Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Chakra Kundalini

Pure Energy Needs An Appropriate Channel

    Nature has its way of providing balance in Creation. For every aspect, there exists one that is equal and opposite. Darkness is the absence of light; silence the absence of sound. Duality in nature, the coexistence of the positive and the negative, lends meaning to the whole of existence.
    If at any given time, there exists the entire gamut of the positive and the negative, the two will balance each other out, the net result being shunya or zero. There would be everything, yet nothing. The only thing fitting such a description is the formless, the Nirakaar or Para Brahmn. This is the swaroop or essence of Shiva. In the words of Shankaracharya: “Na punyam na paapam na saukhyam na dukham, chidananda rupa Shivoham Shivoham” – Neither good nor bad, there is no joy or sorrow, only the Universal Presence.
    What then do we make of Nataraja, the dancing male form, or the half-man half-woman Ardhanareeswara, or the sadhu whose body is smeared with ash? Are all these mere mythological constructs? To understand the import of these, we need to go back to the beginning of Creation…
    When Creation began, there existed one Supreme Consciousness manifested as Adi Shakti, the Primordial feminine energy. From her emerged Shiva. The first physical manifestation of Creation was the sound “Aum” emanating from Shiva’s damru or drum. His dance of Creation gave form to the Universe. Thus, what manifested was Shiva and the energy responsible for this manifestation was also Shiva.
    Adi Shakti then chose to be the consort of Shiva as Parvati. While Creation (including Shiva) draws energy from Shakti, Shakti without Shiva is just pure energy that needs a vehicle to channelise itself. Complete evolution becomes a union of opposing forces. This evolution is seen as the awakening of the Kundalini or seat of energy in us. The process involves rising through the chakras, what rises up being Kundalini or Shakti. This is a semi-dormant force residing at the base chakra. Shiva seated at the highest chakra has to come down and unite with Shakti at every subsequent chakra. Samudra Manthan or churning of the celestial ocean where nectar and poison were both produced is the Kundalini’s awakening.
    Amrit or nectar is the union of Shiva-Shakti that bestows salvation. The vish or venom produced as an equal and opposite phenomenon necessitates the role of a guru in evolution. It was Shiva as Neelkanth who took in all the poison and preserved it in his throat for maintaining balance. In this sense, an evolved guru strives to achieve a balance.
    Shiva then becomes the transformer, the granter of salvation, ‘dev-adi-dev Mahadev’. The first experience of Shiva’s all-pervasive energy is in closing the eyes. With eyes shut, one experiences a vast expanse of space, the chittakaash, wherein lies everything perceivable and unperceivable.
    The night of Mahashivratri has special significance as the energy patterns of this day resonate with the Shiva’s energy. For a spiritual aspirant this is the night of Sanatan Kriya and mantra sadhna. The guru, in his role as facilitator, gives the discipleseeker a specific mantra and kriya to practise at the right time on this night. Mahashivratri creates an ambience that enables close communion between seekers, the guru and seeker, and helps one to focus on channelising one’s energy in positive ways.


Understanding chakras

Understanding chakras is vital to harnessing the internal energy of the body and mind. Yoga guru Surakshit Goswami explains two important chakras — Anaahat Chakra and Vishudhhi Chakra

Anaahat Chakra: 

The word anaahat means unhurt. Situated near the heart in the Sushumna Naadi, Anaahat Chakra is also known as Hridaya Chakra. It is considered to be an important centre of microcosmic sound, which is known as Anahad Naad. This sound continuously resonates in our heart but is audible only when a practitioner reaches the highest state of Dyad. 
Anaahat Chakra is centre of:
• Pure feelings
• Love
• Peace
• Sensitiveness 

It has 12 petals. This chakra is related to the manonaya kosh (spiritual receptacle) that controls our feelings. In this chakra rests the life force in an ascending position. By continuous practice, a practitioner raises the kundalini power from Manipoor Chakra to Anaahat Chakra. He is in control of his sense organs and is assured of peace.

Vishudhhi Chakra: 

This chakra is located in Sushumna, behind the throat, and is called Shodhham Kendra or purifying centre. It prevents the spread of toxic substances in the body. Yogic literature mentions ambrosia that is released from Sahasraar Chakra, reaches Vishudhhi Chakra, and from there is distributed to other organs. This flow of ambrosia increases the body's power, prowess, energy and longevity. Vishudhhi Chakra is a lotus with 16. 
This chakra affects:
• The neck
• Tonsils
• Sound-generating organ
• Thyroid
• Parathyroid glands 

It is related to the Vijnanmaya Kosh, which is responsible for mental development. It also has the capacity to catch thought waves. By concentrating on this chakra, the mind becomes pure and serene. When a person raises his kundalini power from Anaahat Chakra and places it in Vishudhhi Chakra, he attains several anaahat siddhis. 


