Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25, 2013

Benefits of Green Tea

Benefits of GreenTea
In the last decade there have been more and more studies extolling the benefits of drinking green tea and its role in fighting cancer to improving the health of your heart. While most of green tea’s benefits are results of findings from lab experiments, real world studies have proven its benefits to be highest in the East where green tea is a staple beverage. It is proven that green tea performs best when taken in addition to fish and soy protein. The bottom line is that green tea has vital antioxidants and compounds that help you keep in good health and influence a vast area of your body functions. 
Green tea's powerful antioxidants
The antioxidants in green tea, known as catechins, scourge for free radicals that damage DNA and cause cancer, blood clots and atherosclerosis. Antioxidants are also found in grapes, berries, dark chocolate and red  wine.
The leaves in green tea go through minimal processing. Its leaves are withered and steamed unlike those of black tea which are fermented. This ensures that the unique catechins in green tea especially epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), are more concentrated. 
Fight cancer with green tea
It has been tested and discovered in the lab that green tea's EGCG controls and restrains cancer growth and kills cells that are increasing inappropriately.
While it has not been proven scientifically, a study conducted in Japan has shown that women with Stage I and Stage II breast cancer found that increased green tea consumption before and after surgery was associated with lower recurrence of the cancers.
Studies in China have shown that the  risk of stomach cancer decreased greatly with increased consumption of green tea. Another analysis of 22 studies concluded that increasing daily green tea consumption by two cups decreased the chances of lung cancer by 18%.
 Green tea and a healthy heart
Green tea has antioxidants that help in dilation; they improve the flexibility of blood vessels and help them against clogging. The same characteristics can be found in antioxidant-rich blueberries and pomegranates do the same. While green tea is not prescribed as a solution to heart related problems it is now being universally recommended as a lifestyle feature for better heart health. 
Green tea and weight
Green tea is known to show good results in fighting obesity and lowering LDL (low density lipoprotein) which is bad cholesterol. Since obesity and high LDL content also lead to heart disease and diabetes, green tea consumption can help keep these risks at bay. Studies have shown that both caffeinated and decaffeinated green tea can help you lose weight. 
Green tea and healthy teeth
Green tea is known to fight tooth decay. It has bacteria-destroying abilities that can help fight dental plaque and keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong. It can also be of immense help in fighting viruses that cause throat infections. 
Green tea and allergies
The antioxidants in green tea inhibit the biochemical process that causes allergic reactions. It may be useful against a host of allergies caused by pollen, dander and dust. 
Green tea and cosmetic benefits
The bacteria-destroying ability of green tea can also be used to fight aging skin, wrinkles and is being used in deodorants also.
While none of the benefits have been ratified to be given as prescriptions, practical use of green tea against a host of ailments has been recognized across the world and green tea is finding its way into more people’s lifestyles increasingly. 
Supplements or straight up?
The best way to get most benefits out of green tea is to consume it directly. While supplements with green tea can also help it is best consumed directly. Also, if you have a liver problem it is advisable not to consume supplements. But also remember to complement green tea consumption with whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts and maintain a healthy lifestyle. That is the only way you can extract the best benefits out of green tea.

Monday, February 18, 2013

February 18, 2013

All About Alzheimer’s

All About Alzheimer’s
I don’t know what I did last summer – Alzheimer’s
It’s natural for people to get forgetful as they age. And when we notice signs of forgetfulness in our loved ones, we tend to write it off attributing it to old age. But sometimes it could even be the early stages of Alzheimer’s. How do you recognize the disease in its early stages? Alzheimer’s may not be very apparent, but noticing some early signs could be of great help.
Signs that you must not ignore
  • Long term memories are not affected, but short term memories become hazy
  • Repeating a conversation verbatim again and again
  • Asking the same question over a period of time repeatedly
  • Getting lost in a familiar location and searching bewildered for a way out
  • Forgetting how to do simple tasks that he/she were very comfortable doing like minor repairs, cooking, gardening, etc.
  • Finding it difficult to manage simple affairs like a bank account or paying bills
  • Forgetting to bathe and insisting that they have, wearing unclean clothes and insisting they are clean.
  • Struggle to remember common words
  • Feeling hurt for no reason at all
These are some of the signs that may indicate the advent of Alzheimer’s in your loved one. While it could be a harmless thyroid imbalance that’s causing some of these symptoms, it helps to see a doctor and ascertain the nature of these signs. The earlier the disease is identified, the better its adversity can be delayed.
It is not easy to diagnose Alzheimer’s. It is a usually identified over a combination of tests and counseling. A brain scan can help eliminate other reasons and give relevant information about the disease.
Living with Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's disease causes tissue loss and nerve cell death across the brain. The disease progressively causes the brain tissue to shrink and enlarge the ventricles. This damages the communication between the brain cells and impedes speech, understanding and memory. Alzheimer’s is fatal and leads to severe memory loss and impairment of ability to perform even simple daily tasks. However, it takes different paths with different individuals. The symptoms may worsen quicker in some people than in others. The average time that an Alzheimer’s patient survives is between three to nine years.
The memory loss and lack of coordination worsens as time progresses. The patient may at some point not recognize even family members. They will lose all sense of proportions and propriety and might get lost in their own confusion. Simple tasks like attending to your bank chequebook might prove difficult for them. They will slowly lose ability to do things that they had loved at some point in their lives. Driving is out of question and eventually even simple movements like standing and walking in a straight line may have to be aided.
Treatment and Care
There is no cure for Alzheimer’s. However with a combination of medication and counseling the deterioration can be delayed. However, one must be warned that medication used to delay the loss of mental faculty might have side effects that can be painful. The effects of different medicines differ with individual symptoms and conditions. Therefore its important that your doctor delves into all details of health and mental history of the patient and prescribes the best possible medication.
Exercise can be of great help for people suffering from Alzheimer’s as it can help build muscle strength and maintain coordination. It can even help elevate the mood of the patients and keep them in good spirits.
Taking care of an Alzheimer’s patient is a full time effort and it requires you to play multiple roles. The patient’s reliance on the caregiver grows as the symptoms worsen and then they reach a stage when they don’t recognize even the caretaker they had depended so much upon. In the early stages of the disease, patients are aware of the happenings and might feel guilty of the pain and trouble they are causing. It is important that you keep them away from slipping into depression. It will be helpful to label medicines with timings on them and to write up reminders on stick-it notes.
Caretaker’s challenge
As the disease progresses, patients might turn very difficult and sometimes even violent. Please remember that it is the disease that’s responsible and these bouts of depression and violence are not voluntary. Taking care of an Alzheimer’s patient can be taxing. If you see any of the following signs of stress, pay attention and take a break.
  • Anger, blues, and mood swings.
  • Headaches, shoulder or back pain.
  • Concentration problems
  • Sleeping problems
  • Take a break and make sure you devote some time every day to indulge in an activity that cheers you and keeps your mind off the patient.
  • Professional Assistance
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s all by yourself may not be practically possible in some situations. Professional help is available in most parts of the country today and thankfully there are trained professionals to handle the patients. Do remember that after a certain stage it is not good either for the patient or you for the care to be continued at home. Be prepared to move them to a professional facility where they will be cared for till the end. Remember, towards the end, the patient will find difficulty to do even vital functions like swallow food. It is a painful stage and a professional setup is better equipped to handle this condition.
Are you at risk?
There is nothing that says you are at risk and nothing that says you aren’t. research in that area is an ongoing agenda and might take a while before something concrete is published. However, a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle is key to a healthy mind. Research, however, suggests that people who are physically active are less prone to the disease.
Note: This artilce is just for the general information of the readers.  In case you need more details and guideance, please contat a medical doctor.
February 18, 2013

