Sunday, December 23, 2012

What is love? The definition of love changes according to your age

What is love

The question has baffled people through the centuries.Circa 2012,the answer still seems elusive.Kasmin Fernandes asks why...

AFTER all the searches for celebrity gossip,the queries revolving around mindless entertainment and the countless quests for the latest news were still left with the burning desire to understand the significance of human connections.
There is fresh proof for this fact of modern life in search engine Googles annual year-end list of top searches for this year.Alongside the usual suspects celebrities,newsmaking politicians,athletes and musicians were two gems: the worlds most popular what is query was what is love, and the second-highest trending how to query was how to love.
So,despite and probably because of all the distractions that modern life offers,human beings the world over continue to be intrigued with the most basic and powerful of all emotions love.Ironically,the anonymity of the worldwide web makes it convenient to put across questions theyd be doubtful of asking their loved ones aloud.
The answers,however,are as many as there are people.A cross-section of eight professionals we quizzed,threw up different perspectives,ranging from intimate to familial to spiritual.Its evident that love may be elusive,still pose a lot of questions,but it ultimately conquers all! Its interesting that so many people are searching for the meaning of love online;typically,people look at their own life experiences,parents,movies and books for it.

What is love

The definition of love changes according to your age,experience and relationships.For me,its finding someone you trust,someone you are attracted enough to want to spend the rest of your life with.

Shoma Narayan
Mills & Boon author

Amidst the economic recession,moral degradation,the end of kalyug,and the radical shift in consciousness taking place right now,its a sweet and hopeful piece of news.

What is love

Ultimately,love is freedom and a state of mind where there is unconditional giving and selflessness.

Ganga Kadakia

I dont think love is something people will ever get bored of.The fact that movies are still made the world over on the subject and songs are still written about it shows that every person is looking for love.In fact,I wouldve been surprised if it didnt feature in the top trending topics.

What is love

I like author CS Lewis take on the subject.He wrote that there are four loves storge (Greek for affection),philia (friendship),eros (between a man and a woman) and agape (unconditional love).

Subi Samuel
fashion photographer

This is great news,because all art and music stem from love.Its our way of understanding how the Universe was created,how we came to being and what we are doing here on earth.

What is love

Love is not just about manwoman relationships.It goes beyond our narrow human definitions;its the fabric of the universe.

Randolph Correia
guitarist and music producer

I didnt think people would go on to the internet and search for the meaning of love! Fortunately,I never had to go to the net to find out about love.

What is love

Love is what makes the world go round!
Sarah-Jane Dias

Shouldnt it be the question on everyones minds The more failed relationships we have in these times,the more curious we are getting about the definition of true love.The internet is just another medium to look for its meaning,especially for the technology-oriented younger lot.

What is love

Love is when somebody becomes the centre of your world,affects you the most,inspires you the most.Someone whose companionship is the most valuable to you.When a person becomes an extension of you.Its rare for all these qualities to come together,but when they do,its real love.

Gaurav Chopraa television anchor

I sincerely believe that if you have any questions,you must put them out there in the cosmos and the answers will come to you.What I like about the internet is that you can throw up any question you have in mind,and somebody always responds. What is love Faith.Love is equivalent to God.We all know this as babies,but as we grow up,we forget this and turn the concept into a Mount Everest that needs to be conquered.However,if God is there,love will be there.

Makrand Deshpande
actor,theatre director

Most of us are so caught up in our day-to-day lives that there is literally no time for love.Since the worldwide web has become the modern messiah,its only natural that people would seek answers to even the most emotional queries in cyberspace.However,the answer lies within.

What is love

Compassion.Its one of the purest emotions in the universe.The fact that we exist on this planet is an outcome of love.It is not only what you feel for a man;its also the affection you have for your friends and family.

Vaibhavi Merchant

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