Thursday, May 31, 2012

Create a Bliss Body - Swami Sukhabodhananda

Create a Bliss Body
Swami Sukhabodhananda

Why do we suffer in pain and recreate it moment to moment?
As I told you, thought creates energy. If thought is negative, then energy is negative. The negative energy creates pain. A hurt body looks at the world through pain. A hurt body will try its best to sustain pain. It is a matter of survival. So, it loves to attract pain and sustain pain. It will use logic to protect it. Look at unhappy people. They will convince you to be miserable.
How do we get out of the hurt body? What is a way out?
All that you can do is to create a bliss body in you. There are 5 layers in you — Physical body, Pranic body (breath body), Mental body, Intellectual body and Bliss body.
All these layers in us have energies. It is in potential form. Just as there is latent fire in wood and by rubbing the wood it is invoked. In the same way you have to awaken the physical body through exercise, yoga, dance, balanced diet. Keep the body alive and enthusiastic. You will then awaken a happy energy through the body.
The pranic or breath body has to be awakened. Breathe deeply by pranayama and find a different kind of joy surfacing in you. Shallow breathing creates lower energy field while deep breathing enhances one’s aliveness.
Mental body can be awakened if you keep your mind calm. A calm mind has a different joy; a noisy mind is an avenue for leakage of energy.
When your intellect is open and receptive, yet another dimension of blissful energy arises. One who is open and receptive is always learning. Children learn very fast as their intellect is open and receptive.
Bliss body in oneself has to be opened up. In deep sleep, bliss body opens up naturally. In waking state, if one is committed to be happy and learn to look at life in a celebrative way, a bliss centre will be awakened.
When these five layers are opened, as the Vedas — the Hindu scriptures say, a bliss body is created. This is the way to heaven.
Swami Sukhabodhananda is the founder chairman of Prasanna Trust and has been nicknamed ‘Corporate Guru’.

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