Friday, September 20, 2013

September 20, 2013

a surgeon in Chennai became the first in India to live-stream a surgery using the Google Glass

In a first, Chennai doctor uses Google Glass to air ops live

Chennai: When the surgeon’s scalpel drew a red line on the patient’s abdomen, two blocks away a group of medical students leaned toward their screens. The procedure was a simple hernia operation, but the surgical team members were unusually upbeat as they turned to look at the latest gadget in the operation theatre—the Google Glass worn by their chief.
    As the medical fraternity in the West debates the usefulness of the newest device produced by Google, doctors in India have joined the chorus with bouquets and brickbats, even as a surgeon in Chennai became the first in India to live-stream a surgery using the Google Glass. On Tuesday, Lifeline Hospitals live-streamed an upper gastro-intestinal laparoscopy on a 45-year-old man and a hernia repair on a 42-year-old woman to medical students two blocks away using Google Glass.
    “It felt like I was glancing at my rearview mirror while driving. I was focusing on the surgeries and talking to my students at the same time. At one point, I stopped feeling it was an external device,” said Dr J S Rajkumar, chief surgeon at Lifeline.
Google Glass invites mixed reactions
Chennai: In a first in the country, Chennai surgeon J S Rajkumar on Tuesday used Google Glass to live-stream two operations he conducted to his students sitting two blocks away. Google Glass is a wearable computer that has a frame similar to traditional eyeglasses. It follows voice commands to take photos and videos that show the viewpoint of the user.
    The surgeries were livestreamed on Google Hangout as well. Doctors say the gadget is yet another step forward in opening the doors of the operation theatre.
    “People need to know what is happening behind those doors. This is one more gadget towards that end. Students can see the surgical procedures through their seniors’ eyes, quite literally. This is a phenomenal surgical tool,” said Dr Rajkumar. He, however,added, “We did face some practical glitches like problems with wi-fi and the battery dying early.”
    Although the gadget is still to hit the market, Google distributed 2,000 of the gizmos earlier this year for testing before its release to the general public. Doctors say the technology could be used to view X-rays, MRI images and other medical information as they conduct surgeries and connect with doctors in far flung places.
    While some doctors say the device could soon become a fixture in operation theatres, some see it as a distraction. “It’s too early to celebrate this as a breakthrough in healthcare tools. Unless it is carefully vetted, it could be a disaster for patients,” said Dr R Ravi Kumar, director, institute of cardiovascular disease, robotic surgery centre at Chettinad Health City.

Friday, September 13, 2013

September 13, 2013

Government mulls madrasa-like grant for Vedic, Warkari schools

Government mulls madrasa-like grant for Vedic, Warkari schools

Buckles under pressure to address vote-bank imbalance ahead of general polls

MUMBAI: Following allegations levelled by right-wing parties that the state’s decision to offer a grant to madrasas is appeasement of minorities ahead of general elections, the government is likely make a similar provision for institutes imparting Vedic and Warkari education.
The suggestion came up in Wednesday’s cabinet meeting when ministers Patangrao Kadam and Jaidutta Khirsagar discussed the issue. The cabinet then considered a demand raised by the Warkaris (Bhakti sect). The bureaucrats were asked to prepare a proposal for giving aid to Vedic and Warkari schools.
On September 4, the cabinet had approved Rs10 crore for the 200 madrasas in the state. There are 1,889 madrasas in Maharashtra, in which 1,45,995 students are enrolled. The facility will apply to madrasas registered with the state charity commissioner. Under the scheme, madrasas will get a number of benefits, such as special grants to develop infrastructure and scholarships for student
The scheme is voluntary and those unwilling to avail the grant will be given as grants to madrasas for renovation a one-time grant for building libraries will be given as annual scholarships to some 600 students may refuse the state funds. In fact, some madrasas in central Maharashtra have refused the scheme fearing interference from government authorities.
The grant is subject to certain conditions — the institute must On September 4, the cabinet approved 10 crore for 200 madrasas in the state. teach subjects such as science and mathematics as per the state board syllabus and the students must take the SSC board examinations. Sources in the government said that similar conditions would apply to Vedic and There are 1,889 madrasas in Maharashtra, in which 145,995 students are enrolled. Wakari schools.
“We don’t have the number of Vedic or Warkari schools available. We will study the issue before finalising the policy,” a state government official said.
President o f Wa r k a r i The facility will apply to madrasas registered with the state charity commissioner. A week after it approved grants for madrasas, the cabinet agreed in-principle to allow sops for Vedic and Warkari schools. The Warkari sect is one of the most powerful religious groups in the state. With several crore people following the sect, the government cannot afford to invite their ire ahead of the general elections. In fact, many ministers and senior leaders are associated with the sect. Prabodhan Mahasamiti, Rameshwar Shastri Maharaj, said Warkari organisations operate some 3000 schools in the state. “We will need at least Rs100 crore annually in government grant,” he said
September 13, 2013

Parel: Curious case of contrasts

Parel: Curious case of contrasts

DOUBLE TROUBLE While the main platform and bridge can barely hold the crowds, an unused platform and roads around the station get dark and lonely

As dusk falls outside Parel station, the street lights gradually come on. Vendors lining the street switch on their own bulbs, partially illuminating the narrow stretch, which is the main route leading out of the station, while commuters hurry past towards the road on the eastern side.
There is only one narrow bridge that connects Parel to the west, which gets stifling during peak hours. “I do not feel safe at Parel station at night,” said Paromita Pal, 25, a student who lives nearby. “I normally do not get down here and prefer to get off at Dadar. There are hardly enough street lights and even less lighting once the vendors go away.”
“After 10pm, no one can come here,” said Sadhna Kandare, 33. “At Dadar, I can come and go any time, because there are always enough people.”
At Parel station, it is a case of contrasts: the only platform in use can get overcrowded, while the surrounding areas get dark and lonely.
The bridge connecting the western and central lines is packed during rush hour. Vendors populate the main path towards the station on the eastern side till late.
“I have been here for 40 years, and nothing untoward has ever happened,” said a woman vendor. “We live right here. If anything happens, we are there to help.” However, there are still a handful of hangers-on – a stray homeless person sleeping on a bench of the unused platform, a semi-comatose beggar on the steps to the bridge. The walkway that leads to the bridge on the far side is well-lit but barely used.
“This station is a bit lonely because it has just one platform in constant use,” said a police officer on duty on the empty platform. . “In other stations there are more platforms being used.”


