Sunday, October 23, 2011

Here are a few simple tips to help you stay healthy at work. Isn't it worth to save your health?

Simple steps to fitness

Here are a few simple tips to help you stay healthy at work. Isn't it worth to save your health?
When you work in front of a computer all day long, you start to lose track of the time. Before you know it, a few hours will have passed and you'll still be sitting in the exact same position. Pulling a marathon work session may get a lot done, but it's literally killing your health.
Among other things, you may gain weight, lose muscle mass, develop hypertension, and even get indigestion from the lack of activity.
If you're concerned about your health, here are 5 simple common-sense tips to help stay health at work and keep the pounds off as well.

Things don't get better by worrying about them
Action is better than worrying.
Worry is use less without being put into action, that is positive. Worry creates stress and stress does damage to the in the body. The mind needs to be at peace and if something is bothering you, you need to tackle it what ever it is and remove the thorn which bothers. Without removal, it will infect and cause more problems! Worry is dysfunctional on it's own, if you get into action to solve the worry, than it can be temporarily functional.

There are some tips to remember when losing weight. They are easy tips to remember and they always come down to common sense.
l You are what you eat. This is the most important fact to remember when you are in the grocery store. Check the ingredient labels for words you cannot pronounce. If there are many, don't buy.
l Fruits and vegetables. Mothers have been preaching this for years. This has not changed. Raw fruits and veggies are full of nutrients that are gifts to your system.
l Control food portions. By controlling the amount of food you eat at meals, you are able to eat what you want, just a little less.
l Take food classes. There are many classes available at grocery stores and community education outlets. They are inexpensive or free. Learning new ways to prepare meals gives us the edge in healthier menu planning.
l Any exercise will do. Regardless of your athletic ability, find exercises that get you out of the house. Walking for thirty to sixty minutes a day will get your blood flowing and metabolism rising.

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