Saturday, November 29, 2014

November 29, 2014



The goverment wants to impose a ban on the sale of unpackaged cigarettes to discourage smoking
In what is being looked at as a crackdown on tobacco consump tion, the Indian government has accepted the proposal to prohibit the sale of loose or single stick of cigarette and also increase the minimum legal age for sale of tobacco products, as per reports. The proposal, mooted by an expert committee set up by the Health Ministry , also recommended increasing the fine amount for violations of provisions of the Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products Act, 2003, as well as making such offences cognizable. However, the proposal is yet to be sent to the cabinet for approval as the Health Ministry is still awaiting comments from other ministries. But this has evoked mixed reactions ... WON'T REALLY DISSUADE PEOPLE FROM SMOKING
Not being able to buy a single cigarette will be inconvenient, but it won't stop people from lighting up, feels 17-yearold Mithibai college student, Fahad Gandhi. “I do buy a cigarette or two now and then, but now, I'll have to get together with four pals to buy a whole box. While we may end up spending less, it's also going to be very inconvenient, as you're not always in a group of people.“ While Nilima Sharma (22), a city-based entrepreneur wonders if people will have to show an ID proof now to buy cigarettes, she also feels the new move might curb youngsters from the habit, even it is in a small way . If they can't buy a single cigarette, it will stop them, even if it means for a brief period,“ she states.
The move is also raising questions amongst city paan stalls and cigarette vendors who express a doubt about the successful implementation of the proposal.
It would be difficult to find out a per son's age, feels Rahul Omprakash Chaurasia, of Yash Prakash Paanwala at Baulnath. “How can one decipher the age of the person asking for them? It's not like we can ask for his or her driver's license,“ he reasons. “On the whole though it may be a good thing as very often students don't pay for a single cigarette, they just slip away . But otherwise, if the whole `loose cigarettes ban' proposal goes through, it is sure to affect our business.“
Tripathi Naik of Naik Pan Bidi shop at Borivali also feels that sales will definitely drop at his stall.“Almost 75% of our sales comes from these single cigarettes rather than packets.“ Hiking the fine amount from `200 to `20,000 will also cause trouble, he feels. “It's almost impossible to expect people to cough up so much, in fact I think people may react aggressively if asked to pay such a big amount,“ he adds.
Early exposure leads to complications later on
Says Dr Samir Dalwai, public health activist and Chairperson of Childhood Disability Group, Indian Academy of Pediatrics, “I strongly condemn exposure to tobacco at an early age. Before we consider practical and social fallouts of this proposed ban let's see what science says. Studies have unequivocally shown that earlier exposure to addictive substances leads to twice the chance of addiction and the occurence of health-relat ed and social complications later in life. It is thus essential to delay exposure of kids to these substances.“
Single is as harmful as a pack
Says consulting respiratory physician Dr Sujeet Rajan, “Suffice it to say `one cigarette is too much and 20 is too little'! That's what I counsel all my smokers on. Even smok ing a single cigarette will ensure the addic tion continues. I'd rather the addict spend more money realising the consequences (for family -passive smoke, for them selves -their own physical and mental health and eco nomic health). If the patient has a desire to quit, there is only one thing I tell them -there is help. A single cigarette is as harmful as a pack, in fact, worse.“

November 29, 2014

Host your own cake mixing party

November 29, 2014

Jet Airways slams allegations by popular magazine of granting of free tickets, upgrades to VIPs

Jet Airways on Friday termed the Tehelka magazine's allegations about granting free tickets and upgrades to VIPs as "misplaced" and "unfortunate", saying it was the common global industry practice.
"Upgrades are a common industry practice in the global travel, tourism and service sectors and are extended to passengers subject to availability at the discretion of the service-provider. Jet Airways has the prerogative to afford its guests privileges, including upgrades, at its discretion and does not stand alone in this practice.
"The insinuations and allegations in the article are misplaced and unfortunate," a statement from Jet Airways said.

Friday, November 28, 2014

November 28, 2014

Steer your child towards healthier lifestyle habits

Steer your child towards healthier lifestyle habits

Pizzas, burgers and other fast food tempt kids and most parents find it tough to keep their children away from them.While it is okay to give in once in a while, this could spoil their habit and it may eventually become a challenge to get them to eat health food, once they grow up. It is wise to begin incorporating healthy food habits into the daily diet regime of children. It will make a huge difference in the long run. 

 Do not mistake food for love
Giving your child hisher favourite pizza, or burger every day is not the right way to show your love. Do not offer food as reward, rather, just hug your child. Physical affection goes a long way to raise a healthier child, who is also emotionally stronger.

