Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 21, 2015

Easy fixes for wrong makeup

Extra shine on face or no time to shape brows? Groom yourself in no time by opting for easy beauty fixes. HERE ARE A FEW TIPS:
■ Chapped lips: One needs to exfoliate the lips often especially if they are dry. Lipsticks do not come out smooth on such lips.
Quickly exfoliate using a mild scrub at home or make your own scrub using honey and sugar crystals.
■ Oily skin or too much shine: Use a matte finish compact that usually comes with a powder puff. Dab on the face.
■ Dry and dull face: Use a lipstick and add gloss to instantly boost the radiance of your face.
■ Ungroomed brows: Use a brown eye pencil or a brown eye shadow with an angular brush to make your eyebrows look thick and neat.
■ To make your lipstick stay longer: Always apply a little foundation or compact on lips before applying the lip colour.
■ Too much foundation: Take a damp sponge and gently dab on to your face especially under eyes, lip areas etc. to help it blend in and remove the excess.
■ Too much eye shadow or bad blending: Take a fluffy blending brush to soften the edges of eye shadow. If there are strong lines, gently use your finger tips to soft that usually comes with a powder puff. Dab on the face.
Dry and dull face: Use a lipstick and add gloss to instantly boost the radiance of your face.
Ungroomed brows: Use a brown eye pencil or a brown eye shadow with an angular brush to make your eyebrows look thick and neat.
To make your lipstick stay longer: Always apply a little foundation or compact on lips before applying the lip colour.
Too much foundation: Take a damp sponge and gently dab on to your face especially under eyes, lip areas etc. to help it blend in and remove the excess.
Too much eye shadow or bad blending: Take a fluffy blending brush to soften the edges of eye shadow. If there are strong lines, gently use your finger tips to soft en the edges before using the fluffy brush.
Clumpy mascara: Use a clean mascara wand to remove the excess mascara. Use a little wiggle movement with this brush, for non-water proof mascara you can slightly wet the brush to make it come off easily.
Creasing around under eyes and lip area: To correct this, use a damp sponge to hydrate the skin first and then using a powder puff add some compact to make it settle between the lines for a smoother look.
Too much or patchy blush : Move the brush in small circular motions without any more colour to soft blend the blush, if its too dry use some damp sponge on the cheek area to hydrate and then after waiting a few seconds, blend the blush for smoother finish.

October 21, 2015


Do you struggle to get out of bed, feel constantly drained and rely on pick me-ups like coffee and sugary treats to get you through the day?
If so, you're far from alone. Research reveal that one in three of us admit we're permanently worn out because of the pace of modern life.A survey by a vitamin company revealed that a whopping 97% of us claim we feel tired most of the time and doctors' records reveal that 10% of people who visit them complain of unexplained tiredness. So much so that doctors have even created a handy acronym -TATT (Tired All The Time). Here, experts point to some of the causes and how to deal with them. 
Avoiding exercise because you're tired actually makes you feel worse. Regular exercise makes your heart and lungs work more efficiently , delivering oxygen and vital nutrients around the body .
Remedy: Next time you're tempted to flop on the sofa, force yourself up for a brisk 10-minute walk -you'll feel more alert. 

Recent research shows many of us survive on so-called `junk sleep' -the kind when we wake up frequently throughout the night. It doesn't replenish our energy levels as well as long stretches of continuous sleep do.
Remedy: Develop good sleep hygiene. Go to bed on time, avoid staring at screens an hour before bed time. If sleep evades you, have a relaxing bath and a cup of warm milk. Throw in some easy reading, as that helps. 

Although we think of caffeine as a pick-me-up, it actually makes us feel more tired once the initial surge wears off. This is because our brain chemistry doesn't like being interfered by stim ulants, so it releases chemicals to dampen down the alert response. Drinking coffee even six hours prior to bedtime meant poorer quality kip.
Remedy: Avoiding caffeine will increase energy levels in the long run. But cut down gradually to avoid headaches and irritability. 

Figures show that around one third of women are low on iron often due to heavy periods.Some have low enough iron levels to be anaemic. If you pull down your bottom eyelids and the inner rim looks pale rather than pink, it's an indicator.
Remedy: Include plenty of iron-rich foods in your diet, such as lean meats, dark green vegetables, pulses and dried fruits, and pair them with foods like citrus fruit high in vitamin C. 

Losing even as little as 2 per cent of your body's normal water content can take its toll on your energy levels. As we get older we lose our thirst reflex. Also, working in an air-conditioned office, going for a long walk can lead to depleted fluid levels. This causes blood pressure to drop and not enough blood gets to the brain or muscles. It results in headaches, fatigue and loss of concentration.
Remedy: Try to drink water every two hours. If you need encouragement, add mint, basil, lemon or cucumber to liven its flavour. 

Sugary energy drinks and snacks like biscuits, chocolate and crisps cause sharp spikes in blood sugar levels that can leave you tired.
Remedy: Swap to low-sugar foods. Avoid white carbs such as bread and pasta which quickly convert to sugar in the body. Choose wholegrain carbs such as granary bread, wholemeal pasta and brown rice. 

