Saturday, February 16, 2013

WANT TO BE A BETTER PARENT? Here are a few points that you need to keep in mind


Here are a few points that you need to keep in mind

Take pride in who you are >> Begin by patting your back a little. Com’on you are doing a great job — looking after your family, and your work. Working mothers should be taking pride in themselves for doing so much. This self-appreciation will help you stay happier and in turn will make your interaction with your child more positive. 

Avoid people who make you feel guilty >> If your 55-year-old relative comes and tut-tuts, ‘I could never stay away from my child for so long’
or ‘How can you bear to leave your child with a babysitter?’ avoid her. Stay away from the people who pass snide remarks. You know you are doing your best. Stop and think why are they trying to make you feel guilty — are they jealous of the wonderful way you are handling everything? 

Stay in touch always >> Keeping up with all that is happening in your child’s life can help boost the way you feel about yourself. Talk to his/her teacher, friends regularly. 
Switch off the TV; spend ‘quality’ time >> You should make sure that the time you are with your family is for them. Watching television together is not really spending quality time. Go out for lunch or dinner. Sharon Prabhakar, singer, was a single working mother to actress Shezahn Padamsee. Sharon says, “When Shezahn was a child, we had one day in every week when I’d take her out to lunch. It was special for both of us.” This kind of an outing will help you bond better with your child. 
Manage your chores effectively >> You are aware of all your household chores, so plan doing it in such a way that it leaves you with ample time for your kids. “My son is four and I love to spend my mornings with him before he leaves for daycare and I go off to for my work. And that is the reason I finish the major part of my cooking and cleaning, the previous night,” says Soumya Mohanty, an HR manager. Spending quality time with your child — playing a game or going for a walk in a nearby garden or just talking about the day can help take away your guilt pangs. 
Gift yourself and your child a ‘mom and me’ day >> Take a day off from work just to spend with your child. When you know that you have to go shopping you should take your kids with you. Letting your child help you put things into the cart with you, will help your child feel involved and you will be spared of the guilt. Also, many malls have play areas where you and your child can have some fun together. Treat yourselves to each other and you’ll never feel guilty of not giving enough attention to your child.

Spend quality time with your kids — play games

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