Sahaj Yoga: Master Key

    Our ancient heritage is the repository of several techniques which come to our rescue in today’s stressful world. Sahaj Yoga is one of them. It finds mention in the discourses of Guru Nanak, Sankaracharya, Kabir and Sant Dyaneshwar. It is invaluable for one’s mental, physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. Mata Nirmala Devi has popularised the technique in over 90 countries and has helped weary souls come to terms with stress and suffering.

    Sahaj Yoga is the kundalini, the divine energy, which lies below the sacrum at the bottom of the vertebral column, which when stimulated ascends through the sushumna nadi, the spine, and corresponds to the parasympathetic nervous system. There is a spontaneous awakening and the union of our primordial energy with the all-pervading power of the divine. The awakening of the kundalini allows divine energy to pass through the six chakras or energy centres which take care of the physical, mental, psychosomatic and spiritual aspects of the body.

    In today’s fast moving world we often overstretch ourselves to achieve our goals. Stress is its side effect and it adversely affects our body system. But Sahaj Yoga is an easy way to distress ourselves. It makes us experience love and compassion.

    What does Sahaj Yoga mean? Saha means with us, ja means born and yoga is union. Sahaj Yoga is therefore spontaneous. Through it the residual divine energy, which resides in sacrum bone is awakened and energised. There are three nadis in our body, namely ida, the sympathetic nervous system on the left which controls our temperament; pingala, the sympathetic nervous system on the right which controls our physical and mental wellbeing; and sushumna nadi, the parasympathetic nervous system at the centre which has chakras to give us our qualitative attributes. If a person activates the chakras in this nadi, he would attain spiritual ascent and enjoy life to the fullest.

    Sahaj Yoga considers six chakras, namely mooladhar chakra, swadhi sthan chakra, nabhi chakra, anahat chakra, shuddhi chakra, agnya (not a chakra) and sahasrura chakra. All these correspond to a particular place on the hand and to a particular element of the universe. Each is attributed with special qualities.

    The first chakra – mooladhar chakra – depicts the element earth and attributes qualities of innocence and wisdom. The swadhi sthan chakra represents the element fire and is responsible for creativity and divine knowledge. Nabhi chakra, representing water, gives us sustenance and dharma. Anahat chakra represents air and attributes the qualities of love, maryada and fearlessness. It awakens the atma or soul. The shuddhi chakra representing the element ether is associated with divine diplomacy. It maintains integration between mind and speech. Speech is important and a proper coordination between thought and speech assures better communication. Agnya is for forgiveness and resurrection, representing the element light.

    If we are tense we cannot utilise the full potential of mind. Tension and anger have to be controlled. If this area of the spine is awakened, one can control one’s anger. The last chakra is the sahasrura chakra and represents all the five elements of the universe. Its place is the centre of the palm. This chakra attributes the qualities of collective consciousness and integration.

    Sahaj Yoga is a master key to solving the problems of the mind and the body. One has to learn to awaken one’s kundalini to experience happiness and enjoy the fruits of Sahaj Yoga.  


What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini yoga is a form of physical and meditative yoga that comprises of various techniques using the mind, body and our senses.

The Kundalini energy is often represented as a snake coiled at the base of the spine. This yoga gives special consideration to the role of the spine and the endocrine system - both essential parts for yogic awakening.

The Kundalini is untapped spiritual energy at the base of the spine that can be drawn up through the body awakening each of the seven chakras of the body. Full enlightenment occurs when this energy reaches the Crown Chakra (topmost). Kundalini is one of the more spiritual types of yoga.

It goes beyond the physical performance of asanas with its emphasis on breathing, meditation, mudras and chanting. However, it can be very physically intense and appeals to those who are up for both mental and physical challenges. Here are some of the benefits one can derive from Kundalini yoga.

- Kundalini yoga helps in the better functioning of the digestive, glandular, cardiovascular, lymphatic and nervous system.

- It has a direct bearing with the glandular system and hence can enhance the ability to look and feel great.

- It heightens the senses. So, your ability to taste, smell, feel and see with sensitivity are increased.

- It helps eliminate and get rid of habits such as smoking and alcohol addiction.

- Kundalini yoga helps to enrich your sense of well-being and confidence that comes from the process of self-discovery of your inner self and reaching a relaxed state of mind and body.

- It also helps overcome negative feelings and encourages positive attitude and feelings.

- You can experience better sense of self-control and, overcome anger and resentment to find inner calm and mental peace.

- It strengthens the immune system too and helps you fight off several diseases and keep them at bay. A positive mind is a great weapon against all of them. 


Entire Cosmos Is There In The Human Body

Yoga scriptures say that the prana-shakti or life force called kundalini dwells at the base of the sushumna, the spinal column, in the muladhara or base chakra of each individual from where it controls the entire physiological system through its network of 72,000 nerves.

    There are two dimensions to the prana-shakti: at the external level, the life force operates through the sense organs and takes care of our worldly lives; at the internal or spiritual level, usually the kundalini remains dormant.

    Kriya yoga consists of a number of pranayambased techniques that help in hastening the process of spiritual evolution through awakening of the dormant kundalini with controlled breathing. The practitioner of kriya yoga endeavours to make the pranic energy revolve upward and downward, around the six spinal centres or chakras situated in the sushumna — muladhara, swadhishthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddha and ajna.

