Saturday, November 1, 2014

My toddler never seems tired. What are the signs that she's ready to sleep?

My daughter is 4. She is a darling and gives me no trouble, except when it comes to sleeping. Irrespective of how hard I try, she doesn't come to bed. No amount of reading out stories or singing can lull her to sleep. She always bounces off from the bed and starts playing within 10 minutes. It seems like she can never get tired. What do I do?

-Children resist bedtime for a variety of reasons. Once you identify our daughter's personal sleep issues, you will find it easier to find a sleep training programme that suits her needs. If bedtime rules are unclear or inconsistently enforced, bedtime resistance becomes a problem. Children sometimes get even more active as the night wears on, even though they are in desperate need of sleep. When they become overtired, they may be too stimulated or nervous to fall asleep. If this is your child's problem, review your family's evening schedule. Is bedtime too late or too early? You mentioned that even bedtime storieslullabies don't help. Do all household activities quiet down in the last two hours before bedtime? Decrease television time and increase your child's activities and exercise levels during the day . Create a buffer time to lower down the activity level for an hour or so before bedtime. Find quieter activities such as colouring, reading or playing quietly . Also ensure that you don't communicate your anxiety to your daughter. Be observant, see if there are patterns and try to find solutions from the environment itself. Rely on your natural instincts to find creative ways of dealing with your child.

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रंग आणि त्यांच्या छटा: मराठी भाषेतील सौंदर्य आणि संपन्नता

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