Monday, February 18, 2013

Simple Exercises for a flat stomach

Simple Exercises for a flat stomach

If you are one of those people who don’t look at your tummy in the bathroom mirror after a shower, stop lying. All of us invariably let our glance fall on our tummies and wish wistfully for flat abs if not for a six-pack. Busy schedules and hectic lifestyles may not aid us in that direction, but you can certainly try and do the following for a flatter stomach or flattering abs.

Posture Correction
Most of us tend to slouch and that makes the stomach lax. Straighten up and you have taken the first major step towards flatter abs. When standing stand straight with your spine firm, navel tucked in towards your spine and your body weight distributed evenly on the balls of your feet. However if you are standing for long durations, try shifting weight from one leg to another alternately.

Exercise the entire body

Do not be obsessed with only one part of your body only. If you work only on your abs and neglect your back muscles and glutes, you might end up with a chronic pain in the back. Look at a workout regimen that addresses all parts of the body evenly. The regimen should strengthen your abs and also help the other important muscles of your body.

Traditional crunch

Lie down flat on your back. Bend your knees with your feet on the floor. Place your hands beneath your head and spread your elbows out straight. Now lift your upper body, contract your abdominal muscles and exhale while doing it. Ensure you don’t bend your back. Your back should always be straight and your lower back should be flat on the floor. Hold the position and take short breaths and then slowly return to the starting position and inhale deeply.

Reverse Crunch
Lie down flat on your back. Bend your knees with your feet on the floor. Spread your arms straight with palms towards the floor and parallel to your stomach. Now lift you legs in a way that your bent legs make a right angle and roll your hips towards your ribs, while exhaling. Your upper body and head should remain on the floor, with your arms helping you balance. Hold the position and take short breaths and then slowly return to the starting position and inhale deeply.

Canoe Twist
Stand upright, with your spine firm and feet apart. Interlace your fingers as if you are holding something with a firm grip. Inhale deeply. Imitate the rowing a canoe stance by sweeping your arms to the left along with your arms, shoulders and chest while exhaling. Simultaneously raise your left knee towards the right. Return to the starting position and inhale. Repeat for the other side.

Cat Kick
Stand upright, with your spine firm and feet together. Extend your arms like airplane wings and hold at shoulder level. Lift your right leg up and exhale. Simultaneously, sweep your arms forward around your spine. Push your navel towards the spine. Inhale and return to starting position slowly. Now repeat with the left leg.

Pilate Zip Up

Stand straight with your heels together and toes pointing outwards. Lock your arms and hold them underneath your chin. Bring your interlocked arms down keeping them close to the body. Simultaneously lift your heels off the ground and stand on your toes while exhaling. Tuck in your stomach while exerting. Now inhale and slowly return to starting position.

Diet is important
Diet is a very important aspect of staying trim. You can do countless abs exercises and your strong abs will be hidden behind tummy fat if you do not eat right. Visit a dietician and plan your diet in sync with your activity levels. Eat moderately with all key nutrients included and stay active throughout the day. It is ultimately about the balance of calories that works in acquiring flat abs.

Practical Repetitions
Keep your goals realistic and don’t be rigid about repetitions of sets in your exercise. How many reps you do should be worked out under professional guidance keeping your individual needs in mind. Remember, your genes play an important role in your body’s shape so learn to accept and respect your body as long as you have worked out enough. Don’t go overboard in the want of becoming another Hrithik Roshan or you might end up with a slipped disc.

Do not be in a hurry
Getting a trim body and flat abs will take time and there are no short cuts. Plan your regimen well and be consistent in your work out. The rewards will come – slowly but surely.

Note:  This article is just for the general information of the readers, you should be worked out under professional guidance.

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