Ayurveda and Weight
Ayurveda and Weight
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Ayurveda is not concerned with symptomatic treatment but concentrates on identifying and treating the root cause of imbalances in the body. Balance between doshas, dhatus and malas (waste) is the key to mental and physical wellness. Indiscriminate dieting, using steroids and specialised diets which aim at bringing about a specific body shape (ultra thin, muscular) have drastic side effects in the long run. These are often the cause of serious ailments of the immune system and psychological disorders. The best way to lose weight is by using natural products rather than restricting diet. Of the seven dhatus which maintain equilibrium in the body, fat - an essential component, is required for a healthy existence. When kapha aggravates medas (fat) dhatu, the balance of the body gets disturbed and a person gains excessive weight. In ayurveda, the herbs which reduce fatty tissues are called lekhanas. These, prescribed in various combinations, control the disturbed kapha in the medas dhatu. Their action causes burning up of the fatty tissues and consequently dries up of excessive weight. Generally, herbs which are bitter and pungent are effective in aiding weight loss. Cayenne pepper, black pepper, cumin and basil not only burn fat but also stimulate digestion and augment the digestive fire. Bitter herbs like fenugreek(मेथीच्या बिया) are effective in detoxifying the body and purifying blood. The beneficial enzymes in fenugreek aid digestion of fat, carbohydrates, sugar and proteins. The most beneficial way to eat fenugreek is by eating its sprouts(कोंब). The water in which seeds are soaked can also be consumed. Young leaves can also be eaten. Fenugreek is also effective in clearing mucous from the lungs. Fenugreek seed tea causes sweating, which releases toxins through the skin and is effective in bringing down fever as well. Yogi Ashwini is an authority on the vedic sciences and is the guiding light of Dhyan Foundation. He is also the author of Sanatan Kriya — The Ageless Dimension. He can be reached on dhyan@dhyanfoundation.com |
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