Rewrite your child's menu
Let your child try different kinds of food every day, like various vegeta bles, chicken or paneer preparations and seasonal fruits. Just because hisher friends are opting for fast food or junk food and your child demands it, you need not give in always. If you experiment with different kinds of foods, you child will learn to eat healthier.

Avoid the `finish all your food' habit
You have to allow them to decide when they are full and when they need to stop eating. The `clean your plate up' rule may not work and your child, if force-fed, may overeat daily. Instead, encourage them to take on their plate only as much as they can finish to avoid wastage.

Count the calories your kids drink
We tend to ignore the calories in the aerated drinks and packaged juices that children have between meals.Kids love carbonated beverages but they have exess sugar. So, you might end up with a obese child.
November 28, 2014

Power up with pistachios

Power up with pistachios

Termed as one of the best sources of antioxidants among plant-based foods, pistachios are also low-cal.Here are some more benefits of pistas...

Dubbed the “skinny nut“ by nutrition experts, pistachios are one of the lowest calorie, lowest fat nuts and yield the most nuts per serving; 49 kernels per ounce, compared to 23 almonds, 14 walnut halves and 18 cashews. Just a handful of pistachios ­ about 30 kernels ­ offers a deliciously satisfying 100calorie snack.

New research recently presented at the American Dietetic Association's national conference found that because they're in-shell, pistachios take longer to eat, slowing consumption and reducing overall calorie intake by 41%.

Pistachios are an excellent source of vitamin B6, copper and manganese and a good source of protein, fibre, thiamin, and phosphorus.

A recently published study by Italian researchers reveals that pistachios pack in a variety of beneficial antioxidants and phytonutrients commonly found in tea (catechins), fruits, vegetables, red wine (anthocyanins) and soyfoods (isoflavones). The researchers concluded that pistachios are one of the best sources of antioxidants among plant-based foods.
November 28, 2014



The liver is the biggest organ in the human body and has a host of functions. Not only does it play a big role in the digestion process and maintains blood sugar levels but also helps fight against infection.Needless to say , it is imperative to ensure that your liver stays healthy .Here's what you need to do... Your liver is in charge of removing toxins. So when you subject your body to excess alcohol or substance abuse, you liver has to work much harder to flush them out of your system. Cut back on your consumption of harmful products if you want your liver to stay healthy .If you binge drink, let your liver recover naturally by abstaining from alcohol for at least two days.
Strange as it may sound, exercising also helps keep the liver healthy. A certain type of liver disease known as Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) occurs when there is fat build up in the liver. This can cause serious damage to your liver. And experts suggest exercising as one of the most effective ways of avoiding this disease.
Be generous with your garlic when you're cooking.Studies say that garlic helps your liver mobilise enzymes that remove toxins from your body. It also has a high amount of natural compounds like selenium and allicin, which clean the liver.
Flush out toxins by having green tea, which contains antioxidants called catechins, known to improve liver functioning.
Lettuce and spinach nullify the effect of chemicals and pesticides that make their way in what we eat and protect the liver.
Beetroot is an excellent way to detoxify your liver.
When you eat avocados, your body produces an antioxidant known as glu tathione, which keeps out harmful substances.
Walnuts contain glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, which support the liver in removing toxins.

November 28, 2014

5 yoga poses to boost your sex life

5 yoga poses to boost your sex life

Certain yogic poses can actually up your skills and vitality in the bed room. Says holistic health guru Mickey Mehta, “Yogasanas like pelvic lifts, suryanamaskar and bhujangasan improve blood circulation, which is crucial for sexual function. Some of them improve the overall health of the reproductive organs. Yoga is good for prostate health and reduces stress and anxiety .A stress-free body can enhance sex life and, to a large extent, ward off erectile dysfunction.“ Several studies have established that regular practice of yoga can improve the quality and motility of sperms and can heighten sexual energy . Says yoga instructor Rinku Suri, “Some postures work on the lower body , engaging more blood supply and help in opening up the groin, pelvis, and massaging the sexual and reproductive systems from within, not to mention the release of happy , healthy hormones.“
Try the following asanas to improve your performance in bed.

Lie on the floor on your belly with your arms shoulder -width apart.Keep your knees and toes pressed on the floor. Position your arms under the elbows and press down. Raise your upper body, keeping the front torso elevated. Breathe in and hold your breath. Try to look up (unless you have neck problems).Your arms should be straight, elbows pointed towards your body. Hold the pose for 30 seconds or as long as three minutes. Exhale slowly and inhale deeply while going back to the first position. If you feel any discomfort or pain in your lower back or abs, modify this position by resting on your forearms for a more gentle lift.
This pose stimulates the sexual energy centres for improved vitality.

