band size, use a simple measuring tape. Bring it to the middle of your chest from the back, keeping it snug under the arms. In case you get an odd measurement, round it to the closest even number. Alternatively, you can also measure across the bottom of your bust.
For the cup size, measure around the fullest part of your bust (mostly the centre, near the nipple). Usually, the difference between the band size and the size derived from the second measurement is your cup size. For instance, if your band size is 36 and the fullest part of your bust is 38, your cup size is B (the difference being two inches).
April 17, 2015

Enjoy a scrumptious Sunday brunch

Enjoy a scrumptious Sunday brunch

For those looking for a spot for celebration or a leisurely Sunday brunch, Corniche is an ideal place in the suburbs. It offers an uninterrupted view of the sea and lets you relax over delicious meals and drinks. The menu has a blend of Mediterranean, Oriental and Italian preparations. However, the restaurant pulls out the big guns for its brunch menu with an egg station, waffles, salad bar, pasta counter, mains, cold cut sandwiches and assorted desserts. The popular delights here are granola and muesli for health fanatics. You could even try some egg cooked to your liking, served with a side of bacon, sausages and some breakfast rolls. A salad and a pasta bar lets you make your own style of pasta, so get as creative as you like. The exquisite dessert counter is made for people who have a sweet tooth, with hot and cold dessert options. The staff is well trained to take care of your dining needs and make sure you have a great experience on your day off.
Where: Corniche, 15B, Gagangiri Society, Carter Road, Next to CCD, Khar .
Call: 022 26460147, 26006300.
Price: ` 550 plus taxes (unlimited) for food and ` 750 plus taxes for drink brunch.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 16, 2015

Candy crush saga made him crazy, now need to do operation

‘कॅण्डी क्रश सागा Candy crush saga’ गेममुळे तरुणाला करावी लागणार शस्त्रक्रिया

कॅलिफोर्निया: ‘कॅण्डी क्रश सागा’ या गेमने तरुणाईला अक्षरश: वेड लावले आहे. कारण की, प्रत्येकाच्या स्मार्टफोनमध्ये हा गेम असतोच, वेळ मिळाला की हा गेम खेळणं हा जणू काही छंदच झाला आहे. मात्र, कॅण्डी क्रश खेळण्याची सवय तुमच्या बोटांना फारच धोकादायक ठरु शकते. या अशाच सवयीमुळे 29 वर्षीय तरुणाला आपल्या अंगठ्यावर शस्त्रक्रिया करावी लागणार आहे.

कॅलिफोर्नियातील 29 वर्षीय तरुणाला कॅण्डी क्रश खेळण्याची जणू काही नशाच झाली होती. सतत गेम खेळत राहिल्याने त्याच्या अंगठ्यातील एक पेशी तुटली. हा तरुण सहा ते आठ आठवडे नियमितपणे कॅण्डी क्रश खेळत होता. मात्र, ज्यावेळेस त्याचा अंगठा काम करेनासा झाला त्यावेळेस त्याने डॉक्टरांकडे धाव घेतली. 

त्यानंतर डॉक्टरांनी अंगठ्याचे निदान करीत त्याच्यावर शस्त्रक्रिया करावी लागणार असल्याचे सांगितले. ज्या डॉक्टारांनी त्याच्यावर उपचार केले त्यांचेय म्हणणे आहे की, व्हिडिओ गेममुळे बोटांमधील पेशींवर त्याचा परिणाम होतो आणि त्यामुळे त्या सुन्न होतात. सतत गेम्स खेळण्यामुळे अनेकदा हे दुखणं जाणवत देखील नाही.

संशोधनकर्त्यांच्या मते, गेम्स खेळणं हे एखाद्या नशेप्रमाणे आहे. तुम्ही त्याच्यामध्ये गुरफटले गेल्यास शारीरिक दुखणं विसरुन जातात. तर डॉक्टरांच्या मते, दिवसामध्ये, अर्ध्या तासापेक्षा जास्तवेळ स्मार्टफोनवर गेम्स खेळणं हे हानिकारक ठरु शकतं.

