Monday, September 23, 2019

September 23, 2019

Five productivity mistakes you’re probably making when holding a team meeting

Find a meeting ground with these five pointers

Adrian Shepherd is a British productivity consultant who’s lived and worked in Japan for the past 24 years. He says that meetings can come at a cost to businesses — an estimated $37 billion a year, according to The Muse. Unfortunately, the time spent in meetings has only grown since 2000. Shepherd says they should be reduced as much as possible. Meetings should be as small as possible, and focused on discussion rather than just distributing information.

Shepherd says that meetings done right will boost productivity. Here he lists the five biggest mistakes you may be making:

1. You’re spending too much

How much are your meetings costing you? Maybe too much. Most people answer: We don’t know (and that’s not good). According to a survey conducted by The Muse, an estimated $37 billion is wasted in meetings each year. What’s worse is that every year since 2000, time in meetings has increased by 10 per cent.

Fix: Challenge yourself to reduce, or eliminate, as many meetings as possible. You’ll be surprised how few are really necessary.

2. You invited the wrong people

Too many cooks spoil the broth. The same is true in the boardroom; too many persons involved in a meeting can ruin it. Meetings are often held with a group of people who don’t need to be there.

Fix: Only have necessary members attend a meeting.

3. You don’t focus enough on the agenda

Poorly planned meetings can be worse than no meeting at all. An agenda, with clear goals and outcomes in mind, will transform your meetings. With an agenda in hand, work through the points one by one, crossing them off as you go. Once you finish everything on the agenda, the meeting is over. Don’t make the mistake of trying to fill up the allotted time. If your hour-long meeting finishes in 21 minutes, then so be it. A meeting should take as long as it takes, no longer.

Fix: Work from an agenda.

4. You put too much trust in your memory

Let’s face the facts: So many of us have lousy memories. To be fair, in today’s world, we suffer from information overload, or what productivity expert Darren Hardy calls “infobesity”. It’s simply impossible to remember everything.

Fix: Have minutes of the meeting distributed with all essential dates, numbers, and the overall action plan.

5. You aren’t using meetings for discussion

Meetings can be broken up into two types: Those meant to distribute information and those meant for discussion. Limit the first. There are better ways to distribute information in today’s world from videos to online systems that allow you to track any number of data.

As for discussion-based meetings, it’s important to remember Parkinson’s law: “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” Keep your meetings concise. Don’t waste time. You want them to be simple ‘in-and-out’ procedures.

Fix: Find other, more efficient ways to distribute information. Try and keep meetings for discussions only.

Spanx founder Sara Blakley breaks up her weekdays into segments and has earmarked Wednesday as her meetings day

Investor and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban considers meetings a waste of time. “The only way you’re going to get me for a meeting is if you’re writing me a cheque,” he has said

LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner chooses ‘walking’ meetings instead of office ones, saying that the best ideas come out of them

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s three-rule method for better meetings is: Listen more, talk less, and be decisive when the time comes
September 23, 2019

Is your smartphone a pain in the neck?

Sex and height appear to influence how people flex their neck when viewing handheld devices, according to a new study.

With increased phone and tablet ownership comes increased levels of neck flexion compared to desktop or laptop computer use.

According to the findings published in the journal Clinical Anatomy, the researchers at the University of Arkansas looked at neck and jaw postures when using handheld electronic devices.

The research found that women and shorter individuals bend their necks differently than men and taller individuals; this could be related to the higher incidence of neck and jaw pain experienced by women.

Some evidence shows that using these devices, such as cellphones or tablets, in certain postures may influence both the neck and jaw, eventually causing the development of pain in both.

For the study, researchers asked 22 participants (10 women and 12 men) to hold and use electronic devices in five different postures while an X-ray was taken.

These postures ranged from a neutral position of sitting straight up to a fully reclined position, as if the participant were leaning back in a chair.


Your gender and height may affect your posture while using a cellphone, says a study
September 23, 2019

Put a machine on the job to diagnose chronic kidney disease

Modern machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, may augment the traditional way of diagnosing kidney disease.

Pathologists often classify various kidney diseases based on visual assessments of biopsies from patients’ kidneys. However, machine learning has the potential to automate and augment the accuracy of classifications.

In a study, a team led by Brandon Ginley, from Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo and Pinaki Sarder, PhD, developed a computational algorithm to detect the severity of diabetic kidney disease without human intervention.

Algorithm to analyse images

The algorithm examined a digital image of a patient’s kidney biopsy at the microscopic level and extracted information on glomeruli, the small blood vessels of the kidney that filter waste from the blood for excretion.

These structures are known to become progressively damaged and scarred over the course of diabetes, reported the study published in the journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Invoking machine learning

In another article published in the same journal, a team led by Jeroen van der Laak and Meyke Hermsen, from Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, applied machine learning to examine kidney transplant biopsies and went beyond glomeruli to assess multiple tissue classes in the kidney. The researchers developed a machine learning model called a ‘convolutional neural network’ (CNN) and found that it could be applied to tissues from multiple centres, for biopsies and nephrectomy samples, and for the analysis of both healthy and diseased tissues. They validated the CNN’s results with standard classification methods.

Artificial intelligence can facilitate kidney transplant research by yielding accurate data characterising disease processes

Singer Selena Gomez had a kidney transplant a few years ago

September 23, 2019

ललितादित्य मुक्तापीड कश्मीर का वह राजा जिसने अरबी और तुर्क आक्रमणकारियों को छटी की दूध याद दिलाया था

ललितादित्य मुक्तापीड कश्मीर का वह राजा जिसने अरबी और तुर्क आक्रमणकारियों को छटी की दूध याद दिलाया था। भूला बिसरा भारत का महानायक जिसके बारे में इतिहास नहीं लिखा गया। इनको ‘भारत का सिकंदर’ भी कहा जाता है।

ललितादित्य मुक्तापीड (राज्यकाल 724-761 ई) कश्मीर के कर्कोटा वंश के हिन्दू सम्राट थे। उनकी पराक्रम की गाथा हम क्या गाये? कि उन्होंने अरब के इस्लामी आक्रांताओं और तुर्क आक्रमणकारियों को भारत की भूमी में पांव तक नहीं रखने दिया था। उन्होंने लद्दाख और बाल्टिस्तान से टिब्बतिय राजाओं को भी खदेड़ भगाया था। कल्हण की ‘राजतरंगिनी’ में आठवीं शाताब्दी के महानायक ललतादित्य मुक्तापीड के पराक्रम का बखान किया गया है। ललितादित्य ने कश्मीर के कर्कॊटा साम्राज्य पर लगभग 36 वर्ष 7 महीने 11 दिन शासन किया था।

ललितादित्य के काल में कश्मीर के कर्कॊटा साम्राज्य का विस्तार मध्य एशिया से बंगाल तक फैला हुआ था। उनका साम्राज्‍य पूर्व में बंगाल तक, दक्षिण में कोंकण तक पश्चिम में तुर्किस्‍तान और उत्‍तर-पूर्व में तिब्‍बत तक फैला हुआ था। कश्मीर में अनेक मंदिर बनाने वाले साम्राट थे ललितादित्य। कश्मीर का मार्ताण्ड मंदिर इन्ही के द्वारा बनाया गया था।

पुराणॊं में उल्लेख किया गया नाग वंश जिनके पूर्वज महर्षी कश्यप थे इसी नाग जनांग से संबंध रकहते थे कार्कॊट नाग। कार्कॊट नाग का उल्लेख नल-दमयंती कहानी में है। इसी कार्कॊट नाग के वंशज थे ललितादित्य मुक्तापीड। नाग जनांग युद्ध लड़ने वाला असीम बलशाली समुदाया था जिसने भाषा को लिपि देने में भी अपनी बहुत बड़ी भूमिका निभाई थी। अपने क्षात्र गुण के कारण ललितादित्य भी बलशाली थे।

साहस और पराक्रम की प्रतिमूर्ति सम्राट ललितादित्य मुक्तापीड का नाम कश्मीर के इतिहास में सर्वोच्च स्थान पर है। प्रकरसेन नगर उनके साम्रज्य की राजधानी थी। लगातार बिना थके युद्ध में व्यस्त रहना और रणक्षेत्र में अपने अनूठे सैन्य कौशल से विजय प्राप्त करना उनकी बहुत बड़ी उपलब्दी थी। उनके पास विशाल मजबूत और अनुशासित सेना थी जिसके वजह से वे अरबी और तुर्क आक्रमण्कारियों क्को छटी की दूध याद दिलाते थे।

