Friday, October 9, 2015


Whether she's in her 20s, 30s or 40s, the common mistake that women are guilty of making is to follow the same skin care regime for years with out realising that as they age, skin requirements change. 
Don't put off applying that sunscreen.It not only prevents your skin from getting tanned, but will also prevent those wrinkles and fine lines, which you think you're too young for. Make it a habit to reapply it every two to three hours for maximum protection.
Feel that using a hand sanitiser makes you look like a health freak? It doesn't! But it does protect your skin and you from a host of infections. Your hands touch hundreds of things everyday . And more often than not, you will use your hands to touch your face, which will lead to breakouts or rashes. Carry a sanitiser with you and make sure you even use it to wipe your phone clean.
Think that applying toothpaste on your zit will zap it away like it used to when you were a teenager? Adult acne can be even more severe than the acne you suffered from as a teen. Hence, avoid using home remedies and ask your dermatologist to prescribe something that will work effectively on your skin.
Resist the urge of popping those pimples, which seem to appear just on the eve of an important occasion. When you burst pimples using your fingers, it causes skin scarring. Instead, be patient and use your dermat's prescription to dry out the pimple.
While anti-ageing products may seem unnecessary during your 20s, an increasing number of experts are encouraging women to embrace antiaging serums and creams as they reach their late 20s.
Not sticking to a skincare regime in your 30s will cost you dearly in your 40s. Gone are the days when you could get away with not cleansing, toning and moisturing daily . As your skin ages, you need to give more attention to it. So, make sure that you not only use products that are age-appropriate, but also follow a skin care routine religiously . Your skin will thank you for it later.
Don't make the mistake of sleeping with your makeup on. This cardinal beauty sin can wreak havoc on your skin by clogging pores and causing pimples. So, no matter how tired you are, always remove your makeup before you go to bed.
Not exfoliating enough or over-exfoliating your skin is another mistake that many women make. Stick to exfoliation once a week, and don't forget to moisturise your skin every night before going to bed. Don't stick to one product just because it suits your skin. In your 30s, your skin tends to get drier and skin tone becomes uneven, so what worked in your 20s may not necessarily work now.Use products that will battle spots, dullness, fine lines and wrinkles.
In your 30s, you will notice that your skin starts to lose its elasticity, so make sure that you go for regular facials and cleanups. Pampering your skin will ensure that it doesn't give up on you in your 40s.
You will notice that your skin gets extremely dry in your 40s, hence, it is essential that you keep it well hydrated. The dryness can be attributed to hormonal changes as your body nears menopause. Hence, use a milk cleanser and moisturiser that deeply nourishes your skin.
During your 40s, many women get stressed about wrinkles, fine lines and spots and opt for different skin products, not realising that that could end up causing more problems. When you use too many beauty products, your skin may revolt and cause inflammation or redness. Stick to certain products that suit your skin.
See that thin, delicate layer of skin under your eyes? Make sure you give it extra attention. While cleansing, toning and moisturing is important, ensure that you don't forget to apply eye cream around your eyes or you'll be stuck with promiment under-eyebags.
Don't fall for all those advertisments that promise to bring back that glow from your 20s. And don't expect your anti-ageing prod ucts to perform miracles either. If you really want a drastic change, you'll have to visit a cosmetic surgeon, but avoid going under the knife because you never know if the results are what you were looking for in the first place.
Make sure that you get enough sleep. As we age, a lot of women bat tle insomnia (among other things) and lack of sleep can wreak havoc on your skin. It is also important to de-stress spend time doing things that make you happy -and it will reflect on your skin as well.

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