1. Lighting is substantial on the main bridges and main platform for local trains. Most lights are switched off on the abandoned platform. Ticket area is well-lit, but a large patch of ground adjacent to it is dark. Approach to the station from both sides lit by lampposts, but all the lights are not functioning. Heavy tree cover adds to the darkness
Most people avoid the desolate path on the station’s east, which the new, hardly-used bridge leads to. 2. There are no clear signs indicating the route to the second footbridge. No signs indicating the station master’s cabin. Other signs with helpline numbers, platform numbers are unclear, fading or in obscure places
3. One road to the connecting bridge is deserted and not used for the most part. The main access points towards the station are single pedestrian paths on the east and west sides
4. Women try and avoid the surge of men, especially on the bridge, by using the womenonly queues organised by the police during rush hour.
5. Hawkers and vendors are sometimes present on the bridges and in large numbers on the roads leading to the bridges, but their presence makes the area a little more populated, making women feel safer
6. The main bridge connecting two stations is overburdened. The new bridge on the other side is barely being used as it is far away and inconvenient. Loiterers are seen here sometimes.
7. There are no skywalks
8. Police are present on the bridges and on both platforms. They are alert and attentive, and also helpful with directions and information to commuters
9. Aside from hawkers, minimal non-commuters are seen. A few people were found sleeping in the area, and some loitering on the platform that is not in use. Loiterers are seen sometimes at the foot of the bridge.
10. Emergency services and routes are not marked clearly. Phone numbers and helpline numbers not prominently displayed.

Platforms 3 and 4 are deserted. The few trains that halt here are long-distance ones. Women commuters were not seen here.

Unknown men were found sleeping on the benches

Both ends of all the platforms were deserted. There were only two police constables near the foot over bridges.

There was only one woman constable and four to five men police officers

Men were seen passing ruthless comments, whistling, taking pictures.

Women commuters reported that boys/men touch them in the crowd while a train passes by

Many women/girls said there should be more police constables when the station is empty

A majority of college girls have suffered or witnessed staring, winking or touching

Men stare at women/girls who pass by or are walking along the length of the platforms

There is a women’s washroom below the bridge next to the tracks, but this is located right next to the men’s washroom which leads to a “lot of sexual harassment”.

Drug addicts are seen standing under bridges and at corners

Only useful bridge also the site of chaos, harassment

It is 7pm and the bridge connecting Elphinstone Road and Parel stations is heaving under the weight of hundreds of commuters.
As the nodal bridge between the two lines, it is densely packed at peak office hours. Three women constables have been posted to handle the traffic, but even that seems inadequate.
For women commuters, this isn’t just an ordinary bridge to descend from, it is an experience bordering on the hellish.
“When it’s crowded, men think they can take their chances,” said Nivedita Virnodkar, 27, who works in an import business and has been using this station for the past three years.
As the crowds surge through the bottleneck at the main platform, the constables try to control the movements through intermittent shouted instructions, whistles and asking for women to use a separate queue. But this is not always good enough.
The policewomen have been posted here mainly to help women commuters, and to try and ensure that women get preference while going up or down. “We try and manage the best as we can,” said one of them.
The bridge on the far side only connects the platform to the other side of Parel and not to the western line. Though clean and well-lit, it remains unused, because of the inconvenient access point and the lonely path that it leads to.

No toilet for women here

A women’s toilet at Parel station lies locked, and in disrepair. Meanwhile, men urinate just nearby in a half open structure that reeks. No other public toilets for women were found near the station. This is just one example of poor infrastructure and inadequate facilities at the station th t th d d il b i

Spot the helpline number

A sign with the helpline number lies in decrepit condition, hidden behind other odds and ends outside the station master’s office Although this number is out of use, the current helpline number is not prominently displayed in other locations; Dust-smeared boards, fading fonts and notices in obscure

An unusual hang-out spot

This platform is hardly used for local train commuters, and mostly just for freight trains. However, non-commuters still linger here, sometimes solo or in groups, sleeping or simply hanging around and chatting. The food stall here also remains shut through the day. At night, very few lights are used.

Past 8pm on the second platform of the Parel station, used by goods trains, is more than a little eerie. With only four tubelights on, it is more or less a straight walk through into darkness, with a few men standing around.
The policemen manning the platform claim the lights-out atmospherics is to save electricity, but this is hardly confidenceinspiring. Since it is not really used by commuters, there is no particular reason to come here, but even the policemen were circumspect to see me.
“Why are you walking here alone?” asked one, with a note of concern. “It is not safe to move around alone. You should go with a colleague. Haven’t you been reading the papers?”

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11, 2013

Acupuncture helps check excess weight gain


Acupuncture helps check excess weight gain

    Obesity is caused by a multitude of reasons. Chief among them are hormonal imbalance, lack of exercise, overeating, bingeing on junk food, sedentary lifestyle, slow metabolism, stress and depression. While there are as many remedies on offer to lose that excess weight, there’s one which isn’t just part of traditional Chinese medicine but is also endorsed by the World Health Organisation and The United States National Institutes of Health: Acupuncture, a science that is able to address almost all the factors associated with being overweight. It does so by providing a multipronged approach to the weight-gain problem by restoring bodily functions to normality so to bring about an equilibrium and thereby, control the factors leading to obesity. 

REDUCES APPETITE, ENHANCES ENERGY Obesity consultant Dr Amrapali Patil says that acupuncture can bring about weight loss by different mechanisms. “It can blunt craving for food, bringing about ‘homoeostasis’ in the body, thereby adjusting the ‘milieu intérieur’ of the body to normality.”
    For instance, blood sugar dips are known to cause hunger pangs. The doctor explains, “When the blood sugar level is normal, there is no unhealthy increase in
appetite. Acupuncture achieves this by enabling one to eat less by reducing requirement of food while enhancing the body’s ability to effectively utilise the energy obtained from food consumed. This means that though appetite and food requirement decrease, one feels highly energetic and refreshed at all times.” 

METABOLISM BOOST The basal metabolic rate
(BMR) of the body can be upped with the help of acupuncture. “So, while appetite decreases, energy is replenished and the body’s metabolism actually increases. This creates a negative caloric balance and the weight gets yanked down,” says Dr Patil. 


Acupuncture enables the digestive system to process food effectively. 

HORMONE REGULATION Acupuncture regulates ghrelin and leptin, hormones associated with being overweight and obese. 

STRESS-BUSTER Being overweight causes stress, leading to wrong choices that lead to weight gain. Acupuncture releases endorphins (‘happiness hormones’) present in the body, resulting in a calming, tranquilising effect that brings about a feeling of well-being and positive mood elevation. 