कश्मीर ही नहीं बल्की चीन व तिबतियन इतिहास में भी ललितादित्य के पराक्रम के किस्से दर्ज हैं। कल्हण की राजतरंगिणी में लिखा गया है कि ललितादित्य विजय दिवस को कश्मीर के लोग हर साल मनाते थे। अल्बरूनि ने भी इस बात का उल्लेख किया है कि कश्मीरी लोग द्वितीय चैत्र के दिन ललितादित्य के विजय के रूप में मनाते थे। वो ललितादित्य ही थे जिन्होंने अरब आक्रांतारॊ को सिंध के आगे बढ़ने से रॊक रखा था।

ललितादित्य का विजय अभियान रुकने का नाम ही नहीं ले रहा था। माना जाता है कि ऐसे हि एक अभियान के दौरान उनकी मृत्यू हुई थी। कुछ लोगों का कहना है कि अफघानिस्तान अभियान के दौरान हिमस्खलन के नीचे दब जाने के कारण उनकी मृत्यू हुई थी। वहीं कुछ और लोगों का कहना है कि वे सेना से बिछड़ गये थे और खुद को मुघलों के हाथ लगने से बचाने के लिए उन्होंने खुद आत्म समर्पण कर लिया।

ललितादित्य ना केवल एक साहसी यॊद्धा थे बल्की चित्रकला और शिल्पकला के भी आराधक थे। उनके शासन काल में अध्बुत वास्तुकला के मंदिर बनवाये गये। अपने साम्राज्य के नागरिकों को वे बहुत प्रेम से देखा करते थे और कृषी को अधिक महत्व दिया करते थे। भारत के तीन सूर्य मंदिरों में से एक मार्ताण्ड मंदिर है जिसे ललितादित्य ने बनवाया था।

1) सन 739 (ईस्वी) में लड़ें गये सबसे लम्बा युद्ध था जिसे “Battle Of Caucasus” कॉकस या कौकसस जो की स्पेन का राजधानी थी प्राचीनकाल में जहाँ सम्राट ललितादित्य ने थियोडोरिक प्रथम को परास्त कर ललितादित्य ने कॉकस या कौकसस , स्पेन, दमास्कस पर भगवा परचम लहराया था । इस तरह से सम्राट ललितादित्य कर्कोटक ने लगातार 18 युद्ध लड़े थे बाल्टी साम्राज्य, थियोडोसियाँ साम्राज्य, के साथ । सम्राट ललितादित्य से युद्ध में परास्त होने के बाद यवनों ने सम्राट ललितादित्य के साथ संधि कर स्पेन साम्राज्य अरब , सीसिली (sicily),मेसोपोटामिया, ग्रेटर अर्मेनिआ, कैरौअन (Kairouan) (वर्तमान में इसे तुनिशिया देश के नाम से जाने जाते हैं ) तुर्क , कजाखस्तान , मोरक्को , अफ्रीका , पर्शिया एवं अनेक देश सामिल थे ये 72 प्रतिशत यवन साम्राज्य का भूभाग एवं पूरी अरब सागर , तिग्रिस , नील नदी पर सम्राट ललितादित्य ने भगवा ध्वज लहराया था।

2) सन 752 (ईस्वी) पूर्वी यूरोप विजय करने निकले थे रणक्षेत्र में अपने अनूठे सैन्य कौशल से विजय प्राप्त किया बाईज़न्टाइन साम्राज्य के राजा व्हॅलेंटिनियन तृतीय के साथ युद्ध की व्याखान मिलता हैं इन्हें हराकर सम्राट ललितादित्य ने क़ुस्तुंतुनिया, रूस पर कब्ज़ा किया आठवी सदी तक क़ुस्तुंतुनिया (कोंस्तान्तिनोपाल) राजधानी था यूरोप का । इसके उपरांत डुक पोलिश राजा को परास्त कर पोलिश (पोलैंड) विजय कर भगवा झंडा लहरा था । सम्राट ललितादित्य ने रूस के साथ साथ बॉस्निया के अधीन अन्य यूरोपी देशो को अपने विजय अभियान में सम्मिलित कर साम्राज्य को यूरोप तक फैलाया था एवं इसके उपरांत सम्राट ललितादित्य मुक्तापिड़ ने पश्चिम और दक्षिण में क्रोएशिया पूर्व में सर्बिया और दक्षिण में मोंटेनेग्रो उत्तरपूर्वी यूरोप अल्बानिया उत्तर में कोसोवो पूर्व में भूतपूर्व यूगोस्लाविया और दक्षिण में यूनान तक सफलतापूर्वक सैन्य अभियान कर विश्व विजयता की उपाधि हासिल कर लिया था ।

ललितादित्य विश्व विजयी होकर लगभग 12 वर्ष के पश्चात् कश्मीर लौटा एवं तीन साल बाद अंतिम सांस लिया कश्मीर में ।
अंततः इनके शौर्य और पराक्रम को भूलने का नतीजा हुआ कश्मीर में आज एक भी कश्मीरी हिन्दू कश्मीर में नहीं रह पाए अगर कश्मीरी हिन्दू अपने पूर्वज को एक बार के लिए पढ़ लिए आज यह दुर्दशा नहीं होता कश्मीरी पंडितो का होकर रहता कश्मीर ।

इन्होंने भारतवर्ष में घुसने का प्रयास करने वाले हमलावरों को भी खदेड़ा था भारत से और इतिहासकार आरसी मजूमदार के अनुसार ललितादित्य की सेना की पदचाप अरबो का पीछा करती हुई अरण्यक (ईरान) तक पहुंच गई थी।

कश्मीर के इस नागवंशी राजपूत कर्कोटक शाखा (टाक) महान राजा के बारे में अधिकांश लोगो को जानकारी ही नही है ।
न्यूज़ चैनलो पर डिबेट में पीडीपी के प्रवक्ता फ़िरदौस टाक जब घाटी में इस्लामिक विचारधारा का बचाव करते हैं और दबे शब्दों में आतंकी घटनाओ का भी समर्थन करते हैं तो उन्हें शायद अपने यशस्वी पूर्वज ललितादित्य मुक्तपीड की कीर्ति का तनिक भी भान न होगा !!!!!!
September 23, 2019

Study shows that socially anxious and lonely singles are more likely to get addicted to dating apps

Not an ‘appy’ ending

People suffer from loneliness and social anxiety after surfing through dating apps on their phones, a new study has found. People who fit that profile are also likely to witness negative outcomes because of their dating app use.

Kathryn Coduto, lead author of the study from The Ohio State University, said, “It’s not just that they are using their phone a lot. We had participants who said they were missing work, or getting in trouble because they kept checking the dating apps on their phones.”

Coduto added, “I’ve seen people who use dating apps compulsively. They take their phones out when they are at dinner with friends or when they are in groups. They really can’t stop swiping.”

The findings are published in the journal Social and Personal Relationships.

The study was conducted with the help of 269 undergraduate students with the experience of using one or more dating apps. All answered questions designed to measure their loneliness and social anxiety (for example, they were asked if they were constantly nervous around other people).

Compulsive use was measured by asking participants how much they agreed with statements like “I am unable to reduce the amount of time I spend on dating apps”.

Results showed, not surprisingly, that socially anxious participants preferred to meet and talk to potential dating partners online rather than in person. They tended to agree with statements like “I am more confident socialising on dating apps than offline”.

Coduto said, “People need to be aware of their dating app use and consider whether they have a problem. If they have trouble setting limits for themselves, they can use other apps that can help restrict the use of dating apps to certain times of day or to a set amount of time each day.

“Especially if you’re lonely, be careful in your choices. Regulate and be selective in your use,” she said.


Thursday, September 5, 2019

September 05, 2019

Do girls know if a boy is going to like her or is going to propose?