Causes, Symptoms, Treatment of Slipped Disc

Causes, Symptoms, Treatment of Slipped Disc

Our spine is formed of bones (vertebrae) that are cushioned by discs that are small and spongy. These discs play the role of shock absorbers for the spine and keep it flexible. When this disc gets damaged, it might bulge or get ruptured. This condition is called a herniated disc or is also known as a slipped disc.

While herniated discs can happen in any part of the spine, it usually affects the lower back area known as the lumbar spine. It could also happen in the neck and the upper back, but these occurrences are rare. We are about to know more about a slipped disc in the lower back area. Let us read further about what causes a herniated disc and how to prevent it.

The causes of a slipped disc

A slipped disc may be caused by:
  • Wear and tear of the disc: Your discs can dry out and become less flexible as you age. This might lead to a slipped disc. Excessive exercise or unobserved strenuous physical activity may also cause this condition.
  • Spinal Injury: An injury to your spine may cause cracks and tears in the outer layer of the disc. In such cases the gel that is inside the disc and responsible for the cushioning effect is pushed out onto the surface through these tears. This can result in the disc to bulge and break open.
  • Obesity, overweight and smoking can also lead to this condition
What are the symptoms of a slipped disc?

If a slipped disc presses and puts pressure on nerve roots, it can cause a lot of pain in the entire area of the body where the nerve traverses. If the slipped disc is in the lower back area, the most common ailment caused is Sciatica that causes pain and numbness in the entire leg starting from the buttock.

Sometimes if the disc is not putting pressure on a nerve, you might experience very little pain or nothing at all. However, if you feel a numbness or mild pain in the legs accompanied by loss of control on your bladder and bowels, then see a doctor immediately. It could be because of a condition called cauda equina syndrome.

Treatment for slipped disc
A slipped disc cannot be cured by medication. However a combination of medication and exercises can alleviate the pain and allow the damage to be repaired. It might take anywhere between a few weeks to a few months.
  • If you have severe pain, then bed rest is advisable, but otherwise it helps to remain adequately active. Staying in bed for long hours continuously for days at a stretch can lead to weakening of muscles and worsen the problem. Walking and other mild activities can be of great help.
  • A doctor may suggest a heating pad or an ice pack for your condition depending on the condition. Apply heat or ice periodically to relieve the pain and allow for repair.
  • Physical therapy under the observation of a trained therapist will be of immense help. These exercises will keep your back muscles strong and prevent further injury.
  • Medication for the pain and swelling will be of help.
A slipped disc is usually self-healing. Under rare circumstances one might have to go for surgery to correct the condition. Medication and exercise can only prevent further injury and keep the pain in check.

How can a slipped disc be prevented?

Once you have a slipped disc, you are prone to back problems in the future. To help your back remain injury free and healthy follow some simple tips:
  • Keep your body weight under check.
  • Exercising regularly.
  • Quit smoking. Nicotine and other toxins from tobacco smoke lower the discs’ ability to absorb key nutrients from your body to stay healthy.
  • Good Posture. A good posture is very important in not putting undue stress on your spine.
    • A good posture is very important while walking and standing. Keep your back straight, tuck your stomach in and pull your buttocks towards the spine.
    • Use an ergonomic chair while sitting or ensure you have enough support for your lower back by using a small pillow.
    • Keep your back in neutral position when sleeping. A pillow under your knees when sleeping on your back is suggested.
    • When working out, ask your trainer for the right posture. A wrong posture will not only be useless in working your muscles but will also affect your spine badly.
Your body is a vehicle that carries you, so it helps to respect it and take good care of it. It is better to prevent a condition from occurring rather than seeking cure after damage has been done. A healthy lifestyle can go a long way in keeping you fit and your body strong

Note: This article is just for the general information of the readers.  For more details and guidance please contact a medical doctor
February 18, 2013

Simple Exercises for a flat stomach

Simple Exercises for a flat stomach

If you are one of those people who don’t look at your tummy in the bathroom mirror after a shower, stop lying. All of us invariably let our glance fall on our tummies and wish wistfully for flat abs if not for a six-pack. Busy schedules and hectic lifestyles may not aid us in that direction, but you can certainly try and do the following for a flatter stomach or flattering abs.