AIDS LIVER FUNCTION It promotes functioning of liver to its optimal level. The liver is an organ that doesn’t just aid metabolism but also is imperative to glycogen storage, decomposition of red bloof cells, plasma proteing synthesis, hormone production and detoxification. Dr Patil states,
    “A regulated liver function means a proper metabolic rate and health at its best. This aids enormously in weight loss.” 
Reduce cravings
    Increase metabolism
    Reduce abdominal fat
    Improve insulin resistance
    Detox body 

Weight-loss clinics in our city that use acupuncture, also have nutritionists who prescribe a low-cal diet that aids weight loss. Others use electromuscular stimulation and procedures that need followups, wherein excess weight is taken care of by an in-house dietician. Since there are no scientific studies, in my knowledge, to study the impact of acupuncture on weight-loss in isolation, I don’t think it has an effect. We have operated many patients who have lost weight through these means but their weight always came back. Despite these procedures, weight re-gain possibility is very high.
    — Dr Ramen Goel,
    Bariatric surgeon

Monday, September 9, 2013

September 09, 2013

interest in teaching and research. I want to appear for CSIR-NET

I am a final year student of BTech (Biotech). I have a keen interest in teaching and research. I want to appear for CSIR-NET, but I don’t know whether I am eligible for the exam or not. Please advice. To broaden the scope of NET and attract meritorious students at an early stage of their career, CSIR has revised the eligibility criteria to include the following degrees in the relevant subjects i) chemical sciences, earth, atmospheric ocean & planetary sciences, ii) life sciences, iii) mathematical sciences, iv) physical sciences, v) engineering sciences): BSc (Hons), BS (four-yrs), BE/BTech, BPharm, MBBS, integrated BS-MS and MSc.
    To encourage engineering graduates like you to pursue PhD and lectureship, CSIR-NET has introduced a sixth paper in engineering sciences, which is common to all engineering disciplines. The sample paper and syllabus is uploaded on the CSIR website
    The minimum percentage remains the same i.e. 55% for general category (50% for SC/ST/PH). Fourth year students like you can also apply. However, Bachelor’s degree holders (in science or engineering will be eligible for JRF only upon enrolment for PhD /integrated PhD within two years.
    According to the revised UGC norms, you need to obtain the minimum marks in each of the three papers separately i.e. 40% in papers I and II and 50% in paper III (there’s 5% relaxation for OBC (non-creamy).
    Also, please note that henceforth only the top 15% candidates in the NET merit list for each subject and category (based on aggregate scores) will be declared qualified and eligible for lectureship.

    A separate list will be drawn up for JRFs from among the NET qualifiers in the merit list.
September 09, 2013



    Do you know why we don’t see nail art more often? It’s because they hardly last. Most women are wary of dedicating their precious time to create nail art, only to have it chip or peel in a few days. At the rate which nail polish chips off, even a routine coat of colour becomes cumbersome. Here’s a guide to make your mani last long; right from the way you should apply polish to fixing chips.
USE VINEGAR If you are painting your talons at home, get that bottle of vinegar from the kitchen. Dip a Q-tip in it and run it across your nail bed. Paint your nails like you usually will, add a top coat to seal it and you are set for a few weeks at least.
BANISH OIL First, prepare your nails for polish. The massage oils or creams used in manicures (and pedicure) coat your nails as well. Applying varnish directly on the nails without cleaning the nail bed is going to end in disaster, as the oil coating will not let the polish set well. Dip a fibre-free cotton pad (you don’t want fibres sticking to the sides of your nail
and spoiling your polish) in acetone and swipe over the nail bed to remove oil. Ensure that the nail technician does this every time she does your nails.
OVERLOAD ALERT You might be impatient and want to get done with your nails
quickly, but loading your nails with polish ain’t gonna help. The under layers of thick polish do not dry at all. Piling on more coats means loading colour on a shaky base. It is going to smudge and ruin your entire look. The correct way is to hold the brush parallel to your nail bed and start application about a millimetre away from the cuticle. Apply thin coats and leave enough time to let each coat dry.
THE TOUCH-UP You must touch up your nails every three days with a fresh coat of top coat. It will freshen up your nails while adding a shine. Lighter shades of polish tend to last longer since mistakes are not obvious and chips too can be easily covered. Glittery nail varnishes are a pain to take off, which also means they last longer and do not chip as much. Neutrals and nude colours are durable and also trendy now.
FIXING CHIPS While all the above tips are helpful in making your manicure last longer than it usually does, chips are unavoidable. However, it’s nothing to fret over. While doing your mani, add an extra layer of colour only around the tips (make this a really thin coat) before sealing with a top coat. If you chip your nails later, buff out nicks by gently using a buffer over the nail. Apply a thin coat of the same polish and seal it with a top coat.
GET ARTSY You can only do so much to freshen up your look. If removing every bit of nail paint and starting all over again does not seem enticing, try doing some fun nail art instead. You can use guiding strips (used in French manicures) and paint the chipped nail tips with a nail polish in a contrasting colour. Same mani, different look! Go for the gradient or ombre look , which involves using a makeup sponge to blend two colours together. Use nail art like sequins and floral bits to take attention away from old polish. The world is indeed your oyster!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 08, 2013

UNLOCK AND BOOST YOUR CREATIVITY Get the ideas flowing with these quick but insightful reads


Get the ideas flowing with these quick but insightful reads

    Wish you could produce ideas on demand? Innovation and brilliance aren’t the forte of artists and people in ‘creative’ professions. Some of the world's most successful thinkers believe every person is creative to some degree. They have collated techniques and uncovered mental secrets in these practical guides. 

Lateral Thinking: Maltese physician and inventor
Edward de Bono introduced the world to the power of thinking laterally through this groundbreaking tome in 1967. Since then, it has helped millions of people unleash their creativity for various purposes. It is considered a step-bystep practical textbook on creativity with formal techniques that can be applied anywhere, at any time, to come up with fresh ideas.  

The Book of Doing: Allison Arden wrote this book for those who simply don’t have time for the pursuit of creativity. She suggests ways to transform 94 everyday activities into joyful and inventive exercises.

Creative Confidence: Award-winning innovators Tom and David Kelley dispel the myth that creativity is the domain of a chosen few. They also outline strategies to tap into your creative potential for productive use. 

How to Get Ideas: Adman Jack Foster shows you how to condition your mind to become 'idea-prone,' 

utilise your sense of humour, visualise your goals, and conquer your fear of rejection. 

The Creative Habit: Twyla Tharp lays out over 30 simple exercises to get out of a mental block and make creativity a habit instead of a spark of divine inspiration. 

It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want To Be: Have ideas but lack the confidence to express them? Then this book is for you. This
concise bestseller by advertising guru Paul Arden is a humorous guide to bringing out the best of your creative self. 

The Opposable Mind: Like the opposable thumb, the opposable mind — author Roger Martin’s term for the human brain’s ability to hold two conflicting ideas together — is used by the world’s most successful businessmen to create superior ideas. This book chronicles 50 such case studies. 

The Artist’s Way: This classic self-help bestseller by Julia Cameron provides a twelve-week course that guides you through the process of recovering your creative self. Its step-by-step approach enables you to transform your life, overcome artistic blocks, including limiting beliefs, fear, sabotage, jealousy and guilt, and replace them with self confidence and higher productivity.

September 08, 2013

Food activist Vani Hari tells Nona Walia how everyday food habits can make you live healthy and stay slim

Watch what you bite!