Surviving on fruit and salad might feel worthy , but avoiding protein will leave you exhausted, as it's a vital energy giver.
Remedy: Eating a minimum of a palm-sized amount of protein with meals and eating seeds and nuts or nut butters can prevent tiredness. Meat, fish, cheese, tofu, beans, lentils, yogurt, nuts and seeds are good sources of proteins.

While a little stress helps to keep us on our toes, long-term stress exhausts the body leaving us emotionally drained.
Remedy: When stress strikes, instead of going frantic to fix things, try to slow down and take a break. Call a friend, walk the dog or do some yoga.

Having an underactive thyroid -which means it's not making enough of the hormone thyroxine -is a surprisingly common cause of unexplained fatigue, especially in middleaged women. Other symptoms of a thyroid condition include excessive thirst, weight gain and feeling cold.
Remedy: See your doctor and take a a blood test. For an underactive thyroid, a simple once-a-day tablet can correct the problem -and most people get their normal energy levels back soon after starting the treatment.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 20, 2015


If not, let our experts help you turn your abode into a festal nest of warmth and jovial cheer
So it's that time of the year again when there's a palpa ble air of festive excite ment. Bring home a part of these festive celebrations by en suring that your home is up and ready for this time of rejoicing.“Preparing your home for the festivals starts with an inten sive cleaning routine followed by updating décor elements and perhaps adding colour, lights and decorations,“ explains architect Bhavna Mody.
As they say, cleanliness is next to godliness, and religious festivals are a great time for spring cleaning and getting rid of clutter. The general rule of thumb for household items is that if you haven't used it in the past two years, you probably don't need it at all. “From vacuuming your carpets to cleaning the air conditioning ducts, scrubbing the kitchen sink, waxing the stovetop and sanitising your pillows, look for places you do not ordinarily clean in. Hiring a professional housekeeping agency is a good idea,“ suggests Mody.
Walls play a huge role in the appearance of your home. Peeling paint, cracked and yellowing walls make your home look tired. A simple coat of paint can make all the difference for the festive season. If you're feeling like a big change, consider making a statement with a single coloured or printed wall to brighten up the space. “From sunshine yellow to bold pink and elegant burgundy, a pop of colour on the walls is just what you need to take your home from ordinary to festival ready,“ suggests interior designer Kripa Ramachandran, founder, Space Matrix Designs.
It's amazing what a big difference can come through by merely changing a few accessories. Throw out your frayed cushion covers, stained carpets and faded curtains. Interior designer Priyal Shah advises, “We tend to hold on to home décor accessories for too long. This makes our homes look dull. Enliven your home by adding new curtains, carpets and cushion covers. Opt for bright, vibrant colours instead of the understated pastels and whites. You could also get your tapestry redone to have a spanking new sofa at a fraction of the cost.“
Festivals are joyous times and flooding your home with light adds warmth and cheer. Dancing fairy lights look magical, especially if you refrain from using the extremely flashy options. Instead, opt for a classic white or yellow string of lights.“Add some novelty to your lights with a range of DIY projects such as creating dainty, illuminated paper baubles through coloured paper and simple origami. Decorative diyas and candles placed in elegant candelabras create a mellow mood (opt for a flickering candlelight bulb if you can't manage the real deal),“ suggests Ramachandran. FINISHING TOUCHES The finishing touch in making your home festival ready comes through the decorations­ whether you choose to put up cloth torans on doorways, rangoli designs painted on the floor or flower decorations. Our only suggestion would be to avoid tacky plastic decorations, keeping in mind how they damage the environment.
This festival ready checklist will help you make your home as welcoming as possible.

October 20, 2015

Temporary face tattoos are a hit this season


While getting tem porary tattoos on Navratri might not be a new phenomenon, revellers leave no stone unturned to stand out from the crowd.This time around, many of them have ditched the regular upper arm, shoulder and back tattoos for tattoos on their face in order to add to the festive mood. The fad is particularly popular among men.Kunal Viras, an operations manager with a travel company is participating on all nine nights and is not shy when it comes to sporting one. However, they do play around with safe themes like that of flute, dandiya, peacock feathers, Lord Krishna's picture carefully decorated with colourful diamond bindis and sparkles; the latter is quite a hit with the adventurous. Twenty-two-yearold Dhwani Karia ikes keep up with the latest trends; she's planning to getting a face tattoo done in floral design on the last day of Navratri.“I've decided on wearing a long skirt and crop top with the right accessories to go with the tattoo.“

