Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Suffering from night sweats?

Suffering from night sweats?

Mumbai's scorching heat has nothing to do with it.Thousands of people suffer from night sweats without realising that there could be an underlying cause for it. Night sweats are when one sweats excessively during the night (and the temperature has nothing to do with it). If you regularly wake up and find that your nightclothes and bedsheets are soaked with perspiration, you need to visit your doctor, who will require to take down your complete medical history and perform certain tests to determine the cause.
Are you nearing menopause? One of the most common symptoms of menopause are night sweats or hot flashes, which happen at night. Ask your doctor to determine if menopause is the reason and if it is, you can ask your gynaecologist to prescribe some medicine that will pro vide relief.
As strange as it may sound, in some cases, there is actu ally no specific reason for night sweats. This condition, known as Idiopathic Hyperhidrosis, is when the body sweats tremendously without any particularly worrying reason.
People who suffer from tuberculosis are also said to often get night sweats. Get yourself checked immediately .
Certain type of bacterial infections are known to cause night sweats. Your doctor needs to prescribe some tests to find out what these could be. Apart from infections, some cancers like lymphoma are also known to cause night sweats.
At times, the medicine you might be taking for a particu lar condition can also be the reason. The most common happen to be antidepressant medications.
When your blood sugar levels become extremely low, it is known to cause night sweats. Diabetics are also prone to it. Apart from that, night sweats can also be attributed to a host of hormonal and neurological disorders.
night sweats in men

night sweats treatment

night sweats alcohol

night sweats menopause

male night sweats

perimenopause night sweats

postpartum night sweats

night sweats pregnancy

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