Food activist Vani Hari tells Nona Walia how everyday food habits can make you live healthy and stay slim

    Food activist and blogger Vani Hari wants to change the way the world eats as she takes on big food corporations to serve healthy food. She teaches people how to make the right purchasing decisions at the grocery store, how to live an organic lifestyle, and how to travel healthy. Here are five everyday health tips for better living from her... 

Include more green and natural foods: Eat as close to mother nature as possible, avoid processed foods and consume the most nutrient dense plant-based foods on the planet like dark leafy greens, good fats like coconut oil, nuts, seeds and avocado. Limit alcohol, sweets and conventional industrial meat. Wheatgrass juice is one of the best sources of chlorophyll,which detoxes the body completely. 

Start your day with warm lemon water and cayenne pepper: Sprinkle some cayenne pepper (lal mirch) in warm lemon water first thing in the morning and have it on an empty stomach. This ritual provides a super stimulant to the liver, the main detoxing organ in the body. Your liver will release uric acid and create bile to safely eliminate environmental and lifestyle toxins that would otherwise be trapped longer in your digestive system. 

Discover the benefits of green juices: Consuming green drinks is the best way to get greens in your diet. They provide the body with a rich source of chlorophyll on a daily basis. 

When travelling, pack these: Home
made, frozen, organic veggies, homemade hummus. Bring your first meal: hummus sandwiches or yogurt for breakfast. Carry an assortment of raw veggies (think carrots, celery, broccoli). Almonds and raisins can last forever in your suitcase. Carry some organic dates, prunes, unsalted walnuts and unsalted cashews and oats. 

Detox your body at regular intervals: You can actually detox all the time if you eat the right foods. Detoxing isn’t about eating healthy and then eating
processed and sugar-filled foods – it’s about making sure your body is getting rid of the daily toxins. Eating and drinking an abundance of high liver stimulating raw vegetables like kale (curly greens), dandelion greens, spinach and beetroot is the best way to daily detox. Dandelion tea is a quick and easy way to stimulate the liver to remove toxins. 

Warning: Consult a specialist before making any changes in your diet 

THESE PRODUCTS SHOULD ALWAYS BE ORGANIC Dairy products: Studies have shown organic milk has more antioxidants. Says Vandana Shiva, “Dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc. should be consumed in their organic form because, they are free of growth hormones or antibiotics that are given to animals.”  

Meat: Says Ishi Khosla, nutritionist, “Organic animal products are better because the animals are raised in a healthy environment, and fed organic fodder with a wider range of nutrients than those raised in factory farms. The chickens aren’t artificially injected with hormones to fatten up.”  

Dirty dozen produce: Some vegetables and fruits, like apples, celery, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes, hot peppers and peaches, are heavily sprayed with chemicals. Says Khosla, “Soak them in water for at least two hours, if you can’t buy organic.”

 Tea and coffee: They do not wash tea, so pesticides that cause disease can be brewed right into your cup. Adds Khosla, “Everyday, we consume four to five cups of tea. It’s wise to go organic with your tea and coffee, even if you find it expensive.”  

Dried herbs and spices: Non-organic herbs and spices are irradiated, reducing medicinal quality.  

Chocolate: Organic chocolates are made of cocoa beans that have not been treated with synthetic fertilizers. 

Drinking juice on a full stomach: Fresh juice should only be consumed on an empty stomach. Drinking juice on an empty stomach allows the vitamins and minerals in the juice to go straight to your bloodstream. A good
general rule of thumb to follow is to wait at least two hours after a meal. Waiting too long to drink your green juice: As soon as your freshly made green juice gets exposed to air, its live enzymes begin to degrade, therefore decreasing the nutritional content. Using too many sweet fruits and vegetables in your green juice: Sweet fruits and vegetables like watermelon, apples, pears, and carrots are very nutritious when consumed whole, but if you consume too many of them juiced, the amount of sugar and fructose you are adding to your diet could be over the top. Too much natural sugar can affect insulin levels pretty dramatically. Treating green juice like a meal: Juice isn’t a meal replacement, rather it is a meal enhancer or snack.

September 08, 2013



I enjoy eating homemade food I I remember having pizza at home when I was young. Years later, it’s still one of my favourite foods.  

My favourite recipe I I love lemon chicken pasta with capers. I’m half Italian, so it hits all the right spots.

Most of the time, I’m on the run I So I don’t have the time to prepare an elaborate meal. When I have the kitchen to myself, I make egg sandwiches. They are my speciality. No one makes them like I do. 
Staying away from home, I miss I Katsuya, a sushi place in Los Angeles. The food there is to die for! 

When I am on tour I I try to eat healthy, but I get excited about trying out authentic local food. 

My favourite cuisine is I
Japanese. I love sushi. 

A favourite from my mom’s kitchen I Is her Italian sausage and peppers recipe. It’s delicious. 

My most romantic meal I Consisted of chocolate fondue. It was fun and intimate. 

One country that serves heavenly food I America. It has a little bit of everything.

Lemon Chicken Pasta With Capers 
INGREDIENTS Extra virgin olive oil: 2 tbsp I Chicken thighs cut into 1-inch pieces (boneless, skinless): 6 I Butter: 2 tbsp I Garlic (chopped): 2 tbsp I Spring onions
(chopped): 1/4 cup I All-purpose flour: 2 tbsp I White wine: 1/2 cup I Fresh lemon juice: 2 to 4 tbsp I Chicken stock: 1 cup I Capers: 2 tbsp I Parsley (chopped): 1/2 cup I Penne rigate pasta (cooked to al dente): 340 gm I Salt and pepper to taste 

METHOD Heat a deep non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Put a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and the chicken into a pan. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Brown it for about five minutes, until lightly golden all over. Remove chicken from pan. Set aside. Return skillet to heat. Reduce heat to medium. Add another tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and one tablespoon butter, garlic and spring onions to skillet. Saute garlic and spring onions for three minutes. Add flour and cook for another two minutes. Whisk in the wine and reduce for a minute. Whisk lemon juice and stock into this sauce. Stir in capers and parsley. When the mixture comes to a bubble, add remaining butter to sauce to give it a little shine. Return chicken to pan and heat through, for two minutes. Toss hot pasta with chicken and sauce and serve. Add salt and pepper, to your taste.

September 08, 2013

Inversion therapy is the latest solution to stress, back pain, depression and bad posture,

Hang upside down for good health!

Inversion therapy is the latest solution to stress, back pain, depression and bad posture,

    The Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown uses an inversion table every day to maintain mental acuity and overcome writer’s block. Hollywood actress Eva Mendes routinely inverts herself for 20 minutes to keep her complexion radiant. American comedienne Rosie O’Donnell has revealed on a talk show that when everything failed, inversion therapy got her through depression. In the West, physiotherapists and chiropractors have been using inversion tables for decades to aid the healing process.
    With inversion tables finally making their way onto Indian shores, we got the expert take on how this practice im
proves a person’s overall health. 