October 20, 2015


Navratri is in full swing and so are the garba and dandiya nights. If you are one of those people who thought that dancing in a group of people, wearing traditional heavy attire, is not your cup of tea, think again. It's not just song and dance. It's an effective way to burn calories while you socialise, say fitness experts. GARBA STEPS EQUIVALENT TO ZUMBA
Most fitness experts say that garba can help you shed those extra unwanted calories. They add that dancing the Lehriyu, which is actually the wave motion, involving a lot of squatting and clapping, is a fun way to lose some extra calories.
“Many people experience inch loss as well as weight loss, whilst some may experience only inch loss when they go dancing,“ informed weight management expert Dr Amrapali Patil. She added, “While you dance in a group, you do not realize the amount of aerobic exercises you perform.“
Dietician and zumba instructor Priyanka Bhawalkar, revealed that it's possible to lose a lot of calories, provided you dance continuously for an hour. She said, “The kind of dancing that happens during garba is similar to the exercises done in a zumba class. So if you dance for an hour continuously , depending on your pace and dance movements, you can lose anywhere between 100 to 500 calories.“ Dr Patil further explained, “Often, the traditional attire and accessories for dandiya and garba are usually on the heavier side, which too might contribute towards weight loss during the bodily movements of dandiya and garba.“ Some experts added that a group activity like the Dhudiyu, do taali or teen taali garba, that involves a lot of twirling, jumping and clapping, can count as a full body workout, if done at fast or medium pace.
While you do need to avoid the oily or sweet food to reap the benefits of all that dancing, it's important to eat something in order to maintain your energy levels. Dr Patil cautioned that one must eat nutritious and balanced food, keep hydrating the body with fluids sufficiently throughout the night. “Eat dates, whip up a fruit smoothie, or munch on a handful of dry fruits about 30 minutes before the dance. Don't eat too much before the dance as this will divert blood flow to the digestive tract and push strength from muscles to the gastro-intestinal tract. I don't recommend late night dinners as they unnecessarily tax the digestive system and actually promote weight gain,“ she added.
Prachit Shah, a self-confessed fitness freak, said, “I like to go for these dandiya nights in the city . Not only is it a good way to socialize, you also get to show your dance moves. If you happen to have one of those fancy fitness trackers on your hand, it will be easy to track your heart-rate as well as know what activity helps you burn more calories.“
Khyati Bhandari, a housewife who loves dancing, said, “I enjoy the whole atmosphere at these dos. You get to dress-up and have fun with your entire family and group of friends. It's relaxing to unwind and definitely helps you forget the everyday blues.“

October 20, 2015

Got a fitness goal? Try the phantom workout

The festive season is on, and most of us have a fitness goal that we want to attain to look our best. But do you feel that you have reached a plateau?
If so, it's time to shake things up. The latest in fitness, the `Phantom Workout' is a high intensity exercise regime that is ideal for people who want to get in shape.
Split over three levels, the programme is broken down into three sessions of about 45 minutes each. None of the workouts are repeated, which helps maintain one's interest and makes it more effective.
“The workout is divided into three levels, with the focus on a high-intensity workout. This includes weights and functional movements such as the deadlift, push-presses and bear crawl. It is a combination of all these movements at a higher intensity , with very little time for rest.This helps build muscle endurance and boosts strength levels. Each workout session targets the entire body,“ says Kristian. 

professional Manisha Naik has been working out for two years, but wanted to increase her stamina, which is why she opted for the phantom workout. “I have finished two levels and can now climb all the way up to my 11th floor office without panting too much. I feel more energetic and active after signing up for the workout. Recently, we had an impromptu plank challenge at work. While most people could stay in position for only a minute, I did it for almost three minutes.Such short and quick programmes require a lot of dedication and hard work, but you can really see the results if you are sincere,“ she says. 

The workouts have several variations that basically confuse your brain. Your body tends to adapt to a movement quickly, so varying rest intervals and workout sequences shake things up, and help burn fat and build resistance. While Kristian says that the phantom workout doesn't require one to go on a diet (you do, however, have to watch what you eat), fitness expert Leena Mogre feels that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% workout.“People want variety and trainers understand this.There is a good chance of success with a workout regime that has variety . Confusing the body is one of the principals of weight training -also called instinctive training. It is a shift from doing something that your body is used to. It is good to try something new, but 80% is diet, and if you don't follow a proper diet, you will not lose weight,“ she says.

October 20, 2015

Online dating: 5 things to say in your first message

Play it cool vs cheesy chat up line; how do you start conversations online? Here are five lines to get you started
So you've joined an online dating site, and someone has caught your eye so, what now?
The first message you send can make or break your chances of a successful first date, so it's important you get it right.After all, first impressions matter --especially when you're not meeting face to face.
Most online daters are looking for `someone that can make them laugh'.Avoid being cheesy though-aim your joke at something you both have in common -perhaps something in her profile -maybe a movie? How about a film quote?
Prove you've actually read her profile with a compliment about her taste in music, a great restaurant, or a country he's visited.
Warm compliments work well in first messages, but superficial ones can have a reverse effect, or come across as weird so stick to something factual.
Finding some common ground can open the door for great conversation. Look through hisher music interests, favourite foods, their job and try and spark up conversation based on what they're into.
But make sure it's an open one, or the conversation could end before it's begun. Avoid suggesting a face-to-face date in your first message, instead stick to something you've seen on their profile do you share the same music taste? Has she seen your favourite band live?
Get their attention with a simple `hey' -it's tested, and it works. Your initial message should be straight and to the point--but make sure you follow up with something more creative, perhaps an open question, or a straight forward how are you?