कॅण्डी क्रशचे चाहते जगभरात आहे. भारतात देखील याचे मोठ्या प्रमाणात चाहते आहेत. सुरुवातील हा गेम फेसबुकवर लाँच करण्यात आला होता. मात्र, याची वाढती लोकप्रियता पाहता त्याला स्मार्टफोनसाठीही लाँच करण्यात आले.

April 16, 2015



Turning 40 and worried about how age will no longer be on your side? Cheer up, for you've learnt some of life's most valuable lessons by now... Being tired and ready for bed at 9 pm is more than OK.The days are long, but the years are short. And any time in the doctor's office with kids feels like years and days.
  1. A well-fitting bra is important, and should be off your body no later than 9 pm.
  2. When in doubt, don't buy -especially when it comes to shoes and lipstick.
  3. Sometimes, you take your kid to touring ice shows because you know he or she will really love it, not because you will. 
  4. And certainly not because you like paying a bomb for that souvenir mug of tepid hot chocolate.
  5. You can totally do your own pedicure, but it's much more relaxing to have someone else do it.
  6. Chores for kids are a real ly good idea.
  7. Exercising is essential, but so is eating a bag of ket tle corn popcorn occasional ly. It's all about balance.
  8. According to your kids, the `good old days' are any of the days that were pre-internet.
  9. Red paint takes three to four coats.
  10. Mirrors are kinda dumb, but good for convincing children that you have eyes in the back of your head.
  11. Cookies are not dumb at all.
  12. However, laundry is the dumbest.
  13. The size of your house does not mat ter, but the size of the love inside its walls does (cheesy , but true).
  14. Marriage is no piece of cake. But it is worth it to get to taste the anniversary cake.
  15. Eating an entire pint of cookie dough ice cream on the first day of your period is totally acceptable.And if it isn't, too damn bad! 
  16.  You are old enough to be the mother of the cute lifeguards at the pool.
  17. Having babies is a big deal, but raising them to be adults you admire and respect is a much big ger deal.
  18. The term `low-rise' on clothing can be translated to `no buy'.
  19. Mom jeans (my version is jeg gings) have their merits.
  20. Your period can sometimes feel like the devil.
  21. Being yourself is the best person to want to be and to actually be.
  22. Drop-off birthday parties are the best.
  23. It's better to have your husband talk to your pre-teen son about the `hair down there'.
  24. Writing your thoughts down right away is a really good idea.
  25. Because otherwise, they could be gone in less than the blink of an eye.
  26. Wrinkles are sneaky .
  27. A good hairdresser is key .
  28. Quality time spent really listen ing to your loved ones is priceless.
  29. And... 40 is just a number.

April 16, 2015

Here are some smart home decor ideas

Here are some smart home decor ideas

PAINT SOLID COLOURS Use solid colours for your drawing room. Monochromatic colours like orange, red and pink can do wonders.Keep a bright coloured sofa or bean bag and paint one of the walls of your house grey.

Brass gives a classy touch to your living room. A brass idol or candle stand placed at a strategic location in the living room helps create a serene atmosphere in the house.

Use candles and lampshades around your house. Instead of regular candles, use cupcake moulds to make candles for your house. Make lamp shades with earthen pots for that ethnic touch to your house.

To make your house look clutter free, opt for no-fuss furniture. It is easy to maintain and doesn't require much dusting. Keep some bright coloured cushions on the floor and on the sofas to add dash of colour to your room.

Partition is a great way to separate the living room and the dinning room. Make the partition such that it can be used a bookshelf. Keep it less bulky, otherwise it might occupy a lot of space in the room.

Dirty shoes lying in the house can be a big turn-off. Keep a sitting place along with it so that people can change their shoes comfortably . Keep the shoe rack in the corner of the drawing room so that dirty footwear does not spoil the carpets and rugs of your room.

Art walls can change the entire look of your house, provided they are arranged properly. Mix and match art walls with masks, paintings and photographs to add grace and brightness to your house.

