Thursday, November 7, 2013

November 07, 2013



After winning the first ever Miss Diva 2013 contest, Manasi Moghe is all geared up to represent India at the mother of all beauty pageants, Miss Universe 2013!

The iconic pageant will be held in Moscow, Russia on the 9th of November 2013. We caught up with Manasi Moghe as she spilled the beans about her preparation for Miss Universe and much more...

Tell us about your experience when you competed for Miss Diva 2013 this year.

Being crowned Miss India was my childhood dream. I always wanted to be here. The passion and aspiration to fulfil my dream motivated me to come back to Miss Diva. I'm a very hopeful, positive and optimistic person. My dad always taught me to seek positivity in whatever situation one faces. With the help of my Miss India experience, I prepared myself accordingly and came back to Miss Diva with full confidence and desire.

The feeling of being first Miss Diva is just amazing. I'm the 50th Miss Universe India. So definitely this is something very special and it is a unique feeling for me but at the same time it is a big responsibility too.

How has your personality changed since then? Have you changed as a person too?

There is a 360° change in my life. Now people know me and see me differently. I could be an inspiration to others. I'm an engineer by profession and now a beauty queen. Both are poles apart, but since I always wanted to be here, I'm enjoying each and every moment of my life. I have to follow the schedule given to me by the Miss India Organisation, so this is keeping me disciplined & organized. Besides this I've learned the art of patience and time management.

What does the Miss Universe title mean to you?

Miss Universe is the only opportunity of its kind that reaches out to the entire human race with every passing minute. This is a global platform that would allow me to connect, communicate and influence people. Inspire them to dream, build and actualise their dreams like I did. I will undertake my responsibility with complete honesty and fulfil all my duties towards the organisation.

How has been the preparation so far?

Schedules are very hectic but at the same time very useful too. I work out regularly and for this I must thank Sameer Purohit for his intense training. I follow a proper balanced diet and drink lots of water daily. I keep my skin hydrated and moisturised. I ensure that I remove all my makeup before going to bed.

What was your state of mind when you were chosen to compete for Miss Diva title?

Winning the Miss Diva 2013 title was definitely an achievement for me because I am the 50th Miss India Universe. So it is a great feeling of course. But this is just the beginning of my journey. My real hard work and test will begin now. Now my only aim is to get the Miss Universe crown back to India.

What are the sub-titles that you're aiming to win at the international pageant?

I'll try to deliver my best throughout the journey of Miss Universe and will give my 100% effort for all the sub titles in the pageant. Rest all I leave it on the almighty to decide.

What do you think sets you apart from the other girls in the competition?

I am a people's person, and my core strength is being able to mould myself into any situation that comes my way. It's very important to connect and communicate in order to understand and that's something I enjoy and exude naturally. And Indian beauty is a blend of modern and traditional values, as much as we are moving ahead with the countries, we are holding on tight on our traditional values.

How confident are you of winning the Miss Universe title?

I'm very positive and optimistic. Confidence automatically boosts up with positivity and I just have to be myself and have faith in myself.

Any plans to move to Bollywood after this?

Currently my focus is only on Miss Universe. But I like dancing and acting so hopefully in future if get a nice opportunity to showcase my talent then I would love to do that.

A Bollywood actor you would love to work with...

For the answer to this question I have a long list but if I have to be specific then I would love to work with Ranbir Kapoor and Salman Khan.

What do you wish to take back from your experience in Moscow?

Miss Universe experience will be a lifetime experience for me which definitely I'm going to cherish throughout my life. I'll meet so many gorgeous girls from different countries; I'll learn so much about their cultures, language etc. This is the first time I'll be travelling to Moscow and I'm very excited and looking forward to it. This will be a complete learning experience.

Any closing thoughts, message to your fans?

I just want to thank all of them for their support and love and want to tell them to please shower the same love and support on me. I need all your blessings because I'm going for India. Cheer for India!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 05, 2013



    Do not dismiss your granny the next time she gives you an earful about the virtues of a good old champi. There is wisdom in those words. Beautiful skin, hair and nails do not have to be synonymous with lighter wallets and wasting hours on end. We bring you a compilation of some amazing beauty techniques from around the world. Not only are they intriguing, but also completely natural. From soothing a flaky scalp to getting lustrous skin, there’s a way to have it all. 
You surely must have tried cucumber slices to lighten dark circles around your eyes. And there’s also a range of haemorrhoidal creams to treat under-eye circles. Weird as it sounds, it is supposed to work like a dream! Not brave enough to try it? Then follow Spanish women and use very thin potato slices over your eyes. Keep them on for ten minutes. You will notice that they actually lighten the skin reducing the blueness of the veins under your eyes. 