October 20, 2015


Patients suffering from low back pain often undergo X-rays or imaging scans to detect the source of the problem. But new research shows scanning to find the source of back pain may do more harm than good. Researchers from Oregon Health and Science University in Portland reviewed six clinical trials comprising nearly 2,000 patients with lower back pain and found that back pain patients who underwent scans didn't get better any faster or have less pain, depression or anxiety than patients who weren't scanned. More important, the data suggested that patients who get scanned for back pain may end up with more pain than those who are left alone, according to the report published in the medical journal Lancet. The problem, say researchers, is that back scans can turn up physical changes in the back that aren't really causing any problem. One study from The New England Journal of Medicine puts 98 people with no back pain into a magnetic resonance imaging scan. Even though all of them had healthy backs, two out of three of them came back with MRI reports that showed disk problems.
Scans are exposing people to radiation and people may be getting unnecessary surgery .They start to think of themselves as having a horrible back problem and they stop doing things that are good for them, when in reality ,a lot of people have degenerative disks and arthritis and have no pain at all. What is essential is to test is the functional ability of the spine. If the load bearing structure that supports and envelopes the spine is weak or unable to carry the load then that's when trouble starts. In the same way that one would do an ECG as the first test for a cardiac condition to test function the patient must undergo a spine function test to arrive at the root cause of their pain.
For instance, 42-year-old Digvijay Singh was diagnosed with Disc Herniation. He was suffering from severe back pain, heaviness and severe radiating pain in both legs. The pain also made it difficult for him to climb stairs or travel alone. He underwent a spine function test at the Qi Spine Clinic that revealed what no MRI or X-ray had shown him so far. It highlighted the lack of muscular (mechanical) strength in his spine. The doctors at Qi Spine Clinic used this precise diagnosis very effectively -with the help of new technology they isolated the muscles that needed strengthening and then targeted a non-invasive customised treatment program to that area. Digvijay is pain free today . A few weeks of this precise new approach to back pain treatment has helped reverse his condition.
Where: Qi Spine Clinics are located at Worli, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Ghatkopar , Marine Lines, Santacruz, Kandivali, Andheri, Vile Parle, Pune and Delhi.
Call: 8655885566, 9820096233. (*Procedures given are based on the expert's understanding of the said field)

Friday, October 9, 2015

October 09, 2015

menstrual cycle

My 17-year-old daughter suffers tremendously during her menstrual cycle every month. During those days, she barely eats and says most foods make her feel nauseous. Are there foods that will help ease her symptoms? Should she avoid certain foods?
Does staying active help? Please advise.

Painful periods is a very common problem among teenage girls and women which hinder their normal school related, household or job work. Although some pain during periods is normal, excessive pain is not. The medical term for the same is dysmenorrhea.

Now the diet during these days is the most important and not eating is going the make the symptoms of discomfort worse.

A diet rich in carbohydrates (roti, rice, bread, poha, upma and the like) having a good focus of good quality protein (egg whites for non vegetarians and soya, quinoa, pulses for the vegetarians) helps to continue the wear and tear functions of the body smoothly which is high during monthly menstruation due of uterine wall breakdown. So make sure you feed her some of these foods in the any form that she likes -the cuisine, style of cooking and taste can be adjust to suit her taste buds but eating is most essential.

A diet rich in vitamin B6 or pyridoxine helps ease period pain.Include fish, beef, starchy vegetables like potato, banana, rice, fortified cereals in your diet to get good quality B6 or even a supplement (50-100mg) a few days prior to, during and three to four days post completion of your periods every month is a good way to alleviate this pain.

Among other aids -a warm f water bag or heating pad applied to the lower belly area, light cir cular massage on the abdomen, warm beverages, warm shower or bath and light exercise all help to ease the pain. Good luck!
October 09, 2015


The ongoing climatic changes lead to a rise in health issues. But it is that persistant cold that you need to worry about. Here is a low down on how to combat this... 
Do you perpetually suffer from cold? Are you tired of your recurrent headaches, and frequent nose blocks? If yes, you might be suffering from sinusitis. We spoke to ENT surgeon and sleep apnoea specialist Dr Vikas Agrawal and ENT and head neck surgeon Dr Dhillon Dsouza about this...
The human skull is like a shell made of thin bones containing cavities. Some of these cavities are occupied by structures like the brain, eyes, ears, nose, while others are airfilled spaces that communicate with the nose through tiny windows. These spaces make the head light and cause an echo effect which gives volume to the human voice, similar to speaking into a earthenware pot.

Sinusitis, sinus infection or rhinosinusitis, is a process by which the soft lining of the sinuses gets swollen and angry and the tiny windows to the nose get blocked, leading to fluid being produced and collecting in the sinuses. Long standing infection and allergy lead to formation of polyps and complete blockage of sinuses leading to headaches and frequent cold. These sinuses are prone to recurrent infections as people inhale air which contains germs and allergens.When the tissue lining these sinuses gets infected, the condition is known as sinusitis.