    Within the human body, or what is referred to as the pinda, is contained the entire cosmos or Brahmanda: the first five chakras, from muladhar to vishuddha, are the centres of pancha-bhutas or the five elements — earth, water, fire, air and ether. The sixth chakra, ajna, is the seat of the mind, while the seventh, the sahasrara, is located in the brain, and represents Shiva, the supracausal state of Consciousness. The seven lokas corresponding to the seven chakras are bhu, bhuvah, swarga, maha, jana, tapa and satya.

    Paramhansa Yogananda says “One-half minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his evolution; that half-minute of kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment... One thousand kriyas practised in 8.5 hours give the yogi, in one day, the equivalent of 1,000 years of natural evolution or 365,000 years of evolution in one year.”

    Yogananda was ordained by the will of the great Mahavtar Babaji — the ever-youthful yogi of the Himalayas — to share the ancient kriya yoga technique of attaining Self-realisation with the world.

    Through kriya yoga the awakened kundalini renders the pinda pure by piercing the chakras. The seeker is then able to enter into deep meditation spontaneously and begins to experience mystic phenomena associated with higher levels of Consciousness.

    A stage comes in meditation when the seeker starts hearing rapturous divine music called anahada nada that manifests in 10 different forms: chin-chin, chinchina, the bell, the conch, the veena, the cymbals, the flute, the mridang, the kettledrum, and finally, thunder or meghanada.

    The meghanada, accompanied with the sound of AUM, leads the seeker to nirvikalpa samadhi, the supra-causal state of Consciousness, where the awakened kundalini finally unites with Shiva in sahasrara. The seeker then begins to perceive the scintillating neel bindu, the seed of the universe, which is surrounded by a golden halo tinged with saffron.

    This sublime experience bestows upon the seeker spiritual enlightenment and realisation dawns upon him that both the perceived, the external universe, and the perceiver, the individual Self, are manifestations of the same Consciousness and that just as innumerable bubbles and waves of the ocean are inseparable from the ocean, so also the entire universe with myriad names and forms emanates from pure Consciousness and is no different from it.


Navratri: Awaken Your Inner Shakti
Anandmurti Gurumaa

    Although known individually as Durga, Kali, Saraswati and Lakshmi – the goddesses simply represent different forms of Shakti, the primordial cosmic energy, the divine feminine creative power.
    Ancient sages have narrated the union of Shiva with Shakti. Shakti represents primordial cosmic energy responsible for the processes of creation and destruction that occur unceasingly. The foundation of Shiva is the all-pervading Supreme Consciousness, without which even Shakti cannot function. The great sages named this primordial cosmic energy as Devi – the one who creates, preserves and destroys.
    The all-pervasive primordial cosmic energy is present even in the human body, where it is referred to as the kundalini, dormant in the muladhara chakra situated in the subtle body. As long as this energy remains dormant, human life cannot evolve and attain greater heights.
    Yoga, especially raja yoga, chakra yoga, detail the various practices required to awaken this dormant energy. While primordial energy resides in the muladhara chakra, Shiva resides in the sahasrara chakra at the top of the head. Until and unless a union takes place between Shakti and Shiva, human life lacks spiritual awakening.
    The transformation that happens in a person’s life when the kundalini gets awakened is phenomenal. It is as though the perishable mortal body metamorphoses into the form of Shiva.
    Science differentiates between matter and energy. However, tantra regards them as one; matter as gross form of energy and energy as the subtle form of matter. The divine essence of this energy is called Shakti.
    One cannot attain spiritual evolution without the presence of Shakti. As long as this energy is not awakened and remains dormant, a human life remains incomplete. If one lives in fear, perpetually seeking sensual gratification, sleep and lethargy despite having a human body, it is then indeed, a low level of existence.
    It is for the awakening of this very energy that ancient sages described this spiritual practice and worship for a period of nine days. For all nine days, devotees of Devi observe fasting, perform spiritual practices and rituals and lead a virtuous life.
    However, these days, Navratri is being observed in an antiquated, traditionalistic and ritualistic way only – people think that it is just about fasting for nine days, eating vegetarian food and abstaining from alcohol. But this is not the essence of Navratri. The mysterious, abstruse significance can only be fathomed by the one for whom the virtuous way of living is not restricted only to Navratri but is adopted for an entire lifetime.
    It is perfectly alright to house and worship an idol of Devi Durga. However, as long as you don’t make the effort to awaken the inner primordial cosmic energy, you will be unable to comprehend the profound spiritual significance of Navratri.
    Shakti and Shiva are incomplete without each other. This implies that unless the Shakti inherent within you is awakened, until it ascends upwards piercing all chakras and merges with Shiva at the sahasrara, Shakti cannot be the source of bliss and wisdom.
    The nine days of Navratri are an opportunity to perform and observe spiritual practices for awakening of Shakti.


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