Cellulite is every woman’s despair and there seems to be no way to shooing it away. Here’s a thing to learn from Brazilian women, who rub sand on their bodies. When it comes to cellulite, dry brushing is the best, natural and probably, the only way to getting rid of them. So, use sand to kiss cellulite goodbye. 
Beauty regimens need not mean spending a bomb on products or devoting a lot of time to it (unless you are greatly inspired by Cleopatra). Some of the most easily available things straight off your kitchen shelves can be used for beautifying your self. Greek and Italian women use olive oil to sooth and repair chapped lips. It is the best treatment to heal dry and irritated skin. It also conditions skin and lips while making it glow beautifully. 

Want skin that defies age-related problems? Sip on white tea like the Chinese do. It protects your skin from free radicals and you don’t need to worry about Botox, fillers, collagen and the likes. 
Suffering from dandruff? Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil to your shampoo and kiss those flakes goodbye. This is a foolproof trick from down under to getting rid of dandruff. Be careful with the essential oils though. Massage your scalp with a few drops to see the change. 
They aren’t called the world’s most beautiful women for nothing. Scandinavian women are credited with flawless skin and aging gracefully. Water plays an essential role in their skincare regime, drinking lots of spring water along with treating their face to it. Steaming your face while in the shower helps open the pores and unclog all the impurities lodged in them. You can also use a hot towel to cover your face for a few minutes for this purpose. Then splash your face with ice cold water. Cold water closes the pores and tightens the skin. It also helps eliminate puffiness. A good 20 splashes with cold water should do the trick.
So what is the secret to the super strong nails of women from the Dominican Republic? Garlic. It is the natural way to strengthen your nails and to ward off vampires! Want sturdy nails? Chop fresh garlic pods and add them to a bottle of clear nail polish. Leave them in there for seven to eight days. Paint your nails with this concoction. Although it will smell initially, it is a small price to pay to getting rid of brittle nails.

November 05, 2013

‘Mind-reading’ camera shoots whatever you find interesting!

‘Mind-reading’ camera shoots whatever you find interesting! 

    Researchers have developed a wearable camera that starts recording when it detects that you are interested in what you are seeing. The camera incorporates sensors that detect electrical activity in the wearer’s brain. Depending on how much activity is detected, the user’s interest level in what they're observing is assigned a numerical value from 1 to 100. Any time that number exceeds 60, a 5-second GIF animated clip is recorded, capturing whatever happens to be in the forward-facing camera’s line of sight. Those clips are date- and locationstamped, and stored in a video album for subsequent review. A manual mode is also accessible, for those times when users want to record footage of things that they themselves are not all that excited about. In its current prototype form, the neurocam uses an integrated smartphone as its brains, storage medium, and camera.

November 05, 2013

How cool is it to be ‘liked’ online?

How cool is it to be ‘liked’ online?

For a lot of people who use social networking websites, comments, re-posts and likes are forms of validation. Here’s why...

    An internet search for the subject of ‘likes’ on any popular search engine will give you about 579,000,000 web page results. The top two search results are about people who ‘like’ someone’s fan page but do not show up in the ‘likes’ list and the second, an online group to deal with the frustrations of not getting enough ‘likes’. There are even services that offer (for a fee, of course) a certain amount of online ‘fans’ and likes so as to boost your fan page ratings. So it’s pretty apparent that a lot of people attach a lot of importance to this.
But the question is, why do we get that little thrill when we log on to our social networking page and see an increased number of ‘likes’? Why is the measure for popularity for a new rock group the number of comments or likes?
Is it perhaps because it is so
much simpler to measure and quantify ‘likes’ as a measure of popularity? Similarly, you will find posts from people or establishments on your news feed asking you to like their page and in return, perhaps as a friendly gesture, do the same for you, if you have a page to promote. Arjun M, who is the admin of a photography appreciation page says, “A certain number of ‘likes’ doesn’t necessarily correlate into legitimacy. For example, a person might actually have fewer than 1,000 friends perhaps but will have 2,000 or even up to 5,000 ‘likes’ for a fairly ordinary picture. And then you’d only have to scroll to the photo comments section to see the kind of things people say. It’s not uncommon for people to have completely unrelated discussions on the thread, adding to the total comment count. So, it might look like something that’s being talked about and popular, but actually isn’t.”
    There’s another angle to this online trend. “I noticed that a few people in my friend list, who are known faces, posting a status that went something like: ‘Hi guys, my friend list has reached its limit and I cannot accept any more. So please go to my fan page and add me there’ or ‘Hey guys, I will be closing this page from next month, so for pictures, news and more please go to my fan page and add me there’,” he adds. “When a personal page is changed to a fan page, that person’s friend list, if big enough in number, gets automatically transferred to the fan page, giving the impression
of added popularity,” says Sunil B, who used to be a freelance web designer.
    But do more likes translate into more visibility online? Apparently, it is true. The algorithm of a popular social network reads the number of likes/shares/comments a person/fan page or establishment gets and the more those numbers are, the more exposure to certain people and the profile it belongs to, will get. It is somewhat similar to the way search engine algorithms work. The more popular a certain search term is, the higher up it will show in the search results page.
    All of these ‘likes’ and numbers contribute to a person’s ‘EdgeRank’, which is nothing but a metering system that assigns your profile a score, which dictates how your page interacts with other people’s profiles. In other words, it dictates how often and how high up you show in someone’s news feed. So, the next time you are tempted to hit that button, give this a thought.
November 05, 2013



