Saturday, March 19, 2016


Frustrated at seeing that extra weight on your scale? There are times when our bodies react to different factors that are beyond our control and lead to weight gain -deficiencies of vitamins, hormonal imbalances etc... Here are a few health issues that might be egging you on towards obesity... 



Studies have reported that people who feel depressed, sad and lonely, eat more and so, gain weight faster than a happy person following the same lifestyle.Feelings of depression lead people to choose foods that are comforting and have high fat and calorie content and this, over time, leads to definite putting on pounds.And depressed people usually give up exercise and activity which results in weight gain too.
Also, people who are on medicines to battle depression accumulate around three to eight kgs of unwanted weight, gradually.What you could do: If you are on anti-depressants you must ask your doctor for medicines that promote weight loss. Take to exercising with close friends family regularly and learn to recognise real hunger from random craving. Avoid reaching out for calorieladen foods and drinks and fried foods.


Issues like slow bowel and other digestion problems could also lead to weight gain and bloating. If you do not have enough fibre in your food and if you are dehydrated and on medications, your bowel movement may become irregular and lead to issues in weight.What you could do: In order to deal with problems of constipation, you need to pay attention to what you are eating. Opt for high-fibre foods, avoid heavy meals late in the night and have probiotics. This can help your digestive system to work properly.Staying hydrated is also important for your digestive system to work. Having fibre powders with water or juices help clear your colon.


If your meals do not have all the necessary nutrients then your entire system is affected and your energy level becomes low. Your metabolism alters and so you end up grabbing sweets and carbs and also avoid exercising because of the lack of energy.
What you could do: Having foods that are high in mag nesium, iron and other nutrients is essential. Include spinach, nuts, milk etc in your diet. Spend time in the sun to help enhance your Vitamin D levels.


With age metabolism often slows down and you stop burning as many calories as you would when you were in your 20s. This is a real and unavoidable condition that each and every one of has to go through at one point. You could opt for having lean proteins that encourage your body to burn up calories effectively and avoid carbs. Carbohydrates have a tendency to burn slowly and also gets stored in your body as fat.What you could do: As you age, it is imperative to eat less and exercise more to adjust to the slowing down of your metabolism. Choose to eat low fat proteins and reduce your intake of carbohydrates.


Exercising properly and regularly, is the key to not just losing your unwanted weight but also to maintaining it.Expert nutritionists say that when someone keeps a proper balance between burning off calories through exercises and its intake, you get the ideal weight. One really needs to take care of the calorie intake, if you want to see consistent weight loss, because simply exercising and tiring your muscles and body, will not help at all.What you could do: There is a need to stop overdoing your exercising. If you need to burn 3,000 calories through exercise alone, you might have to stay in gym for long hours and experience fatigue and sore muscles. But if you reduce your calorie intake to 1500 calories per day, then you need to burn much less. It is easier to reduce calorie intake than killing yourself on the treadmill.


It has been found that if you do not get your quota of daily sleep, you are likelier to eat more of the wrong foods and thereby end up gaining a lot of unwanted weight. Experts say that lack of proper sleep leads you on to making very poor food choices.What you could do: Be regular and strict with your sleep timings.Follow these little tips -avoid watching TV or using the phone in the bedroom, don't have a very heavy late dinner, make sure the lights are dim and the bedroom temperature is around 24-25 degrees.

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