Sunday, July 7, 2013

list of what to strictly avoid post a break-up

Break-up don’ts

It’s never easy to follow guidelines. Nonetheless, here’s a list of what to strictly avoid post a break-up

    Abreak-up comes with baggage. Every heartbreak, no matter how little, is accompanied by feelings of being unwanted, pain, humiliation and lack of selfconfidence. And while following a rule book is never possible, we feel it is necessary to avoid certain things after a break-up. Read on to know what they are... 

DON’T LOCK YOURSELF UP The best escape mechanism for most people is going MIA. But it’s the worst thing to do. Not only is it stressful, it also confines you to a shell, which, after some time, ends up becoming your comfort zone. Also, if you’ve been dumped, it is the best way to make your ex feel exhilarated. Respect yourself and deal with the situation rather than running away from it. 

DON’T SAY ‘LET’S BE FRIENDS’ An ex is an ex. Period. There’s no ‘We’ll be friends’, at least not immediately after the break-up. You may end up
being friends with benefits, which, ultimately, will be heart-wrenching for one of you. The path from ‘being in love’ to ‘being friends’ is not easy. We’re not saying you can’t be friends with your ex, but it is important that both of you heal completely before taking that decision. It’s better to let bygones be bygones. 

STALK NOT Social networking sites may have become similar to spyware, but this way, you are just ruining your chances of
getting back on track. The more you see your ex happy, the more you will sulk and sob. Block them from sites you’re a regular visitor on. And don’t keep a track of their life.

DON’T PRETEND IT’S OKAY We’ve seen the ones who go ‘It’s cool’ when in reality, it isn’t. Give yourself the time to mourn. Cry it out, talk to a friend or a stranger, but don’t choose to refrain from sharing what you are going through. The more you live
without mourning, the more hurtful it gets. Abstaining from expressing can be harmful. 

DON’T GET INTO A REBOUND More often than not, people get into another relationship hoping it’ll help them get over the previous one. An overlapping relation
ship is a wrong decision one makes post a break-up. It never gives you time to figure out what you want from being with that special someone. You also end up in a rut, following a pattern of doing it wrong when it comes to relationships.

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