Here’s how you can do it without causing unpleasantness

    Breakups are a part of life. There are friends we outgrow, relatives and family, who we distance ourselves from and spouses we cut ties with. However, how do you ‘breakup’ with someone who you weren’t even officially seeing? The one who was never introduced as your prospective partner because, well, you weren’t aware of what was
going on between the two of you. We’re talking about the guy/girl who would never make it to meeting the friends/parents, who you’re still ‘just good friends’ with, who you’ve never had ‘the’ talk with, apart from other things. While most of us experience this; it gets difficult to end it without making it bitter. Here’s a ‘what you must do’ when bidding adieu to someone you are not in a relationship with. 

THINK OUT LOUD >> First of all, it is important for you to know whether you feel for this somebody. If you don’t, we see no reason why you shouldn’t let go of her/him. But if you have that little something going on for the person, make a move, tell them what you feel.

FRIENDS OR NOT? >> Know what to do next. Is it going to be uncomfortable for the two of you to remain friends? Or are you willing to be emotionally available to each other? Either way, gauge the situation and decide if you still want to be in touch or not. 

MEET IN PERSON >> Make sure you do this face-to-face, because that’s how it needs to be done. There remains less clarity when a relationship ends over the phone or via email. To leave no scope for doubt, talk it out. 
DELETE FOREVER >> If you’ve decided not to be pals anymore, stand by the same and stay out of touch. While it is okay to be acquaintances, deleting them from your life would be advisable. 
HAVE THAT TALK >> Talk about where this is going. Chances are the two of you feel zero chemistry anymore, so this should not be a heart-breaker. Be frank about how you have nothing more to offer to each other. 

LET GO >> If there was that slim chance for it to work, it would have, and there would be some initiation from the other side too. But since that’s not the case, do not brood over the loss. Instead, let it go.
November 05, 2013

Anger Management at work

Anger Management at work

Try not to stress at work

    All of us work under immense pressure at the workplace, how you deal with that pressure is what sets you apart. If you’re tired of being constantly angry and dissatisfied at your workplace, here are a few quick remedies to help you be less of a sourpuss. 

ACCEPT THE SITUATION: You cannot change the way an organisation has been functioning, so just accept the reality of the workplace you’re in and try finding the good in a bad situation.

FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE: Stop mulling over the negatives and try dwelling on the positives instead. No situation is all bad. What’s the one area you can excel at or the one aspect you have complete control over? Look for the silver lining. 

through is probably something many others have gone through before you as well. Stop looking at yourself as the victim and stop living under the illusion that the world is out to get you. 

STOP OBSESSING: Work to the best of your abilities and give it your best shot but
don’t let it consume every aspect of your life. Set some limits to the amount of time and energy you expend on your job and allow yourself some healthy distractions in the form of family and friends or indulging in creative things which you love the most.
November 05, 2013

Is an office romance worth it?

Is an office romance worth it?

Weigh the pros and cons of a workplace-fling before indulging in it

    When Stella first started dating Melvin, she wasn’t surprised to find herself the subject of office gossip. Everyone seemed to have an opinion on her and the romance and even things completely unrelated to her! The two ended up getting married but not after making the decision that she would leave the company and move to another job. Intertwining work with pleasure is dangerous business and can work both in your favour and against you. 