Posture Correction
Most of us tend to slouch and that makes the stomach lax. Straighten up and you have taken the first major step towards flatter abs. When standing stand straight with your spine firm, navel tucked in towards your spine and your body weight distributed evenly on the balls of your feet. However if you are standing for long durations, try shifting weight from one leg to another alternately.

Exercise the entire body

Do not be obsessed with only one part of your body only. If you work only on your abs and neglect your back muscles and glutes, you might end up with a chronic pain in the back. Look at a workout regimen that addresses all parts of the body evenly. The regimen should strengthen your abs and also help the other important muscles of your body.

Traditional crunch

Lie down flat on your back. Bend your knees with your feet on the floor. Place your hands beneath your head and spread your elbows out straight. Now lift your upper body, contract your abdominal muscles and exhale while doing it. Ensure you don’t bend your back. Your back should always be straight and your lower back should be flat on the floor. Hold the position and take short breaths and then slowly return to the starting position and inhale deeply.

Reverse Crunch
Lie down flat on your back. Bend your knees with your feet on the floor. Spread your arms straight with palms towards the floor and parallel to your stomach. Now lift you legs in a way that your bent legs make a right angle and roll your hips towards your ribs, while exhaling. Your upper body and head should remain on the floor, with your arms helping you balance. Hold the position and take short breaths and then slowly return to the starting position and inhale deeply.

Canoe Twist
Stand upright, with your spine firm and feet apart. Interlace your fingers as if you are holding something with a firm grip. Inhale deeply. Imitate the rowing a canoe stance by sweeping your arms to the left along with your arms, shoulders and chest while exhaling. Simultaneously raise your left knee towards the right. Return to the starting position and inhale. Repeat for the other side.

Cat Kick
Stand upright, with your spine firm and feet together. Extend your arms like airplane wings and hold at shoulder level. Lift your right leg up and exhale. Simultaneously, sweep your arms forward around your spine. Push your navel towards the spine. Inhale and return to starting position slowly. Now repeat with the left leg.

Pilate Zip Up

Stand straight with your heels together and toes pointing outwards. Lock your arms and hold them underneath your chin. Bring your interlocked arms down keeping them close to the body. Simultaneously lift your heels off the ground and stand on your toes while exhaling. Tuck in your stomach while exerting. Now inhale and slowly return to starting position.

Diet is important
Diet is a very important aspect of staying trim. You can do countless abs exercises and your strong abs will be hidden behind tummy fat if you do not eat right. Visit a dietician and plan your diet in sync with your activity levels. Eat moderately with all key nutrients included and stay active throughout the day. It is ultimately about the balance of calories that works in acquiring flat abs.

Practical Repetitions
Keep your goals realistic and don’t be rigid about repetitions of sets in your exercise. How many reps you do should be worked out under professional guidance keeping your individual needs in mind. Remember, your genes play an important role in your body’s shape so learn to accept and respect your body as long as you have worked out enough. Don’t go overboard in the want of becoming another Hrithik Roshan or you might end up with a slipped disc.

Do not be in a hurry
Getting a trim body and flat abs will take time and there are no short cuts. Plan your regimen well and be consistent in your work out. The rewards will come – slowly but surely.

Note:  This article is just for the general information of the readers, you should be worked out under professional guidance.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

February 16, 2013



    Kaajal and Keekar were two friends who studied in the same school, same grade and same division. They looked alike too. But oh! What a difference there was in their nature! While Kaajal was always stressed, Keekar invariably seemed cool and joyous. Even if the two classmates faced the same situation or problem, the difference in their nature remained unchanged. Like the other day, Kaajal and Keekar both forgot that the history teacher had said last week that she would be testing the class on some chapters.
    Both were unprepared. Yet Keekar remained calm while Kaajal was in tears and made quite a spectacle of herself in class. However, that evening, it dawned on Kaajal that she should find out how or why Keekar remained calm while she went to pieces in stressful situations. She began to observe Keekar keenly. Over a period of time, Kaajal learnt his secret stress buster! Yes,
“Helping Others!” She started doing the same and began to experience a lot of joy. Now she goes around telling others, “Get involved in an activity that helps others. It's almost impossible to feel stressed out when you're helping someone else. It's also a great way to find out about yourself and the special qualities you never knew you had! Signing up for a service project is a good idea, but helping others is as easy as saying hello, holding a door, or volunteering to keep a neighbour’s pet.”Wonder if you have met her? If you do, you will find her very cheerful. Quite unlike the Kajaal you read about in the beginning!
    Moral: The feeling you will get from helping others is greater than you can imagine!”

February 16, 2013



    Check out the following tips to keep you cool, calm, and collected, when things go wrong as they sometimes will and the road you are trudging seems all uphill!

    MOVE YOUR BODY BABY! Physical activity is one of the most important ways to keep stress away by clearing your head and lifting your spirits. It also increases the natural "feel-good" chemicals, (called endorphins) in the body which leave you with a naturally happy feeling. Whatever it is that you like — a game of football, badminton, volleyball, skipping a rope, cycling, swimming, going for a walk, dancing, just remember it is important to get up and get moving.

