Reap What You Sow - today’s youth who wear thick glasses, have bent spines, grey hair, improper digestion, addiction towards machines and an artificial life. Yogi Ashwini
Reap What You Sow
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Yogi Ashwini
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Creation, like anything else that is orderly, rests on
certain fundamental laws which cannot be broken, the law of karma being
the foremost. Even the Gods are bound by this law and no one is over
it. The modern man who insists on his superiority over nature and who
foolishly tries to defy the laws of nature to create a utopian world for
himself, is stuck in the spiral of devolution. The result is visible if
you look at today’s youth who wear thick glasses, have bent spines,
grey hair, improper digestion, addiction towards machines and an
artificial life. Why?
The answer lies in the law of karma. What you sow, so shall you reap. The more you collect, the more pain you accumulate. A simple solution to the above maladies is to work with the law of karma rather than against it. How? If you look around, you will find a lot of hungry people on the road, birds and wild animals like dogs dying in accidents, unattended and unfed. Cows and bulls, which were worshipped by Vedic, Egyptian and Zorastrian civilisations, who were not slaughtered till the Mughal era ended, are now tortured to death. They are not fed, made to walk miles before the final slaughter, their legs are broken to stuff them in vehicles to save space during transportation. The domesticated ones are seen eating garbage and plastic and dying on the roads. If the modern man ignores all of the above and continues to torture and kill these helpless animals, then the law of karma would definitely get him. Diseases would increase, human pain and suffering would rise dramatically. Life today is hell because for the last 200 years, the atrocities have shot up and as a karmic reaction, the maladies of the modern man have also multiplied. Let us look around and see whether we can feed a hungry man, dog or bird or save a cow from slaughter or help someone who is sick. All this would ensure a happy and safe life for us and future generations. Yogi Ashwini is an authority on the vedic sciences and is the guiding light of Dhyan Foundation. He is also the author of Sanatan Kriya- The Ageless Dimension. He can be reached on |
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