Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Walking is the simplest and most effective form of exercise ­ provided you do it correctly

Walking is the simplest and most effective form of exercise ­ provided you do it correctly 

WALKING IS the king when it comes to exercising. It is easy to do, feasible to maintain, and its benefits are proven beyond doubt! But you need to make it really effective.

EVERY STEP COUNTS Take a spin around the office or walk to the nearby market; take the furthest parking space from your building; schedule walking meetings instead of sit-downs in stuffy rooms; walk while you're on your phone. Also, if you can't set aside 30 minutes of your day for a walk, take a 10-minute walk after breakfast, lunch, and dinner to reach the goal of 30 minutes a day, or take a family walk after dinner.

HYDRATE WELL Hydrate well before, during and after the walk.
To determine the quantity of fluid you require, weigh yourself before and after the walk. The difference in weight would be the quantity of fluids you may need to replace. Avoid caffeinated drinks before your walk as they lead to loss of fluid from the body and make you thirsty.

POWER WALK When done right, walking can blast away fat as fast as jogging ­ maybe faster. Follow these pointers to power walking.
  • Aim to walk at about 4.5-miles per hour.
  • Take quick heel-ball-toe steps as these are more efficient and less tiring than long strides.
  • Raise your chin and look about 10 feet ahead of you.
  • Bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle, close your hands in relaxed fists and swing them in an arc from waist to chest, keeping them close to your body. This way you'll walk faster, burn more calories, and build upper body strength.
  • To strengthen your lower legs as part of your warm-up, walk on your heels for 30 seconds.
  • Aim for four to six power walks a week of 20 to 30 minutes each. Rest your body now and then to let it repair and build muscle.
TAKE A SILENT HIKE When walking, tune into your surroundings.
Be aware of the fragrance of the soil, the sensations of the breeze, the warmth of the sunshine. This will enhance your sense of serenity and `walk' your mind as well as your body.

GET A PEDOMETER A pedometer senses your body motion and counts your footsteps. This count is converted into distance by knowing the length of your usual stride. The simplest pedometers only count your steps and display steps and / or distance. A visual reminder (a pedometer clipped to your belt or shoe) not only makes walking easy but also keeps you accountable to something, even if it is a machine. For weight loss, experts recommend an uninterrupted walk each day of 4,000-6,000 steps. A total of 10,000 steps every day is considered a magic number.

You can find pedometers at sports stores or use a pedometer app on your mobile.

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