Tuesday, October 9, 2012

how you can satiate your hunger without piling on calories?

Midnight cravings don’t always have to result in unhealthy eating. Here’s how you can satiate your hunger without piling on calories

We all know what it’s like to wake up in the middle of the night with a growling stomach. After dragging ourselves to the fridge, the first move is to grab anything that looks filling. Though at the back our minds, we know that the carb-loaded chicken burger isn’t the best idea, we tend to go for it. But if you want to satiate your hunger and not wake up the next morning feeling guilty about binging, then pick that bar of dark chocolate instead or keep a strawberry shake handy.
Vegetables, nuts, milk and popcorn are healthy midnight snacks “It is very essential to eat the correct food items at night. There is no physical activity during sleep, so no calories are utilised. All the calories from the food consumed at night get converted and stored in the body as fat, which leads to weight gain,” explains Mitali Doshi, dietician.
Here are a few options you may want to stock up on in order to binge right:


“Milk is low on calories and fat content. Plus, it contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps you sleep well,” explains Doshi, adding, “Calcium and vitamin D in the milk are added bonuses, they are healthy for your bones.”


Veggies may not seem like the most appetising midnight snack, but they are a great solution for diet-conscious bingers. “They are full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that your body uses to heal and nourish itself overnight. They are also have high water content, so you tend to feel less dehydrated when you wake up,” explains Doshi.


Whole-grain popcorn (cooked without butter) is the go-to snack if you’re feeling like eating something light. “Not only is popcorn a good source of complex carbohydrates, it’s also low on calories, if you skip the butter,” says Doshi. And yes, for those wondering how popcorn will retain its flavour without the use of butter or salt, there is a solution. “Raid your spice cabinet — use lime powder to make it tangy, spice it up with cayenne pepper or use a dash of cinnamon to add some sweetness,” says nutritionist Jyothi Sawant.


“Nuts are rich in antioxidants and full of fibre,” explains Doshi, adding, “These nutritious nibbles also help regulate blood sugar and promote serotonin production in the body.”

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