Monday, December 5, 2011

Hottie, don't get chatty! Do chat up lines really work? Here's Mars v/s Venus viewpoints...

Hottie, don't get chatty!

Do chat up lines really work? Here's Mars v/s Venus viewpoints...

A recent survey has revealed that Italian men beat their British and French counterparts for using the best chat up lines to flirt. But do men think chat up lines really work?
Says corporate professional Rohan Sharma, "If one were to say something like 'Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?' to a woman, it would be likely to get a favourable reaction from her. The important thing is that the man be complimentary to the woman especially when meeting her for the first time, if striking up a conversation." Sharma also feels that there's a difference between chat up lines and pick-up lines, with the former being more innocuous. "One can be a general conversationalist for chat up lines. For example, you could approach a woman in a nightclub and say 'Aren't these 10.30 pm deadlines tiresome?" and then depending on her reaction, begin chatting about other things or not. Or you might ask her for directions if you're traveling." Sharma adds that the most important indicator of whether the woman is open to conversation is when a smile appears on her face.
Deborshi Basu, a 20-year-old student, has an opposed point of view. "I don't use any chat up lines at all, not even on the girls I fancy," he says emphatically. "The last time I used one, the girl turned to me and said, 'You know what… if you'd come directly and honestly to me without this artifice, it would've worked. But now you piss me off.'" Apparently, this has been the experience of a few other men as well.
According to the survey, one of the favourite ways of Italians wooing a beautiful girl was using the line, "my underwear is edible." British men loved the classic being "O you come here often?"
According to filmmaker Anil Sadarangani, he would probably get "slapped by the girl" for saying something like that. "If I fancy a girl, I'd rather be direct about it and let her know. Maybe even ask her out to a drink. I feel honesty is the best policy. And if we do go out for a drink then the conversation wouldn't be corny — it would have to be intellectual. And I wouldn't comment on her outfit or anything like that."

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