What it means: Inversion therapy involves hanging upside down or at an angle for a variety of therapeutic purposes. Inversion is actually a 3,000-year-old concept. Yogis have long preached the value of inverted
asanas like headstands and handstands to re-balance the body, help increase circulation, stimulate the brain, enhance glandular system functioning, and relieve pressure on the abd o m i n a l o r ga n s . Hippocrates — known as the father of medicine — would hoist patients on a ladder with ropes and pulleys in an effort to stretch them and relieve their ailments. A book published in the 1970s by US-based Dr Robert Martin Jr. increased the spread of inversion through a programme that used special tables. By the 1980s, multiple companies were creating inversion tables to cater to the craze for clinical and at-home therapy. 

How it works: An inversion table is like a flexible bed that twists and stretches with you. Leg clasps are provided so you don’t fall off. It uses the earth’s gravity and your body’s weight to stretch the muscles and the spine. Gravity pulls the blood from your lower body, and sends it
    through the cardiovascular system to improve circula
tion. Inversion tables are a safer alternative to inverted yoga poses since your entire body weight is not borne by the head or hands, and there are fewer chances of injury. Apart from treating back pain, there are a variety of benefits of this therapy. 

For back pain: Inversion increases the amount of space between each vertebra, relieving the pressure on the ligaments, nerve roots and discs. With less pressure, there is less pain in your back. 

For depression: Just as exercise produces endorphins (opium
like compounds in the brain), inversion therapy has a similar effect. Circulatory and lymphatic stimulation, and oxygenation of the brain have a positive effect on a person’s outlook. 

For posture c o r re c - tion: When
the body is inverted, it remains in alignment with gravity. The spine is then more prone to return to its natural form, which resembles a soft ‘S’ curve. 

Inputs by inversion therapy practitioner Arvind Agarwal, and physical therapists Dr Rajveer Singh and Dr KS Bhawish

(Above) How the inversion table works; (left) Hollywood star Eva Mendes regularly uses an inversion table to retain her glowing complexion

September 08, 2013

Don’t be misled by the name. Save-cation has nothing to do with saving money. It’s about taking a vacation to save your marriage



Don’t be misled by the name. Save-cation has nothing to do with saving money. It’s about taking a vacation to save your marriage

    For most of us, a leisurely vacation or road trip is a great getaway from our high-pressure lifestyles. After all, if you want a breather, what better way to relax and rejuvenate, in a faraway land, away from all the worries of a mundane routine? Now, joining the ranks of theme vacations, a new travel trend — save-cation — is taking centre stage. But unlike other holidays, this one endeavours to save a failing marriage or relationship.
‘Hail Mary Honeymoons’ Also known as ‘Hail Mary Honeymoons’ (like Hail Mary prayers that are an act of desperation with the hope to succeed, but with a low probability), save-cations are being recommended by counsellors to couples who are ready to call it quits. Radhika Basu, whose marriage was going through a rough patch, decided to take a vacation with her husband as a last-ditch attempt. “Initially, I was
reluctant to give him another chance, but I realised that we needed some time alone to evaluate our relationship. So we took off on a leisurely, three-week vacation to Thailand, Malaysia and The Philippines. We had ample time to address our issues. It was a revelation. We didn’t sweep our problems under the carpet like we usually did back home. I think the change in our surroundings and a break from our daily routine made us to think of each other in a positive way.” The vacation didn’t sort out all their problems, Basu decided not to file for divorce. She is giving her marriage more time.
Leave the blame-game at home Psychologist Harriet Lerner, who has written the book, Marriage
Rules: A Manual for the Married and the Coupled Up, believes, “It’s worth a try, if both partners are committed to behaving well and being their best selves on the holiday, even if their partner is behaving badly. This means, there is no criticism, complaining, blaming, fighting, and bringing up of old grievances. Couples should leave the ‘to-do’ list behind as well. Going on a save-cation is a worthwhile venture, if the couple has genuine motivation to have a better marriage, and takes responsibility to manage their own behaviour, and not react to their partner in the old ways.”
    It’s not as if all conflicts between couples will disappear after a savecation, but they may be able to learn of ways to resolve their conflict. Left
on their own, with a chance to enjoy great views, good food and some pampering, couples often rediscover the reason why they got together in the first place!
    Relationship counsellor Rajan Bhonsle says, “The common complaint of most couples is that their relationship suffers because they don’t get adequate time and privacy, due to work pressure or extended family responsibilities. And their sex life is practically non-existent. On a save-cation, couples connect sexually and get a chance to talk their heart out. In fact, many people have started taking compulsory periodic holidays with just their spouse, to better their marriage.”
    These vacations only work when couples are open to resolving conflict in the marriage. If people have decided to call it quits, no matter what, a save-cation cannot help. But it’s worth giving it a shot anyway. You know why? Because an expensive vacation is still cheaper than a divorce.

3 SIGNS YOU NEED TO GO ON A SAVE-CATION Constantly stressed: Because of your responsibilities at work and home, you get irritable and less patient with your better half, thus leading to frequent arguments and fights.
Marriage isn’t a priority: If your work, kids, extended family, friends and hobbies, all take priority over your relationship with your spouse, you’re obviously not giving it enough attention and your marriage may suffer in the long run. Less quality time: If you aren’t investing time with your spouse, by engaging in activities you enjoy together, and are starting to get bored in the marriage, you are not spending quality time.

September 08, 2013

The stylish and humble Irfan Pathan tells Amin Ali how he handles fame money, power and attention

“Fame is God’s gift”

The stylish and humble Irfan Pathan tells Amin Ali how he handles fame money, power and attention

    Cricketer Irfan Pathan is suave, grounded, level-headed and has a lot of patience. He was selected for the Indian team that won the Champion’s Trophy recently, but suffered an injury and couldn’t take part in any of the games in England. This stylish Pathan says his decade in cricket has been a valuable experience in life, one that has taught him how to handle fame, money and relationships. Excerpts...
Getting injured without playing a single game can damage the spirit. How do you motivate yourself during such times? Patience and hope. Keep working hard and be hopeful is my mantra. Keep telling yourself that hard work will pay. Even when I was out of the team, I used to tell myself: ‘I will be back’. But mere self belief is not enough. It has to be accompanied by hard work. Only then will your belief turn into real achievement.
You peaked pretty early in life. Fame followed. A lot of people become brash in such situations... As long as you remember the fame that you get is God’s gift for your talent, you will be grounded. I come from a very humble background. My father and mother are simple God-fearing people. They constantly remind me of my roots.
How do you keep your cool when fans mob you? Anyone who meets you or waves at you does it with the hope that you would reciprocate. They deserve respect. I always keep that in mind.
You come across as a grounded person... Everyone should have at least one friend, or one family member who has a calming influence. He should always guide you and advise you. I am lucky to have my parents and brother Yusuf around. Such company helps in taking off all the pressure. I never feel tired or get bored when they are around.
Contracts bring big bucks. You are a top draw. It often makes people arrogant... Everyone should like and respect money. I like it too when my profession allows me to make a decent amount. But I have never lusted for money. People who think they have made some cash should always remember that the guy next to you might have far more than what you can ever imagine.

