Saturday, November 1, 2014

Nik Wallenda to skywalk across 50-storied skyscrappers in Chicago

Nik Wallenda to skywalk across 50-storied skyscrappers in Chicago

Once again, the 35-yearold Nik Wallenda is putting his life on the line, literally. On Monday, he is going to walk two city blocks, 50-stories high up in the air, on a tightrope stretched across two skyscrapers — from ‘Windy City’ Chicago’s Marina City West Tower to the Leo Burnett Building, above the Chicago River! If Nik pulls this off, blindfolded and without net or harness, he will be creating a record as the first ever person to do the highest skyscraper walk, ever. That too, blindfolded, and at night. In June 2013, Nik became the first person to tightrope walk across the Grand Canyon, 1,500 ft above the Colorado River. This time, the Windy City awaits this daredevil hero, who says, “I’m no crazy chap — am just continuing a family tradition that is also my passion, it’s in my DNA!” The skyscraper walk will be telecast live in over 22 countries by Discovery network on Monday, beginning 5.30am, IST. The actual walk will begin at 7 am IST.
On being asked how he deals with his family’s fears for him. the father of three said, “My family knows only too well what my vocation is; they have utmost faith in me and in a higher power. I’ve been walking the wire since the age of two.” As to why he chose Chica go, and not New York City skyscrapers, he said, “I've loved this city for a long time. Chicago is home of the world's first skyscraper. My family's made a living off skyscrapers and walking from one to another for generations. And again it's known as the Windy City . I think that adds excitement.“
As to why he chose to put his life on the line at night, he said, “There's something intimidating, about walking at night. Last night when I stood on this roof and I saw that skyline again and saw those beautiful lights, um, it just made me so much more excited about doing it at night. It’s just going to be absolutely breathtaking.” He is going to accomplish this feat blindfolded and the reason he gave for doing so was that he likes pushing the limits. “I had to do something in addition to just this incline walk over the city. I had to do something that was more fascinating, that would grab the attention of viewers.
“And, it was that blindfold walk that I felt would take it to that next level, that would set Twitter afire and Facebook and every social media outlet and... just everyone will just tune in to see this guy walk blindfolded between these buildings”.
Nik says he plans to retire at 50, and in the mean time, is already training to be a motivational speaker.
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