Sit on the floor by splitting your legs180 degrees. Bend forward and hold your toes.Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
This pose facilitates blood circulation to the pelvis and also reduces stress and tension in the muscles for better sex.

Sit erect on a mat. Bend your knees and bring the feet as close as possible towards the pelvis. The soles of your feet must touch each other. Hold them tight with your hands. Inhale and press the thighs and knees down towards the floor. Try letting your knees touch the ground. Now, slowly flap both legs up and down like the wings of a butterfly and then increase the speed. When you stop, take a deep breath in, exhale and bend forward pushing the knees and thighs closer to the floor. As you exhale, release release the posture and repeat.
This position stretches the inner thighs, enhances flexibility in the pelvic and groin region and tones the sexual energy channels and organs.

Lie face-down on the floor. Straighten your arms and then touch your knees to the floor. Lift yourself up keeping your arms direct e floor. Lift yourself up keeping your arms directly under your chest at shoulder-length. Now stretch out your left leg, bend your right knee and bring it up towards your right hand. Return to original position and repeat with left leg, mim icking the action of a mountain climber. Inhale as you establish the posture, and then breathe deeply and rhythmically as you hold the pose.
This exercise increases blood cir culation and stretches the hip and inner thigh muscles which can lead to better sex.

The Sanskrit word Hala means plow, as in a traditional plow that is drawn by a horse or oxen.When performing this posture your body resembles a plow. Lie flat on the back in the shavaasana. Inhale through the nostrils. Place the palms face-down on the floor. Keeping the hips on the floor, bend the knees and bring them up toward the stomach while exhaling. Exhale and continue to raise the legs over the head, bending at the waist, lifting the back and buttocks until the toes touch the floor directly behind the head. Keep the feet together. Breathe slowly through the nostrils and hold the posture for several minutes. Reverse the steps to return to the shava-asana.
This stimulates the sex organs and helps to massage it. It is helpful for infertility.

November 28, 2014



Charmi Gada, 15, had been suffering from neck and back pain for a long time. When topical balms stopped helping, her parents took her to a doctor. It was discovered that Charmi's pain was due to the considerable amount of time she spent on her mobile and other electronic devices.
Chiropractor Ismat Kanga says, “Lower back and neck pain is not exclusive to adults, with up to 15-30% of adolescents reporting weekly neck pain and 1-15% reporting weekly low back pain.“ The prevalence of neck and back pain amongst adolescents ranging from 12 to 18 years has been increasing, she says.
Spine specialist Dr Garima Anandani says, “If you are experiencing back or neck pain without an obvious explanation, it is possible that your cell phone usage is to blame.“

Studies conducted on adolescents have established a link between musculoskeletal injuries and computermobile phone use. Kanga says, “The risk of developing pain and injuries is also directly correlated with the amount of time spent in utilising these devices.“
Poor posture for prolonged periods, while using laptops and cellphones, causes injuries to the neck, shoulders, back and wrists. She says, “Individuals most commonly are in a slumped position, with their shoulders rounded, back hunched and neck bent forward, resulting in muscle fatigue, weakness and joint irritation. This leads to muscle strains, disc herniations, nerve impingement and joint disorders.“
There is an excessive strain on the spine, explains Dr Anandani when one is mostly looking in a forward and downward position at any hand held mobile device (mobile phone, video game unit, computer, mp3 player, and ereader). She says, “Holding your head, which weighs several pounds, at this angle puts a lot of strain on your neck muscles, which aren't designed for it. Consider that the average human head weighs 10 lbs in a neutral position (when your ears are over your shoulders). For every inch you tilt your head forward, the pressure on your spine doubles. So, if you're looking at your smart phone, for example, your neck is holding up 20 or 30 lbs! This puts tremendous strain on your spine and can cause misalignment of the vertebrae and spinal discs.“
There's the growing phenomenon called “iPosture“, “i-Slouch“ or “Text Neck“ as the condition was dubbed by a Florida chiropractor, Dean Fishman, used by doctors for people looking down all the time, hunching the back and bending the neck.

Dr Anjana Laungani, consultant physiotherapist and rehab specialist says, “Swimming is highly recommended for prevention and treatment of back pain. It is non impact, safe and less stressful on the disc and joints compared to other cardio like walking or jogging.“ She recommends swimming for 30 minutes thrice a week.
Although everyone touts the benefits of unplugging, it can be difficult to get away from your cell for too long. That's why a good posture is essential for preventing back pain.

Look up from your device every 20-25 minutes and take a five minute break.

If you must use your mobile device for lengthy typing, invest in an external keyboard. Place your devices on a stand so that you are able to look straight ahead instead of craning your neck down to see it.

