Sunday, October 16, 2011

Interview of Micky Mehta - an acclaimed holistic health and fitness Guru.

`PEOPLE ARE OBSESSED WITH six-pack abs. Such obsession leads to disappointment, aggression and paranoia' IF I DO indulge myself, then I spend the next day drinking nariyal paani

Mickey Mehta
What is your routine?
Routines are boring. If you make a routine out of exercising, you are bound to get bored. Make exercising a pleasurable activity.

Diet: I start my day with green tea flavoured with ginger, jaggery, pepper and sometimes jeera. I drink hot water to cleanse my system. Breakfast is a mix of fruits, berries, nuts and dates.

Lunch: Jowar or bajra roti, some rice, vegetables and dal. Dinner: I eat everything except bread. I never snack in between, though I occasionally eat fried food.

Exercise: I have been exercising for 40 years now. I am a black belt in martial arts and practise yoga, pilates and a fusion workout which involves a bit of everything.
Frequency: I work out all the time.

How do you stick to your routine on holiday?

I do basic bending and stretching exercises.
Since I don't have a fixed pattern, I have created exercises that can be done in bed and while watching television.

How do you stick to your routine when you travel for work?
Apart from basic exercising like running and stretching, I pray and meditate for internal healing.

What do you eat at parties?
I rarely eat at parties. I either eat before or after. Occasionally, I eat salads, hummus and soups.

What is the hardest thing for you to resist?
I cannot resist Indian sweets.

How do you resist it?
I indulge in them almost every night, but I always balance it out by working hard the next day.

How often do you binge?
I don't believe in bingeing.

What do you do the next day?
If I do indulge, then I spend the next day drinking nariyal paani to cleanse my system and exercise.
When's the last time you ate: Sweet food: I eat it every day.
Deep-fried food: I avoid it as much as possible.
Junk food: I don't remember the last time I had junk food.
One restaurant / dish you always turn to for a healthy meal? I can gorge on salads. I love eating bhajiyas, but I won't eat more than two pieces. Similarly I love cutlets, but never more than two.
Is fitness about looking good or feeling good?
Fitness is all about feeling good.
Good looks are a byproduct.

What are the most common complaints from clients? What do you advise, and is it based on your own experience?
People are obsessed with six-pack abs. Such obsession leads to early disappointment, aggression and paranoia and I have seen some fit people destroying themselves in the craze of getting washboard abs.

How did you build up the fitness habit?
You have to believe that fitness is as important as breathing. Once you start believing that, you will naturally love working out and also create a lifestyle-specific workout for yourself.

What do you do when you feel unmotivated?
I am never unmotivated about fitness. I can't live without exercising.

What is your concept of fitness?
Fitness is of minuscule importance in front of wellness, overall health and well-being.

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