    TANK FULL! Remember, how before your family takes off for a long drive or journey by car, the driver checks to see if the “tank is full” so that your car can run without any trouble. Likewise, begin your day by energising your body with a healthy breakfast.
    Make sure you eat fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains. These will give you the power you need to make it through those hectic and stressful days. And yes, please do not be fooled by the jolt of energy you get from aerated cold drinks and sugary snacks. That quick-energy fix works only for a short time, and once it wears off, you may feel sluggish and more tired than usual. For that extra boost of energy to sail through history/geography notes,
math class, and after school activities, grab a banana, or some other healthy snack for powerpacked energy!

    LAUGHTER CHALLENGE! Lots of laughing can make you feel good — and, that good feeling can stay with you even after the laughter stops. So, laugh off the stress by watching a funny movie or cartoons, reading a joke book (you may even learn some new jokes), or even make up your own funny riddles and jokes (do send it to your kid’s corner and seeing your name in print will lighten your stress for sure!) Everyone has those moments when they do something really silly or stupid — instead of getting upset with yourself, laugh out loud!

TU HAI TOH I’LL BE ALRIGHT! Being with people you like is always a good way to ditch your stress. Just hang out with your friends and talk. Friends can help you work through your problems and let you see the brighter side of things. If something is bothering you, please do not keep it to yourself. Talk to someone you trust or respect. It could be a friend, a parent, someone in your family, or a teacher. Talking out your problems and seeing them from a different view might help you figure out ways to deal with them.

    TAKE A CHILL PILL! Just chill, pick a comfy spot to sit and read, daydream, or even take a snooze. Listen to your favourite music. Work on a relaxing hobby project like drawing, colouring, painting, making a card or jewellery.
Take a few deep breaths to help yourself unwind. If you're in the middle of an impossible homework problem, take a break! Finding time to relax after (and sometimes during) a hectic day or week can make all the difference.

    SLEEP STRESS AWAY! When you don't get enough sleep, you may feel tired, cranky, or you may have trouble thinking clearly. When you're overtired, a problem may seem
much bigger than it actually is. You may have a hard time doing a school assignment that usually seems easy, you don't do your best in sports or any physical activity, or you may have an argument with your friends over something really stupid. So remember, sleep is a big deal! Getting the right amount of sleep is especially important for you at your age. Because your body (and mind) is changing and developing, it requires more sleep to re-charge for the next day. Sleep well.
February 16, 2013



The third Cartier Travel with Style Concours played host to some of the best classic cars and bikes in the country at a specially curated exhibition space spread across the lawns of Taj Lands End

    Like aging wine that only tastes better with the passing of each year, Vintage cars, too, get only more charming over the decades. Not only do they arrest more attention than your average sportscar but also suggest a taste in cars which few possess. The Cartier Concours d'Elegance now in its third avatar brought together exactly these few who along with their exquisite cars and bikes made it an event to remember and what culminated was a historic moment in the history of Indian motoring that has helped it gain wide spread recognition for ushering in the classic car movement in India.
    Now apart from the fabulous machines and the regular categories, the third edition of Cartier Travel with
Style witnessed several exciting additions, taking it a step forward in establishing Cartier Concours d'Elegance as a world renowned vintage automotive exhibit. The additions included two exciting new categories. One being the Edwardian Class which were basically cars from the turn of the 20th century to 1919 with some of the earlier cars being specially ordered by the Maharajas as they graduated from horse carriages. And the best bit was that these cars weren't restored, showing signs of wear and tear all over, but still in great mechanical condition.
    The second was the Shikar Class which as the name suggests were cars meant for Shikar, but not necessarily only for big
game hunting. Shikar cars ranged from minor alteration to existing models to specially bodied cars. This class was an intriguing facet of Indian automobiles.
    An exciting new addition was also the introduction of motorcycles thanks to which some 32 exceptional vintage motorcycles from across India competed in the three all time favorite classes - Pre War, Post War and Racing. Here are some of the brilliant machines that were present at the show; some of whom walked away with a nice trophy while the others did not but still managed to wow the judges and the gathered crowds.

Adil Jal Darukhanawala's 1949 Fiat 500C took top honours in the Indian Heritage Class.

Best of Show Motorcycle - 1912 Indian owned by Subodh Nath.

Yuvraj Harshwardhan Singh's Shikar Class winning 1951 Chevrolet Series 3100.

Maharaja Udit Pratap Deo of Kalahandi's 1930 Rolls Royce Phanton II - Winner, Preservation Class.

Best of Show Car - 1935 Rolls Royce Phantom II owned by HH Maharaja Gaj Singhji of Jodhpur.
February 16, 2013

Archana-Ashish tie the knot

Archana-Ashish tie the knot

    Yet another telly couple — Archana Taide (seen in Qubool Hai) and Ashish Sharma — tied the knot recently, after a courtship of one year.
    The wedding — a week-long affair — took place in Ashish’s hometown Jaipur. Says Archana, “The wedding was a typical Rajasthani affair and was attended by nearly 700 guests. The reception was held on 31 January, and the venue was done up in ‘Maharaja’ style.” However, given the plight of daily soap actors — Ashish plays the male lead in Rab Se Sohna Isshq — the couple has not planned a honeymoon yet. “Both of us are tied up with our respective shows, so we are planning to go to Greece in June,” she adds. Good luck, we say.

Archana Taide and Ashish Sharma got married in Jaipur, in typical Rajasthani style

February 16, 2013

Happily married couples are healthy

Happily married couples are healthy

    Happily married couples are more likely to rate their health as better, shows a study. With this study, aging adults with declining health could benefit from improving their marriages.
    Christine Proulx, assistant professor at a US university, examined the long-term relationship between self-rated health and marital quality.
    She found that in all stages
of marriage, positive or negative relationships affect the individual’s health.
    Spouses should be aware that how they treat each other and how happy they are in their marriages affect both partners’ health. They should think more about their personal relationships when thinking holistically about their health, she said, the Journal of Family Psychology reports.

