Sunday, December 9, 2012

A study suggests they like to keep their battle-of-the-bulge plans a secret. Shhh...

Never ask a man about his diet!

A study suggests they like to keep their battle-of-the-bulge plans a secret. Shhh...

    IT’S a top secret plan. Not even his family and friends are supposed to know about it. No, we aren’t talking espionage or bank robbery. We are talking men and their plans of dieting! A recent survey conducted on more than 600 men, in the UK, found that 90 per cent of them wanted to lose weight, but almost one in three wouldn’t tell anyone about their diet plans. Not even friends and family. Why? Because it involves admitting they have a problem in the first place! Secondly, if outed, friends may try and tempt them with food which they find hard to resist. And lastly, because the term ‘diet’ has been long associated with women. It is therefore considered emasculating or shall we say, vain? Ouch!

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