THE GOOD: A recent survey revealed that four out of ten people admitted to marrying their office sweethearts and having successful marriages despite the speculation that they don’t last. “One of the many advantages of seeing someone from your workplace is that you’re always around each other and that gives you a chance to know each other better,” says Andrea Barlow, sales executive, at a Mumbai-based firm, adding, “The one thing you need to keep in check is being discreet. On the practical side, if the relationship were to blossom and lead to something more, you’d end up saving a lot of money and time.”
These covert rendezvous’ have quite a few plus sides. To start with, the thrill makes work exciting and not just a tedious nine-to-five experience. Above that, however, you have the constant company of someone who understands an extremely essential part of you — your professional life. It’s that unique connect that most couples strive to find and it goes a
long way in cementing the foundations of your relationship. 

THE BAD: Typically, the biggest worry is that taking your ‘work to bed’ is unethical and can go against company norms. “Indulging in a work romance can potentially ruin your performance at work. Ask yourself if you’d rather be known as the guy having a fling or the best performer of the company,” says relationship writer and expert, Pooja Kadam. “Dating someone from work can also give way to a lot of insecurities and competition. If you’re both equally work-oriented, you might end up chasing the same promotion and that

kind of rivalry, despite being professional, can be toxic for a relationship,” she adds. 

THE UGLY: Prepare yourself for the ‘what if it doesn’t work out’ situation, which, needless to say will be awkward and painful. The best way to ensure that an office romance doesn’t damage your reputation or work is to make sure that it doesn’t get too messy and other people don’t get involved. By doing so, you will only save yourself the pain of your career being put in jeopardy. If your ‘secret relationship’ turns out to be a disaster, you have to make an effort to be a professional through it all, which might be a painstaking task.
November 05, 2013

Want to be happier? Bond with your mother-in-law, says study

Want to be happier? Bond with your mother-in-law, says study

New research says those who do so, lead happier lives than those who don’t

    Arecent study believes that daughters-in-law led better, balanced (and thereby, happier) lives and dealt with fewer disappointments and lesser resentment when they maintained a strong relationship with their mothers-in-law. The inference is that when there exists only one mother figure in the family, there may be conflicts with the non-connected partner. 


Most of the time, she may not be sweet to you, bake cookies for you or even support the decisions you make. Even so, go that extra mile to strike the right balance with her to avoid difficulties at all times.

Ever thought of putting yourself in her shoes, if only to check where her ‘meddling’ or ‘judgmental’ behaviour stems from? Do that and keep in mind: Your ma-in-law is one of the most important people in your husband’s life. Be sure it isn’t jealousy that is driving a wedge between you two. 

She may be difficult to handle. But remember, your ma-in-law is different from you. Try and talk to her as much as possible. This leads to a comfort level and stronger understanding, sooner rather than later. 
This is probably the hardest thing to do if she’s constantly rattling you. Says relationship expert and clinical psychologist Seema Hingorrany, “Make sure you don’t criticise your mother-in-law in front of your spouse. This may make matters worse for you.” 

Sometimes, deflecting criticism with humour can soften her barbs and also put everyone at ease. She’s constantly complaining about you? Get humour to bail you out. 

Definitely don’t go out of your way for this one. You may come across as a faker if you do. Simply
acknowledge the things she does for you and the family. Sound and be genuine when you do praise her.
    Housewife Minoti Ganguly, 36, shares, “At dinner, I make it a point to sit down with the whole family and praise my mother-in-law to not only win her heart but also, to make everyone understand how much she’s still doing for us. This way, we’ve managed to strike the right bond.” 

Don’t allow your relationship with the mother-in-law to be directed by her assumptions of you and your needs. If the two of you have had misgivings about something, sit down an clear it out


AVOID ESCALATING CONFLICT Not on the same page with her? Back off; end the conversation and a potential argument. 

GET SPOUSAL SUPPORT In the very least, let him know there’s trouble brewing. That way, if there is an argument, he’ll side with you. 

COMMUNICATE WITH HER Most women shy away, thinking it could worsen matters. Fact of the matter is, not talking to her directly, does that.