When you are reading a book on a device, lean back into a comfortable position on the couch or in bed, and use pillows to support your head and neck. Also, prop the device on pillows so it's at your face level and not a strain on your neck.Finally, stretching frequently and doing strengthening exercises, such as yoga, can be very helpful, and make sure you're breathing properly -you may be holding your breath without realising it.

While using your mobile phone, it is important to keep your neck and back straight. Bring your shoulders back and raise the phone to the height of your chin.
You shouldn't look down on the screen. Tuck your chin into your chest to look down rather than dropping your head forward.
Utilise the speech-to-text feature on your smartphone.
Laptops should only be used for trav el and not for prolonged use. If you are doing work on your computer for majority of the day, a desktop com puter is recommended.
If using the laptop is your only option, modify your workstation by including an external keyboard and mouse.
While sitting at your computer, ensure that the screen is right in front of you. You should not have to turn your head or strain your neck to see the screen. The top of the screen should be at eye level.
Try and sit with your shoulders pulled back, elbows close to your body, wrist in a neutral position, knees bent at 90 degrees and heels on the floor.
Keep your neck and back straight and sit on the edge of your chair.
Alternatively, you can sit with a lumbar support to ensure that you maintain the natural curve of your back.
Avoid using mobile devices while in bright sun light. Straining to see the screen leads to jutting the chin for ward, shifting work from the spine to the muscles that hold up the head. In the adolescent population, using a computer for more than two hours a day is a risk factor for neck pain and more than five hours a day is a risk factor for low back pain.


November 28, 2014



Looking to sell your home, but are clue less how to go about it? Are you confused about employing an agent or unsure what to do with the furniture? Here's a handy guide: 
Do not involve a middle man unless and until you are not able to locate suitable buyers. It's always better to interact with your prospective buyers yourself and tell them the history of the house.There are several websites on which you can list your house and provide complete details. You can keep your friends and relatives informed, so that they can pass on the information.

Manohar Natraj, an investment banker, says, “Enquire about the market value of the locality where your house is from experts, take into account the age of the house and the depreciation value as well. You can ask your stock broker or a friendly construction businessman about the techniques of pricing. Always be willing to reduce a marginal amount.“

Selling a house is a difficult task, especially if you are emotionally attached to the house. According to Reshma Shinde, who recently purchased a house, “The previous owners had been residing in the place for more than 30 years. I gave them my word that I would take good care of the house and that they can visit whenever they are in the city. It was only then that they were at peace.“ Says Mathur K, a house agent, “The owners have to always be available to show the place to interested buyers.“

Ensure the house is spick and span, and nothing is broken or in bad shape.Decorating it tastefully will increase your chances of selling it faster. Mathur adds, “Light up the house and arrange furnitures such that the house looks spacious. But, make sure you don't upgrade your house before selling it because it will be a big loss for you, and the prospective buyer might have other plans as well. Also, tell them clearly what furnitures and fixtures you are leaving behind.“

Once you've struck the deal, keep nothing a secret from the buyer. Tell him the history of the house. Make sure the papers and legal documents are in place and there is no confusion about the ownership.Assure them that you are always available in the future to sort out any complications.

November 28, 2014

Kitchen style to match your personality

Kitchen style to match your personality

Every person has a specific style of kitchen which reflects their personality. Whether it is the typical urban kitchen or the old world charm of the cottage style kitchen, everybody has a preferred style that goes with their personality . Says interior designer Bindya Chhabria, “ A home decor expert can only work on the walls of the kitchen. It is the owner of the kitchen who can make it look warm and inviting.“ 
Bright and sparkling -that's how a traditional kitchen looks like. Warm neutral colours with structured cabinets door and furniture speak about your approachable and straight forward personality . There is an antique touch to this kitchen. Traditional kitchens are spacious with a lot of cross ventilation.In this kitchen, everything is organised. There is absolutely no scope for any kind of mess.

Cottage style kitchens have a charm of their own. They are built for comfort with features that help you through the rou tine life, and also bring in a fresh whiff of air. There is an element of warmth in this style of kitchen, and retains its old world charm. Artist Radha Sardesai says, “I love inviting people home for informal lunches and dinners and serv ing simple home-cooked food.
So, I wanted my kitchen to have a simple earthen look with brick walls. I have deco rated it with pots and pans to add that rustic look to it.“

The urban kitchen is functional and at the same time, versatile. The stainless steel sink and utilitarian stools lend sophistication to the place. The kitchen has the best of fits and all possible electrical gadgets to give a chic look. The furniture is unique and often mismatched. There is a touch of affluence in this type of kitchen. Amisha Puri, a businesswoman, says, “My husband and I travel a lot.Since we have friends from all over the world visiting us, we wanted to keep our kitchen very urban; it looks uber cool and food can be cooked fast.“

The characteristic of a Mediterranean style kitchen is essentially its colours. When it comes to accessories and décor, you will have plenty of options that radiate a relaxed look. Appliances in the kitchen, like coffee maker, mixer and toaster, are in a wide range of colours. Malini Singh, a teacher, says, “My husband and I love all things bright. Everything, including the cookware and the cutlery in our kitchen, is in bright colours.“ Furnitures are often constructed from quality hardwood. The coloured chairs, tables and stools are a typical characteristic of this style of kitchen.

