Sunday, October 16, 2011

Interview of Leena Mogre - Pioneer of fitness education in India

EXERCISE IS A GOOD stress buster.It's a lifestyle, not a prescription to lose weight'
Leena Mogre
Leena Mogre

What is your routine?
Diet: Morning: Four glasses of warm water, 5 to 6 almonds.

Breakfast: Three egg whites and one yolk and pohe or upma or thalipith.

Mid-morning: Fruit.

Lunch: Bhakri of jowar, bajra or nachani, vegetable or usal, dahi, bhakri with one tsp of ghee.

Evening: Yoghurt with fruit. Late evening: Two egg whites.

Dinner: I reach home by 9.30 pm. have soup and salad.

Exercise: l like to vary my routine. I do power yoga early mornings or spinning. I do weight training at least twice a week. In weights, I also do functional training and try and include kickboxing for core strengthening and abdominal workouts.

I believe cross training is very good as your body doesn't get used to one form of workout and get into the comfort zone. I also give a lot of emphasis to stretching and hence do power yoga ­ it keeps my mind in control.
Once a week, I do 100 suryanamaskars.

How do you stick to your routine on holiday?
On holiday, I relax and let my body recuperate, so it's a lot of massages, long walks and swims.
When I'm on active holidays, it's generally treks or mountain climbing or rafting, depending on what kind of holiday we are taking.

How do you stick to your routine when you travel for work?
My work-related travel is to my various franchised gyms, so no complaints. I always use the different facilities. Lucky me, I've taken my hobby as my profession so I never feel I am working.

What do you eat at parties?
For parties I eat and go, as my last meal is soup and salads. If it's a party for someone I know very well, I eat dinner at the party.

What is the hardest thing for you to resist?
What I can't resist is chocolates, sweets ­ mainly mithai ­ and kheer made by my mom.

How do you resist it?
I believe in eating in moderation ­ if I can't resist I do eat a small piece or portion.

How often do you binge?
Bingeing happens when I feel like it on a particular day. It has to be sweets or a slice of pizza and wine.

What do you do the next day?
After bingeing, the next day I stick to my regular routine.

When's the last time you ate: Sweet food: Today.

Deep-fried food: I don't like it.

Junk food: Last week ­ one slice of thin crust pizza full of paneer and shredded cheese.

One restaurant / dish you always turn to for a healthy meal?
The Chinese restaurant at the Lands End. I'm vegetarian and only started eating eggs nine months ago. Also Little Italy for all the variety of salads they have.

Is fitness about looking good or feeling good?
Fitness is about looking good and sexy, and also feeling good.
Exercise is not only for losing weight, it's a good stress buster. It's a lifestyle, not a prescription to lose weight. You get up, brush your teeth, work out, have a bath and then breakfast ­ this should be a routine.

What are the most common complaints from clients? What do you advise, and is it based on your own experience?
There are a lot of complaints about lower back pain, blood pressure and cholesterol reduction and in fitness, for increasing muscle mass, but most commonly for losing weight, getting fit and toning up. I believe that fitness is a lifestyle and advise our members accordingly.

How did you build up the fitness habit?

I always loved cycling, Bharatnatyam and dancing. My grandfather, even though he was 80, always worked out. Also, my mom guided me to join food sciFITNESS IS ABOUT looking good and sexy, and also feeling good ence and nutrition at SVT College of Home Science. Hence, a hobby got translated into a career.

What do you do when you wake up feeling unmotivated?

I do an intense spinning class.

What is your concept of fitness?
For me, fitness is simple ­ get up with a smile, however tough your day is, and sleep with a smile, however physically or mentally exhausted you are, and without any aches and pains. This will always keep you mentally and physically fit and absent from diseases.

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