November 05, 2013

Translucent saris, a trend this festive season

Translucent saris, a trend this festive season

Shriya Saran

Anchal Kumar

Mandira Bedi

Prachi Desai

    Peak-a-boo fashion has got a desi twist this season. From translucent saris in net to ones in fabrics like chiffon and georgette, the trend at the moment, atleast for those looking to do ethnicwear with a twist is to flaunt a bit of skin, but in the right, lady-like way.
    Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve had various sightings of the net sari at various festive celebrations in the city. The most eye-catching
way to sport this trend is to pair together a blouse and petticoat in pop colours like Shriya Saran. You can also take a cue from Anchal Kumar and opt for a net sari in a bright, eye-catching hue with a heavily embellished or embroidered blouse. Or go slightly risque like Mandira in a noodle-strap blouse or more conservative like Prachi in a traditional sleeveless blouse and pastel net sari.
November 05, 2013

Shed those extra kilos post wedding

Shed those extra kilos post wedding

Women often tend to let go of themselves post their big day, leading to weight gain and loss of stamina. Experts tell you how to take care of those kilos in a healthy way 

Don’t become lax post your wedding. Lose those extra kilos immediately
Don’t become lax post your wedding. Lose those extra kilos immediately


    Wedding is the time when most women take it easy. While they want to look the best for their big day, once it’s over, the waistline is the most neglected part of their being as marital bliss sets in. Says fitness expert Mamtaa Joshi, “While most of us make an extra effort to lose weight and tighten up any flabby bits to look good in our wedding dress, most women end up gaining weight immediately after marriage.”
    In fact, a study conducted in the US has shown that 22 per cent of newlywed women put on weight within the first year after their wedding, with an average gain of 10 kilos. The research also revealed that a third of all brides found it difficult to keep up a healthy diet and exercise regime once they didn’t have their wedding day looming to motivate them constantly. If you’re a newlywed, here’s what you should watch out for. 

WHAT LEADS TO POST-WEDDING WEIGHT GAIN Hormones play a big role in weight gain post marriage, say fitness experts. According to a research conducted in the US, the emotional
shift that comes with commitment can
cause a change in brain chemistry, which may
affect our weight. Relaxing into a deep attachment to a mate has the effect of increasing oxytocin — the ‘love drug’ brain chemical that is linked to bonding.
    However, hormones are only a part of the problem. Often, women tend to relax too much and don’t take care about what they eat till they realise they are heavier, opine trainers.
Fitness expert Vinod Channa says, “I get cases where many women want to get back into shape after their marriage or want to reduce fat, build stamina, strength and flexibility.” Seconds Joshi, “Women often come and tell us that they were thin before marriage and suddenly put on a lot of weight. I recommend a strict diet and exercise plan for them.” 

PLAN YOUR DIET Diet plays a very important role in losing weight post marriage. Says Channa, “Eat food that contains lesser calories and is less oily. Avoid bakery products, sweets and fattening foods. At night, prefer to have vegetable soup, tofu, fish, green vegetables and sprouts. Most importantly, keep a tab on your consumption of carbs during the day,” advises Channa. 

CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORKOUT If you wish to lose those extra kilos, select appropriate workouts that will help build strength, stamina and improve your flexibility. “Any form of cardio exercise with endurance training or swimming should be combined with diet control,” says Joshi. You can also burn more calories by selecting workouts for your legs and back or opt for jogging or yoga. 
TIPS TO LOSE THAT WEIGHT Exercise daily Try any form of cardio exercise or take up swimming Vary exercises on regular basis so that it does not become monotonous Going for a brisk morning or evening walk with your husband is also recommended Sleep well Have food with less fat percentage. Check your diet intake when eating out