    “Engaging with your spouse is not going to cure cancer, but building stronger relationships can improve both people’s spirits and well-being and lower their stress,” Proulx said. Proulx analysed data from 707 married adults who participated in the Marital Instability Over the Life Course panel study, a 20-year, nationwide research project started in 1980. IANS

February 16, 2013



If you think you don’t really have to rack your brains for the perfect gift for your partner and that a ‘sweet’ teddy will suffice, here’s a reality check on why you must put more thought into giving a present

FLOWER OR FEELOWER) KARAN JOHAR DEFINITION: “Agar tum kisi ladki se pyaar karte ho, toh usse red rose do.”  
ASLI DEFINITION:. Handing your girl a rose can only imply two things – a) you forgot it was her birthday or special day and chose the easiest option available aka stopping your car at the phoolwallah outside his/her colony, which makes you kind of a jerk; b) you remembered it was her day and this is pretty much the most creative thing you came up with, which makes you kind of a loser. USAGE: Though a rose by any other name would have smelled just as sweet, as a gift, it pretty much stinks. (Sorry Shakespeare, KJo) 

DEFINITION: A piece of decorative paper with hearts drawn on it, and generic mushy things written on it.
YOUR PARTNER’S DEFINITION OF IT: Forget what’s actually written on that card, because the only thing your sweetheart will read when he/she opens it is that — “out of all the diamonds, fancy gadgets, designer clothes and pretty much everything else available in the market, I thought you were only worth this Rs 20 card.” 

CHEAP JEWELLERY DEFINITION: Not expensive jewellery. This one figures as the worst gift in a lot of surveys. Mainly because gifting cheap jewellery means a) you can’t afford to buy her expensive jewellery or b) you don’t want to buy her expensive jewellery. Either way, it doesn’t look too good for you, mate. 
Prateik’s trying to get rid of his Amy tattoo

TATTOO (OF YOUR PARTNER’S NAME) WHAT IT CERTAINLY DOESN’T MEAN: That you’re Saif Ali Khan/David Beckham WHAT IT COULD MEAN: You’re an idiot, because he/she is going to leave you someday and if you don’t have the money/pain threshold to go through tattoo removal, you will either have to date a person of the same name all your life or spend a lot of time explaining. USAGE: Preferably on Halloween, rather than Valentine’s Day. This will really freak out your partner. 

TEDDY BEAR (TADDY BEER IN DELHI VERNACULAR) DEFINITION OF A TEDDY BEAR: A soft toy, meant for children. Usually the colour brown or grey like bears are, normal sized.
RAJOURI GARDEN DEFINITION OF A TEDDY BEAR: A soft toy meant for adults. Red or pink in colour, with a big heart stuffed between it’s hands that says “Sweetheart” on it. Twice as big (and scarier) than an actual grizzly bear. 
NOTHING DEFINITION: No gift YOUR DEFINITION OF IT: Maybe I will say I have a surprise planned and by the end of the day a gift will magically materialise. Maybe I will conjure one up through my power of telekinesis.

DEFINITION: The perfect sweet and seductive treat for your partner this V-Day.
YOUR PARTNER’S DEFINITION: An act of sabotage. USAGE: “You gave me a box of chocolates? Why are you ruining my diet?!!!” (*throws box of chocolates at you). 
WEIGHT LOSS PRODUCTS DEFINITION: All gift items/services to help aid your partner’s weight loss like weight-loss packages, workout gear, diet chocolates or gym memberships. 
YOUR PARTNER’S DEFINTION: You &%^$&*%*!!! English translation: You are dead 

LONG DRIVE BABA SEHGAL DEFINITION: Aaja meri gaadi mein baith jaa. Entails gaanabajana, khaana-peena.
GIFT VOUCHERS DEFINITION: Something your nani would give you for your birthday, which makes it as romantic as plucking nose hair. YOUR PARTNER’S DEFINITION: You’re giving me this because you have no idea what I actually like. It’s because you never listen to me. Are you listening to me right now? Switch off the TV and LISTEN TO ME.... —Kritika Kapoor

February 16, 2013

Food aphrodisiacs may boost health, not love life

Food aphrodisiacs may boost health, not love life

    It’s been said that food is the language of love but a Kansas State University nutrition expert and registered dietitian has asserted that food aphrodisiacs may not promote sexual desire. The aphrodisiac effects of certain foods seem to be based on placebo effect more than anything, said Linda Yarrow, assistant professor of human nutrition in the university’s College of Human Ecology. Yarrow noted that the Food and Drug Administration has long maintained that there is no scientific support for claims that food aphrodisiacs can boost sexual desire. But while food aphrodisiacs may not boost your love life, some of them have a lot to love from a nutritional standpoint. Here’s how... 
WHAT HISTORY SAYS History however, documents a strong connect between foods that inspire lust and its effects. While honey, strawberries and chocolate are well-known, a few seem bizarre! For example, did you know that a certain love potion popular with the Byzantines was apparently a cake made with donkey milk and honey? Marigolds, also have been regarded as a love potion. A few medical texts also mention mandrake root as an aphrodisiac. Whatever the case, as long as society exists, there will always be research into what foods can arouse passion. Bon appetit!

CHOCOLATE A number of studies have indicated that chocolate can be good for your heart, Yarrow said. Chocolate is made from cocoa bean, which contains flavanols. These have antioxidant effects that can reduce damage to cells and increase vascular function. These can reduce risk for heart disease. “But beware. Most chocolate has added fat and sugar that contributes to overall calories,” Yarrow warned.

