Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Patients suffering from low back pain often undergo X-rays or imaging scans to detect the source of the problem. But new research shows scanning to find the source of back pain may do more harm than good. Researchers from Oregon Health and Science University in Portland reviewed six clinical trials comprising nearly 2,000 patients with lower back pain and found that back pain patients who underwent scans didn't get better any faster or have less pain, depression or anxiety than patients who weren't scanned. More important, the data suggested that patients who get scanned for back pain may end up with more pain than those who are left alone, according to the report published in the medical journal Lancet. The problem, say researchers, is that back scans can turn up physical changes in the back that aren't really causing any problem. One study from The New England Journal of Medicine puts 98 people with no back pain into a magnetic resonance imaging scan. Even though all of them had healthy backs, two out of three of them came back with MRI reports that showed disk problems.
Scans are exposing people to radiation and people may be getting unnecessary surgery .They start to think of themselves as having a horrible back problem and they stop doing things that are good for them, when in reality ,a lot of people have degenerative disks and arthritis and have no pain at all. What is essential is to test is the functional ability of the spine. If the load bearing structure that supports and envelopes the spine is weak or unable to carry the load then that's when trouble starts. In the same way that one would do an ECG as the first test for a cardiac condition to test function the patient must undergo a spine function test to arrive at the root cause of their pain.
For instance, 42-year-old Digvijay Singh was diagnosed with Disc Herniation. He was suffering from severe back pain, heaviness and severe radiating pain in both legs. The pain also made it difficult for him to climb stairs or travel alone. He underwent a spine function test at the Qi Spine Clinic that revealed what no MRI or X-ray had shown him so far. It highlighted the lack of muscular (mechanical) strength in his spine. The doctors at Qi Spine Clinic used this precise diagnosis very effectively -with the help of new technology they isolated the muscles that needed strengthening and then targeted a non-invasive customised treatment program to that area. Digvijay is pain free today . A few weeks of this precise new approach to back pain treatment has helped reverse his condition.
Where: Qi Spine Clinics are located at Worli, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Ghatkopar , Marine Lines, Santacruz, Kandivali, Andheri, Vile Parle, Pune and Delhi.
Call: 8655885566, 9820096233.
http://www.qispine.com (*Procedures given are based on the expert's understanding of the said field)

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