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November 02, 2013



    Most of the city is already gleaming with lights, and the excitement of Diwali is in the air. And today, on Dhanteras, most of us will go shopping. As you get ready to welcome Goddess Lakshmi, and meet and greet your friends to celebrate the occasion as well, one of the most important things on your mind is the gifts. Whom to give what? How to keep it less expensive, as well as unique. The festival remains incomplete without the exchange of gifts, but this Diwali, maybe you can get modern and yet let tradition take a bow when you choose those gifts. Yes, there are chocolate, dry fruits, candles, decorative pieces, jewellery and more – but what caught our eyes, as we went on a recce, were gifts that stood out for their innovativeness...
CHOCOLICIOUS The shops are loaded with an amazing range of chocolate this year. Traditional sweets and dry fruits seem to have taken a backseat, and we spotted even Ganesh and Lakshmi murtis in chocolate in one of the shops! Choco Creations has come up with a festive range of chocolate, which include chocolate greeting cards, chocolate diyas, and decorative pieces. They even have chocolate perfumed with fruity fragrances. Says Sandip Sharma, the executive at the shop, “The goddess has been a sell-out and this year, the demand for chocolate items has
gone up.” In the other shops, we also spotted chocolate in strawberry, rose, honey, orange and mango flavours here.
One can definitely add some zing to
Diwali by gifting diyas decorated with colours and dazzlers. “Since people want a traditional touch in everything, we have those terracotta diyas filled with coloured wax, handcrafted in various designs – these are fast sellers. Many add these to the pack of namkeens/dry fruits that they give as gifts. Even chocolate have been customised in various designs,” informs Aseem Mahajan, owner of a gift gallery in Raja Park.
    Colourful aromatic diyas, and other traditional knickknacks in various shapes and designs are also selling like hot cakes in the market. An array of glittering lamps, door hangings, designer candles and idols are available to fit every pocket. “I don’t like candles as they do not give me the feel terracota diyas give. So, I always go for earthen diyas,” says Sonal Shah, a homemaker. Counters Rama Bhatia, “I love those small flat candles. They look very glamourous, plus I like to light them and leave them floating in a pool of water in the garden outside.”
THE PUJA THALI FOR INDOPHILES “I have foreigner friends, and they love it when they get traditional gifts. So, this year, I am going to give them the traditional puja thali, but with a modern twist – in metal, so that it won’t break or get damaged,” says Saloni Shukla, an entrepreneur. The shopkeepers have seen a demand for thaals, and even Diwali gift hampers of dry fruits and sweet boxes have been topped with puja thalis this time. Intricately handcrafted thalis with roli, kumkum, haldi, diya and dry fruits are a rage. “This makes a good gifting option for everyone. We have them in an
affordable range, of 300 to 1500 in various metals. We also have ones decorated with gotta patti and kundan meena work,” says Rohit Singhal, a shop owner in a city mall.

Chocolate diyas, 450

Chocolate Ganpati, yours for 2500

Candles in various shapes

Aromatic candle diyas

Chocolate diyas

<< Puja nariyal sweet

Flower-diya cupcake

A lantern to light up your home
November 02, 2013



You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression. Here’s what you shouldn’t do to spare yourself some embarrassment

    First dates are a tricky affair and can often leave you a confused wreck. Here’s a list of things you should NOT do if you want to win her over. 
Never check out other women when with your date
STARING AT OTHER WOMEN A sure way of having water thrown across your face is checking out other women. Do you think your date isn’t aware of the hot girl in the black dress across the table? Or did you think your playful flirting with the waitress went amiss? Well, it didn’t. She’s watching you closely, so keep a check on your wandering gaze. Having a roving eye on the women around you is only going to end up in disastrous results. 

SPENDING TIME ON YOUR PHONE Not only is the constant urge to check your messages or reply to
your calls insulting, but it can make the person you’re with very uncomfortable. So, keep your mobile phones away as much as possible. Even if it’s an unavoidable office call, make sure you excuse yourself politely and make it quick.Being an avid listener will work to your advantage above most things. 

TALKING ABOUT YOUR EX “Nobody wants to know about your romantic liaisons or feel like they’re being held up for comparison with your previous
lovers.” Says psychiatrist Aaron Cherian. “Keep that information to yourself till she gives the hint that she’s ready to talk about it. Nobody really wants to know about your sad past.” he adds. So unless you’re ready to hear about her romantic past steer clear of the topic. Fair play, right? 

SLOPPY DRESSING Good dressing is a must to ensure a future romance. You don’t have to suit up but dress like someone who she’d want to
take home to meet the family and she just might do that. “I wouldn’t want him to go out of his way with his dressing but I’d like to know that he made the effort to look good.” Says Anshul Tiwari, student of media and advertising. A ‘devil may care’, slob-like attitude isn’t going to take you too far in the dating arena. 

MAKING SEXIST JOKES Making crude remarks and jokes might be second nature to you but in the era of the strong, independent female, this might not go down too well
with her. Make light jokes, get a sense of her personality and then mark upon that dangerous territory if you must. 

BEING ARROGANT Correcting her over small things or talking excessively about your work and money can be a huge turn off. Re
member that nobody likes a know-it-all. Projecting confidence and being assertive is good and most women like that but not at the expense of making her feel bad. Keep the conversation light and funny, this isn’t the time to up your knowledge on art and literature.

रंग आणि त्यांच्या छटा: मराठी भाषेतील सौंदर्य आणि संपन्नता

  चित्रकला, फॅशन, वास्तुकला, किंवा दैनंदिन जीवनात रंगांचे महत्त्व अतूट आहे. रंग हे केवळ दृश्य आनंदाचे साधन नसून ते भावना, संस्कृती आणि परंपर...