Do girls know if a boy is going to like her or is going to propose how to know if he will ever propose when do most guys propose what happens when a boy proposes a girl how does a girl feel when a guy proposed her signs he is going to propose on vacation is my boyfriend planning to propose signs he is going to propose on your birthday is he going to propose quiz engagement rings signs he will propose in the future how to get boyfriend to propose when will he propose astrology frustrated with boyfriend not proposing signs he will propose on my birthday proposal hints when will a man propose waiting for him to propose meme resentment waiting for proposal just propose already how a man acts before he proposes signs he bought an engagement ring sneaky signs of proposal why do i keep seeing engagement rings my boyfriend keeps looking at my ring finger i know my boyfriend is going to propose i know he bought a ring girl proposing boy for marriage should a woman ask a man to marry her marriage proposal statistics how does a man propose to a woman why do guys not propose how does a guy feel when a girl proposes him woman asking a man to marry her leap year who should propose first if a girl proposes a boy quotes should i propose him or not is proposing sexist if a girl proposes a boy what does it mean he proposed to me in bed

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

March 27, 2019

Jagdeep towers over colleagues with his 7ft 6in frame

Is this Punjab policeman the law enforcer with the longest reach?

Seventeen years ago, an old Sikh man requested Jagdeep Singh for a photograph. Those were days before the selfie craze would sweep India. Private and quiet, Jagdeep preferred to be left alone. But for someone towering over most people at 7 ft 6 inches that was a luxury that he could rarely experience.

“The Sikh gentleman told me something I will never forget,” said Jagdeep, whoc still regrets turning down that request for a photo. “He said, ‘Tuhadi height tuhadi nahi, parmatma da tohfa hai. Agar tussi kissay nu khush kar sakdae ho tae usno na karo (Your height is not yours, but a gift from God. If you can make someone happy, never say no to that person)’.” Since then, Jagdeep, perhaps India’s tallest policeman, has never refused a photo request.

But his celebrity aside — being so tall and a serving cop — things aren’t always easy or convenient for Jagdeep. The first thing he looks for while entering a police station or office is a sturdy chair. The 35-year-old head constable with Punjab Armed Police weighs 190 kg. “I place the chair near a wall for support and then sit. Otherwise it will break and embarrass everyone,” he said.

Another tall cop, this one in Barnala, understands Jagdeep’s situation only too well. Punjab Police inspector Rajpal Singh is 7ft tall and weighs 160 kg. An awkward situation for him arose earlier this month when Barnala SSP Harjit Singh and DSP Jasbir Singh had to stretch on their toes to put the promotional badge on his shoulders.

Jagdeep is usually posted on security duty at sensitive installations like bridges and does not work from a particular police station. His job means he is constantly on the move, but he can’t use police vehicles for travel: they are too small for him. Instead, he uses his own modified Mahindra Bolero. “It becomes expensive since I have to spend for fuel from my own pocket but there is no other option,” said Jagdeep, who recently returned from the US after participating in the ‘America’s Got Talent’ show in Los Angeles.

Everyday life presents its own set of difficulties. Jagdeep needs to get his clothes and uniform stitched bespoke, and struggles to find footwear. He uses imported US size 20 shoes. And food. He needs quite a bit of it to sustain his enormous frame. “When I was young, I would eat about two dozen eggs with salad, oats, fruits and nearly eight litres of milk every day. But now my diet is smaller,” he said.

Married with a 10-year-old daughter, Jagdeep said he had faced a hard time finding a bride. Finally he met Sukhbir Kaur, who is 5 feet and 11 inches tall.

The families, too, are happy. “I like my husband’s celebrity status,” said Sukhbir Kaur. “The only problem is when we go out everyone wants to strike a pose with him and me. This leaves out our daughter Jashandeep.”

(With inputs from Neel Kamal in Barnala)

HEIGHT OF PATROLLING: Jagdeep towers over colleagues with his 7ft 6in frame

Monday, March 25, 2019

March 25, 2019

Kavil Ayurvedic Upchar

kavil ayurvedic upchar
kavil ayurvedic upchar

kavil ayurvedic upchar kavil upchar kendra kavil pathya in marathi kavil ke lakshan marathi kavil che prakar marathi pandhari kavil upchar kavil symptoms in hindi shivankhed jaundice kavil ka ilaj white jaundice kavil in english hepatitis meaning in marathi piliya ka parhez white kavil symptoms in marathi lonavala kavil address kavil marathi in english what to eat in jaundice in marathi jaundice ka gharelu upchar lahan mulana kavil ka hote white hepatitis pivli kavil kavil gharelu upay kavil treatment in lonavala marathi kavil kavil aahar jaundice marathi meaning home remedies for jondis in hindi what is hepatitis b called in marathi panthari disease in marathi kavil meaning in english typhoid symptoms in marathi rogachi mahiti marathi bargadya dukhne kawil lakshan

Sunday, March 10, 2019

March 10, 2019

Your hookah drag has more carbon monoxide than cigarettes: Study

‘Usage Higher Among Boys Than Girls’

New Delhi:

A leisurely drag at a shisha bar may not be as innocent an act as it appears. A single session of smoking a hookah results in greater exposure to carbon monoxide than a full stick of cigarette. Short-term exposure at high levels can produce toxicity and interfere with exercise capacity In a scientific statement published in Circulation, an international medical journal, the American Heart Association (AHA) has warned that hookah smoke contains significantly higher levels of heavier and more toxic hydrocarbons than cigarette smoke. It also has cardio-respiratory toxicants such as volatile organic compounds and heavy metals like cadmium and lead that can injure the blood vessels and the brain.

Though there are only a few long-term studies on the impact of shisha smoking, experts agreed that the AHA statement should serve as a warning for those who consider hookahs harmless. “It is a new fad among youngsters, and parents tend to overlook the habit because public perception is that this is less harmful than cigarette smoking. The AHA statement puts the risks in perspective,” said Dr Anoop Misra, chairman, Fortis C-Doc.

A US survey found that in 2014 around 23% of 12th grade students had used hookahs in the past year. The usage was higher among boys (25%) than girls (21%). CDC’s National Youth Tobacco Survey also found significant increase in hookah smoking in that country.

A doctor said, “In Delhi and the National Capital Region, hookah bars that are proliferating. The activity should be banned immediately. Also, the government should start campaigns to bust the myths about the hookah being harmless.”

In a shisha, the tobacco is placed in the device’s head but since it is moist and does not burn in a self-sustaining fashion, a lit charcoal is placed over it. Flavours of apple, mint, cheery, even chocolate and coffee, are added to mask the acrid taste of tobacco.

The popular perception is that the water in the bowl absorbs the toxins from the tobacco smoke, rendering it safe for the smoker. But the AHA statement cautions that the toxicity is actually higher. “Because both mainstream and sidestream water pipe tobacco smoke contains constituents similar to those generated by cigarettes, the use of water pipes could similarly lead to short-term cardiovascular changes in addition to long-term cardiovascular effects,” AHA said.

Dr Neeraj Bhalla, director of cardiology at BLK Super-Specialty Hospital, suggested that health agencies carry out awareness campaigns to educate citizens, particularly the youngsters, about the effects of indulging in hookah smoking.

March 10, 2019

TRAFFIC-STOPPER: A car overturned on the Freeway, leading to a traffic jam on the Chembur-bound arm, from Sewri till Orange Gate, on Saturday

March 10, 2019

People don’t look at our CVs, just our scarred faces

Acid attack survivors don’t just have to deal with trauma and multiple surgeries. One of their biggest problems is that no one wants to hire them

Soni was 19 when her husband’s family threw acid on her because they wanted more dowry. The acid burnt the new bride’s face and throat. She endured 15 surgeries but that wasn’t the end of it. “After the attack in 2008, I tried really hard to get a job or college admission in UP, where I lived. In 2010, my father passed away and we had to sell our house, our land, and my mother’s jewellery. People didn’t want me in their offices or colleges. They would tell me that my face was kharaab (disfigured). Maybe they thought having me around would ruin their image,” says Soni, now 30.

Soni went jobless for eight years before she found work at a rehabilitation centre run by the NGO Make Love Not Scars (MLNS). As a manager, she takes care of the logistics of medical care that other acid attack survivors require.

