Friday, October 9, 2015


The ongoing climatic changes lead to a rise in health issues. But it is that persistant cold that you need to worry about. Here is a low down on how to combat this... 
Do you perpetually suffer from cold? Are you tired of your recurrent headaches, and frequent nose blocks? If yes, you might be suffering from sinusitis. We spoke to ENT surgeon and sleep apnoea specialist Dr Vikas Agrawal and ENT and head neck surgeon Dr Dhillon Dsouza about this...
The human skull is like a shell made of thin bones containing cavities. Some of these cavities are occupied by structures like the brain, eyes, ears, nose, while others are airfilled spaces that communicate with the nose through tiny windows. These spaces make the head light and cause an echo effect which gives volume to the human voice, similar to speaking into a earthenware pot.

Sinusitis, sinus infection or rhinosinusitis, is a process by which the soft lining of the sinuses gets swollen and angry and the tiny windows to the nose get blocked, leading to fluid being produced and collecting in the sinuses. Long standing infection and allergy lead to formation of polyps and complete blockage of sinuses leading to headaches and frequent cold. These sinuses are prone to recurrent infections as people inhale air which contains germs and allergens.When the tissue lining these sinuses gets infected, the condition is known as sinusitis.

Common colds, allergies, nasal polyps (soft, grape-like swelling of the lining of the sinuses), or a crooked nose bone blocking the nose can cause sinusitis.
It affects people of all ages and gender and is more common during seasonal changes.People having an existing allergic tendency and those residing in polluted cities are more prone to it. The cause can easily be determined by doing a CT Scan andor nasal endoscopy .

r Patients complain of nasal y blockage, runnystuffy nose, e facial pain, headache or high y fever that lasts for over 10 days.e Acute sinusitis lasts 10 to 14 o days with two or more symp toms and yellow green or g opaque nasal discharge. Subacute lasts four to eight weeks and chronic sinusitis lasts eight weeks or longer with symptoms of face swelling, nose block, pus in the nose and fever. Recurrent sinusitis is when several attacks occur within a year or symptoms lasting more than 12 months.

The diagnosis is made by history of the illness, combined with an examination. It is confirmed by CT scans or X-rays, mucus cultures and if required an endoscopy procedure using a tiny camera and lights, to look into the nose.

Medical treatment is by antibiotics, antiallergics, painkillers nasal drops and sprays and if required steroids and immunoglobulins to boost immunity . Self medication with over the counter prescriptions can often worsen acute sinutisis or make it chronic.

If medical treatments fail repeatedly and a blockage of the windows into the sinuses or a crooked nose bone or polyps are found on examination, endoscopic sinus surgery and septoplasty or a new technique called Balloon Sinuplasty (BSP) are done.Patients can resume work in two to five days after surgery .
Also, image guided systems are used to aid the surgeon in confirming the location of critical structures when the interior of the nose and sinuses is being operated. To use the image guidance navigation system, a CT scan of the sinuses is performed using a specific navigation system protocol. The scan is fed into a system which recreates anatomy in real time during surgery , so that absolutely safe and complete surgery can be performed. The best thing is that most patients can go home the same evening after the procedure.
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is a minimally invasive procedure performed to open up blocked sinuses when medical treatment has failed to give comfort.

It may resolve or become chronic or may progress to complications like infection of the brain, skull bones or the sockets of the eyes, leading to visual disturbances, which makes treatment far longer, much more expensive and surgical correction more extensive.

I Avoid things that cause allergies including foods, deo sprays, air fresheners and other strong smelling compounds that irritate the nose.I Steam inhalation always helps.This can even be done by running a hot shower after a bath and sitting in the steam for some time, for those who find it difficult to do direct inhalations.I Avoid smoking and drinking or reduce both these habits as much as possible.I Drink warm soups and fluids to help thin out the mucus.I Walk 15 minutes a day or indulge in deep breathing exercises every morning and evening to increase airflow through the nose and sinuses.I Avoid sitting under a fan with wet hair or directly in front of an air conditioner.

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