We don’t hear stories of link-ups or postmatch revelry when it comes to you... I head home after the game’s over. A room full of doting friends and relatives is far better than a club full of unknown people. You have to make right and smart choices in life. Some people hardly spend time with their families at home. They think family dinners in expensive restaurants are equal to a happy family.
Isn’t a young celebrity expected to have a series of affairs? Being a celebrity doesn’t mean you act in a particular or a typical way. You can still go home after work and spend time with your family rather than date a number of glamorous women.
Youngsters these days crave fame and popularity. Any advice for them? A lot of ‘stars’ see their 20-30 ft-high billboards and think that is their real height, even when they are merely 5 ft tall. I have always remembered that I am only 6 ft tall, and that has allowed me to be real.

QUICK BYTES Fashion... Became a part of my life pretty late. I grew into fashion rather than with it. Initially, just wearing new clothes was fashionable. When I started travelling, I learnt and developed a sense of style.
Define your style... Denims and tees as everyday wear, shirts for meetings and kurta salwar for Friday prayers.
What’s your style guide? I look at a movie or a magazine and if I like a look, I browse through shops to get that look. You should be ready to shop anywhere without any brand hassles to be really stylish.
What’s your colour? I have started liking bright new shades of blue in lowers. I also have a lot of white shirts.
Essential accessories for men are... Gadgets and watches. They say everything about your taste. Your phone, laptop and watch can make a far more powerful statement than striking yellow shoes.
What’s your passion? Driving. I find excuses to drive, be it from the airport to home or taking my family out to the market, I am always game for a drive.
Preferred vacations... On a beach. Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Australia or West Indies.
Most stylish cricketer Yuvraj Singh.

September 08, 2013

It’s Your Life — Best of O-zone by Vinita Dawra Nangia

Is unconditional loyalty a virtue?

Loyalty doesn’t mean obedience or adherence; it implies keeping the interest of dear ones at heart by following your own set of values

    Years ago in college, the entire class would plan to bunk French almost every second day, while I would turn up for the class, forcing them all to trickle in, one by one. I had no desire to be the teacher’s pet; it’s just that I enjoyed studying the language. Years later in office, the entire staff signed a memorandum, which I refused to sign since I did not believe in what it said. It made me unpopular with colleagues, including some close friends. But my friends cared enough to understand and make up with me later; the rest never cared enough either way. And I lived with the satisfaction that I had not betrayed myself just in order to be one with the group.
    Blind faith or loyalty in a dog is a laudable virtue, but when it comes to human beings, it becomes a questionable one. Very often, we are expected to display loyalty to our in-groups — friends, the family unit, workplace colleagues, religion, politics or sports clubs — without using our own judgment, just because we ‘belong’. Hence you will often notice that many amongst an agitating group do not even understand the basic principle they are fighting for; they are just in it together. Use of intellect and adherence to truth are expected to take a backseat when it comes to standing up for, or with those we owe our allegiance to.
    So, if your mom has had an argument with the neighbours, woe betide you if you were to point out that the next-door aunty had a valid point. It may be clear to everyone that the boss’ viewpoint is baseless, but very few will raise an objection and risk being considered disloyal. On the other hand, indulging his every whim and assisting him in every desire, no matter how harmful to him, becomes recognised as an act of loyalty.
    When the emperor stepped out naked in the fairytale, The Emperor’s New Clothes, who was more loyal? The entire kingdom that pretended to admire his non-existent clothes, or the child who cried out, ‘Look mom, the emperor is naked’? Birbal is a good ex
ample of an adviser who tempered his loyalty with sense and intelligence, using wit as a tool to convey his honest opinions to Emperor Akbar in a court full of yeasayers. Nobody can question his loyalty to the emperor and yet he often disagreed with Akbar. But then you need a generous and confident Akbar to admire the Birbal in you.
    When truth and loyalty are in conflict, we should have the wisdom and courage to decide what to do. Unconditional loyalty is outmoded; loyalty should be conditional, based on our own set of values. A consciousness of this would give one the courage to take unpopular stances that go against the prevailing misguided opinions in groups. Silence can also be looked upon as complicity if we quietly go along with something we do not believe in.
    How can the consequence of loyalty to another be self-betrayal? Being loyal to someone does not mean closing your
eyes to their faults; it means keeping their well-being and best interest close to your heart. Loyalty should not mean blind faith; it should mean an on-going reality check not just for our own benefit, but also for the benefit of those we profess loyalty towards.
    In fact, our loyalty as self-respecting human beings should be with our own selves. If you are a good human being, you are bound to do good not only for yourself, but also for the benefit of those you are loyal to; if not, you are not good to those who possess your loyalty anyway.
    Loyalty to ideas, religion and politics is good only so long as it helps us relate with like-minded people and protects us, giving us a sense of belonging. It is good so long as it does not encourage narrow-minded bigotry. One needs to keep re-examining ideas in different contexts and bring a new light and fresh air to old, antiquated beliefs.
    Most of us hold beliefs that have been passed down to us through generations without pausing to re-examine them in the light of fresh evidence or the changed reality. What good are ideas you adhered to at the age of 13 by the time you reach 50? Bring new light to well-entrenched beliefs, analyse and rethink them. Else you are deceiving your own self and being self-righteous.
    Loyalty must be tempered with truth and intelligence and must adhere to the values one holds dear. It should not be confused with obedience or adherence, but should be looked upon more as a feeling, an emotion, a bonding with someone for whose benefit you are prepared to go to great lengths.

The opinions expressed in this column are the personal views of the writer

It’s Your Life — Best of O-zone by Vinita Dawra Nangia. Available at leading bookstores and Or call 8010058888/8010558888. for doorstep delivery
September 08, 2013

Getting good snapshots is pretty simple if you follow the basics


Getting good snapshots is pretty simple if you follow the basics. Javed Anwer explains camera jargon and helps you with a few tips to...