Like Soni, most acid attack survivors struggle to find employment after their lives are changed by one horrific act. Ria Sharma, founder of MLNS, says the problem is partially a result of how young most survivors are at the time of attack. Many are forced to drop out of school or college. “This means that many don’t have the skills that a lot of jobs need — like using computers or speaking English,” says Sharma, who has recently written a book, also named Make Love Not Scars, about her activism.

Roopa, 26, works as a manager at Sheroes Hangout in Agra, a café run by acid attack survivors started by the NGO Chhanv Foundation. “I was 12 or 13 when I was attacked by my stepmother,” she says. She started living with her uncle and tried in vain to find a job when she got better. In 2013, she joined Chhanv. They pay their employees Rs 25,000 a month, besides meeting their living, travel and medical expenses. Roopa, who aspires to be a jewellery designer, considers herself fortunate. “Other survivors tell me that they only get ‘back jobs’, where no one can see them,” says Roopa.

A few years ago, MLNS ran a massive campaign called ‘Skills, not scars’, and built a job portal for survivors. The reason it wasn’t a success, Sharma says, is the number of “hollow job opportunities” offered by organisations. “It’s either jobs they’re under-qualified for, or pity cases that they’re over-qualified for. One of our girls applied for a babysitting position, and the woman hiring wanted her to take care of the kids, do laundry, and cook food for just Rs 3,000 a month.”

Last month, a Twitter thread by the MeToo India account highlighted this issue, and asked followers if they had any leads for jobs. Apart from offers from organisations expressing interest, nothing has materialised so far. One of them, GovernEye, is a networking platform that connects citizens to politicians. Their VP (operations), Vidhi Jain says they do not have a formal job criteria such as educational qualifications or work experience in mind yet. “If we hire a survivor, we would be flexible in terms of taking time off for doctor’s visits or legal engagements. We would also make sure to sensitise our team,” she says.

What about government jobs? One percent of central posts are reserved for differently abled people, including acid attack survivors. However, Sharma notes that she only knows five-six survivors who have gotten placed in government jobs, and while they’re quite happy with the stability this offers, the benefit isn’t reaching enough people. Ashish Shukla, director of Chhanv Foundation, says, “While these schemes sound good, no research has gone into formulating them. You have to look into the background, skill levels and qualifications of survivors. Otherwise, focus on rehabilitation and skill development.” Barely any, he says, fit the job criteria.

New York-based fashion designer Monica Singh is a survivor whose nonprofit Mahendra Singh Foundation works on providing skills to such women and helping them monetarily. After she was attacked by a stalker at 18, Singh kept studying. “I studied and worked in India for seven years, living under a veil. I got so many rejections because people would get uncomfortable around me. Once at a job interview, they asked what I disliked most, and I said it was the fact that people don’t see beyond my face to look at my resume.” She got the job, but had to quit in six months because she had to get more surgeries. “Building skills is extremely important — society will tell you that you’re done, that no one will marry you, but you have to build something for yourself,” she says.

It’s also important, Sharma says, to ask survivors what it is that they want to do. “We aren’t doing that enough. They’re determined, strong individuals who have been through a lot. They’re ready to seize the day.”

ROBBED OF JOBS: Soni (in pink) with fellow survivor Anupama. Soni spent years trying to find a job, but was consistently turned away

Friday, March 8, 2019

March 08, 2019

‘Take up any kind of sport to stay away from depression’

Wrestler and two-time Olympic medallist Sushil Kumar opened up on his plans for Olympics at a sports meet recently

If you are focused and determined, you can achieve anything — this was the mantra shared by the well-known wrestler Sushil Kumar, who recently attended a sports event. During his interaction with students, he stressed on the importance of taking up sports and opened up about his wish to clinch a gold medal at the upcoming Olympics in Tokyo.

Exuding raw simplicity, Sushil Kumar took to the stage and began his speech by thanking his mentor Satyapal Singh. “It is because of him that people in various parts of the world know me today,” said he and added how sports play a vital role in people’s lives. “Students,who are doing their MBA or are into other technical fields, find it very difficult to dedicate time to sports. But I would like to advise them that they should make time for some form of sport. Whenever I visit various colleges, I come across incidents of students slipping into depression due to low scores. So, I would like to reiterate that one must indulge in some kind of sports and I assure they will never get into depression. Start your day by playing any game and you’ll feel energetic for the rest of the day,” he said.

The wrestler went on to add that sports teach an individual to keep trying until he/she achieves the set goal. He added, “Even I don’t win every time. Winning or losing is all a part of life. People have been asking me about my preparations for the upcoming Olympics 2020. I tell them when I participated in Olympics for the first time, I was not even aware of the competition’s level. I had never imagined that I’ll clinch two medals (bronze and silver) for the country. I belong to a middle class family, but I consider myself lucky and blessed that I’m born in a family that has always supported me. My parents stood by me through thick and thin and made sure that I don’t deviate from my path. There are many players, who come from humble backgrounds. Our struggle begins the moment we step out of our homes. But I have always believed that if you are focused and determined, you can achieve anything.”

Sushil, who is gearing up for the Olympics 2020, concluded his speech by asking everyone’s good wishes so that he can win gold medal this time. “I’m practising very hard these days under my guru’s supervision. Only one thing is left (gold medal) and I request you all to pray for me,” said he.

Sushil Kumar

When asked on the trend of sports biopic in Bollywood, without divulging much details, he replied, “Sometime ago, a filmmaker did approach my mentor Satyapal Singh with the intention of making a biopic based on my life. However, there hasn’t been any development that I can speak about, because I’m busy preparing for the Olympics 2020. My guru has instructed me to focus all my energies on wrestling at this juncture.”
March 08, 2019

7 Ways to prevent falling sick as the weather transitions

According to conventional wisdom, as we transition from winter to spring, three things are evident — blooming flowers, sunnier days and a flu or cold. The day-to-day change in temperature messes up our immune system, making us more vulnerable to viruses. Getting a cold is common during seasonal shifts because the viruses that cause a cold multiply rapidly during this time. Since our body performs its functions at a certain temperature, during a change in season, it is forced to readapt, which makes it susceptible to infections. Seasonal allergies are also prevalent during the changing seasons, particularly in spring and summer. Here’s how you can prevent falling sick during seasonal change.


Seasonal change comes with a lot of healthrelated troubles, the topmost being flu and cold. Getting a flu shot is a good idea to build a strong immunity. “Anyone who is six months and older can get a flu shot. Getting vaccinated annually ensures that you are protected from new mutations of viruses. Unlike the myth, influenza vaccines do not cause the flu or other illnesses. It takes about two weeks for the vaccine to show its effect. As the weather transitions, pregnant women are at a higher risk of flu complications due to changes in the immune system, heart and lungs. Getting vaccinated not only protects them, but also keeps their unborn child safe from the flu,” says Dr Vikrant Shah, consulting physician and intensivist.


Make sure your intake of immune-supportive nutrient, vitamin C, is high, because it is beneficial for immunity. “Vitamin C has been shown to shorten the duration of colds, as well as reduce the severity. Guava, orange, grapefruit, strawberries, gooseberries and bell pepper are rich sources of vitamin C,” says clinical nutritionist Prachi Mandholia. They have immune-supporting antioxidants. Vitamin C enhances iron absorption. Eating foods that are rich in vitamin E, zinc and selenium set up your body to fight germs.


Since your body becomes susceptible to infection with the change of season, maintain hygiene to reduce the chances of falling ill. Wash your hands frequently as it prevents the spread of infection. Besides using soaps, keep a hand sanitizer handy and use it whenever you travel. “Whether it’s counting notes and coins, turning switches on and off, using public toilets or holding supportive handles in trains or buses, make sure you sanitise your hands frequently. This will help you fight infection during seasonal change in a great way,” says Dr Nupur Krishnan, clinical nutritionist.


If you feel sick, see a medical health expert rather than popping pills without prescription. Even if it’s a cold or flu, see a doctor instead of taking over-thecounter medicines, as that might worsen your condition. “We suggest that besides taking medicines, it’s important to take rest and avoid going to crowded places like cinema halls and malls, as that aggravates the sickness,” says Dr Shah.


Weather change usually brings lung infections — most commonly cough and cold. Proper sleep (seven hours every day) is one of oldest ways to prevent illnesses, because it helps your body rejuvinate. This is especially true for colds. Though everyone’s body is different, getting good, sound sleep strengthens your immune system. So there are better chances of fighting off a virus.


