Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fitness is important for a long life

Passion is that emotion which gives you the strength to survive the tribulations of life and to aim for the ultimate goal you’ve ever set for yourself. A life without passion is a life wasted. Passion need not be necessarily big and it can be something as complicated as wanting to land on the moon to something as simple as reading. In this spectrum, my passion falls somewhere in the middle. I would like to open a chain of state-of-the art gymnasium all over the country.
How often we see people who have a tough time trying to reach their toes. Every day, we notice at least one ‘all-rounder’ who huffs and puffs to climb that one floor to their home or that one flight of stairs to the platform. But, that is not seen as a sign of being unhealthy—the panting is attributed to stress, those few extra pounds are characterised as a ‘sign of the wealthy’.
Let’s look at the reasons we would normally cook up when explaining our inability or unwillingness to exercise. These include: financial constraint, time, and nothing good in the vicinity. This list can go on and on .But the truth is, human life will not. Why is it that the average life expectancy in the US is 86 while it’s somewhere around the 70’s in India? The reason being, we are not paying enough attention to fitness regimes. Heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis and so many other diseases strike those who are unfit and obese. Not just that, exercise boosts immunity and can keep many diseases at bay including the recent and deadly H1N1. Besides, exercise releases endomorph which are the hormone that makes one ‘happy’ and thus relieves stress and improves mental health.
I strongly believe that every individual has the right to healthy living. Healthy living is not a privilege, but a right. Sadly, however in our country, healthy living is more like a right of a pocket of people who are able and willing to pay for it. That is the reason I want to open a chain of health clubs—to make fitness the part of every Indian’s lifestyle. To provide easy access to superior quality, affordable fitness regime that will be an integral part of every Indian’s.

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रंग आणि त्यांच्या छटा: मराठी भाषेतील सौंदर्य आणि संपन्नता

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