Books can be used to add an element of sophistication to your house. Place them on the centre table or on the book rack. But don't forget to dust them properly. You can use interesting bookends available at home decor stores.

A green plant kept at the entrance of the house will add liveliness to your house. Keep a bonsai plant in a corner of the room or play around with the placement with different indoor plants. All they require is a little bit of care.
April 16, 2015

miniature garden inside your house


Summer is here, but don't cry over the fact that there will be no flowers in your garden in this wilting heat. You can make your outdoor look cheery and colourful in several ways by painting the walls, pots fences and tiles. You can also opt for a miniature garden inside your house Here is how you can mix colours together and be a little innovative... 
Go innovative with a miniature garden within a container. Orchids and money plants thrive well in a terrarium and give a classy look to your home. If you cannot give a big enough space to your indoor garden, a terrarium garden can do wonders. For indoor gardening, succulents are best as they do not require much watering and sunlight and can grow in any environment. Succulents will liven up your miniature garden as they are available in different shades of purple, red, orange and green. They are conducive to indoor gardening and are low maintenance. Better still is the fact that they are beautiful to look at and available in different shades. Terrariums look fantastic when hung close to your window.

Terracotta pots will give an arty look to your outdoor space. You can stick to earthy hues or opt for bright colours. Plain or textured terracotta pots can bring out the brightness of plants. The combination of yellow and green go very well. So, if your plant is green in colour, opt for a yellow pot. At the same time, red leaf plants can accentuate the look of your garden and look gorgeous if you put them in a coloured wine bottle. Don't stick to regular pots for your plants, instead opt for kettles, milk cans, cups, wooden boxes or even tree logs. Let your imagination go wild and paint metal buckets and cans in mischievous bright colours. Bottles and electric bulbs can be used to put money plants or creepers. A cactus garden on a glass dish or pan will give an exotic touch to your garden. Cactus is easy to maintain and grows even in a harsh environment.You can keep the cactus garden both indoor and outdoor. Place colourful pebbles, artificial golden eggs and shells on the soil.

Keep the colour of your outdoor walls as bright as possible.You can use colours like orange, pink and red and at the same time opt for white walls to showcase the bright green colours of your plants. If you want to give a rustic look to your garden, then opt for a red brick wall. The idea is to choose the right combination of colours. Walls with plants hanging from them will add a luxurious look to your outdoor living space.
A vertical garden on a single wall is perfect for small apartments where there is not enough space. Take a room which gets plenty of sunlight and choose that wall to hang your pots. You can use a hanging wrought iron pot stand to hang your greens.
April 16, 2015

Do health apps harm or help healthy people?

Do health apps harm or help healthy people?

Health apps have the potential to make a broad impact on the health of the general population, argues one expert, but another suggests that health apps may be harmful. Widely available on smartphones, health apps aim to encourage people to adopt healthy behaviours ranging from weight loss to physical activity and to help patients manage conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Some apps have been shown to im prove health outcomes and have great potential to reduce morbidity and mortality, argues Iltifat Husain. He notes two randomised controlled trials that have demonstrated that weight loss apps on traditional personal digital assistants increased compliance and improved weight loss when compared to traditional programmes. Despite no evidence of harm, there still may be drawbacks of using health apps and research has demonstrated some conflicting results, he adds.For example, research has shown that some fitness apps accurately count users' steps and physical activity , but results did not find improved outcomes or exercise rates. Many apps have not been tested and may not be useful or effective, he notes.
In a second article, Des Spence, a general practitioner, argues that most health apps are mostly harmless and likely useless, but warns of the rise of apps used alongside wearable devices that monitor heart rate, blood pressure and etc.These are untested and unscientific, and play on the fears of an unhealthily health obsessed generation, he explains, adding that these can ignite extreme anxiety and medical harm through overdiagnosis of health conditions. Medical technologies are already overused for magnetic resonance imaging and blood tests and people should be sceptical of more medical technology , he cautions.

Mental Health Awareness in India

Mental Health Awareness in India Mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, but it remains a sensitive and often sti...