Consuming more salads, nuts and fresh fruits, and avoiding greasy and junk food can guard you from falling ill. If you are a non-vegetarian, eat organic grass-fed meat. Organic meat is believed to have up to 47 per cent higher levels of omega 3 essential fatty acids, which are known to stimulate certain immune cells. Also, drinking extra fluids and staying hydrated helps prevent health-related complications from occurring in your body. Consuming a lot of water ensures that flu-causing virus is tackled and flushed out from your body soon.


Besides helping you stay in shape, exercising also prevents you from falling ill. Those who engage in mild exercise for about 30 minutes thrice a week have better immunity, say health experts. “This includes light jog, swimming or cycling. If you don’t exercise often, don’t start strenuous workout just to keep yourself guarded; going for a brisk walk instead will help. Yoga is considered a good way to ensure prevention of seasonal flu,” says Dr Shahid Barmare, general physician.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

March 07, 2019

These staffers get leave to self-reflect

‘Inner Work Days’ Make Employees More Effective, Finds Company
Silicon Valley tech companies are famous for unlimited vacation policies. It’s a perk — like fancy fizzy water — that has become table stakes for startups trying to recruit top talent. One company, though, is pushing that time-off benefit even further.

BetterUp — a San Franciscobased startup that connects professional coaches with those seeking career advice — has been giving its employees five days off a year to ditch their standard day job and instead, take the day to work on themselves.

Dubbed “inner work days”, these five days are spread throughout the year, with everyone at BetterUp taking the same day off (often on a Monday, to extend a weekend). Some use the free days to meditate or go on hikes. Others stay inside to read. Some go on a digital detox, not checking their phones, emails, or Instagram throughout the day.

The point, BetterUp co-founder and CEO Alexi Robichaux said, is to give employees dedicated time for self-reflection.

“Most of the work we do in our life is outside of us,” Robichaux said. “But part of being a professional, especially in the creative economy, is like, we have to work on ourselves.“ BetterUp began the tradition two years ago, when the company had around 30 employees. Today, all of BetterUp's 150-plus employees participate and many share their experiences on the company’s dedicated Slack channel for “inner work day” highlights.

Jacinta Jimenez, BetterUp’s head of coaching, said the company believes the dedicated time off for self-reflection makes employees more effective when they get back to their desks.

“If we don’t give our brains time to think, it’s going to compromise how we make decisions, show up at work, at home, all around,” Jimenez said.

BetterUp’s “inner work days” are not a cunning rebranding of vacation that employees were already entitled to. The offices still shut down for all the major national holidays, and the company says it encourages employees to take at least two weeks off every year as part of its vacation policy.

Robichaux also thinks “inner work days” are important specifically for BetterUp, given that they’re in the business of helping people advance their careers through coaching services. 

Monday, March 4, 2019

March 04, 2019

Unforgettable faujis of the small screen

As India salutes Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman’s bravery, let’s rewind to the faujis from popular TV shows that allowed us to experience the feats of such bravehearts


Cast: Shah Rukh Khan, Rakesh Sharma, Amina Shervani

Director: RK Kapoor Why we remember this: It was the serial that introduced Shah Rukh Khan to every Indian household. Fauji was about a batch of trainees in a commando school — their daily drill and eventual induction as soldiers. The actor as Lt Abhimanyu Rai — a bright, young and naughty trainee — was brilliant from the word go. SRK became an overnight sensation and his character gained instant popularity due to its charm and peppiness with which he essayed the role.


Cast: Iqbal Khan, Janvi Chheda, Manish Paul, Vaani Sharma, Vivan Bhatena, Aparna Kumar, Narendra Jha and Shakti Singh

Director: Pawan Kaul Why we remember this: This show gave us another handsome wing commander Abhimanyu in the form of Iqbal Khan. His chemistry with Janvi Chheda, who essayed the role of Flt Lt Sameera Singh, was the highlight of the show, among other things. The plot revolved around six Indian Air Force officers, whose duty was to save the country from terrorist attacks.


Cast: Shakti Anand, Sai Deodhar, Manish Goel, Manav Gohil, Kiran Kumar, Sonal Sehgal, Parmeet Sethi and Anuj Saxena

Director: Guroudev Bhalla Why we remember this: With air force as the backdrop, the plot revolved around five pilots, their aspirations and dreams higher than the sky. The story also touched upon emotions like love, friendship, heartbreak and the determination to serve the country. The audience loved the on-screen chemistry between Shakti Anand as Flight Lieutenant Vikram Kocchar and Sai Deodhar as Flight Lieutenant Monica Singh. Interestingly, their real-life romance was much quicker than the reel one. And the couple tied the knot soon after.


Cast: Shweta Salve, Rajeev Khandelwal, Kunal Karan Kapoor, Sanya Irani, Harshad Chopda and Arjun Bijlani

Director: Tony Singh and Deeya Singh

Why we remember this: A thrilling drama that revolved around six confused cadets in the military academy, the show offered the audience a break from the regular saasbahu sagas. The serial started off as a story of revenge, where a sister joins the academy to find out who framed her brother. Telly heartthrob Rajeev Khandelwal as Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat was an ultimate delight to watch on screen. Shveta Salve as the sultry psychiatrist added the right dose of glamour. Priyanka Bassi as Cadet Naina Singh Ahluwalia and Vikas Manaktala as Cadet Amardeep Hooda also grabbed attention for their on-screen chemistry.


Cast: Vijay Raj, Niki Walia, Madhavan, Om Puri, Simone Singh, Milind Soman and Anup Soni Director: Anubhav Sinha/ Shivam Nair Why we remember this: With actors like Milind Soman as Commandant Vikram Rajpoot and R Madhavan as Deputy Commandant Preet in the lead, what more could you ask for? It was perhaps the only TV actiondrama series to be shot on land, air and water in various locations of Mumbai, Goa, Daman and Mauritius. The show gave us a great insight into the lives of navy commanders. While Milind charmed the audience with his Greek God looks and smile, R Madhavan held his own as a smart and charismatic navy officer.
March 04, 2019


The authorities of Prayagraj Mela Pradhikaran have set a new Guinness World Record for most contribution to a handprint painting in eight hours at the Kumbh mela on Friday. A total of 7,664 individuals contributed to the handprint painting made in just eight hours.

Set up under the beautifully decorated Ganga auditorium of Sector Number 1 of the Kumbh mela (parade ground), a total of 7,664 individuals contributed to breaking the record achieved by LUSH Korea (South Korea) at Yeouido Hangang Park, Seoul, Korea on April 15, 2018.

In the previous record, a total of 4,675 individuals had contributed to make the painting. Visitors to the Kumbh mela, students, foreigners, sadhus, sanitary members deployed at the Kumbh Mela and members of the para military forces, policemen and also the authority participated in creating this world record. It was later confirmed by the officials of the Guinness Book of World Records, who were also present at the occasion.
March 04, 2019

5 Signs to tell if someone is lying to you

In the science behind a ‘game face’, even the smallest of expressions can give you away
Any gambler knows the importance of a good ‘game face’. Giving away that you’re lying, or that your hand isn’t as good as you’re pretending, is a surefire way to lose the game — and probably most of your money. But lying convincingly isn’t always easy, especially when there are so many subconscious “tells” that can give you away. This isn’t just a gambling issue. Many people admit that they frequently tell “white lies” to acquaintances, colleagues and even their own partners.

A recent survey of 2,000 adults revealed that the top four lies people tell their partners are: ‘I am listening’, ‘I’m not in a bad mood’, ‘I only had one drink’, and ‘I didn’t see your text’. With the average person expected to hear between 10 and 200 lies per day, how can you tell when someone is being untruthful? To answer this question, body language expert Robert Phipps teamed up with Grosvenor Casinos to identify five tell-tale signs to watch out for:


Micro-expressions are one of the best indicators that someone is lying, as they happen subconsciously and so we have no way to stop them. They last for less than 1/4 of a second before we have time to adopt the expression that we want people to see.


The eyes are a good place to look when trying to work out if someone’s telling the truth. Most people will look up to their left when recalling visual memories — if you’re asking a question about something they’ve seen, and their eyes don’t go up to the left, they may be telling fibs.


