Monday, June 25, 2018

Founder of Selfcare India, celebrity nutritionist and author

I am 50-years-old and have been struggling with chronic constipation since a year now. I have not had this problem earlier. I eat all meals at home and have tried few home remedies but nothing has worked. What can I add in my diet to get rid of it?

Suman Agarwal
Suman Agarwal

The causes of constipation are multifactorial. One of the factors can be related to ageing. As we age, our gut friendly bacteria may decline and cause constipationrelated symptoms.


Begin with lemons: Start your day with a glass of warm water containing a few drops of lemon juice and honey. Lemon is a stimulant for your digestive system and honey acts as a mild laxative.

Retain the good gut bacteria:

Antibiotics and consumption of processed foods leads to decrease in good gut bacteria resulting in constipation. An addition of probiotic in the diet through yoghurt, kefir or probiotic supplements can improve and retain these good bacteria. In addition, prebiotic foods provide essential nutrients for these good bacteria to flourish therefore, preventing constipation. An example is consumption of garlic, which promotes the growth of beneficial Bifidobacteria in the gut.

Add dietary fiber and fat: Fiber facilitates easy passage of stools through the digestive track. Ensure eating dal at least once a day. Similarly, add grains like oats and wheat bran to your breakfast daily. I recommend adding 1 part of bran to 5 parts of flour (1:5 ratio) to enhance the dietary fibre. Finally, end your day with a glass of milk, provided you are not lactose intolerant.

Exercise: Your diet will often require the support of exercise to alleviate constipation. About 30 minutes of daily exercise can improve energy utilisation of the body and speed up digestion. Be mobile, not sedentary.

Water intake: Sometimes, we do all the right things and forget to drink seven to eight glasses of water a day. Having sufficient water in the day helps break down food, soften the stools and prevent constipation.

Call: +919323217232, +91 9819725206, 022-61312222.

Follow on selfcarebysuman Instagram/Twitter: @selfcarebysuman (*Procedures given are based on the expert’s understanding of the said field)

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