EGGS Eggs are a good source of non-meat protein for people who choose to limit or avoid meat products. They are also high in choline, riboflavin and vitamin B12. Yarrow said choline is essential for brain development, which improves focus, learning and memory function. Riboflavin is important for energy metabolism, tissue building and vision. Vitamin B12 helps form red blood cells and helps maintain the central nervous system.

AVOCADOS Avocados have fiber, potassium, vitamin E and folic acid. “Avocados are a a source of monounsaturated fats in the diet. Monounsaturated fats can reduce risk for heart disease when they replace sources of saturated fat,” Yarrow said. They also have carotenoid lutein that protects against macular degeneration and cataracts.

FIGS Figs are a good source of calcium — for healthy bones and teeth — and can provide fiber, which can lower the risk of certain cancers. Yarrow said figs are high in antioxidants and may reduce risk for heart disease. They also have iron, that can prevent anemia. “But use caution. Figs have a laxative effect and
    should be consumed in
    moderation,” she

BANANAS Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, which is a mineral important to muscular function. “Potassium may also lower risk for heart disease and reduce blood pressure. In addition, bananas are a good source of fiber, which reduces risk of constipation and certain cancers,” Yarrow added.

OYSTERS Oysters are an excellent source of the minerals zinc, iron and calcium. Yarrow said zinc helps maintain a healthy immune system and is important in wound healing. Iron is important for preventing anemia and calcium helps maintain strong
    bone health.

ALMONDS Almonds, a non-animal source of protein, is also high in vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and may reduce cancer risk.
Yarrow said almonds have minerals such as magnesium, phosphorous and zinc, and are also a good source of fiber. Studies have shown that people who consume nuts can reduce their risk of heart disease, she said.

February 16, 2013

Powerful people tend to punish their subordinates harshly

Powerful people tend to punish their subordinates harshly

    Providing a sense of power to someone instills a black-andwhite sense of right and wrong (especially wrong), a new study suggests.
    Once armed with this moral clarity, powerful people then perceive wrongdoing with much less ambiguity than people lacking this power, and punish apparent wrong-doers with more severity than people without power would.

THE FINDINGS The researchers, based in the US, alerts managers to some unforeseen challenges they will face as they come to hold more and more power. “We noticed in our MBA classes that the students who seemed to feel most powerful had these absolute answers about what’s right and what’s wrong,” one of the researchers said.
    “We found the same phenomenon when we made other people feel powerful, and we also found that the resulting clarity led people to punish questionable behaviour more severely,” he added.
    “That link between power and more severe punishment could cause a huge problem for managers. What a manager sees as appropriate punishment could be seen as absolutely draconian by other people,” he went on to say.
THE EXPERIMENT The researchers set up four experiments in which they made some individuals feel powerful — by giving them the ability to control resources and administer rewards or punishments. When presented with cases of transgressions, the powerful participants were more likely to say, “Yes, the behaviour is immoral,” and “No, it is not immoral”.
    Very few powerful people answered with “it depends,” which was a much more popular answer among the less powerful.
    Owing to this certainty, the participants made to feel powerful felt that the transgressions deserved harsher punishments. The researchers found that moral clarity was more clearly connected to delivering punishments than administering bonuses for good behaviour.
WHAT IT MEANS “Our findings do not imply that having this moral clarity leads people to obtain power. Rather, the findings imply that once you obtain power you become more likely to see things in black-and-white,” the researchers said.

Bosses are more likely to see things in black-and-white
February 16, 2013

WANT TO BE A BETTER PARENT? Here are a few points that you need to keep in mind


Here are a few points that you need to keep in mind

Take pride in who you are >> Begin by patting your back a little. Com’on you are doing a great job — looking after your family, and your work. Working mothers should be taking pride in themselves for doing so much. This self-appreciation will help you stay happier and in turn will make your interaction with your child more positive. 

Avoid people who make you feel guilty >> If your 55-year-old relative comes and tut-tuts, ‘I could never stay away from my child for so long’
or ‘How can you bear to leave your child with a babysitter?’ avoid her. Stay away from the people who pass snide remarks. You know you are doing your best. Stop and think why are they trying to make you feel guilty — are they jealous of the wonderful way you are handling everything? 

Stay in touch always >> Keeping up with all that is happening in your child’s life can help boost the way you feel about yourself. Talk to his/her teacher, friends regularly. 
Switch off the TV; spend ‘quality’ time >> You should make sure that the time you are with your family is for them. Watching television together is not really spending quality time. Go out for lunch or dinner. Sharon Prabhakar, singer, was a single working mother to actress Shezahn Padamsee. Sharon says, “When Shezahn was a child, we had one day in every week when I’d take her out to lunch. It was special for both of us.” This kind of an outing will help you bond better with your child. 
Manage your chores effectively >> You are aware of all your household chores, so plan doing it in such a way that it leaves you with ample time for your kids. “My son is four and I love to spend my mornings with him before he leaves for daycare and I go off to for my work. And that is the reason I finish the major part of my cooking and cleaning, the previous night,” says Soumya Mohanty, an HR manager. Spending quality time with your child — playing a game or going for a walk in a nearby garden or just talking about the day can help take away your guilt pangs. 
Gift yourself and your child a ‘mom and me’ day >> Take a day off from work just to spend with your child. When you know that you have to go shopping you should take your kids with you. Letting your child help you put things into the cart with you, will help your child feel involved and you will be spared of the guilt. Also, many malls have play areas where you and your child can have some fun together. Treat yourselves to each other and you’ll never feel guilty of not giving enough attention to your child.