When lying, someone’s hand movements will often become more animated, but out of sync with what they’re saying. As their brain tries to work the story out, their hands flutter as they attempt to fill the gaps.


Blink rate either increases or decreases when someone is lying. An experienced liar will often stare straight at you while lying, whereas someone who is uncomfortable with lying will often have a sudden increase in their blinking rate.


Leg and feet movements will often increase as the liar tries to release the negative energy and stress of telling a lie. Crossing and uncrossing their legs, raising their heels up off the ground, and wrapping one foot round the ankle of the other leg are all good signs they are feeling uncomfortable.
March 04, 2019

5 Things to keep in mind if you’re looking forward to being friends with an ex

We live in more tolerant times where a lot of people are choosing to make peace with their past. That’s mostly because the world is shrinking and social media’s unprecedented outpour of information really never lets you forget things. So, in order to keep your mind more sane and calm, it’s wise to make peace with your past and by past, we mean your ‘ex’.

Most of you would want to loosen up the knotted ties between you and your ex and the reasons could be many. You could either want to shed away all the malice you hold for one another or you still want them in your life because inherently they are good people, or you still may have feelings for them, in which case, it’s better to let go than figure out ways of having them around. If the first two reasons are on your mind then here are five ways to consider if you’re looking at refreshing ties with an ex:


Yes, this is an obvious point to ponder over, but we seldom think what the other person wants in order to satiate what we want. So, the first step is to ensure your ex wants to be friends, too. Because if they don’t, then you really can’t force free will can you? You can just wish them luck and hope they’re happy.


If you guys ended on bad terms then you have to think about how you want to go about this. If she did something to break your trust, can you accommodate trust in your equation, again? Of course, it wouldn’t be in the same capacity as before, because you’re not trying to get back together, you’re trying to be in a good space as friends. So, if you trust your ex enough to not engage in any negativity or turn around and start a fight, then you should go ahead with it.


This one’s a tricky one only because you may think you’re over your ex, but you’re really not and that can be a bit blurry while you’re making a decision to keep in touch with them. Maybe sit down and think about your feelings. If you think they haven’t changed since you started seeing them then maybe give it some time.


You can hold a grudge against your ex for a number of things, that is why she’s your ex, to begin with! But if the grudge is minor and not too vicious then perhaps you can work on letting it go, if you think friendship with her is absolutely worth it. If it’s a major grudge and cannot be reversed, then there isn’t a point in looking out for any association, because you’ll never be able to let the grudge really go.


It’s practically impossible to extend an arm of friendship when you’ve just broken up. Ideally, it takes about more than half the time you’ve spent with your ex, to maybe be friends with them after you two break up. If you’ve never been friends before then it’s a tad tough and only time apart can make that possible.

So, take some time away from each other. If the break up is mutual and amicable, then definitely take time away and start a new association as friends. If it wasn’t an amicable break-up, maybe take a lot more time away, get rid of the negativity you hold against them and try again.

Break-ups are fairly hard but if two people are ready and willing for a resolution and want to take the dynamic from negative to positive by starting a brand new friendship, there are ways things can work out, and they can move away from the bad things that have happened and be good friends.

March 04, 2019

Teen gets stem cell transplant from sis to fight painful blood disorder

Doctors have cured an Odisha boy of sickle cell disease by transplanting him with the partially-matched stem cells of his kid sister. The first such bone marrow transplantation (BMT) in the western region is being hailed for not just curing the boy of a debilitating disease with a half-match donor, but also opening the door of possibilities for many who can’t find full match donors.

The parents of 18-year-old Manish Bhoi, residents of Sambalpur in Odisha, are hopeful that their son will finally lead a life free from pain and uncertainty. His father Arun Kumar, an official in a private bank, said his son was detected with sickle cell disease within six months of his birth and has since lived with excruciating pain that struck parts of the body. The pain attacks had aggravated since last year.

“Every alternate day he would land up in the hospital with insufferable pain. He would wake up screaming at night as if someone was breaking his bones. He would get attacks in schools, in the middle of taking a shower, or just about anywhere,” said the father, adding that his son started suffering from depression after the disease disrupted his schooling. “He started losing hope,” said Arun.

Sickle cell disease is a blood disorder that changes the structure of hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells). The genetic defect causes red blood cells to become stiff and assume the shape of a sickle that start blocking blood flow, giving rise to severe pain, organ damage and stroke. Studies say 20% of children with the disease die by the age of 2.

BMT is the only known cure as it eliminates the genetic defect by replacing the diseased bone marrow with healthy bone marrow. But the challenge is in finding a compatible sibling, who doesn't have the genetic defect. In Manish’s case, the search started from his family and extended to registries across the US and Germany, but there was no full match. That's when doctors at Kokilaben Hospital decided to turn to his 10-year-old sister, who was a half-match but didn’t have the congenital defect.

“Recent advances have made transplants possible from half-matched brothers and sisters. Called haploidentical BMT, they offer the chance of a cure to a vast majority of sickle cell patients,” said Dr Santanu Sen, pediatric oncology consultant at Kokilaben. “Here, conditioning the patient before the transplant is crucial. Like, we had replaced all of Manish’s blood plasma with albumin to bring down antibodies and the possibility of rejection,” he said. Affordability, therefore, could be a challenge for many, said Arun, who got significant funding from his employer. The cost of the procedure is upwards of Rs 30lakh.

Dr Mamta Manglani, director of BMC-run Comprehensive Thalassemia Care, said they avoid doing haploidentical transplants because of the higher chances of complication.

"Also, there is a need to manipulate the stem cells to prevent rejection, which cost a lot, and maybe a challenge in the public sector," he said.

Friday, March 1, 2019

March 01, 2019

An exhibition of contemporary artists

Now & Then’ is an exhibition Adimoolam, Laxma Goud, T of contemporary artists Vaikuntam, Ajay De, Vinita from across India boasting Karim, Madhuri Badhuri, over 40 artworks in a variety of gen- Ramesh Gorjala, Sandeep res including figurative, Jigdung, Shampa Das, Kamar landscape and abstract,...

March 01, 2019

4 Things to keep in mind after a messy break-up

Getting out of a relationship is always a hard-and-mostly-dry pill to swallow. Fortunately (or unfortunately), everyone unites in this glorious department of heartbreaks. It’s like finishing a series you’ve binge-watched for weeks, and now it’s over, and you don’t really know what to do with yourself. Or your life for that matter.

Most of our communication with everyone today is so all-consuming, especially in the case of those who belong to ‘bae’ status. Imagine having their Instagram profiles, their Facebook pages, and Whatsapp photos just lying there on your phone as a reminder. Getting over someone can make you do a lot of things that you don’t normally associate yourself with. Going out a little too often, trying to get out of the boredom of having no one to text on the regular, a few extra rights swipes on dating apps — all of that is fine. Whatever makes you feel more at peace. Here are four things you need to keep in mind after a messy break-up in order to get over it.


A lot of us hate change. While it’s alright to feel that way, it’s an entirely different matter altogether if you try to replicate what you shared with your ex. For example, you will not be able to find your soulmate on a dating app if that’s the expectation you have post-break-up. If you sign up for one when in that headspace, everyone kind of feels pheeka. There are a lot of really cool boys out there who will get you into a better place, and you’re shooting them in the face. Tell yourself that this change will bring about something positive in the near future.


When is it too soon to get intimate with someone else, or when is too long? How much is the whole relationship-sex equation intertwined in the millennial age of things? The truth? The first time you get physically intimate after a break-up might make you feel sad, bad or guilty, and that’s okay because you learn what you want at the end of it.


Jumping into another relationship to distract yourself is not going to fix anything. You may find the distraction appealing but it won’t help you heal in the long run. You cannot hand over your baggage to the next boy, who is even remotely attracted to you. Take some time off, read, go eat, and do things alone-because there are some lessons you need to learn from yourself.


Your post-break-up journey is going to have a few bumps along the road. You’ll catch yourself crying about some random memory at 2 am on a Tuesday, but make sure you process all parts of that thought before you wipe off the tears. There is going to be regret about that guy you randomly hooked up with at a friend’s party but that regret makes for one hell of a story. Don’t take it too hard, because no one’s got life figured out. Learn from your mistakes, don’t beat yourself up too much and move ahead.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

February 24, 2019

Nowhera Shaikh Heera Group arrested for allegedly cheating nearly 150 people from Mumbai

Couldn’t pay a dividend after losses from note ban, GST: Woman held for cheating

Citing the impact of demonetisation, carried out in November 2016, and then implementation of the GST regime in July 2017, Shaikh has said that by early 2018 she was forced to stop paying monthly dividends, leading investors to approach the police.