November 28, 2014

A single, successful and happy woman is now a reality in urban Indian society


Indian women have never been far behind their western counterparts when it came to fighting for their rights and independence. However, they still toed the traditional line, especially when it came to marriage. New findings state that Indian women, today , are beginning to exercise their rights even when it comes to relationships; they are opting for a better life rather than be the better half. A single, successful and happy woman is now a reality in urban Indian society . A bunch of women chasing their dreams -like the fabulous foursome from iconic TV series Sex And The City -has become a common sight here. We chart the rise of the forever singleton. WHAT'S BEHIND THIS?
Gone are the days when Indian women sought to marry to fit into society. The fact that they work and are financially independent has also contributed in their emancipation. They are taking charge of their life, especially in relationship matters. Women no longer regard romance and marriage as their ultimate goal in life. Says psychologist Seema Hingorrany , “For women, having a successful career is the most important thing to shape their identity vis-à-vis the past when a woman's identity was synonymous with a happy marriage and child-rearing.“
With education and career, they now make informed choices. Says novelist Usha Narayanan, “Romance is just one more aspect of their lives that they weigh in the context of their overall happiness. They are not willing to sacrifice their independence in order to get married, as they are secure in their own skin. They have the financial resources and the mental strength to handle challenges on their own. or with the help of other like-minded women.“ Take the case of the free-spirited young woman that Deepika Padukone played in Cocktail or Kangana Ranaut's Rani from Queen.
Women who are unmarried by choice are a product of an age when middle-class parents encouraged their daughters into pursuing a career and being financially independent. Says travel writer Priyadarshini Ray , “Being single no longer means that you are lonely . In fact, it means that I am leading a free life where I can just pick up my rucksack and go on an adventure. I'm leading life on my terms and that's how I've always wanted it to be.“ These women definitely squash the idea that a `knight in shining armour' will come and rescue them.
Freelance writer Rohini Sachdev says, “My boyfriend was migrating to London for a job. We were engaged for more than two years, but when he decided to leave India, he gave me an ultimatum by asking me to choose between him or journalism. I chose the latter and stayed put.I have absolutely no regrets about my decision.“
The fact that they don't have to depend on anybody for their high life spurs them to choose singledom. Adds Rohini, “I have a huge circle of friends and we meet up on weekends and also on weekdays. They are my support system.“
You can travel on your own, without having to seek permission from your spouse You can make your own food choices and be in complete control of your diet You get more `me time' You have access to more time to work out in the health club You can do up the house as per your taste You have complete freedom of spending You can live and work in the city of your choice.
You have complete control over the TV remote No one tells you what to wear

November 28, 2014

With cakes, drinks, music and dance, estranged couples are now celebrating their newfound singledom

Jodis party, breakup ke baad

With cakes, drinks, music and dance, estranged couples are now celebrating their newfound singledom, and how! THE BLACKBOARD IN THE CAFE HAD THE FRIENDS WRITING `MEMORABLY RIDICULOUS QUOTES' BY THE BEAU 
While parts of the country celebrated love in as public a way to protest the no-kissing ban, is it also raising toasts to the end of romantic relationships. And how! As Arijit Saha, the owner of a restaurant, puts it, “I'm used to people booking the cafe for birthday parties. But I was shocked when I got a booking for a breakup celebration! I was a little skeptical, thinking it would be a sad gathering and there would be a lot of tears, but was taken aback when I saw that the mood was pretty upbeat. I guess I'm getting old.“
The party involved decorating the cafe with balloons with the ex-boyfriend's name written on them, which the guests had a field time pricking. The blackboard in the cafe had the friends writing `memorably ridiculous quotes' by the boyfriend and some stupid text messages from him -all with the intention of poking fun at the ex. The friends also brought two cakes -a chocolate cake with `Here's to a new life' written on it, and a smaller cake with the boyfriend's name, which they applied on each other's faces.“They played the title track of Happy Ending on repeat. The playlist also included Breakup Party by Honey Singh. At the end of the day, it was great fun. It seemed like the girl was pretty relieved to get rid of that boyfriend,“ Arijit adds.

