Feel great again! Here's how to detox yourself after all the festive binging and late nights...
Feel great again!
Here's how to detox yourself after all the festive binging and late nights...
For most, with the festive season comes the inevitable overeating, gorging on sweets and late night celebrations that could result in different degrees of sleep deprivation, especially if you're also working alongside. So if you're feeling queasy and uncomfortable afterwards or if your jeans no longer fit you, then it's time to detox right away to get your body back to its original balance.
One option you could consider is to go on a juice diet. A three-day juice diet is increasingly gaining popularity as a harmless way to flush out toxins and restore immunity. Using fruit and vegetable juices (though never in combination), it also requires the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables for two days. Herbal teas may also be consumed with regularity. However, dieters must take care to maintain their intake of vitamins and nutrients and also keep in mind that people with certain medical conditions are not suitable for this type of therapy.
If you've binged on alcohol during the festive period, the first thing you must do to detox is to quit drinking for a while. Drinking plenty of water — at least two to three litres a day — will help the body detox naturally. Meditation is a good antidote to stress and will help stabilise your metabolism. Also, add vitamin C to your diet.
One way to improve ciculation is the hot towel scrub. This will open up your pores and release stored toxins. All you need is a sink, hot water and a wash cloth. Wipe your skin first with a dry towel to remove dead cells, then use the hot, wet towel to stimulate and rejuvenate your skin and organs. Scrubbing your skin in this manner will especially activate your lymphatic system.
It goes without saying that exercise is one of the best ways to detox, since it increases metabolic efficiency and helps your food digest better. Whether a light stroll, a jog, yoga, hitting the gym, trekking, choose what suits you best. One rather simple way of detoxing the body is by using contrast showers. Used by sportsmen and those undertaking vigorous physical exercise, it is essentially alternating hot showers with cold during your bath. After taking a hot shower and feeling warm, turn down the temperature so that it gets cooler and then wash your body in this cold water for about a minute. Then switch back to the hot shower for the next two to three minutes. Repeat this cycle at least three times with each cycle ends with the cool shower. This can be done once or twice a day when you take your regular shower. However it's important that the cycle of warm showers is longer than the cool ones and after the final rinse you need to dry yourself up as quickly as possible. If you feel any discomfort after the shower then it is advisable to discontinue it immediately. So, go get rid off festive blues over the weekend!
Here's how to detox yourself after all the festive binging and late nights...
For most, with the festive season comes the inevitable overeating, gorging on sweets and late night celebrations that could result in different degrees of sleep deprivation, especially if you're also working alongside. So if you're feeling queasy and uncomfortable afterwards or if your jeans no longer fit you, then it's time to detox right away to get your body back to its original balance.
One option you could consider is to go on a juice diet. A three-day juice diet is increasingly gaining popularity as a harmless way to flush out toxins and restore immunity. Using fruit and vegetable juices (though never in combination), it also requires the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables for two days. Herbal teas may also be consumed with regularity. However, dieters must take care to maintain their intake of vitamins and nutrients and also keep in mind that people with certain medical conditions are not suitable for this type of therapy.
If you've binged on alcohol during the festive period, the first thing you must do to detox is to quit drinking for a while. Drinking plenty of water — at least two to three litres a day — will help the body detox naturally. Meditation is a good antidote to stress and will help stabilise your metabolism. Also, add vitamin C to your diet.
One way to improve ciculation is the hot towel scrub. This will open up your pores and release stored toxins. All you need is a sink, hot water and a wash cloth. Wipe your skin first with a dry towel to remove dead cells, then use the hot, wet towel to stimulate and rejuvenate your skin and organs. Scrubbing your skin in this manner will especially activate your lymphatic system.
It goes without saying that exercise is one of the best ways to detox, since it increases metabolic efficiency and helps your food digest better. Whether a light stroll, a jog, yoga, hitting the gym, trekking, choose what suits you best. One rather simple way of detoxing the body is by using contrast showers. Used by sportsmen and those undertaking vigorous physical exercise, it is essentially alternating hot showers with cold during your bath. After taking a hot shower and feeling warm, turn down the temperature so that it gets cooler and then wash your body in this cold water for about a minute. Then switch back to the hot shower for the next two to three minutes. Repeat this cycle at least three times with each cycle ends with the cool shower. This can be done once or twice a day when you take your regular shower. However it's important that the cycle of warm showers is longer than the cool ones and after the final rinse you need to dry yourself up as quickly as possible. If you feel any discomfort after the shower then it is advisable to discontinue it immediately. So, go get rid off festive blues over the weekend!
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