Nowhera Shaikh
Nowhera Shaikh

Nowhera Shaikh, 44, the managing director of Heera Group arrested for allegedly cheating nearly 150 people from Mumbai and surrounding areas, has told investigators that losses she suffered following demonetisation and imposition of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rendered her unable to pay dividends on investments made by people.

Citing the impact of demonetisation, carried out in November 2016, and then implementation of the GST regime in July 2017, Shaikh has said that by early 2018 she was forced to stop paying monthly dividends, leading investors to approach the police.

More than 150 people from Mumbai and Thane have made police complaints against Shaikh, and FIRs have been registered against her at several police stations across the country, it is learnt.

An officer associated with the case said that during interrogation, Shaikh has said that she had been paying out dividends for nearly a decade, but fell back on payments since early 2017.

“In May 2017, she issued a circular to her investors, stating that she will pay quarterly dividends, which she managed for some time,” the officer said. “But even the quarterly payments stopped since early this year.”

The officer said that during interrogation, Shaikh replies confidently and asks them to check her bank statements and prior investigations if they do not believe her.

“Her Mumbai agent, Salim Ansari, has also been named in the FIR. Nearly 20,000 people had put in money through him. Like Ansari, there are several agents working for her in the city, so the number of investors must be quite high,” the officer said.

The officer said Shaikh targeted investors from the Muslim community, promising them “interest-free, halaal” investment, as permitted by Islam. Interest in most forms is forbidden by Islam.

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Arrested on October 26 after an FIR was registered against her at Pydhonie police station, Shaikh is currently in the custody of the Economic Offences Wing (EOW), which is investigating the matter, until November 9. In its earlier remand application, the EOW had said that nearly 15 companies had been formed, with Shaikh as director, since 2010. These include Heera Gold, Heera Textile and others, in sectors such as construction, groceries, and tours and travels – she has told the police that her companies are named Heera after herself.

The police said 50 bank accounts belonging to her in various banks have been frozen.

Shaikh, daughter of a fruit exporter from Tirupati, has six younger siblings and married a Hyderabad resident named named Salman Qureshi in 2007. They divorced in 2014, the police said, adding that she did not clear Class X Board exam and she has a degree from an open university in Colombo, reportedly acquired online.

An officer said Shaikh taught at madrassas in Tirupati and later formed trusts with other women and started doing business in buying and selling of gold in the late-1990s. “She registered them as companies only in 2010,” the officer said.

The police said there have been two Income Tax raids against her in the past and an investigation by the Serious Fraud Investigation Office. She reportedly owns a BMW car and a flat in Banjara Hills locality of Hyderabad.
February 24, 2019

Get up, close and personal

According to science, these embarrassing habits can get you closer to your partner
While you may put in a lot of effort to not gross your partner out — at times it may get difficult. But don’t worry, sometimes these habits are just the quirks that your relationship needs. According to research, while dating, people consider the physical attributes a luxury, but personality traits are what makes a couple click. Here are some habits that can actually seal your bond.

In sickness and in health

Constantly coughing and sneezing in front of your partner may be embarrassing. However, there is no better time to show your partner some love than when they are sick. Do you offer support and make them feel comfortable or do you just let them be at peace until they recover?

Your support towards your partner will only strengthen your relationship and take it to the next level.

Sweating it out

You may not want to hug your partner just after a rigorous workout, but give it a try. Doing so can get you closer. The pheromones released with sweating gives a person a peculiar odour and this scent may be attractive to some women.

Being yourself

Being comfortable enough to burp in front of your partner is a critical step . A survey noted that being relaxed enough to be gross in front of your partner is a sign of intimacy.
February 24, 2019

More the merrier gets the work done faster

When it comes to large groups, physical coordination is more effective than verbal communication
A recent study found out that physical coordination works out better with a large group. As part of the study, researchers used robotic interfaces to test coordination in groups of two, three and four partners, and found that performance improvised with every additional group member.

The researchers believe the findings can clarify how a group of people can work together, for example to move and manoeuvre a large table together. This may also lead to improving the outcomes of physical rehabilitation by training patients in groups.

The new study was published in the Journal of eLife. The researchers were shocked by how well and fast partners learned to coordinate as a group through touch. Imagine trying to move a banquet table at a crowded wedding venue. With verbal communication, it’s immensely challenging to coordinate with others to ensure the table doesn’t bump against something, and the more people there are, the longer it takes to reach verbal consensus. With touch, coordination emerges in a matter of seconds, and the time taken to reach consensus is the same, irrespective of group size, said Atsushi Takagi, lead author of the study.

“We expected that the performance would deteriorate with the noisy force of each additional group member. However, the performance improved with each group member, as each individual connects to a virtual collective hand which is the average of all partners’ hands, so that the noise decreases with the number of partners,” Etienne Burdet, senior author of the study added.

The researchers found that the key to physical coordination was the ability to infer the group’s goal through touch.
February 24, 2019

Start your day on the right note

A three-step morning exercise can make your day more productive in just 10 minutes

If you have a growing to-do list filled with big ideas to accomplish, you may find that you are falling short of time. Meetings, emails, social media, and other distractions suck up your time, along with your precious attention.

Thoughtful planning and prioritisation is the best way to play defence against the many tasks vying for your focus. Building in the opportunity for reflection, while difficult, is an instant productivity booster, allowing you to get more done in less time with greater impact. On an episode of the Accidental Creative podcast, author Todd Henry shared a simple 10-minute method you can use to optimise your schedule and create mental bandwidth for deep, creative work.

He suggests sitting down at the beginning of the day to strategise, specifically following these steps:

1 Ask yourself

At the end of the day, what would have to happen for me to say, “Today was a success.”

Henry says, “Time is the currency of productivity, especially for creative professionals,” so make sure (to the extent possible) that your day effectively leverages your strengths, fulfils your values and is filled with tasks or people that energise you.

2 Define the problems you need to solve today

Doing this allows you to work backwards and create a plan of attack, ensuring that you spend your time wisely in highimpact ways.

Henry points out that defining the problems you need to solve will not only help you become more focused but will also prime you to seek creative solutions for the problems you need to solve.

3 Block time for deep work

If you don’t guard your time, distractions will rush in to fill the vacuum. Respect the appointments you set with yourself.
February 24, 2019

Slicing into skin-deep truths of fruits and vegetables

Eating their peels could help lift your mood, make you look younger and even combat cancer

Save your fingernails and eat the whole fruit, peel and all. According to a 2004 study in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, powerful antioxidants called super flavonoids found in orange and tangerine peels can reduce levels of bad LDL cholesterol, without lowering the good HDL levels.

Antioxidants mop up damaging free radicals, which are produced by our bodies and are linked to disease.

Ones obtained from the peel were 20 times more powerful than those from the juice. “The same goes for all citrus fruits,” says nutritionist Anita Bean. “Although we throw away the peel because of the bitter taste, the pith contains high levels of pectin, a component of dietary fibre known for its jam-setting qualities, which helps lower cholesterol.”

How to eat it: Add grated orange peel and zest to salads, cauliflower cheese or baked salmon.


Peeling the skin off an apple means throwing away the fibre. “Almost half the vitamin C lies within one mm of the skin’s surface so you’re losing that too,” Bean says. “And most of the fragrance cells are in the skin, so you can have a tasteless fruit if you peel it.”

Red apple skins are particularly rich in anthocyanins, which are antioxidants that may protect against several types of cancer, in particular prostate cancer. Yellow apple skins contain carotenoids like betacarotene, which help maintain healthy eyes, combat cancers and protect against heart disease. And green apple skins are rich in lutein, which can help reduce the risk of cataracts and birth defects and also protect against cancers.

How to eat it: Dip slices in heart-healthy peanut butter. The protein- carbohydrate mix forms a perfect postworkout snack.