Common colds, allergies, nasal polyps (soft, grape-like swelling of the lining of the sinuses), or a crooked nose bone blocking the nose can cause sinusitis.
It affects people of all ages and gender and is more common during seasonal changes.People having an existing allergic tendency and those residing in polluted cities are more prone to it. The cause can easily be determined by doing a CT Scan andor nasal endoscopy .

r Patients complain of nasal y blockage, runnystuffy nose, e facial pain, headache or high y fever that lasts for over 10 days.e Acute sinusitis lasts 10 to 14 o days with two or more symp toms and yellow green or g opaque nasal discharge. Subacute lasts four to eight weeks and chronic sinusitis lasts eight weeks or longer with symptoms of face swelling, nose block, pus in the nose and fever. Recurrent sinusitis is when several attacks occur within a year or symptoms lasting more than 12 months.

The diagnosis is made by history of the illness, combined with an examination. It is confirmed by CT scans or X-rays, mucus cultures and if required an endoscopy procedure using a tiny camera and lights, to look into the nose.

Medical treatment is by antibiotics, antiallergics, painkillers nasal drops and sprays and if required steroids and immunoglobulins to boost immunity . Self medication with over the counter prescriptions can often worsen acute sinutisis or make it chronic.

If medical treatments fail repeatedly and a blockage of the windows into the sinuses or a crooked nose bone or polyps are found on examination, endoscopic sinus surgery and septoplasty or a new technique called Balloon Sinuplasty (BSP) are done.Patients can resume work in two to five days after surgery .
Also, image guided systems are used to aid the surgeon in confirming the location of critical structures when the interior of the nose and sinuses is being operated. To use the image guidance navigation system, a CT scan of the sinuses is performed using a specific navigation system protocol. The scan is fed into a system which recreates anatomy in real time during surgery , so that absolutely safe and complete surgery can be performed. The best thing is that most patients can go home the same evening after the procedure.
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is a minimally invasive procedure performed to open up blocked sinuses when medical treatment has failed to give comfort.

It may resolve or become chronic or may progress to complications like infection of the brain, skull bones or the sockets of the eyes, leading to visual disturbances, which makes treatment far longer, much more expensive and surgical correction more extensive.

I Avoid things that cause allergies including foods, deo sprays, air fresheners and other strong smelling compounds that irritate the nose.I Steam inhalation always helps.This can even be done by running a hot shower after a bath and sitting in the steam for some time, for those who find it difficult to do direct inhalations.I Avoid smoking and drinking or reduce both these habits as much as possible.I Drink warm soups and fluids to help thin out the mucus.I Walk 15 minutes a day or indulge in deep breathing exercises every morning and evening to increase airflow through the nose and sinuses.I Avoid sitting under a fan with wet hair or directly in front of an air conditioner.

October 09, 2015

Have you tried the morning after makeup yet?

You have just had an epic sleepover and binge-drinking is showing on your face. It looks dehydrated, your eyes are droopy , kohl smudged, mascara is all smoky and dried up -not a very appealing look, is it? Luckily , when you were having fun all night, makeup trends evolved and moved on. Beauty professionals claim that the `morning after makeup' trend is inspiring women worldwide and they swear by it. Whether it is the smudgy kohl, the bare lips or yesterday's mascara -it makes women look effortlessly gorgeous. Here's how to work this trend. 
Prep up the eyes
To create an `about last night' opt for smudgy eyes. Beautician Nishi Anand says, “Apply a primer on the eyelids. This will set the base for the eye makeup. Then, use a thick kohl pencil and outline the outer and the inner eyelids. With the help of a dry brush, take a grey eye shadow and smudge the eyes. Remember to use outward strokes while you are blending it. This will make your eyes look dreamy and will lend a `not slept' look. Add lots of mascara to complete it.“ Says makeup artist Clint Fernandes, “The use of oily kajal and greasy mascara works best while attempting to create the hungover look.“

Nude lips to complement the look
When you typically go heavy on the eyes, the trick is to keep the lips neutral. Nishi suggests using a nude shade of lip colour, if you really want to fill in the lips. She says, “The best way to keep the lips looking natural is going without a lipstick.However, if you have dark lips and would like to hide it, choose a peachy nude or a baby pink shade. You can also smudge the lipstick a bit, to make it look glamorous.“
Blusher will add drama
Bring life back to your face by applying a tinted moisturiser all over your face and pat dry. Take a blush in autumn's freshest shades of brown or peach and lightly dust it off on your cheekbones. Don't go overboard with blush even if you are tempted to. Slightly rub your cheeks and spread the colour evenly . A stylist suggests to do away with strobing.“Keeping it matte is a good idea.Start blending from under the eyes till the apple of the cheeks. Shades like old rose, fluorescent pink look best on Indian skin tones,“ he adds.