Spend quality time with your kids — play games

February 16, 2013

Frutilicious fig This seasonal fruit offers numerous health benefits

Frutilicious fig

This seasonal fruit offers numerous health benefits

    Dried figs are easily available throughout the year, but eating it fresh and sweet is a different experience altogether. Did you know that figs grow on the ficus carica tree, belonging to the mulberry family? Also, that dried figs are better concentrated sources of minerals and vitamins? Read on to find out more about the
health benefits of figs: 

Figs are a great source of dietary fibre and make you feel satiated. So, it’s a great option for those who want to lose weight. The fibre content is also excellent for the digestive system and helps relieve Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Being high in alkaline content, figs are great for curbing acid levels in the body. Studies have shown that figs lower triglyceride levels. Also, their potassium content helps regulate blood pressure and hypertension.
Dried figs contain high levels of phenol antioxidants, which help fight against the damage caused by free radicals. Also, the calcium in figs strengthens bones.
If you’re suffering from iron deficiency, figs are the way to go. They are excellent for building red blood cells, which help carry oxygen throughout the body.
The natural sugars in figs make them an ideal snack for diabetics. The magnesium content in the fruit is good for cardiovascular health.
Cholesterol levels can be kept in control by pectin, a soluble fibre found in figs.

Figs are great for skin, too. Mash two ripened figs and apply it on your face for 15 minutes. This helps to reduce acne.
They also contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that help prevent coronary heart diseases.
Figs have traditionally been used as an aphrodisiac. To treat sexual weakness, soak a couple of figs in a cup of milk overnight and eat them in the morning.

February 16, 2013

Simple things in life can go a long way in ensuring that you are at your best always. Try these tips and see the difference...


Simple things in life can go a long way in ensuring that you are at your best always. Try these tips and see the difference...

    It is definitely not as hard as you think it would be, to make your life simpler. Read on to find out what you should keep in mind...

Get things organised >> When you aren’t organised, it shows. And manifests. While many people lead busy, stressful lives, what you need to do is prioritise and get yourself organised. Do you constantly forget important dates or occasions? Do you miss appointments, forget to visit the supermarket or turn up late often? While leading a hectic life and living in the moment can be exciting, it can soon backfire. Being organised will not only make you more efficient but also reduce your stress levels. Delegate tasks and keep a diary to keep your life in control.

Start a new hobby >> While you may lead a highly busy and stressful life, try and make some time for yourself to simply step out of the house. Whether it is just for a stroll, taking your pet for a walk, meeting a friend, or going to the supermarket — get out of the house. Experts say that being cooped-up all day at work or home can cause fatigue. And you need to do, is to step out to unwind. You could even join a new class, start a new hobby or attend a workshop. Not only will you meet new people, you will also be trying out new things, making your life fulfiling.
Be positive >> If you want to have a great year, you need to focus on staying positive. Take each situation with a calm approach and a ‘glass halffull’ mentality. This optimism will go a long way in making a positive difference in your life. Not only will your stress levels go down, you will also improve your cardiovascular health.

Let go of bad habits >> How many times have you told yourself that you will let go of a bad habit only to do it two days later? We all have bad habits, and getting rid of them can never be easy. What you can do though is to start slow. Don’t be overenthusiastic and try to give them all up together. Be realistic and make a list of vices you want to give up. Tell people close to you what your goals are, so that they can encourage you and dissuade you from slipping up.
Take it slow >> While the list of your resolutions might be a mile long, implementing them in your life need not be a task. Start by making small changes. No one achieved anything by making lofty resolutions, which they realised were too tough just in a day. As gung-ho as you feel when you’re planning to lose five kgs in a month, it is simpler said than done. And when you don’t end up sticking to ambitious resolutions, you feel let down. The best thing to do is to work with things at your own pace. Focus on achievable goals.

Get your finances in order >> Do you chart out a budget or simply go with the flow? Do you over-step your budget or stay within it? Money troubles can be very stressful. Start by planning your budget for the month and then stick to it. Make a conscious effort to save more. Find out areas where you can cut expenditure and look out for bargains.

Detoxify >> One of the first things you should do is to go in for a detox. After over-indulging during the festive season, detoxifying your system would be a good idea. Start by cutting down on your alcohol and junk food consumption for a month. Another good option is to add certain foods to you diet to aid the detox process — for example lemons are packed with antioxidants like vitamin C while ginger is known to i m p rove digestion.

Don’t let people affect you >> There are many different kinds of people and the way they
react to different situations makes them positive of negative. Make sure you stay away from people who are always negative about everything. They will drag you down too and you will soon be engulfed in negativity. So, laugh a lot and stay with people who do the same and are easy to laugh with. Stay around people who make you feel happy, buoyant and positive — people who make you want to really live life.
Meet new people >> Still haven’t met the love of your life? Then sitting at home and waiting for him/ her to knock on your door won’t help. Try to socialise as much as you can, meet new people, make contacts. Don’t be nervous — tell yourself that other people are probably just as nervous as you.
Take mistakes in your stride >> Let’s face it. We all make mistakes. They could be big, small, heartbreaking or damaging. The first thing you need to do is to accept it. Instead of getting worked up about things, learn from your mistakes so that you can avoid them in the future.

List out your priorities

A new hobby can help

Detoxify your system with the right foods

Be money wise

February 16, 2013

Dosti Realty Group has been synonymous with trust, togetherness and reliability.

