Sunday, November 6, 2011

A new treatment, 'Botox for eyelashes', claims to double the thickness of eyelashes; celebs aren't quite convinced of its effects

Goodbye mascara?

A new treatment, 'Botox for eyelashes', claims to double the thickness of eyelashes; celebs aren't quite convinced of its effects

You may have already seen Hollywood hotties Christina Hendrix, Claire Danes and Brooke Shields sensuously batting their eyes and envied their thick lashes. Hang on there! Reportedly, those long lashes on celebs aren't always real. Enter 'Latisse', dubbed as 'Botox for eyelashes' by scientists. This new treatment promises to enhance the length, thickness and shade of eyelashes and is apparently bigger than Botox in the US already. The solution, which is to be applied daily during the period of the treatment, claims to double the thickness of the lashes, making them 18 per cent darker and 25 per cent longer! Although internationally, it's catching on like wildfire, back home our celebs find it a bit hard to digest. Model Anchal Kumar says, "I'm not in favour of anything unnatural. And Botox is never foolproof, so I'd give it a thumbs-down." Model-actor Dipannita Sharma says, "Eyes especially are a very sensitive area. Mascaras are just fine and has done its job well."
Make-up artist Sangeeta Khanna however thinks it might catch on at the home turf too. "The technique isn't wrong, but it's up to how your body accepts. You have to consult an eye specialist and make sure that the expert is a pro," she cautions.
Funnyman Cyrus Sahukar has a twisted take on it. "I want eyelashes starting from the top of the head all the way down to the neck. This will replace the stupid comb-over look that comes free with every successful balding man. But they should come free with anti-sleep pills because with these eyelashes, if you shut your eyes, you will have a Lhasa Apso!" Comedian and actor Vir Das however doesn't approve of it. "Botox for any part of the body anyway does damage to my eyes, so no Botox for the eyelashes, please!"

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