Youngsters, who usually pull out all the stops when it comes to expressing their love, are getting equally expressive when it comes to breakups. Though the rare owl still spends nights drowning sorrows in a bottle of wine, others prefer to have a blast with their friends, cele brating the beginning of a new chapter in life.

Take, for instance, Akbar Hasan, a pilot, who was heartbroken when his two-year-long relationship ended. “Though we loved each other a lot, our relationship had reached a point of no return and we broke up. I was crying myself hoarse when one of her friends called up to say that she was depressed, too. Both of us didn't know how to break the news to our common friends, as answering questions would have been painful. So, we decided to throw a small house party and call our friends. They were never told the actual reason. Once they came, we broke the news. Some drinks and a little dancing later, our friends had gotten the gist of it and we had great fun reliving good times.Then, we headed out to a nightclub,“ he says, adding, “On the way, our friends picked up a cake with `Happy Breakup' written on it. The best part about the party was that my ex-girlfriend and I hugged and kissed, and ended things on a positive note. He also confesses to have drawn inspiration from the breakup party in Love Aaj Kal.
However, such happy endings are rare.

Take the case of Jeet Dutta, who chose to throw a party to say good riddance in style. He called over some of his close friends, including those whom his ex disliked, and had a seafood menu, as she hated seafood and even barred him from having it.

“We drank and chatting about how bad things were. It was such a relief to have let things out. I almost felt like how the characters of Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor would have felt, burning and flushing the pictures of their boyfriend and girlfriend down the loo in Jab We Met,“ he says with a laugh. ` The trend has also sent city party merchandise traders into a tizzy . According to Swati Siotia, the owner of a shop for party props, “The first time someone came in asking for décor for breakup party, I was amused. But with more such requests coming in, I have ordered stocks like sashes and headgear saying, `Good riddance', `Single again' and `Just broken up'. I guess youngsters are doing this to get on with life and announce to the world that they are single and ready to mingle again.“

November 28, 2014



Being addicted to phones and other gadgets is being called the new-age relationship and health wrecker
Sure, you need to check that office email and sort matters out on the phone. But too much emailing, texting and even, gaming is doing you more harm than anything else. A study says overdependence on technology can cause everything from anxiety attacks to low creativity and even depression. Another startling finding claimed that this impulse to keep being online all the time could be a more coercive force than the desire to take drugs or drink alcohol. Here are key effects of the trend....
Parents today who resort to giving their kids smartphones and gaming consoles are taking a wrong route. While kids should be outdoors in their free time, they simply log into the virtual world. There is way too much information there than they can handle and this results in an information overload. Experts warn how this can hamper their growth and development.

Experts are advocating that to have a happier relationship with your spouse or partner, keep the gadgets away. If you spend all the time trying to reach out to someone else, it sends a negative signal to your partner that heshe plays second fiddle and is no longer needed. It also hampers key family time and unfortunately, most often, the effects are realised too late.

There is a rising trend of resorts that help you `unplug'. The idea is to help travellers, who want a muchneeded break to sim needed break to simply disconnect from all gadgets, relax and rejuvenate. It has been found that being tech-free can ease stress and help people bounce back faster. Luxury yoga retreats have come up with `silence' programs and special `digital detox packages' which focus on restoration. In addition to asking their guests to leave their phones back at home, one resort in the Caribbean is also offering a lifecoach to help wean them off their tech craving. Another fivestar in West Dublin, Ireland, has a complete digital detox package with breakfast in bed, followed by a massage, a safe to store away the gadgets in and a detox survival kit.

November 28, 2014

Questionnair - Are you falling for the wrong guy?

Are you falling for the wrong guy?

Whether it's Jane Austen's Elizabeth Bennett or Margaret Mitchell's Scarlett O'Hara, girls, at least in English literature, do have a thing for bad guys. In real life too, women feel that irresistible pull for bad guys they are usually handsome without really trying too hard, they have that `I don't give a damn' attitude and are hard-to-get. Psychologists say that some women tend to confuse anger and tantrums for love. And it could be because of negative experiences they have had with men.Do you fall under that category? Take this quiz to find out...

When I meet a nice guy...
I think nice guys are boring.
I tend to think of him more as a friend than lover.
I start imagining that he is my Mr Right.

When I meet a so-called `bad' guy...
I fall in love. Almost!
I become extra careful.
I try and avoid him and then run away ASAP!

I like bad boys...
They are sexually exciting.
Because good guys are rare.
Of course not!

My partner is sometimes abusive.
It does not bother me.
Very rarely .
Never. I'd leave him, otherwise.

