Monday, September 9, 2013

interest in teaching and research. I want to appear for CSIR-NET

I am a final year student of BTech (Biotech). I have a keen interest in teaching and research. I want to appear for CSIR-NET, but I don’t know whether I am eligible for the exam or not. Please advice. To broaden the scope of NET and attract meritorious students at an early stage of their career, CSIR has revised the eligibility criteria to include the following degrees in the relevant subjects i) chemical sciences, earth, atmospheric ocean & planetary sciences, ii) life sciences, iii) mathematical sciences, iv) physical sciences, v) engineering sciences): BSc (Hons), BS (four-yrs), BE/BTech, BPharm, MBBS, integrated BS-MS and MSc.
    To encourage engineering graduates like you to pursue PhD and lectureship, CSIR-NET has introduced a sixth paper in engineering sciences, which is common to all engineering disciplines. The sample paper and syllabus is uploaded on the CSIR website
    The minimum percentage remains the same i.e. 55% for general category (50% for SC/ST/PH). Fourth year students like you can also apply. However, Bachelor’s degree holders (in science or engineering will be eligible for JRF only upon enrolment for PhD /integrated PhD within two years.
    According to the revised UGC norms, you need to obtain the minimum marks in each of the three papers separately i.e. 40% in papers I and II and 50% in paper III (there’s 5% relaxation for OBC (non-creamy).
    Also, please note that henceforth only the top 15% candidates in the NET merit list for each subject and category (based on aggregate scores) will be declared qualified and eligible for lectureship.

    A separate list will be drawn up for JRFs from among the NET qualifiers in the merit list.

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  चित्रकला, फॅशन, वास्तुकला, किंवा दैनंदिन जीवनात रंगांचे महत्त्व अतूट आहे. रंग हे केवळ दृश्य आनंदाचे साधन नसून ते भावना, संस्कृती आणि परंपर...