KNOW YOUR CAMERA On any camera lens, its Focal Range is denoted in ‘mm’. For example, most DSLRs come with an 18-55mm stock lens. You can also use these two numerals to arrive at the optical zoom on your point-and-shoot by dividing the larger value by the smaller value. For instance, an 18-55mm lens has an optical zoom that’s a little over 3X. A lens with a 50-150mm focal range also has a 3X optical zoom. The difference, however, is that a 150mm lens will give you better depth (crisp foreground with a soft, defocused background). So if you’re shooting a close-up of a flower, or even a portrait, use the maximum focal length at your disposal for better depth of field. When clicking a picture, most people tend to just press the Shutter Release Button. Instead, half press the button and hold it there. This allows the lens mechanism to adjust itself for proper focus. Once focus has been acquired, press the button all the way to click your photograph. The whole process takes a moment or two, but will result in better snapshots. The Camera Flash is a boon as well as a bane. In low light, it artificially illuminates the scene you are trying to capture. At the same time, it also distorts colours and may add too much light to photos and ruin the ambience. Wherever possible, try and shoot without using a flash. Your pictures will appear more natural. The Aperture (or in non-geeky words, the lens opening) is from where light enters the camera. A bigger opening means more light. Keep in mind that bigger aperture values means smaller lens opening. So in low light, an aperture of F3 is preferable to F5. Aperture also affects the sharpness of the image. Lower aperture values make everything (except the subject) appear softer. This means, you can use lower aperture values to highlight your subject.  
    The dots are Focus Points. If you are using a DSLR in manual mode, you can choose between the different focus dots. In most cases, it is advisable that you keep the centre dot as your focus.
    Did you ever face a situation where you pressed the shutterrelease button, but your camera didn’t snap a picture? Well, you should have kept an eye on the Focus Status (green dot). It turns solid when you’ve acquired focus. If it doesn’t turn solid, your camera won’t capture an image unless you are using manual focus (which is different from manual mode). In point-and-shoot cameras, or on smartphones, the focus status is generally denoted by a square around the subject. It turns green if the subject is in focus, and red or orange if it isn’t.
    Increase the ISO Value on your camera to make it more sensitive to light when shooting in low-light settings without a flash. Higher ISOs, however, result in grain and artefacts in photographs. So use this setting judiciously. Most point-and-shoot cameras can’t handle an ISO of more than 800 or 1,600, regardless of what it says on the box. With most entry-level DSLRs, don’t go above 3,200.
    Shutter Speed, which is measured in fractions of a second, controls two things: the speed at which shutter closes to freeze a frame, and the amount of light that enters the camera.
    If you are shooting fast-moving subjects, like an athlete in a
sporting event, your pet dog, or even jumpy kids, always use fast shutter speeds. This will give you sharper images. Slower shutter speeds generally result in blurry snapshots. For best results, keep your shutter speed above 1/100. If you are going below 1/30, use a tripod.
    This brings us to the connection between light and shutter speed. The faster the shutter speed, the lesser light the camera captures. So, if you are shooting in a dimly-lit area, use slower shutter speeds. But not slower than 1/30, or you’ll require that tripod.
    The figure preceded by the ‘F’ denotes Aperture Value (see camera section for aperture).
    Metering shows you the balance of light. For ideal images, this value should be zero. ‘Plus’ indicates the camera is capturing more light than required. ‘Minus indicates the light captured is less than optimum. More light means washed-out images. Less light means dark images.
    Battery Status graphically indicates how much of juice you still have in your camera. 

Although we’ve used a Nikon DSLR here, you will find similar controls in almost all brands of cameras. Besides, most of these tips and tricks can also be used to click pictures with your pointand-shoot. 



Hold the camera steady: Regardless of what type of camera you use, hold it steady when shooting, and if possible, for a few extra seconds after taking the snapshot. You will get sharper photos.  

Isolate the subject or subjects: Click pictures where your subjects are highlighted and stand out from the rest of image. To do this, position your subjects against a background that doesn’t overshadow them. This is the reason why photographers use plain backgrounds for passport photos. Also, make sure that your subject is well illuminated. Strong lighting behind your subject will put them in the shadows. As a rule of thumb, shoot photos where the sun/light source is behind the camera and not in front of it. 

Make it large and focus on the eyes: For portraits, fill your frame with your subject and focus on the eyes. This will create an intimate snapshot – and result in better photographs.  

Shoot twice (or thrice): Make it a habit to snap at least two or three pictures every time you press the shutter release button. Click, click, click… That’s it. You will find that, out of five simultaneous shots, the second or third will be the sharpest.  

Use camera modes: All cameras come with pre-defined modes – portrait, outdoor, indoor, landscape, night, macro, etc – for different types of photos. Use these for best results. 
Most importantly, compose your photograph: Don’t shoot a photo. Compose it. Decide on how much of the scene you want to capture, the angle from which you want to capture it. Consider your light sources. Initially, it may take you a few minutes to compose an image, but with practice, you will soon be able to picture a composition within seconds.

September 08, 2013



“Work with the flow, not against it” “Begin every day, by accepting the realities of life. Accept, then act. Accept whatever the present day offers. Work with the flow and not against it. In Shantiniketan, my mornings have a different colour. The joy comes from within, as soon as I hear the sound of birds. I go for a walk, where I spend time with the trees that I’ve personally planted. I invite grace, ease and lightness into my life. I look at the sky, trees and flowers as I walk. I also do Pranayama after my walk. I don’t understand why people need a quiet place or a yoga mat to meditate. The mind doesn’t need these accessories. You can meditate anywhere, anytime. Mornings are a time to reflect without that tiny voice in your head trying to look for answers or form opinions. Our worldly attachments to people, material things bring us pain and suffering. Try to harness a sense of well-being and happiness in the morning that will take you through a roller-coaster life. When I walk into my studio to paint at 10 am, I’m in no rush. Time stands still. I focus on my painting. There’s immense joy in being in the moment with my brush and colours. I appreciate the colours, the creative inflow. I don’t like to be distracted by the insignificant. Truly then, a masterpiece is created. If you want to live a good life, don’t get sapped by small things. Focus on the big things to make a beautiful life.”
September 08, 2013



A quirky coffee mug or a stylish helmet may be ‘cool’ gifts, but what if you paid for a connoisseur’s class on coffee-making or a quad biking experience for a biker friend? In a world of abundance, a lesson on the value of things would be a far better present than a thing of value,