My relationships with men...
Have been disappointing.
I have had a few affairs.
I am still waiting for my Mr Right.

If my man is lying to others...
So what? Don't we all lie sometimes?
As long as he is truthful to me, I don't care.
I will be wary -he could easily be lying to me, too.

Mostly A
You are all for bad guys! You should not be allowed to look at guys without parental supervision or at least, without your closest friend being next to you.Even if a very nice guy is right in front of you, chances are, you will look right through him.
Mostly B
You are highly susceptible to the bad ones, if your answers have been truthful.
Mostly C
You are in no trouble. You do not seem to be that attracted or into bad guys at all.-

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 25, 2014

worst dressed stars at the recently held American Music Awards

lists some of the best and worst dressed stars at the recently held American Music Awards

Favourite Pop/Rock Band/Duo/Group:
One Direction
Favourite Rap/Hip-Hop Album: Iggy Azalea, The New Classic
Favourite Latin Artiste: Enrique Iglesias
Favourite Pop/Rock Male Artiste: Sam Smith
Favourite Country Male: Luke Bryan
Favourite Album —Pop/Rock:
One Direction, Midnight Memories
Favourite Female Artiste – Pop/Rock: Katy Perry
Favourite Alternative Artiste: Imagine Dragons
Favourite Artiste – Rap/Hip-Hop:
Iggy Azalea
Dick Clark Award for Excellence: Taylor Swift
Favourite Country Album: Brantley Gilbert, Just As I Am
Artiste of the Year:
One Direction
Kendall Jenner flaunted her lean bod in a black sheer gown with a navel high slit.

The One Direction boys came for the awards dressed in all-black ensembles. Singer Harry Styles added a rocker touch by wearing a Saint Laurent embroidered tunic under his blazer and teaming it with a hat.

 Julianne Hough was striking on the red carpet as she sported a bright orange gown with a pink beaded neckline by Zuhair Murad. The outfit showed just the right amount of skin and we love the slick backed hair.

 Rita Ora made heads turn in a vivid yellow Zac Posen gown. While the silhouette flattered her figure, the sweeping train added a touch of drama.

TV personality Bleona made heads turn for the wrong reasons as she walked in a sparkling mesh dress with nipple pasties and silver underwear. Though she tried to channel RiRi, the outfit was quite inappropriate.

 The impeccably dressed Kate Beckinsale pulled off a Kaufman Franco cut out gown with aplomb. The serpent-shaped choker worked well with her look.

Diana Ross wore an off-the-shoulder black gown which she teamed with a hideous feathered brown and white jacket at the awards ceremony. While the 70-year-old likes to dress like a diva, we think she missed the mark by several points.

Frankie Grande flaunted his torso by painting on a T-shirt. He also wore pink skinny jeans, a pink bow tie and matching streaks in his blonde hair. A bit too much!

November 25, 2014

Tiny tattoos that tell your travel tales

Tiny tattoos that tell your travel tales
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Tattoos have turned out to be a great way to pay homage to something or someone that you truly love. Be it your loved ones, idols, personal beliefs of passion, getting inked is a much-loved way to express what’s in your heart and on your mind. And for travel junkies their passion for the road pretty much rules their lives. And it’s only natural that those who love travelling to use this art form to express their love for crossing many miles. And while it’s great to get ab elaborate tattoo, these tiny ones more than make their point. Here are some designs that are bound to make you want to get one...

Tripr connects travellers
A new Tinder style app allows travellers to connect all over the globe, without having ever met in person. Tripr allows tourists and backpackers to maximise the social side of their trips, by introducing them to people who will be in the same place, at the same time. With Tripr, planning a trip becomes more about ‘who’ than it is about ‘where’ and ‘when’, CEO and Founder of Tripr, Nicolas Green, told MailOnline Travel. You can also see where your friends are going. No more FOMO (fear of missing out) and much more social travelling. You’ll never hear about a friend that was in the same city as you and you had no idea, ever again. The app has drawn comparisons to dating app Tinder, but Green says there’s a lot more on offer with Tripr.
Ready to rest?
The latest patent pending, upgraded model of the Relax Ally Travel Restband promises you lots of sleep while flying long distance. The new Restband comes with three integrated features — better ergonomics, a sleeping mask to exclude disturbing light, and a pocket with earplugs for isolating noise.
It even can be used as only a sleeping mask, when you feel like your surrounding is too bright. Just leave the back piece out, and fasten the safety buckles of the restband.
Relax Ally Restband fastens the head firmly to the seat and by doing so prevents the head from nodding off and thus sleep from being interrupted. Furthermore, the ergonomic position helps to fall asleep and allows the muscles to relax. With Relax Ally, you can save your neck and shoulders from soreness.
November 25, 2014

