Monday, December 28, 2015

I only eat half-a-plate or less but I gain weight fast

I have a low metabolism rate. My friends eat three plates of rice and are still thin and I only eat half-a-plate or less but I gain weight fast. I can't eat well because I am always scared of gaining weight. How can I increase my metabolism rate?

- It's not that because you have a low metabolic rate that you eat less -it's because you eat less that you have a low rate of burning. Yes, as surprising as this may sound it is the truth -when we eat far lesser than our need (read BMR) our body shuts down its efficiency of burning and starts allocat ing lesser for each of it metabolic activities than normal such that it can manage with the lesser supply of fuel that is being giving. This is the efficacy of the magical human body -it adapts to survive in all given situations.Now once the metabolic rate is switch to low mode whatever you eat your body cannot finish burning and thus the balance is stored in your body as fat. Increased fat again is the best-known reason to further reduce your metabolic rate and thus the vicious cycle continues. The easiest (but the most uncommonly used) way to boost your metab is start eating small, frequent, healthy meals. Just like running and dancing burns calories so does digestion -it too is a calorie burning process ­ thus eat every two hours to constantly keep your body in the gym whether you are or not. Never fear food -food is not calories -and eating doesn't make you gain weight. Not eating, wrong eat ing, fatty preparation meth ods and large portion sizes are the main culprits not food.

Use this advise as Santa's eternal gift for happy success ful weight loss.

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