October 09, 2015


Whether she's in her 20s, 30s or 40s, the common mistake that women are guilty of making is to follow the same skin care regime for years with out realising that as they age, skin requirements change. 
Don't put off applying that sunscreen.It not only prevents your skin from getting tanned, but will also prevent those wrinkles and fine lines, which you think you're too young for. Make it a habit to reapply it every two to three hours for maximum protection.
Feel that using a hand sanitiser makes you look like a health freak? It doesn't! But it does protect your skin and you from a host of infections. Your hands touch hundreds of things everyday . And more often than not, you will use your hands to touch your face, which will lead to breakouts or rashes. Carry a sanitiser with you and make sure you even use it to wipe your phone clean.
Think that applying toothpaste on your zit will zap it away like it used to when you were a teenager? Adult acne can be even more severe than the acne you suffered from as a teen. Hence, avoid using home remedies and ask your dermatologist to prescribe something that will work effectively on your skin.
Resist the urge of popping those pimples, which seem to appear just on the eve of an important occasion. When you burst pimples using your fingers, it causes skin scarring. Instead, be patient and use your dermat's prescription to dry out the pimple.
While anti-ageing products may seem unnecessary during your 20s, an increasing number of experts are encouraging women to embrace antiaging serums and creams as they reach their late 20s.
Not sticking to a skincare regime in your 30s will cost you dearly in your 40s. Gone are the days when you could get away with not cleansing, toning and moisturing daily . As your skin ages, you need to give more attention to it. So, make sure that you not only use products that are age-appropriate, but also follow a skin care routine religiously . Your skin will thank you for it later.
Don't make the mistake of sleeping with your makeup on. This cardinal beauty sin can wreak havoc on your skin by clogging pores and causing pimples. So, no matter how tired you are, always remove your makeup before you go to bed.
Not exfoliating enough or over-exfoliating your skin is another mistake that many women make. Stick to exfoliation once a week, and don't forget to moisturise your skin every night before going to bed. Don't stick to one product just because it suits your skin. In your 30s, your skin tends to get drier and skin tone becomes uneven, so what worked in your 20s may not necessarily work now.Use products that will battle spots, dullness, fine lines and wrinkles.
In your 30s, you will notice that your skin starts to lose its elasticity, so make sure that you go for regular facials and cleanups. Pampering your skin will ensure that it doesn't give up on you in your 40s.
You will notice that your skin gets extremely dry in your 40s, hence, it is essential that you keep it well hydrated. The dryness can be attributed to hormonal changes as your body nears menopause. Hence, use a milk cleanser and moisturiser that deeply nourishes your skin.
During your 40s, many women get stressed about wrinkles, fine lines and spots and opt for different skin products, not realising that that could end up causing more problems. When you use too many beauty products, your skin may revolt and cause inflammation or redness. Stick to certain products that suit your skin.
See that thin, delicate layer of skin under your eyes? Make sure you give it extra attention. While cleansing, toning and moisturing is important, ensure that you don't forget to apply eye cream around your eyes or you'll be stuck with promiment under-eyebags.
Don't fall for all those advertisments that promise to bring back that glow from your 20s. And don't expect your anti-ageing prod ucts to perform miracles either. If you really want a drastic change, you'll have to visit a cosmetic surgeon, but avoid going under the knife because you never know if the results are what you were looking for in the first place.
Make sure that you get enough sleep. As we age, a lot of women bat tle insomnia (among other things) and lack of sleep can wreak havoc on your skin. It is also important to de-stress spend time doing things that make you happy -and it will reflect on your skin as well.

October 09, 2015


Ashtanga yoga is a practice created by Sri.K. Pattabhi Jois consisting of six series, and each series contains its own sequence of asanas. In the traditional practice of Ashtanga, called Mysore practice (the city where it originated from), each student practices their own sequence and the teacher gives them adjustments and the next asana when they are ready. Ashtanga is not a practice for the faint-hearted. A lot of Type A personalities are inclined towards this. It's a six-day-a-week practice, which lasts for about 90-minutes each session.And mind you, it gets crazy. What happens on that mat is an absolutely wonderful, painful experience that peels your emotions, thoughts, fear, ego, strength, and anything left layer by layer. Let's take a look at the reasons to love this practice:

When you start off as a new student, you have to commit for one month of regular practice so you can actually give yourself and the teacher a chance to take you where you need to be. Trick is never to quit. Just show up. It teaches you dedication. Showing up on the mat on a good, bad, or even ugly day is okay as long as you show up, because that's where it all starts.

The practice itself is very challenging: mentally and physically.Practicing every day builds great muscle strength, flexibility, and balance.Making an effort to surrender, work hard, and endure changes your mentality in a great way; it increases patience, tolerance, the ability to see more than what is presented to you, and above all cleanses you inside out.

Every asana challenges you in a different way. Some can be painful, uncomfortable, and impossible while others can come to you very easily.What you realize during practice is that the moment you let go of your thoughts, fears, judgment, ego, and resistance, is pretty much the moment when it comes easily. Like Pattabhi Jois said, “Body is not stiff. Mind is.“

Last but not least, Ashtanga is not just to give you an awesome body, a way to detoxify your organs, or to build patience. It's a mirror. It shows you where you are at that given moment, at that given breath. It makes you aware of how you treat yourself. There are moments when you judge your practice -call it the `bad practice' days -and there are moments your ego soars when you successfully perform an asana, but the next day even Surya Namasakar could hurt. Ashtanga is a practice that will show you how to live in the moment, to appreciate what you have. It is a reminder that nothing is permanent. It makes you feel grateful and gifted, and above all it makes you feel alive. It is a strong, elegant, humbling, and life changing practice.