You’ll double your intake of nutrients by eating the skin. Just one fist-sized potato skin provides half your RDA of soluble fibre, potassium, phosphorous, iron, zinc and vitamin C. Potatoes contain more vitamin C than oranges, so are perfect for anyone looking to ward off colds and boost their immune system.

How to eat it: Roast unpeeled potato wedges in a drizzle of olive oil.


The uses for banana skins extend beyond slapstick pranks. A Taiwanese research team from Chung Shan Medical University discovered that banana peel extract can ease depression because it’s rich in the mood-balancing hormone serotonin. It also protects your retinas because it contains lutein, an antioxidant from the carotenoid family, which protects eye cells from exposure to ultraviolet light, a cause of cataracts.

How to eat it: The research team advises boiling the peel for 10 minutes and drinking the cooled water or putting it through a fruit juicer and drinking the juice. In brown skins, the bitter, starchy carbohydrates have turned to sugar, making it sweeter. You can also add other fruit juices to make it more palatable without losing any of the nutritional benefits.


Garlic skin is recognised for having powerful antioxidant properties. Peeling garlic removes phenylpropanoid antioxidants found in the velvety membrane which help fight the ageing process and protect the heart.

How to eat it: Slice a whole garlic head in half lengthwise or even roast whole. Drizzle with olive oil, then add to your baking tray when cooking a roast dinner or oven-baked Mediterranean vegetables.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

February 07, 2019

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February 07, 2019

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February 07, 2019

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Thursday, January 24, 2019

January 24, 2019

Thinking about romantic partner may help keep BP in check


Thinking about your romantic partner when faced with a stressful situation may help keep your blood pressure under control just as effectively as actually having the significant other present with you, a study claims.

In the study, published in the journal Psychophysiology, 102 participants were asked to complete a stressful task — submerging one foot into three inches of cold water ranging from 3.3 to 4.4 degrees Celsius. Researchers from the University of Arizona measured participants’ blood pressure, heart rate and heart rate variability before, during and after the task.

The participants, all of whom were in romantic relationships, were randomly assigned to one of three conditions when completing the task. They either had their significant other sitting quietly in the room with them during the task, they were instructed to think about their romantic partner as a source of support during the task, or they were instructed to think about their day during the task.

Those who had their partner physically present in the room or who thought about their partner had a lower blood pressure response to the stress of the cold water than the participants who were instructed to think about their day.

Heart rate and heart rate variability did not vary between the three groups, researchers said. The effect on blood pressure reactivity was just as powerful whether the partner was physically present or merely conjured mentally, they added.

Studies have suggested that having a partner present or visualising a partner can help manage the body’s physiological response to stress. The new study, led by UA psychology doctoral student Kyle Bourassa, suggests that the two things are equally effective — at least when it comes to blood pressure reactivity.

The findings may help explain, in part, why high-quality romantic relationships are consistently associated with positive health outcomes in the scientific literature, Bourassa said. “This suggests that one way being in a romantic relationship might support people’s health is through allowing people to better cope with stress,” he said.
January 24, 2019

Scientists are now teaching body to accept new organs

It was not the most ominous sign of health trouble, just a nosebleed that would not stop. So in February 2017, Michael Schaffer, who is 60 and lives near Pittsburgh, went first to an emergency room, then to a hospital where a doctor finally succeeded in cauterising a tiny cut in his nostril.

Then the doctor told Schaffer something he never expected to hear: “You need a liver transplant.”

Schaffer had no idea his liver was failing. He had never heard of the diagnosis: NASH, for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, a fatty liver disease not linked to alcoholism or infections. The disease may have no obvious symptoms even as it destroys the organ. That nosebleed was a sign that Schaffer’s liver was not making proteins needed for blood to clot. He was in trouble.

The news was soon followed by another eye-opener: Doctors asked Schaffer to become the first patient in an experiment that would attempt something that transplant surgeons have dreamed of for more than 65 years.

If it worked, he would receive a donated liver without needing to take powerful drugs to prevent the immune system from rejecting it.

Before the discovery of anti-rejection drugs, organ transplants were impossible. The only way to get the body to accept a donated organ is to squelch its immune response. But the drugs are themselves hazardous, increasing the risks of infection, cancer, high cholesterol levels, accelerated heart disease, diabetes and kidney failure.

Within five years of a liver transplant, 25% of patients on average have died. Within 10 years, 35 to 40% have died.

Patients usually know about the drugs’ risks, but the alternative is worse: death.

In 1953, Dr. Peter Medawar and his colleagues in Britain did an experiment with a result so stunning that he shared a Nobel Prize for it. He showed that it was possible to “train” the immune systems of mice so that they would not reject tissue transplanted from other mice.

His method involved injecting newborn or fetal mice with white blood cells from unrelated mice. When the mice were adults, researchers placed skin grafts from the unrelated mice onto the backs of those that had received the blood cells.

The mice accepted the grafts, suggesting that the immune system can be modified. The idea is to isolate regulatory T cells from a patient about to have a liver or kidney transplant. Then scientists attempt to grow them in the lab along with cells from the donor. Then the T cells are infused back to the patient.

Monday, January 7, 2019

January 07, 2019

Mumbai will have its footprint on Nasa’s New Horizon spacecraft’s trajectory

Mumbai will have its footprint on Nasa’s New Horizon spacecraft’s trajectory while executing a nail-biting historic flyby of the most distant and ancient object in the solar system, Ultima Thule, around 11am (IST) on Tuesday. The reason: The person who is playing a key role in navigating the spacecraft to this object, discovered just four years ago, is a Mumbaikar.

Shyam Bhaskaran of Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory was born in 1963 at a clinic in Matunga. Bhaskaran, who has navigated a number of Nasa missions, spoke to TOI on Sunday, recalling that he stayed at Kenilworth, Pedder Road, which housed officials of the department of atomic energy. “My dad was with BARC,” he said.

Bhaskaran, who attended preschool at Kemps Corner, said he remembered playing with friends in and around Kenilworth. “I had a tricycle and I used to pedal it around the area.”

He left for the US in 1968, but returned to Mumbai in 1981 to meet relatives. “I found it was a really big city, full of life and crowded. I will certainly revisit in the future,” he said.
January 07, 2019

Malaysia king quits amid talks of marriage to Russian beauty queen

King Sultan Muhammad V
King Sultan Muhammad V

Oksana Voevodina
Oksana Voevodina

Kuala Lumpur:

Malaysia’s king has abdicated, royal officials said on Sunday, in a historic first for the country that ended weeks of speculation about his future after he took medical leave. Sultan Muhammad V’s decision marks the first time a king has abdicated in the Muslim-majority country since it gained independence from Britain in 1957.

It came after the king took leave at the start of November for two months, during which time unconfirmed reports circulated that he had married a Russian former beauty queen. The Sun reported that Oksana Voevodina was 22 in 2015 when she won the title of Miss Moscow. A statement from the national palace confirmed the resignation of the relatively youthful monarch, known for his fondness for four-wheel driving.

“His majesty tells the people of Malaysia to continue to be united to maintain unity, tolerance, and work together,” said the statement, signed by the Comptroller of the Royal Household, Wan Ahmad Dahlan Abdul Aziz.

It gave no reason for the 49-year-old’s move. But there had been a question mark over the reign of the king, who ascended to the throne in December 2016, since he took a leave of absence for medical treatment. Reports then circulated online that he had married a former Miss Moscow in Russia. Royal officials in Malaysia have so far not commented on the rumoured marriage, or given any details about his health condition.

While their role is ceremonial, Malaysia’s Islamic royalty command great respect, especially from Muslim Malays, and criticising them is strictly forbidden.

Speculation intensified about the king’s future this week when the country’s royals reportedly held a special meeting. Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy, with a unique arrangement where the throne changes hands every five years between rulers of the nine Malaysian states headed by centuries-old Islamic royalty.

The rotating monarchy system has been in place since independence from Britain in 1957, and Sultan Muhammad V is the first monarch to have renounced the throne. Sultan Muhammad V studied at St Cross College at Oxford and the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, according to official media. He is known for a relaxed public persona, taking part in walkathons to promote health, and has been photographed wearing a baseball cap backwards. 

Effective Home Remedies for Migraine Relief

Introduction: Migraine headaches are characterized by intense, throbbing pain, often accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, ...