Meditation For Perfect Bliss

Meditation For Perfect Bliss

Meditation is a process of `being' and not `doing'. It helps us in making our mind pure. Just as we take care to remove all the dust and dirt from our body , we need to clean our mind on a daily basis. We think we get happiness in our body . But without our mind cooperating, even the most lovable objects or relationships will not give us happiness. Mind is the central piece in the process of happiness. We see an external object and interpret it as being good for our happiness. Then the mind becomes restless till we get that object. Once this object is acquired, the mind becomes quiet for some time, only until a new desire arises.
Scriptures confirm that happiness is the basic nature of Self or Atman.Our core Self is described as sat-chitanand. But how come we do not feel bliss all the time? That is because the bliss of atman is reflected on our mind. If we have a mind which is pure, with least psychological negativities, and quiet, then the reflection of atman is better. So the bliss is felt. But if our mind is always wanting, scheming, judging, the reflection of atman will be poor. We feel perfect bliss in deep sleep stage, even when there are no objects before us. That is because the mind is not interfering, so the reflection of atman is perfect. That's why we get so much enjoyment in deep sleep.
However, we cannot remain in deep sleep always.Our karma will wake us up.The factory of our mind will start again. But even during waking state, we have the option of making our mind quiet by meditation.
What do you do in med itation? You can sit in a quiet place, where there are less chances of being disturbed, and close your eyes. The purpose of meditation is to reduce the quantum and intensity of thoughts in mind. In order to exclude other thoughts one must focus on any one thought, picture, sound or breath, whatever suits us better. Visualising God's idol or natural scenery in full detail is also one way of stopping other thoughts filling up your mind. In Vipassana, for in stance, you focus on breath.
When i started meditat ing a few years ago, my mind would be filled with thoughts about office work.
When you sit quietly , all things that we are supposed to attend to come to mind.Let them come. I found that i suddenly became more efficient because the entire day's `To Do' list was made in the mind while meditating. But over time i consciously tried to focus on a single idea, and the quality of meditation improved. No more thoughts about the office then. The trick lies in persisting with the idea of sitting quietly with eyes closed, and witnessing whatever thoughts come to mind. It helps us develop awareness of what takes place in the mind, creating mindfulness. If we are mindful, we can enjoy every single activity ­ eating, talking, taking a shower, walking or enjoying nature.
The practice of asana and pranayama aids us in meditation. Once the body is made steady by practice of yogasana, and flow of prana is regularised by practice of pranayama, it is easy for us to meditate. The ultimate purpose of yoga is to understand who we are, through meditation on atma swarup. So with advancement, one must meditate on the Self as sat-chitanandatman, which is also Brahmn, the only existential reality of the universe.
November 25, 2014

Neon nail polish is banned in the US


Neon nail polish is banned in the US. Since it is illegal, the many brands that sell neon shades, do not have the true neon colorant.The `neon' in nail polish is not approved by the FDA, and so, for a `real' neon nail polish, look in countries other than the US.
November 25, 2014



Though winter is slowly setting in, some men still seem to prefer wearing shorts since it is comfortable and one can be at ease in it. Here are some things that men should keep in mind when they sport a pair of shorts... There is no denying that good legs look great in shorts, but if you are not na turally blessed with that then work out and tone your legs. Also, pick a pair with a length that works best for you.Maintain hygiene and cleanliness when showing off your legs. Those who are more hairy should try not to expose too much of their legs and opt for longer shorts that will hide most part of it.
Different occasions call for different kinds of shorts. For example, if you are working out, then you can opt for one that is shorter and gives you enough breathing space. If you are heading to a casual brunch, then opt for tailored ones.
Choose shorts that fit you well. It is very easy to go wrong with the fit, especially if you are looking for a tight fit. Reserve hot pants for a day on the beach or when spending time with your girlfriend.

November 25, 2014

Simple DIY massages for healthy eyes

Simple DIY massages for healthy eyes

Dull, puffy eyes, under eye bags and dark circles can be quite a nightmare. While regular care and proper diet can help prevent these, following simple exercises can help you get rid of the tiredness almost instantly . Eye massages also increase circulation and stimulates the muscles, leaving you looking fresh. One quick trick is to rub both hands together till you feel the warmth and then cup both your eyes with your warm palms for a few minutes. You could keep your eyes closed or open. Put in a conscious effort to empty your mind while the warmth and darkness soothes your eyes.

Effective Home Remedies for Migraine Relief

Introduction: Migraine headaches are characterized by intense, throbbing pain, often accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, ...