October 09, 2015

Missing onion in your meals? Try these tricks...

Despite bringing tears to eyes and pungency to breath, onions are an indispensable ingredient in Indian cooking for main dishes, accompaniments or to be eaten just like that. However, ever since onions have become expensive many are trying to find substitutes to it, whether it is for veggies, raitas or for adding consistency to gravies. 
Opt for the raw, white onion bulbs of spring onions instead of sliced onions with meals.
Small pickled onions (whole) with a hint of vinegar act as an accompaniment.
Diced onion pickle is another easily available option.
Replace onions with radish or dudhi (bottle gourd) in raitas or kachumbers.
Sprinkle onion powder on pastas and salads to enhance the taste.
Cut and save almost one inch of the spring onion bottoms and place them in tall glasses with water enough to cover the roots.
Place them in sunlight near the window and change the water daily .
In just four to five days you will see new spring onion greens growing.

Leeks are larger, milder than onions, with a slightly sweet flavour and crunchy . They are good for western dishes.
Spring onions also known as green onions are easily available.
Small onions like shallots though a bit expensive are almost similar to onions but milder in taste and odour.
They are good to be eaten raw since when cooked they quickly lose their flavour.
Replace onions with other vegetables like tomatoes, cabbage, bottle gourd or eggplant which grated can be used as a base to thicken gravy.
Fennel powder with beaten curds also lends a good taste and aroma to the food.
Besan mixed with buttermilk or curds can add volume to any dish while lending a different taste to it too.
Make a paste from freshly grated coconut or use thick coconut milk.
Use cashew nuts, almonds, melon seeds, sesame seeds or poppy seeds separately or together as a paste.
Use onion powder which is available in the form of dry masala. To rehydrate it, soak it in warm water for few minutes to make it into a paste.
1 radish grated, 1 finely chopped green chilli, 1 tsp oil, 1 tsp mustard seeds, 12 tsp urad dal, 1 cup thick un-sour curd 1 tbsp finely chopped coriander leaves, 12 tsp sugar, salt to taste Method: Heat oil in a pan. Add in mustard and urad dal, and when they splutter add the chillies. Saute for a minute.
Add the grated radish and stir till the raw smell of the radish is gone. Remove it and let it cool a bit.
In a bowl take curd, salt, sugar and mix well to which add in the radish.
Sprinkle coriander leaves and serve with biryani or pulao.
Onion powder Peel and chop onions into fine pieces.Let them dry a bit before putting them on a tray and heat them in an oven until completely dry and easy to crumble. Cool them before grinding into a fine powder. This powder can be stored in an air-tight container, either in a cool spot in the kitchen or in the refrigerator.Pickled onions Take a dozen small onions or shallots. Peel, wash and wipe dry. Make four small slices on top of each onion and place them in a jar with a sprinkling of salt.
Toss and keep aside. In a pan boil vinegar, water and sugar together. When cool, pour it over the onions and shut it tight. Shake the bottle well and store in the fridge. For a different flavour you can add spices and herbs like pepper corns, mint, basil, thyme, rosemary, etc.

Bhimsen village in Bihar has an age old tradition to not use onions for cooking and villagers still respect the almost 200 year old practice set by their forefathers.