    Your best friend’s birthday is coming up and you are clueless about what to buy this time. You have exhausted all the options in the years gone by. What can be new? Ditch the boring perfumewatch-and-designer-bag routine; instead, present your loved ones with an experience they will cherish for years.
    We all have wardrobes brimming with discarded gifts accumulated over the years – from flower vases, trinkets, bags to chinaware. These traditional gifts occupy space, and a lot of times, we repackage them and pass them along, or hoard it for years without using them. But what if you loved wine and received a wine-tasting session offer? Or you are a bike enthusiast, and have been presented with a chance to go quad biking? Called ‘experiential presents’ this new idea has given the traditional concept of gifting, a heart-warming makeover.
Memories last longer Experiential gifting gives you a chance to save time, and promises that your effort and choice will be well-received. A relatively new phenomenon in India, experiential gifting includes spa or beauty treatments, adventure activities, dinner reservations, music or dance lessons, sailing, helicopter rides… the list is endless.
    According to a research by Joseph Good
man, a professor at the Washington University in St. Louis, US, experiential gifts lead to more happiness compared to material gifts, because experiences stay much longer in a person’s memory. They bring people closer while material gifts are more likely to be perceived as an obligation.
    So, a wine-tasting experience creates life-long memories in comparison to a gifted wine bottle. Neha Thakur, HR professional, shares, “When I got married, I got six wall clocks as wedding gifts, and I didn’t know what to do
with them. But on my anniversary, a friend gifted me an experiential gift box. I was given the option to choose from 30 different experiences – from yoga classes to salsa dancing. I just had to call and make an appointment. I was treated really well and the experience made me feel very special.” Onaydatt Kinare, a business analyst, says, “I gifted my friend an experiential gift box and she chose a hair spa treatment. She loved the experience. And my family and friends, who heard about the concept, were very impressed. They are looking forward to an experience on their birthdays.”
A personal touch This new trend is fast becoming popular because they are not impersonal like material gifts. Mayank Bhangadia, co-founder of Giveter, explains, “A gift should be chosen based on the personality and taste of the recipient. We extract the interests and likes of the recipients from their social networking accounts, and recommend experiences to the buyer. For example if the person is a fan of Harley-Davidson, we may suggest a Harley-Davidson tour.”
Experiential gifting also offers the recipient more choices. If you get a wellness gift box, you can choose a massage at a spa retreat or a haircut
from a particular salon you always wanted to visit. “Once you decide on a service, a dedicated concierge takes over all the nitty-gritty, making sure the service provider knows exactly what to include in the service. This way, we ensure that the person chooses what they want, when they want it, and where they want it,” says Manvinder Kohli, director, Witty Gift. This makes the gift personal for the recipient and extremely convenient for the buyer.
More affordable than you think To top it, this trend won’t leave a gaping hole in your pocket. Experiences are offered in all price ranges. They start from 400, which is a paintball session, to a spa or dinner reservation, for 2,000 to 3,500, and beyond if you are willing to splurge. Pooja Lal, director, Delight Gifts, says, “You can customise the experience as per your budget. We have people purchasing a dining or a spa experience for 500 to 2,000. Our average order is pegged at 3,500, with customers purchasing luxurious hotel experiences for special occasions.”
    In an age where people hardly find time to pamper themselves, what could be better than gifting an experience and letting your loved ones indulge in their passion? Try something out of the box, like a relaxing spa therapy, theatre tickets for a hit play or a dive with sharks! Which memory are you gifting your friend this birthday, then?

THE EXPERIENTIAL GIFTING GUIDE You can choose your personalised experience from these themes: Sports & adventure: Diving course certification, river rafting, Muay Thai training, deep-sea fishing, hot-air ballooning, bungee jumping, golf coaching, ice-skating, quad biking, cycling tours Wellness & beauty: Slithery snake spa treatment, Czech beer rejuvenation, foot reflexology, salon haircuts and styling, holistic health packages Culture & entertainment: Learning ethnic printing techniques, pottery classes, movie/theatre/musical tickets, acting, cartoon study classes, tattoo designing, ballroom dancing lessons, photography, home décor workshops Gourmet: Fine dining, wine tasting, beer appreciation, cocktail-making session, Thai cooking holiday, multi-cuisine meals, picnic baskets, cake baking





September 08, 2013

things you must avoid doing after breaking up


...and other things you must avoid doing after breaking up

    Everyone has poured on the how-tos of conducting yourself after a break up, but here are some things most of us are guilty of doing:
The “accidental” text Admit it. You have done this at least once if not multiple times with the same or a different person. Avoid. It is desperate and pathetic. Sorry people,
but there’s no softer way to put it.
The dramatic makeover A break-up is the perfect time to bring the focus back on yourself, get your wardrobe straightened out, change your hair, your style et al. However, do not opt for a drastic haircut or wardrobe. You might get over the break-up in a few weeks, but will have to live with the look for months.

September 08, 2013

The latest technologies in consumer durables have made life so much easier for mankind. Here’s how…

The latest technologies in consumer durables have made life so much easier for mankind. Here’s how…

    Evolution of mankind has happened since eternity. Right from the invention of wheel to today's tech-savvy generation, technology has come a long way. Each and every invention has taken place with one motto: to make life easier for humankind.
    Despite being a developing country, India is not far behind when it comes to the usage of high end products that make for a convenient lifestyle. Basic kitchen utility items like mixer-grinders, water purifiers, microwave ovens, etc., to decorating the living room with the latest television and music sets technology has changed the way we live life. Over the years, television has evolved and how!
    Nihal Nambiar, who recently purchased an LED TV, says, "The model that I bought recently is loaded with features. With the advent of the internet application in most of the modern TVs and the on-demand concept being introduced, TV has become interactive. You can Skype (video chat); watch YouTube videos."
    While technology has
changed the way we live, rise in the disposable income of the upwardly mobile class has changed how we do it as money is no longer the restraining factor.
    Nilesh Gupta, owner of Vijay Sales, firmly believes that people are looking out for designer products, especially when they are thinking of renovation or buying new homes. "There are consumers who wish to buy washing machines and refrigerators in bold colours like red and burgundy. They do so simply as the whole ensemble go well with their interiors. Sometimes, when the desired colour is not available in India, they also end up importing it from abroad," he reveals.
    For Nilimal Desai, a working professional, her day starts with filling water bottles from her water purifier. "I feel technology has helped in making life easier
for women, especially working women like me, who also have to manage their family. Every appliance you see in my kitchen helps me cook faster and serve nutritious food to my family, right from the juicer to non-stick pans on which I can cook a healthy meal for my family. For me, the water purifier is the best invention ever! No more waiting for the boiling hot water to cool off to fill the water bottles. One touch and the automatic washing machine does the washing and drying of the clothes. By the time I'm ready to leave for work, it dries up. My daughter thinks I am a super woman! Well, I guess all working ladies will be super women, if they have these special gadgets," smiles Nilima.
    With the advent of smartphones, you don't necessarily need to switch on a laptop or PC for checking mails; one can easily get a lot of work done while away from office, too. It is like carrying a mini office with you. Phones are no longer used only for communication. There are many business deals that are done over on the phone with apps like Skype, Hangouts, etc.
    Given the awareness regarding environmental issues like global warming, there are various products that are designed with power-save concept.
    One cannot deny the fact that human kind is dependent on technology and the not so tech-savvy people are also trying to learn to operate these modern gadgets. Technology has indeed brought a huge change in the general lifestyle of the common man.

10-Step Korean Skincare Routine for Beginners in Hindi

  शुरुआती के लिए 10-स्टेप कोरियन स्किनकेयर रूटीन: चमकदार त्वचा का राज Korean Skincare Routine कोरियन स्किनकेयर रूटीन ने पूरी दुनिया में अपनी...