Friday, November 28, 2014

Power up with pistachios

Power up with pistachios

Termed as one of the best sources of antioxidants among plant-based foods, pistachios are also low-cal.Here are some more benefits of pistas...

Dubbed the “skinny nut“ by nutrition experts, pistachios are one of the lowest calorie, lowest fat nuts and yield the most nuts per serving; 49 kernels per ounce, compared to 23 almonds, 14 walnut halves and 18 cashews. Just a handful of pistachios ­ about 30 kernels ­ offers a deliciously satisfying 100calorie snack.

New research recently presented at the American Dietetic Association's national conference found that because they're in-shell, pistachios take longer to eat, slowing consumption and reducing overall calorie intake by 41%.

Pistachios are an excellent source of vitamin B6, copper and manganese and a good source of protein, fibre, thiamin, and phosphorus.

A recently published study by Italian researchers reveals that pistachios pack in a variety of beneficial antioxidants and phytonutrients commonly found in tea (catechins), fruits, vegetables, red wine (anthocyanins) and soyfoods (isoflavones). The researchers concluded that pistachios are one of the best sources of antioxidants among plant-based foods.

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