Dosti — The friendship grows stronger

    Ever since its inception in 1980, Dosti Realty Group has been synonymous with trust, togetherness and reliability. Dosti Realty were partners with Times Group for the recently concluded Kala Ghoda Arts Festival and the main sponsors for the event. Dosti has always prided itself in being the only group of its kind, driven by a unique ideology of establishing a relationship of friendship with its customers. In the space of over three decades the real estate major has to its credit an impressive portfolio, housing 27,000 residents in 91 Dosti complexes, comprising a massive developed area of five million square feet, across Mumbai.
    The Group has built credibility with projects that are location, price and amenity friendly for the customer. Dosti Centerio is one such residential destination that creates magic with its bouquet of offerings. A 25 acres residential township with 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 BHK apartments, Dosti Centerio gives you the time to discover a better life with its multifold advantages of connectivity and lifestyle. The project is centrally located at Shil Thane; between Thane, Dombivali, Kalyan and Vashi stations. The highlight of Dosti Centerio is that you can
reach there from Thane in just a 20 minute drive.
    Besides residential complexes, Dosti Realty has also made its mark felt in the commercial, retail spaces, hospitality as well as IT Park and Township Projects. If
one travels from Mumbai to Thane, the distinct look of Dosti creations and its all pervading presence can be noticed with several of its landmark residential, commercial and retail projects in Sion, Wadala, Parel-Sewree, Thane, Kalwa, Vasai, Andheri and Kandivali drawing your attention with innovative architecture and eye-pleasing designs.
    The vision of Shri Deepak Goradia, Vice
Chairman and Managing Director of Dosti Realty to bring more and more luxuries into the category of ‘necessities’, thus offering customers the chance of the best possible lifestyle at affordable rates, is growing bigger with every passing year.
    With a friend like Dosti, home-seekers know, that they don’t have to go anywhere else to fulfill their dreams. But come home to Dosti, their friend.

Dosti Centerio gives you time to discover a better life
February 16, 2013

What kind of lover are you?

What kind of lover are you?

    There are six different ways you can be “in love” and knowing your style can help you evaluate your relationship, say experts. Here are some descriptions to find your personal style, and learn how you can keep your relationship healthy and happy. 

THE ROMANTIC These people love being in love. If you are one of them you may be

swept away by your new lover’s looks or other appealing physical attributes. But remember that true love doesn’t recede with his hairline. To keep your relationship healthy weekend getaways, or just-the-two-of-you vacations to rekindle the spark that ignited your relationship.
THE LISTMAKER You have criteria that are impor
tant, and you won’t change them. Because of the emphasis on sticking to this criteria no matter what, you may put too much pressure on your partner to live up to your standards. In this case, the best thing to keep your love life happy is let go of the list. 

THE OBSESSIVE Here you want to spend all your time with your partner. And you

constantly worry about your relationship, even when you’ve been together for years. This kind of partner can be overbearing or have highs and lows that drive her significant other crazy. Don’t crowd your lover. You may need to talk to a counselor who can help you understand why you feel so insecure and help you find ways to put your relationship in perspective. 
THE GIVER You may give more than you get. You’re constantly working selflessly to meet your partner’s needs, but you’re not looking after you. To keep your relationship healthy it’s important to have a life outside of your mar
riage. Develop your own interests, cultivate your own friendships, and reserve time to do things you like to do-without your partner. 
THE PLAYERS You love courtship, and are easily bored in long-term relationships. Avoid situations that could lead to affairs. Take temptation out of your life. Instead of looking for excitement outside your relationship, try something new with your partner (a new hobby or activity). 

THE PAL Love seems to creep up on you, and suddenly you realise that you have fallen for your best friend. In the long term, your relationship may be quiet, but it’s strong. In this case, don’t let your thing get too platonic. Express your love, and make your partner feel sexy.

Are you a romantic or an obsessive?
February 16, 2013



Teenagers Megan Bright and Jackson Dawes first meet each other in the hospital ward where they are both being treated for cancer. Megan is scared and worried about her illness, but Jackson seems to be an old hand, having been in the ward for ages. And everybody loves him! A moving story of first love. 

Bloomsbury 530

ISCARIOT by Tosca Lee In Jesus, Judas believes he has found the One — the promised Messiah and future king of the Jews, destined to overthrow Roman rule. Galvanised, he joins Nazarene’s (Jesus of Nazareth) followers, ready to bring about the change he has waited for so long. But soon his vision of a free nation is crushed.
Simon & Schuster 985 approx

February 16, 2013

Mind reader and supernatural entertainer Lior Suchard

Mind reader and supernatural entertainer Lior Suchard to perform for Bombay Times

    Do you believe someone can read your mind? Lior Suchard can. He can delve into your innermost thoughts and know what you are going to say even before you do. Lior is an internationally acclaimed supernatural entertainer and a mentalist with an extraordinary talent for mind reading, thought influencing and telekinesis. Throughout his live show, Superna tural Entertainment, Lior relies on audience participation to perform supernatural feats beyond telepathy and mind reading. He uses the audience to perform his acts, interacts with them and elates their senses by taking them on an adventure built on drama doused with humour. He has performed in 42 countries.
    Lior Suchard’s show ‘Supernatural Entertainment’ by Raell Padamsee’s Numero Uno Productions will be held at Tata Theatre, NCPA, Nariman Point, Feb 17 at 4 pm. To get your free invites log on to

An Evening With Lior Suchard

in Tata Theatre, Mumbai
  • Add to Favorites
  • Category: Theatre
  • Date/Time: From Saturday, Feb 16 till Sunday, Feb 17, 2013, 7:30 PM Onwards
  • Call: (+91) 22 22833737, (+91) 22 22833838
  • Address:
    • Tata Theatre
    • National Centre for the Performing Arts, NCPA Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai
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  • An Evening With Lior Suchard
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  • About the Event:
    After mesmerizing celebrities like Bill Clinton, Barbra Streisand, and Steven Speilberg et al, the Supernatural Entertainer, Lior Suchard is on his way to India. Presented by Raell Padamsee's Numero Uno Productions, the show will take your breath away. As Suchard uses members of the audience to perform his acts, interacts with them and elates their senses by taking them on an exciting adventure built on drama, tension and astonishment doused with a huge sprinkling of humor, comedy and fun.

The Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water: A Comprehensive Guide

  The Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water: A Comprehensive Guide Lemon water has become a popular health trend, and for good reason. This simpl...