Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Home Remedies for LEUCORRHEA (White Discharge)

LEUCORRHEA (White Discharge)

Women all over the world face the problem of leucorrhoea or vaginal discharge. Leucorrhea traverses ages, nations and cultures. The whitish discharges from a woman's infection-prone genitalia create an awkward if not upsetting situation, which not only affects her physical condition but also creates a social as well as personal distress. The patient then has to be given not just medications to counteract the physiological effects of the disease but should also be given counseling for the mental and emotional turmoil.
Symptoms of Leucorrhea
In some cases, there is no need for medical interventions but rather a change in one's lifestyle. It is another matter though if there is a presence of bloodstains, foul odors, and the amount of secretion has increased significantly or if there is a change in the color. Having vaginal slimy and slightly sticky secretions are quite normal with a higher quantity during ovulation and when one is under emotional stress.
Leucorrhea or excessive vaginal discharge, an abnormal condition of a woman's reproductive organ, exhibits physical manifestations in relation with other illness. The symptoms may come in the form of an often foamy, odorous thin, yellowish to grayish discharges. Itchiness and redness can also be seen and felt around and inside the vagina. For some people there are no manifested symptoms at all.
Causes of Leucorrhea
The causes of leucorrhoea vary from common fungal infection to parasitic, bacterial and sexually transmitted diseases. Since the symptoms are very similar to Trichomoniasis, one should also be checked for this disease as well
Home Remedies for Leucorrhea
Home remedies of Leucorrhea from mango paste
One can also turn to home remedies to manage leucorrhoea. A mango paste from the inner part of the fruit may be applied in the vagina is a widely known and effective home remedy for leucorrhoea. A Smilax China powder with milk paste also produces the same result. This is one of the effective home remedies for leucorrhea.
Home remedies of Leucorrhea from fenugreek seeds
Leucorrhea remedy - A douche produced by boiling two to three teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in a liter of water is effective in giving relief to the person afflicted with leucorrhoea. It is kept in a low flame for an additional thirty minutes and filtered. Another douche, this time made from boiled walnut tree leaves until half of the liquid is left is also a leucorrhoea reliever. A guava leaves douche serves as an astringent and has antiseptic property which very useful and good
natural remedy for leucorrhea.
Home remedies for Leucorrhea from Rice
Cooking rice in one half liter of water is another home remedy, which can be employed in the treatment of leucorrhoea. Drink the hot residue water in cooking rice with a teaspoon of sugar for the relief of leucorrhoea within a week. This is one of the good diets for leucorrhea.
Home remedies for Leucorrhea from Coriander seed
Another effective leucorrhea home remedies is one teaspoon of Coriander seed steeped in a glass of water, left overnight, and drank the following morning is also beneficial in the therapy of leucorrhoea. A leucorrhoea-afflicted individual should do this for a week.
One can also boil two hundred grams of ladyfinger in a liter of water until only half of the liquid is left. The resulting product is then filtered, sugar to taste is added and 70 ml per dose is consumed every three hours.
Home remedies for Leucorrhea from Amaranth
The root of the amaranth can also be chafed in one cup of water, filtered and ingested twice daily. Amaranth leaves can also a very good substitute in the absence of Amaranth roots. A mixture of two grams of Amalaki powder with sugar or honey as sweeteners can be taken and is a simple but effective remedy for leucorrhoea. Another uncomplicated home remedy is for a patient to take five drops of sandalwood oil with Plantain in the morning and the evening.
Drinking lots o cranberry juice is also beneficial in the relief of leucorrhoea. Chewing betel nut after eating heals and prevents the onset of leucorrhoea. This is one of the useful leucorrhea cures.
Home remedies for Leucorrhea from banana
In order to ease the leucorrhoea condition, one can also try the following remedies: eating of banana twice a day along with crushed betel nut with rose petals in sugar. One can also take in a mixture of asparagus recemosus with Withania somnifera.
The ingestion of a mixture of turmeric with guggulu is especially effective if the white discharges are thick while in less denser discharge eating of a mixture of turmeric and garlic works best. This is one of the important leucorrhea treatments.
Home remedies for Leucorrhea from a hipbath
A patient can also have a cold Hipbath twice daily for ten minutes to loosen the muscles and ease the passage of the discharges while a regular hot hipbath will provide a very therapeutic experience for a person with leucorrhoea.

Leucorrhoea is a condition commonly seen among women. In simple words it means white discharge from the genitals. There is no fixed format of this condition and once started it can last anything between few days to few months. It is must to treat this condition, as ignoring it could make it more chronicle. There are various reasons behind why it happens. Like infections, sexually transmitted diseases, increased levels of toxins in the body, Unhygienic habits and wrong eating habits.

The common symptoms of leucorrhoea are white discharge from vagina, fatigue, stomachaches, constipation and headaches. It is better to treat leucorrhoea in its early phase. You can try out various home remedies for leucorrhoea and treat this condition without any medical help.


Home remedies for Leucorrhoea:

  • Fenugreek Seeds: Add three teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in one-liter water and on a low flame boil this water for about half an hour. After this strain it and drink it when it becomes cool. Fenugreek seeds are very useful in treating the leucorrhoea.
  • Mango: Take one ripe mango and mash it to make mango pulp. Apply this mango pulp on the vagina. This one is very effective in getting relief from leucorrhoea.
  • Guava Leaves: Add some fresh guava leaves in one-liter water and keep this mixture on low flame for about half an hour. Allow it to cool down and then apply it one the vagina.
  • Walnut Tree Leaves: Collect some walnut tree leaves and add them in one-liter water and keep it for boiling till the time water gets reduced to half. Apply this on the vagina by douching.
  • Rice Water: While cooking rice, don't throw the water that you used for making rice. Add some sugar to this water and drink it. This is one of the very effective home remedies for leucorrhoea.
  • Coriander Seeds: Soak some coriander seeds in water and keep it for overnight. Next day early morning, on an empty stomach drink this water. You will need to follow this remedy for about one week to see the desirable results.
  • Ladyfingers: Ladyfingers are very useful in curing the leucorrhoea. Prepare one decoction from ladyfingers by adding about 200 grams of ladyfingers in one-liter water. Keep this mixture on the low flame till the time the water reduces to half its quantity. You can add some sugar before drinking this mixture or have it as it is if you don't mind its taste.
  • Amlakai PowderAdd some sugar or honey into two teaspoon of amlakai powder and eat it twice in a day.
  • Betel Nut: After every meal, chew few betel nuts, as they are very effective in preventing leucorrhoea.
  • Cranberry Juice: In leucorrhoea drinking cranberry juice is very effective and gives relief from the symptoms of leucorrhoea.
  • Bananas: Eat one or two bananas on a daily basis; it will prevent leucorrhoea from occurring.
  • Sandalwood Oil: Take about five drops of sandalwood oil twice in a day preferably once in the morning and again in the evening. This will be helpful in treating leucorrhoea.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor.

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