October 09, 2015


No one can deny the fact that some of the quickest and easi est dishes can be made from eggs. Boil, poach, fry , bake or cook them in a curry , it isn't tough at all. Though eggs are usually looked at as a breakfast must-have, they can also make a great meal. On World Egg Day , here's a selection of quick egg recipes that can be easily rustled up adding just the basics like onions and tomatoes with a dash of spices. 
INGREDIENTS: 2 eggs, 2 tbsp oats (oat flour or coarse oats), 2 tbsp milk, 1 small onion, 1 small tomato, 2 green chillies chopped, ½ tsp pepper powder, ¼ tsp turmeric (optional), salt as per taste, oil, coriander leaves and cheese for garnish
METHOD In a bowl mix together oats with salt and pepper. Add milk to make a smooth batter.
In another bowl, beat the eggs with salt, onion and tomatoes. Add this mixture to the oats batter. Mix well.
Heat oil in a pan and pour the omelette mixture. Spread it well and when it is cooked on one side gently turn it over and cook on the other side too.
INGREDIENTS: 2 eggs, 4 slices bread, 1 small onion, 1 small tomato, 1 green chilli chopped, 1 tbs oil, ½ tsp. ginger-garlic paste, ¼ tsp. red chilli powder, ¼ tsp. turmeric powder, ¼ tsp. cumin powder, ¼ tsp. garam masala, pinch of asafoetida, salt to taste, coriander leaves for garnish
METHOD Heat oil in a pan and add asafoetida, ginger-garlic paste, chopped onion and green chillies to it. When the onions turn a little brown, add red chilli powder, turmeric powder and saute for a minute.
Add the chopped tomatoes, cumin powder, garam masala and salt.
Cook well.
Break the eggs on this mixture and scramble the mix gently .
Let the eggs cook on a medium flame for three to four minutes.
In the meantime toast the bread on a tawa. Apply a little butter and place the egg bhurji as a filling on one slice.
Add a little tomato ketchup if you desire and place another slice of the toasted bread and press lightly.(Instead of toasting the bread, you can also grill this sandwich. You can eat the bhurji with pao or rotis too)
INGREDIENTS: 4 boiled eggs, 2 medium-sized onions, 2 medium-sized tomatoes, 1 tsp gingergarlic paste, 1 tsp red chilli powder, 1 tsp turmeric powder, salt to taste, ¼ tsp cumin powder, ¼ tsp coriander powder, ¼ tsp garam masala, a pinch of asafoetida, oil as needed
METHOD Pierce the eggs with fork and keep aside.
In a pan, heat oil and add asafoetida, red chilli powder, turmeric powder and stir. Add chopped onions, tomatoes and ginger-garlic paste to this and mash it as it heats up.
As the mixture starts leaving oil, add cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala, and salt and cook for five minutes.
When this mixture cools down, grind it into a paste.
In another pan, heat one tsp oil and add the tomato-onion paste and water to make the gravy thick or thin as desired.
Slowly add the eggs, cover and let it boil for eight minutes.
Serve it with rice or rotis.

Eggs, known as eeda by Parsis are very important for them as they consider these as a symbol of fertility. Breakfast in a Parsi home is incomplete without eggs; and while they have akuri (scrambled eggs) and poro (masala omelette), they have specialities using the egg and vegetable combinations such as bheeda par eeda (eggs on okra) or bhaji par eeda (eggs on leafy greens like spinach, methi)... the list goes on with vegetables like potato, brinjal, peas, tomato and others cooked with eggs on top. Wafer per eeda too is a Parsi speciality with aloo sali (thinly sliced potato strips) sometimes replacing the wafers.

Eggs contain all the essential protein, min erals and vitamins, like Vitamin A, D and K.
The yolks are one of few foods that natu rally contain Vitamin D.
It also contain choline, which is necessary for healthy cell membranes in the body that stimulates brain development and helps preserving memory.
Eggs are also good for your eyes because they contain lutein which helps prevent age-related cataracts and muscular degeneration.

October 09, 2015

13 Hot tips for your first date

On your first date-with nerves against you and self-consciousness setting in-it can be difficult to know how to act. Take a look at top tips for that crucial first date 
Set your expectations too high and you're going to be really disappointed if heshe doesn't rock up! Keep your expectations in check and be realistic

Putting into perspective what a first date is can help reduce anxiety , stress and the temptation to back out last minute! A first date is about: Investing your time and emotions to fully be present on the date Getting to know about your date's life, what they enjoy doing and what makes them tick Listening to them and contributing to the conversation Seeing whether you can laugh together, make one another smile and whether you feel excited to see them again

A first date is simply a chance to meet someone new, face-to-face, to see whether you get on. That's it. You might or might not get on with them, but you can at the very least have an interesting chat with them if it's the latter. The reality is you're unlikely to hit it off with everyone; you'll like some a lot more than others and some a heck of a lot less.

Look great and you'll feel great. Wear something you would naturally wear and that makes you feel good. A date is worth the effort to put that extra time in to looking your best.

Planning a date venue where you'll both have a great time is important.Doing something fun together helps bring out your body language which is a must for forming relationships and bonding. Do something that gets you both moving or that takes the pressure off you both -a comedy club and drinks, a wine tasting class, and mini golf. Whatever it is you do, have some fun.

It may sound like common sense but if you're feeling a bit nervous, you can forget to smile.Not only does smiling project confidence but it also raises energy levels, which is exactly what you need plenty on a first date.

Ask plenty of questions and be sure to listen to the answers.Nerves can sometimes get the better of us. If you know you're likely to be shy on the date, think ahead about the questions you might ask. If the nerves get you chatting nonstop, remember to take a breath and let your date talk. Let the conversation flow.

Exes, a bad day in the office or family problems -keep it to yourself if you want a second date!

If they happen, great! But don't go into a date, expecting an instantaneous chemistry . Love and attraction often develops at a slow pace and over time. Don't rule out someone because you didn't feel a spark straight away; give things a chance to develop.

Not only does eye contact create a bond between yourself and your date, but it also shows you are giving them your full attention.

Don't spend the date mentally ticking off your dating checklist.Be present, enjoy their company , loosen up and have fun.

You hit it off ? Great, time to get another date in the dairy . Forget about the `three day rule' and drop your date a line the next day to get something sorted.

Even if you don't plan on seeing one again it's respectful to thank them for the date and wish them luck on their search. If we were all that little bit more respectful and kind with one another, dating would be so much easier.

October 09, 2015


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